If you want a sure way of pleasing every member of the family hare a plate of piping hot biscuit just about t every meal iA the day. L ?, Made with Occo-nee-chee Self-Rising Flbor. biscufts, : waffles and hot-cakes fairly melt in your mouth. ? This flour is very easy to use because it already con tains baking-powder, soda and salt in exact proportions to insure perfect baking. Occo-nee-chee is also very economical to use since the- extra ingredients are already in it, because {he baking-powder, soda and sak would cost more if you bought them separately. It takes but a few seconds to mix Occo-nee-chee with water or mflk and a few minutes more for baking'. OCCO-NEE labs the Goa/oat of Baking and&vesycfettoaey . _-sv ? ' tm lm ok tmr tkm Indian AM be found ? jeck eh ? Solf-Ximutg FUmr. Lst yomr ?roc?r ?Uyom a hm* fday. One of the beet pJeia Sour* jrov emo box JS Peerless. A as tin Heaton Co., Durham, N. C money for our how to ass. Methodist FordflU Ml?l*n ?? {? - Hu Expjfcfed sum of.$1 , ^ Dw Molnea. low?.-Tl?? report the board of foreign missions p** Method 1st Episcopal Church t< general conference in session shows an estimated expenditure $10,600,000 in foreign missionary - . or the jrwirttfe yj -**?" WsM&wSm -4-, . ..'*!? Thirty Publishers Meet V Devise Ways and Means to Secure Pi U Washington.? Th i rty publishers,^ resenting^ 'approximately ' 80 newspapers east of the Mir-,J met here to devise meapfc ef an adequate of print paper ; their publications. A temporary organisation was footed with W. J. Pape of the ~ * bury, Conn., Republican, as chs and Joseph B. Pinan of the Cumber- II land, Md., Evening Times, as secre- II V * Chicago Coliseum Turned Over te Republican National Committse. ? ' [I Chicago. ? The Chicago Coliseum was turned over to the xepublioan aa- II ttonal committee and work started im mediately on the alterations necessary ,for the big convention June S. Offi ces of the committee and convention leaders in the Coliseum annex are nearly complete and will be ready on. May 31, when the national committee begins hearing contests. One hundred and four oenteeti havu1 already been filed. ? Vu.S ' ~ ' " y. - ' *- i * : ? ?* v * k(rf. Supporters of Stoek DMdend for Soldier Relief Lose Thplr Fight - ? I Washington.? On a tie vote, one] member absent, Republican supporters of a stock dlvldepd tax to finance sol dier relief legislation in the. hones j Ways and means committee lost their I light for a 10 per oent levy, retroactive to last March 15. Last Living Ex- Vice President Dead at RIpe Age of Nintty^SN Foufhkeepsie, N. Y. ? L?Ti P. Mor ton, former vice president of the Unit* ed States and former foternor of Now York State, died at bis homo, BUerB He, Bhinobeck-on-the Hucfcon on th? 9#th annirersary of his birthday. ?<: tratlon of waiomoWles were shown fo the Southern 3ta.to?, the National j?u tomcNlo Chamber of Comm**ci im ports la a rovlow of the automobile hfc dustry for last year. North Carolina led all 8tatos in th? porceataco of fain in rdglstalton with South Caroline showed the second ! ? >?*?? With 41 ??r M?t ' } a mxte.- ? : ? : j ? { ... & i | wfiu Glenm, oiift* ui * touad dead li At* hm * afewWi I ?i the w*a tie men mWsd mmmM ..... . . ?: T^-V m>.0\ m&mm . FOR SENATE. Voters of Pitt County. t to the action of the itic voters in the jflrt: 3 iatit r r. iinson. Reuben J Hinsoi Russett Hinson,; tlie test Earned being ?f ants under irs of age, by ?. E. Hinson iian ad IteoMhe under i^cocbmissioner Will ex for saleifor |asb, before 12 o'clock M.. (on Mon 7th day of June, 1920r a You must lu 3KF1, V , i NOTICE. ? ? The partnership existing and doing: business under the firm name of B. A. Joyner & C6m pany, composed of B. A. Joyner and J. T. Lewis. The said' B. X Joyner having died and . ??? said h T. Uwis baying persons indebted to said firm of B. A. Joyner & Company will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned ?:/? r This 26th day of April 1920. J. T. LEWIS. Surviving partner of B. A. Joyner & Company. Martin &. Sheppard, Atl'ys. For Sale-Several thousand brick at $&00.--Norm Ameri can Land Co., Farm Wile* N*G ?? vVVv' \vi: 'f. ?' ' ? ' ? . ' , *5% mmim