Shoes ! Shoes!! Shoes!!! NOW IN STOCK AND ON DISPLAY OUR SPRING LINE OF EDWIN CLAPP SHOES ? . - v * ' ? ? ? ? As we only have a few numbers it will pay to look the line over and get your size at once. Farmville Shoe & Suit Company FARMVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA LOCALS AND PERSONALS OF INTEREST TO Faraiviile and Surrounding Sections JS? - Mr. McD. Horton returned T uesday from a business trip to Richmond and Lester Manor, Va. Mr. and Mrs J.P. Lang went to Tarboro Wednesday to irtend the funeral of a relation of* Mrs. Lang:. Miss Sallie Ruthe Chappeli, of Edenton, arrived Thursday after noon to visit her sister, Mrs. W. R. Willis. Mr. Lee Knott of Raleigh, and Miss Mary Boole, of Norfolk, Va., are the guests of Mr. and Mrj. R. H. Knott. For Sale? Between 20 and 25 bushels of. Soya Beans. Write or see P. J. Bynum, Route 4, Farm v Die Mrs. B. O. Turnage left last Thursday for HenderSon to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. Mae Bucbann. ? Miss Annie Perkins left Tues day for Washington, N. C. where she will teach Primary Methods in a Teachers TraioinglSummer School. Mr. J. I. Morgan returned Sun day from New Orleans, La., where he attended a meeting of the National Cotton Seed Crush ers Association. Mrs. P. S. Boyd of Mcoresville, spent a short while in Farmville Tuesday with relatives enroute to Snow Hill to visit her mother Mrs. W. H. Daii. MesdSmes R. H. Knott, J. I. Morgan, G. M. Holden and Miss Maiy Boole and Mr. Lee Knott motored over to Greenville, on Wednesday p. qx. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Rnott, ac companied by Mrs. J. I. Morgan, and Mrs. G. M. Holden returned home Sunday from a few days visit to relatives in Raleigh. For Sale? A few S. C. White Leghorn hens. $2.00 each James P. Wilkerson, Route 3, Farmville, N. C / ^ A large number of local Shrin era accompanied by their wives, also several others, went to Goldsboro Wednesday to attend Shriner's ccfemooials in that dry. Miss Margaret Collins went to Tuesday morning for the of having her tonsils *vedL She has KS Miss Julia Canady expects to return to Farraville next, week and begin a summer school' for those students above the fourth grade Who wish to do extra work during the summer. Miss Canady is a competent teacher and we are glad to. have secured her services for this work. The Oxford Orphanage Sing j iDg Class gave their selections of song and recitation ^ere Thurs day evening to a -packed house of interested and appreciative audience. From the size of the audience there mast have been something like five hundred. The class showed s ? ----- BOONE&ENTfiALL. The Farmville friends of Miss Frances Benthall were interested in the announcement of her marriage Saturday, May 15th in Tarboro, N. C., to Mr. Eugene C. Boone. Both young people are of Rioh Square, N. C. and Mrs. Boone has for two years been teacher of the fourth grade in the Farmville Graded School. They will reside in Rice Square, wher Mr. Boone Jias erected a comodious and handsome home. Entertain in Honor of Miss F. Benth.aII, Bride-Elect. On the afternoon of May 14 th, tbe lady teacners of the Farm ville school, entertained at-fttrfe home of Mrs. Ed" Warren in honor of Miss Frances Benthall, one of the local teachers, who on May 15th was married to Mr. Eugene Boone in Tarboro. The' guests were met at the door by Miss Gladys Warren and were asked to the punch bovyl where delicious fruit punch was served by Mrs. Warren. Then the guests gathered in the living room, where ail engaged in singing familiar sonys and general _ Conversation. In the' midst of song and daughter the dp or bell rang, and upon investi gation Miss Benthall was found to be the Iffdy waiited. See was basket of lovely, as well as use ful gifts and a telegratn express ing good wishes from the faculty FarmvilJe High School Commencement Exercises A series of what was, perhaps, the most auspicious occasion of all the year for our local school, came to a close Tuesday evening. j Friday marked'the beginning of the commencement and was observed with a musical in which students of Misses Mary Wilson and Gladys j Warren the two music teachers of the school, par ticipated. Deserving of -special mention was the solo,- "One Fleeting Hour," sung in a rich, baritone voice by Alfred Flana gan. The High School Glee Citric exhibited splendid training as well as embryonic talent in; their numbers leaving with their auditors a feeling of satisfaction and restfulness when they sang "Good Night". MissGladys War ren is the instructor and accom anist of this Glee club. Sunday morning Dr. Harrell of the First Methodist XDhurch in Wilson delivered a masterly ser-' mon to the graduating class. His subject was "The Perfect Man" and measuring Jesus as the Per fect Man he offered Him as the ideal to the graduating cla$&' The best of the available vocal talent in town composed the choir and rendered the music for the baccalaureate sermon. ? : Mrs. Jack Lang was soloist while Miss Gladys Warren and Mr. Charles Baucom rendered delightfully the duet, "Sweeter as the Years Go By". Mrs. Lang's voice was full and sweet, filling that large church with harmoni ous and beautiful melody. Mrs. j F. H. Morton artistically render ed accompaniments for the solo | duet, hymns and anthem. On Monday evening with ap propriate exercises four boys, I James Lovelace, Ray Smith,! Arch Flanagan, and Alfi ' agan were awarded dipL the Superintendent of Schools, Prof. Immediately after the ba laureate address the Alpha I Chi Literary Society entertai at a banquet in honor of graduating class, all of wl were members of this sbci The invited guesti were Board of Education, Farmvil the ministers of the town, t high school and mu?ic teache s, the school superintendent aitf the speaker of the evening. Tl|e President of the A. B. C. Society Mh Arthur Jones, offered a toast to the class,' to which Mr. Rfy Smith, president of the -cla: responded. The following to were given: "Our - Gradua . by Dr. Jones; "The Community and the School", Mr. Holmes; "Why Our Graduates May Suc ceed" Mr. Wheeler; "What Each Graduate May Expect at Col 1 afire" Dr. Williams. Two school songs were sung and the happy revellers dispersed at a late hour. The Columbian Literary Soci ety happily entertained the Senior etas s and other friends Tuesday exening. The entire society, under the direction of tboir capable entertainment com mittee, lent themselves to makj Log the evening enjoyable for their guests. Games which all eb joyed were engaged in; f-gressive conversation profi and otherwise filled the hour, until weary put happy the youthful merrymakers declared that the last oC the commence ment series had come to a close. V ? ' : -?4.. 3B1S Theloyal Daughters met at the home of Mrs. Jfno. Flanagan on Monday, May 17th. \ v; After Of pleasant afternoon, a delicious salad course was serv ed by Mrs. Flanagan, assisted by Miss Thelma Flanagan. lowing? W. J. Turn age, Loyd Smith, Ruel Tyre, Chapman, E, M. .Tyson, Annie Lang. Jno. Pollard, Mamie Allen Bolen, Flanagan, Fox, Tgylor, Flanagan. I The next meeting will he with PARLER-COUNCIL NUPTDAL. A surprise came to the friends of Mr. R. A. Parker, a prominent automobile dealer of Farmville, and Miss Mary Council, teacher of mathematics in the High School, when Tuesday afternoon these t wo were wed at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Bynum. Rev. Noe-'of the Episcopal church, performed the impressive and beautiful ceremony. Mrs. Parker has been an honor ed member of the high School faculty for two years and it is with regret that she is given up: She is a native of Wannanish, N. G, and a graduate of Randolph* Macon College for Women. Mr. Parker is a business man of Farmville? a man possessed of sterling character. He and his bride have gone for a short trip to Western North Carolina and .\ ? upon their return will be at home to friends at their residence on the corner of WifjjjfiFand George Streets in Farmvijle. Teachers Leave for Uooie. Misses Ruth Mckenzie*, Marilu Bridgers and Lulu Smith left for their homes ifi Marshall ville* Reidsville, and Brunswick. Ga., respectively, Tuesday morning. Mis Mary Wilson left Wednes day morning for her home in Durham, Miss Gladys Warren Wednesday afternoon for her home near Green ville, Miss Sal lie Cobb Wednesday afternoon for Elizabeth Cify and Miss Julia Canaday Thursday morning for Benson. Although these teachers are leaving for a vacation it is with pleasure we learn that they will all return to resume their duries in the Farmville Graded and High Schools next September. *1 ? _ If your needis legitimate, within the help of sound banking practice, it will he gladly met at this font ? i Aqd in any event we shall be pleased to have you call on us with any business problem that confronts you. Our only excuse for existanceas a Bank is the Service ; we cao render?so consider us Always, Your FRIEND. I P. E. OGLESBY, Cashier v j GET YOUR HULLS QUICK. - ' ' S " . . ? / - w . There seems to be a scarcity of Cotton Seed Hulls everywhere, * The risniand is so urgent that we want to help the situation all possible, but our first wish is to supply the local demand, and then ship the balance to our neighboring territory. We Will therefore request all those who will need hulls to get their summer require ments before the last of May. Farmvine Oil & Fertilizer Co. I in farmer as well as the rsity raao at Harvard or