~ ? * === Ia the Democratic primary held last Saturday' for the nomi nation Qi County,. District an d State officers, much interest was manifested and a hard fighi was put up by the supporters and friends ofthe various candidates. The most important - .locally t?r in? that of nominati^ HsuK^J* Loyd Horton of rot Superior Court Judge of this district. There were also two other good men in the race, for this ofticenbut friends through out the district are rejoicing to know that Horton received a hansom e majority over both his opponents and is therefore de chreSd the nominee. This is in deed an honor to Mr. Horton, as he only twenty six years oldt and if * elected, he will be the youngest judge in the history of ibe Staa. However, he ujrtly pislrict Judge: Horlac 1760; Wocten 1181; Gfeene 7$. State Senate: Everett 1204; Outlaw 1078; Laugtiinghouse 761. Second primary between Outlaw and Everett. . House / of Representatives: Smith 22% Brown 2187: Satter thwaite 837; Cotton 1&3. ' Sheriff; Dudley I960; Cannon f 1212. ' ''** y . JudgeGounty Court: Cooper 1509; Blount 1484; Mayo 201. vBlount conceeds the nomination to Coopsr. Couufy Solicitor:-Hines 1756; > Fittman 1074; Martin 361 County Copimissioners: Har dee 1581; Smith 1590; White 1198; :> Dawson 1621; Wortbington l56& ' Elks 1411; Staton 204; Holmes 1706; Crisp 2250. Second pri t . ? c ? lit 1 1 1 ai&a, Elksand^orthington Morrison, CONDITIONS, ill THE -4 v<?. ? ?? Average Condition May 25 This Yea* Wm 62.4 Per Cent of Normal; / Same Date Laet Year 78.7. Washington. ? Reporting the coa lition of the cotton crop on May at 82.4 per cent of vnormal, the' de partment of Agriculture annottnced that this w*a the lowest mark in Its record ot 69 years and that the recur ^Condition by-staij^^irgmia, 71; North Carolina, TDJ ?outh Carolina, tfi ??*gia. 56; , I*orid*g . 6*; - ' jjfe bama, 5S;* Mississippi 65; Louisiana, 7?; Texas. 60; Arkansas, 61; Tennes see. 60; Missouri, 64; Oklahoma, 70; California. 86; Arizona, 80, and all other states. 66. "The season throughout the belt is -from two to four weeks late." i t, ^2 ? : J ^W^'Vy . .y" ? y- . : 1 *,il Mambart of Delaware Assembly. ? Washington. ? President Wilson haa telegraphed three ? members of the 'Haaiwm iegialature urging that <r ery democrat in the legislature wte lor the suffrage amendment. ' "May I hot. as a democrat." the presided said, ^xpre^ ar deep In terest in. tile suffrage flHKand my Judgment that It would lie of the greatest aenrfca to tho party fc^very dt* ?;rt?t1n the Deiwi.e lcsi?iaiure vote tor Jt." : P%M 0#lep ?&* | f f Wartime fmergency.. Legation. the rasoiutioa before Scarcity of Newsprint Paper is Washington.? Holding that scar city of newsprint paper, wi<ch has handicapped American newipipers, to be "more the result of artificial ob struction than of natural laws," the Senate committee recomjnended that the Department of Justice institute proceeding? against print paper man u^urer^yvv ; Mtyj.ufccturers sgjrirt*' ^charged by "les,, ??^PIi ??J?? dothts. coid had a milk battle by H* ?Me. It was token te the- Wa tti he* ?tUl, a. dna blag ftxurf. apencer.? Good~protWea * made in road building through Spen cer and the force of map I? now -work ing on- the national highway on New ton heights. ?%' fln#;^roa(f la beiaf turned oat vjV . Waehiagton, (Special). -The South era Railway announce* from its gen offices here that a new 'traii would be put on the GtfeasfconM3old* b?o dlTiaHs begteniag Ju?r 20, and on thestf trains which will be known Railroads tfust ||?mply^| Order, "-:V^';.l)esi?n^::.Ite!^W^e' Conoestte*. ?dt would 'be llroads comply RAILWAY ?|HH fflSKSi:, a art. - -r ? * #?i t* *- - . ited that Connection# tdewlU.RMulVln tocrteased Traffic the American Tobacco ding to an announce-; rchased for. a cash eon jption Ott.k majorite o? lent or JMlss Mel 4* Announced in 1 '8orrl*ta*n. <Pa^The f poliM^- of Montgomery and neighboring ci ties are searching for kidnappers who entered , the home of George H. jCoughlin, ot .this city, , and stole hie thirty en-months-old son, Blakeiy, from lt? crib. i '? frii. "Iji n Body of Aviator Drowned April 19 it Found Foatlnp in Jamaica Bey. ? Roxbury, N. Y.? The body of Naval Lieutenant Richard W. .Thompson, /who was killed when his seaplane fell into Jamaica .Bay, off Rockaway Point, April 19, was found,i!oatlng -the water, within 200 yards of 4fce ao v - snips to foreign interests, lL aftsf sLips diligent effort, toe ^shippt^g bov|^h?| upon by aeaate and bouse conferee# Newt Print Paper PH?ee to Wpe'^ d ?MfRty #nJ?ly Flrtt ki Can acta. fa" ? ? " ' : i , v Montreal.? An advance in the ex-, port price of news print paper froitf $90 a ton to. $111) for the three montM^ginning July 1 to be follow ed' by aA^ j&rance to fU9 for the final tSree months of 1920 Is shown la 'the schedule of the Canadian .Export Paper Company, Ltd. iL?fM price wfll be increaaed on? cenf?# pound July] V to 5 - 1 cents, a pound at nffl. American Legi<?? Post Has Offered , sp (Legion of this c award of ||5W^fori' iter Clav?lani .Berf PhUadelpW* draft |:>???nW Inter? tw Announced ?logne>r- The Impending formation THE HOUSE GAVE PRACTICALLY ^UNANIMOUS APPROVAL TO PJIOPOMD RMOLUTI4N. ne M*mfc?r "Frem MleeaurT Raise* Objection to Retention, It Bel no ? , "Anti-Strike" LepWatJen. ^wiMhipgtoo.? tug. the Lever food cont act and the trading with the enemy act, would lie. i repealed hr a reiototio* adopted . >y ; the kotwe, 828 to^. House democrat* I predicted that Preeldent Wilson *rouid within 60 days if p Wd as to wagea will iir f3 1 aniiif ? Is now autumn , !? Curved. tn &'telecnua received College oiiefyttoSgr: .?W William H. Pickerifcfc, w ed at Mandertlle, Jamai

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