? i -r : AOyertiin^ Cotamna aagESB?;-8 Wmm ?> '? * ' ? - HOUSTON PREPARING TO p?N THE CITY INTO ONt QfltEAT HOSPITABLE HOTEL VET HUMS HEED HO HOUSING Members of T?o Allied Organization With Their Families and Friends Will Swell the Visiting Tide Houston. Texas. ? With tie 1920 m union o(^ Confederate veterans only a I tew weeks oft, Houston is preparing to turn itself Lotto one great hospi table hotel for the accommodation oi j the 75,060 Visitors expected here dur ing:the weak of October. 5 to 8. The Teterans themselves need nc housing in the-' city. Soldiers to the end, they will lire in tents and mes* at the cafl of the bugle. A great tenl eity is to be erected in one of the city's wooded parks for them. But the other visitors, who May out. ?number the veterans six to one, musl be accomodated, so * house to bouse canvass of all Houston and its su berbs Is being made and pledges taken for so many beds and so man; j places at table. These other visitors will include not only the families qf the veterans bat the members of two allied organ ixations, and their families and j friends, for this -is k triple reunion; the thirtieth- for the. United- Co*xTed ernfe Veterans, tHe twenty-flfth ,foi the Sons of Confederate , Veterans and the twenty-first 'annual conven tion of the Confederate Southern Me mortal Association. H : Filibustering T? -doctde to ??a. C i -*? Decatur, Ala.? With! the departure of eight members of the Tennessee house, who left. here fa* Naishville the nUcten visit of the ftiUMatarini lawmakenf. came to~Tliba? . i f." ? .V ' & For th? First Tim? fn Histvry * Pop* Pom lor The Movi?i Rome. ? For the fizfct time in his tory s Pope hag posed for tlie mo tion picture camera. Not only wa i pemisaion granted tor the film ins of scenes in the . Loures Chapel grounds Sot Pope Beaodjtf. took a leading part posing first with r&riocs groups and then for "close ups", and expressing moch amassment at the persistence of the American photo PARSIMONY OF THE C NAS SERfGUS RESULT EVERY SECTION. v t I I NO PULSION HOE 108 JDOi l? Danger of Great Road Equipment ai age If Work Is Not Washington. ? ? Road building in. North Carolina will be badly handi capped unless a way ig found. to rem- 1 situation caused by _ last Congress, the de :ure announced. The st drew >1,709,^90.35 ; as federal aid the year frojR .Jaly 1, 1MQ, to June iml - WT' Congress made no provision foi 1121 As soon as this money is uqed up plans to make new projects will bare tp dtqv unless new money isi fowdt,' It takea.ef-yeaf tq^ta pro-} jects. Congress does not meet until tha laV would icarcely be Lefote January or February, cutting down further the plane for a program Wla.t is true of North Carolina is rue of every other state. There i? danger of .great deterioration in equip ment and delay if the road' work can not be carried on. 'Secretary Daniels Has An A cm o red Cruiser to Danzig, j Daniels an t^ of the Argentine B^lbU?' baa jqat bees og&aaixed yna plant MM. M&1 ?ti^ iaorl4? picture, news-paper and public speaking propaganda. W^t ? ' is*^ ***** *<** Denies Pl.nnln0 to x Visit the United States In April, I . ? Strasbourg. ? Dr. Marcel Knecht, formerly of the French high commis sion to the United States, denied on behalf of Marsha] Foch that the latter plana to visit the United' States in Lprtt. * , ;>r rj} Posts of the American Legion H*v? Been Formed In Japan and -Belgians i , . ? .* ' i if . ? ? Indianapolis. . ? Announcement has been made at national headquarters of the American Legion here of the t.or mation of new foreign posts Of the organization in Japan and Belgium. Senator Harding wiuwh) *? of "Tell AvSa,** the prosperous Jewish | - ^ . ? <? ? - . - ? ?1 _ ^ ? iUBt i|te UlVading . Kussluns. of Indians at Marlon, O. S? View Defeat of Russian Armies in ^olaml One of the Greatest . In History. ? fmtnca artd AIMm Warn Polos to Stop at F?mtior-Brltaln to Recognita Egypt's Independence? Cox At . ? r euoM Ropublleana of T*MM, The Bnaalan cavalry and infantry* that escaped irom the Polish p*nc?ra re tired oa Grodno and Osaowfec and inch reserves as tbey had were brought up to the tatter place. It was- expected that the Beds would put*bp'"a desper bcrder and to keep the Potesftoiio forming a Junction with the Lithuan ians. The last real effort of the Bed army of tbe north resulted In three days of fierce fighting to tbe Nare^r valley between Lomaa and Ostrolenko, the Russians oylig:to fprce tbeirrwi> across the road to Bialystok.'Jfhe Poles captured tbfc river crossings, and next day another of their forces ad vanced along tbe Prwaian frontier to Myszynfes. Tbe Beds were caught be tween these force* and bad to aur Of all the Invaders of Pojand. only General Bndenny's forces, mostly cav^ airy, apjpeftr to have escajjgd. They made a rush forward, with the Inten tion of destroying tbe grearoll wells away bjr TolunteepjTincl .'n^few regu lar*. As the* retired the*^8^y^ villages and crcpa and carried off aW implements, fnrniture, clothing and of the the vlc ? te*ms a ted by <mm wHij rather quiet of peninrat*#. start i^torem. One of 1 jMtt.oott the.'p j and which Hal rimw-tftp ?**!>! j protectorate . du about J^jaeet K Britain's- privtfe^ HHi tbeat* MR Ions, sub ject to ber not triirv tcBrItI*t the rfsi* to m* resentatives abrt N The Alba: fighting Cli :l*en bavliM the AJbanU tJie tvTenlze pectedly present, and told the _ 'net. "1 am a^ ..Ulster-roan. and Til mm by 4Ulster. but I am with you !n tota .Have patience with Ul*t?<] It ;HWng her to the point of ' as a part of united Ireland." Other Belfast lenders wild iqpcb the same. ' It. was believed tWs conference was a long step toward Irish unity and the settlement of the Island^ troubles. / * Meantime Terirentfe MacSweney, lord mayor of Cork. was dying of self Imposed hunger lb a British prison, #nd Irishmen appealed to 'King George to Rave him, and to President Wilson and I M' European states, rom jo that of the burgo master <rf BrMi whom the Germans Imprisoned. Mr. Lloyd George said "J**' *?mtever the consequences, tfie government could not take the respbb MacSweney. would lead to an outbreak thatJMWd | play inrt the hands of the Bgffl k Efforts of the ani Secretary Colby, > only hope remaining o?>be foes of suffrage ta thUt the United States Snpremetcourt will declare tfie Tennessee ratification Illegal. It is interesting to read the opin ion the yeaerable Cardinal' OtW bona, who haa, been ;? consistent op ponent of-^omjbi suffrage.; He says: *7 regret yerjfonuch that the women have taken the plunge Into the deep. I would much prefer that things had remained as they were. I am. how ever, of the opihlon that after the first election or so ortfy a small percentage of the \*oraen of the country will avail themselves of the privilege of " ". -Yw | . ... * Governor Cox roused the Repub* llcans by asserting that they are raising a minimum fund of $15,000,000 for the campaign! v National Chair man Will. "Hays and his associates at oncfe degMfl the truth of the statement and both they and the Democratic leaders demanded that the senate coni pjtt% oo campaign expenditures ln? vestigate the .charge ^ The committee, I^Jtesslon In Chicago sub poenaed National .Chairmen Hays and Fes? and Dorenms, and "Invited" Govf ernor Cox alw> to appear before- It and J>Msent such evidence, as he might have to substantiate his statement* The DeA&eratlc candidate said he would fqi^sb #aat Information he had- In dne time, and ? meanwhile he went ahead -wttfc his speaking tour. Rational as ml ;ren^|..ll CITIZENS HIGHLY WROUGHT ? I pofitijltiw Jwport \.l OF THE CENSUS BUREAU. 8choel Roll Shows Increases of 1,784 iPupils, Yet the Enumerators foot Up Total Gain of 42 Only ' Near Bern.? New Bern people are hot in tfie collor over ta#fgures (10, 003) given them bythe census bureau and claim that an entire cityward has been left out. Complication of figures compiled, by the census enumerators here show thai more than 12,000 names are on the lists compiled here and tiie district supervisor reported to a local newspaper some time ago that the report showed more than 12, 000 names. It is the contention of local citizens that ail -entire "ward has been left out and one man offered to wager $10,000 against $500 that more than 12,000 people can be counted in this city. In the past ten years the sehooL roll . has showed an increase of 1,784 pupils white and colored, yet the census glges the city an Increase of only 42 peopld in ten. years. No less than one taundrfed telegrams have been sent to the director of ths census to the effect that New Bern has been givan- the rawest of a raw deal and asking that the wrong frs rioted. ' " .. : | . ?$., '-M:-: . r*r.; ? - 'A ,. Hickory? Highland, a Hickory su burb which was eno of the towns to show the greatest growth In the last 10 years, has voteii; $85,0C0 for school boM? by an orerwhellng majority, i for the Mecklenburg cottage *x the Stonewall .Jackson Training e^jool at Concord will be completed wT.hln the next few days and are expected to Be placed in the hands of contractors for' bids oa the erection cif the cottage. > . iv : : " A> *? - ? ' .? . Washington, (Special).? The pops lation of Wilkes connty In the ten years, 1910-1020 Increased from 30, 282 to 32,641 the census bureau an nouncud. In 1900 there* wwa 26,272. North Wilkesboro's population Jump ed from 1,902 to 2,362. It was 918 In iwo. ? . . . , ;v,v' t.'* WUson.-^On account of lateness of: the South Carolina crops and scarcity to home folks on September 4th In an advertisement in the local pen promises not to offend the I "'^V4 "r %^3Sl ... <r M, ? < , t*J* kCUt:\ : f/?jrr+ CAROLINIANS. ^ ;v-: ' ? The State Board of Agriculture has revoked the quarantine which for as? aral years has restricted the brlngtag; of cotton seed and other products lata North Carolina from' the State* to the South. ? Henderson.? At a meeting of city council ft was decideA to maie exten sive street improveliients and a coo mlttee was named to negotiate far contracts for sewerage improvement* Greenville. ? The teacher shortage in Pitt county. i$ becoming ' s ericas, according to County Superintends**. ?S< B. Underwood, Who states that ha needs 45 teachers to supply place* now vacant. Hamlet.? The development depart ment of the Seaboard Air Line BaS way, commencing with the month off September, wi'fcissue a monthly mar ket bulletin vnich will be posted con- ' spicuously along the 3,600 miles at Wm territory. I? ' ' ? ' ' ? - . ' ' WinstonSalem.? A message receive# herf stated that Samuel T. Nailer, a native of Davie county and a watt known Confederate veteran, dML ;4t Port Worth, Texas following on oper ation. He was 80 years ol& '? ? - i-tv . , - i ' ? ft g v , Lumberton.? The day wltaessat one of the biggest freaks" on Om iW MM ?** Washington.? The Census Bureaa announced the census of New Bene Nou^h Carolina, as 10,003.' This shows a growth in population by theCravas county city during the past ten years of 4 2? or .0.4 per cent ? ? AthevUle. ? Charged with steaBn* morphine and opium from the drag department of the main adminivtaa tlon building at O'Reilly governmeai general hospital at Oteen, Charles PL ? Leister a private was arrested. Aihevllie /? Announcement it oak that tlie Southern Labor congras, aa affiliation of central labor unions at the southern states will hold the *? nual convention this year at WIlMlng ton, the opening meeting to be baii on September 16. The union men of the seaside city are making elaborate preparations for the convention. .v -uy | ? Bailey.? At a meeting of the nV scribed stockholders of a new baa* for Qailey the name of the Naih Bank and Trust Co., was gi/en the lnstitn tlon. It will do a general bank aat trust business. . 'j ' ?' Ashevllle. ? The Baptist mount*!* sohools in North Carolina *U| recato 170,000 .& improvements this year from the m&OO.OOO campaign which the Baptists of the South con*uctei several months ago to put all edac* tional institutions OB their feet Punn.? With a view to afsblixlng cottoniginnlng conditions in this 'pvt. Ots the, state the Cape ;f$ar Cotta? Q toners association -;wiu Ibrgaaiaafc here with 80 members from the eowa tia? ;?C Harnett, ?Sampeon, Johnaoa Ward, who died in Fran ber, 1918, was burled honors by the peopW* twon, States ville. wgff mm

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