" ?> <'& /y^w&S? ?* i , i 1 11 " 111 ?' SSBB FAKMYILLK ENTERPRISE I Published byAtfce Rouse P^intery mi ^ HOW rat farmer * - . ' ...CAN^SAYE HIMSELF A Genent Outline of the Cali forma Plan of Go-operative Marketing. (From The Georgian of Jan. 17.) Tb^ first Step in the matter is to present a general outline of the California plan of co-opera tive marketing organizations. It differs in detail, of course, for every product to which it has been applied, and it has been ap plied to every sort oi product from California eggs to Washing ton wheat. But there are cer tain underlying principles which are always present. It was stated, in the announce ment article published Sunday, that the plan is simplicity itself* Let us see: The first principle is to get in to a common association the growers of a sufficient amount of the product in question to control, to an effective extent, the market in that particular product. The nearer the asso ciation comes to a beneficial monopoly, the better it is; but a monopoly is not essential? merely a sufficient strength to be the largest single united factor involved in the industry. While the Almond growers' Association of California con tains 02 per cent of the growers of the State, the total almond production in this country is only 20 per cent of its consump tion. The rest comes mostly from Spain. But the California Almond Growers' Association practically fixes almond prices in thfc county. _ Now, this, concentration of power is necessary from the out set or the association had better not come into existance at alL It is assured in, the following manner: The association is formed by A, A ? ? _ _ . fnorlrottntx dorooa dual grower, but which does not become effective until it has been signed by enough growers to constitute a stipulated percent age of the total production in the area covered. The association is organised on a commodity basis purely. There are no locals, except for the purpose of a primary elec tion macninery, by which the board of directors is chosen. One section of the area involved does sot compete against another. The product is divided -into types and grades, and there is representation in the governing body for each type and grade But each type and grade of the product, no matter where H comes from, is handled in a com mon dooL - 1 A #? 9 The organization is Coobd6d strictly to growers. There are no dealers, oo maoufactcrers, no bankers?unless they are them selver (rowers as well The in terests of be lowest tenant farm er and of the biggest landlord on the part of directors must be ab solutely identical throughout ? The organization is perma nent, iranclad^d oau^strictly three to eight, and he can not I a . ^B- ? I., 1 . ' .' .. -<2S 1. 13*!. .. 4 ?? flMA v^- MM --VAf. ? ' MB ' a ,-&?' ..I iff - ?? -'-wBt J- _m . ^t_ . ?#-^ - fv I All w flWfiflTI & 1 AI1I? i -. | Bl "IiIICp XW?? iiiiD|nWit*' ??" Jnll See Us For Auto Tires* we Have the Large# Stock in Easftern Caro Una and our price is lower than tires '"'.v" ? have ever been. ?' ? . ^ ; " ... ? ;-*v . re. -X*' ^ - INCORPORATED Main Street, Farmville, N. C. I \?_?i? ? ? ? _ ? I The pleasure is worth it. There's no sub stitute for Camel quality and that mild,. . fragrant Camel blend. The fellow who smokes Camek, wants I Camels. That's because Camels have a smoothness, a fragrance and a mildness you | ,| can't get in another cigarette. ^rae t^^u any otter ? v ^// ^ Sdf Ri . F1 . Y t ?t || ? || || 11 11 '? If baking issitnp y artwttor^) a g rewi cco nee f ?? |i n II cbc6 Flour* I ? J S 11 * m I BH i k II Put n^rA.npa-rb(^ P^onr on voilr next crocerv order I 9i 11 ? II It cotnes in the olurnn. well-filled sack mm the Indian f B j ? [J ' VWIU^ IU TF-V4* ?M?W " I BB J ? lv SB ; ?' v ? '^^VrST^Nw?|B^B0j^irpi II - ? ? ? ~* j'3 raAT^YQU I . If you want your Shoes fixed as good as new bring f ; them to Tom Goor, at the Farmville Electric Shoe Shop, ? ; across the street from T. L. & W. J. Tarnage Co., and f | next door to Hotel New York Cafe. . | PRICES ON MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SHOES, j Half Soles Sewed 75c. For Everybody. .cSSfifiS [ These Prices Guaranteed For 3 Months. t All Work Guaranteed, Money Back if Not Satisfied, t Shoes fixed While You Wait. All Done in 15 Minutes. ?- ' ? . - ( , Farmville Electric Shoe Shop TOM GOOR, Proprietor. Main Street, Farmville, N-C. | ????????????????????? *? 1 ? ?? ? , ~ ? W WET SOIL ? M - k-. '? ? CAP Am mIB MXTHOXt Li f. .k z55==F= OZCTJUC BLASTING METHOD Of D6Y30IL ZLCCTRIC ELASTlNa MCJHOO How to Use Dynamite /. to Make Ditches ALONG tiie fine of the required ditch, mala holes with crow-bar twenty-four to thirty indies deep and eighteen indies apart (To learn if this spacing is correct, make a "test shot" of 8 to 10 holes.) Into each of these holes put one stick of 50 or 60% NITROGLYCERIN DYNAMITE K the sod only ooa cartridge need be primed with blast- " - lag cap. This cartridge is placed in the Center bete. Attach [ cap m each cartridge,connected together and to a hlMtfag [ marffinr Write for a copy of our "Farmers' Handbook of Explosives," . giving complete -instructions and loading methods for ^*^g, stumping and tree-planting. Your dealer can supply you with Du Pont Explosives and Blasting Accessories, w.? *' - ? E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. Robson-Prichord Building, 'v Huntington, W. Va. ^ ? ?'i--"."7??'* ' "-1-:.* :; ' * ?' .? Fresh Groceries ; ifes, we have just received those nice new- Fresh Groceries that vould please you, and at Uving prices, consisting of both heavy ind fancy Groceries, Canned Goods, candies, smoke'r goods, and fruits in season.^ : ' > v Let us serve you once and we'll conaiiue to serve you wefl R. T. J. WILL0UGH3Y ? Wilson Street. iNnnviUe. Nw C. . -/ '..v.? ? y-st"* S: I'l'H ' ' "" ? .'?! , 'I 1 1 " EjeflTBg jW All ? I la L V t t ?T*T | , ? ? X 11 * %1SS JF T I ^ ? l ?? W ? m IT ? m _ w? .* \ i|j|l|. olWWtllT Rji flfllAfiC! IbCi ZM K JUHM J nltKr? X wU - HUE JUiill UtwQ* J ? -? ? |H ?|| mmaFMHI v ? ? rop iTrpf n ffIWIPfll'TC^TTTftfflFg?'?&rc?cg^ yf * ? .. ?? ? . ? - . ? ? *?. / * ?* ?* V'V-:~r:>-r?-*a?^^^wwCTM