?. t^o&r tseeting of the\ |S^^v3x? Eatary cJab Was he'd i?'; ';!?? iii^ arfiooi at Farm-1 viiie last J?eing weii attended j by Fannvilit j&epibers ana -&vs?zl| frost the Gree&yi}*e club. The oe-; eaaotrwas one of-fne most Interesting | hcia ia FaremBe Vn sometime, ami \ bev^fh* first Rotary meeting it na-| tta?|^^a^*cted considerable atteo- j GOB azoong FiramSe people. ^ | T^ paeetarg was prg&icd over by i Dr. F^^bnes, pwsiiteif of >Se terr t?tf&4*gaa?zai&&. O&wr offiagis^af' .the osgafcisatiofi present tare?? iSfeoigia BL~ Wbaeier, viee-prwE&mt; <*. & Rbose^ secretary, Da?wTE^-Dgtesby*: tre*i?er. ~ Members of the Greenville club attt&tdittg t&e meeting were Dr. C. J. Ejiesj; R. L. CrowyiWr L. Best, S. 1L PfeQbpK'.V1&JM&'*'W|inB, ^twisoit zn^/apiSteS"^SoaaetkiSg Elbe in Bo-1 iary?*. The artkk expJansed m an j interesting way what Rotary is, and i iha great part it should .clay in com-l miinit-ies whereever clubs are estab-i 1 ligfead. ! . ,, r