F - ?*.? x r-- ' J.rr??^???___ . Creamery For Pi Gamin A great deal is being said^recently about A creamery for this section, and as a result some fine ideas are being obtained. To have men like J. E. Wins low speak enthusiastically about the proposition makes It the more important that every be exhausted or have it. A recent in . tervfew with Mr. Winslow discloses the IfWl owing encouraging informa tion! ?? Pastures Absolutely Necessary ' "Sunning a successful dairy or creamery is utterly impossible with out good permanent pastures. At present I have in Beaufort county 75 to 89 acres in permanent pasture,? clover, blue grass, orchard grass, les pedeza, etc. Hogs and cows thnye on pasture without any other feed, that is, during the main grow ing season. Our immediate plans, as soon as they can be "executed, will give us 300 acres in permanent pas ture. Our people just a.' well become convinced that if they are to have Cows they must raise their own feed. Qar*&nd will produce it and it is neoefcs&ry for the maximum success with' eows, whether we have the fam ily cow or whether we have a large number for commercial purposes. '* Proposes an Enlargement ' "l am now planning to get enough rnrtUTn* in so that I can make $5,000 annually on my cows. This can be dime with the same help that it re quires to operate my regular farm wor*. Very little additional help wffl It necessary be care for these cowa. Of coarse this $5,000 will go a long way toward..camng^for the run ning expenses of'theifarm." ,*. Mr. Winslow is thoroughly inter ested in the subject and believes it has a great futur# ia this section. Present Income "At the present time, just having common eows without one penny of expenae, I am making from *25 IvvJ Will sWy i on my folk to help with'the growth of this industry in tb& ~ As stoat as my total acreage is complet ed, I expect to have 100 real good cows?cows that can produce the goods. Now the Family Cow ? "What I further want,* continued. Mr. Winslow, "is to see a cow on ev ery farm in Pitt county?a cow on every farm to provide that health v . : v i iii giving food. Every agency should be interested in this natter the value of having a cow on each farm. - - " Chamber rf IaUrpq^ The Chamber of Commerce has 1 _ VKUfBIpus JDQfc COWS XOJT r .. _? ^ y . I county farms. The Pitt County Cham ber of Commerce will continue its. efforts in behalf of so worthy and worthwhile undertaking. Chamber Offers Service In the event the Chamber a# Com merce can assist Pitt county folk in ?locating good cows to be brought in, plfease notify Secretary H. L. Smith who will take great pleasure in as sisting in every possible manner. 1 . J. J" iff County g in Favoritism iliquor Dealers Caught iu Drag id hi Mobile A Large Quantity of Imported Whiskey Seized, and Twenty Two People Arrested. Mobile, Ala., Nov. 13.?Imported liquor valued at more .than $100,000 has been seised, twenty-two persons are under arrest on charges ranging from bribery of government agents to possession of liquor, .and approxi mately sixty additional warrants are still to be served in connection with the raids conducted in Mobile city and county last night when 52 fed ! era1 agents swooped down upon this |sq^ion. The storing of liquor in the federal" building, which was started early this 1 morning, had not been completed late this afternoon/ Eight large truck loads of fine imported liquors ha< been unloaded at the building by the middle of the afternoon. RICHMOND SUFFERS s ? Richmond Va, Nov. 13.?Fire in the paint shop of the C. and O. rail road here today destroyed that build ing and other nearby structures and damaged several passenger coaches on nearbytracks. The total loss is estimated at $30,000. "'Scores of peo ple were attracted to, the scene of the spectacular blaze which, was kept from spreading by efficient work af the firemen. . ? v- - ? HmSrnBna's Record in Q Public Education Since 1900 Raleigh, Nov. 18.?Prom an ex pehdftere of |960,S17.47 for educa tion in 1900 in the state to a'total of $28,000,000 in 1928, a gain of ap pro jit?hi/ eant; eedris the record of North Carolina in pub three aallfay V dogaaa jmt to 1922 cent and waa -more than 21 and a t|aci a million defiant in 1022 it wa* sgo? than 16 and a half^^ The^ ^ j\g4 " school ho . ^ ^.. jjfjL -~lL ?'rl^nulF' i 1 ' " "*1 ? ^ ^V'jMiTmi'JL ; : to 141.1 days, while the total school population has increased correspond ingly from 65*7,949 in t904iT??? 404. Of this population, which in cludes all fm jifrtir attendance, 400,452 attended school twice the - hid ap proximately 30 high schools. In 192? the number was 475. The enroll-' same period increased from *2,000. to!. and hi 1923 the number was more; | __ twmd* * 'r*?!?'? - **Vvrsi' ? T?-' . '*{? J ?B6?0SHT\ f WHAT HAX6 I A Jarxt o oe I km# ' ? I I ?? AIM ilj^^lifiif' Elkabetfa City> H ? '?Ki*1-*. -M. -jBg^TT ' " fit ? >-j I ftI l*fam*n q/>m^K wrktolt * . ^, ., * | I I yw!Ti 9V^4nring this session-and to fffl lJ IvagaQdes in the various boards. At. I If opening of conference the secre- I tary of the cabinet .'will nominate I the wi^erence will confirm WClis, icwrferenee, but it- seems, froxn?'the Iguard already on the grounds ?tp this is- to. be one of . the most I I 1 tfc> First Church,"the North Carolina) i Qftttgaraigrt?&**.*>+ w hrfd it^i I dig Aucfici Sale of Esloig Vm[Be Held in Farm tite?turday November VI r $ n ^3*? ? i>6yond .& ^uOtuH* toewrgwi pc fcion ulr AVfir .KcSd ?- v * ^?- ~ r%- i Vorn^nj. ; , ; ? '?? ??| This sale, which begins promptly at'l0:30 a. m., 'consists of thirty-four cottages, a heteL??i store in Wash ington Heights, a Colored section just on the outside of the nity. limits/ and several nice homes and building; lots for white people. This company will also give away elsewherc ' m > ? J 11 i i. ? i= . .? 1 i. lane day's pay pot waekrcan buy an lautomobile with the money aj ? the lend of a year, fii France, it would Itake a Frenchman's ENTIRE SAL |flvW< & t* i* Pm?~-*'. ? -vImCS' **"" ,? . . - ' "AT ?' . , ^ I ? " :? ?? ~ J years.. He defied Frederick the Great and* greater powers, and finally died i peacefully in his bed, nearly 85 years old, -rich in money, adored, by theJ people that people that drew his ^r- j riage through-the streets. He.^^Jlgt1 the right way.to deal with an Jdea.j That ..was bettysr. than, poor John] Brown of Harper's Ferry, never liy-j ing to see anything accomplished. I It .takes one kind of ability to "to hang" for an idea, and it takes a higher kind to convert or; hang those that 9Ppose the idea when it is right McAdoo-lets it be known thht "he is in the race for president Of course] he'is, being the most conspicuous] democratic candidate. lBram Johnson will be in the ring alaftr'.'"yhis is a; free for alf, and Iti ram Johnson probabljr can geir more j vofces in presidentiai primaries than any other republicanv,v-Jdbift fiisier will worfc-^ lfohnsdn ab he did for Hardirtg. He's 'at first' elaSs dynamo. ? 'i : ;*f~ - jl One of Mr. Ford's secretaries say3| he Wouldn't aetept the nomination for the> presidency. But it isn't Lie-1 bold, the-**eal& secretary, and prob- \ ably deesht mean mueh;. . Ma jlays^for prcsi dpntial running and his days for for getting all about it. If- the nenuna-1 tgtf/: sfcoMd, vcpp*' on, #-.rigfcfc iJajr j millions, and hire a few thousand men ' Tfea? not bad poll-' fitoA now will l$ok at his griveaad j wHh ftftTilture^ lftr^ples and musical iristramentd.?'; . Woodrow^nm^om^ Thousands on a '???'??? - W^V'trr' r ?-? ? ' I.. VI- -.'! .'= . * ? ..??? . f " r^r Nash Has Five Capital Cases On Schedule . Troops Will Probably Be A?fced " To Attend the Nash County Court to Protect Accused. Rocky Mount, Nov. 14.?Five cap ital cases are slated for trial at the next session of-Nash county superior court which opens at Nashville No vember 26 with Judge George W. Connor, of Wilscn, presiding. .i. Two of these cases We. already! gained statewide prominence. The first-will be the trial of Lee Wash ington, .negro, on a charge of hav ing ea&ired the home of iillWri big, near Momeyer, Ip&p Friday, ;i?. and attacl&ed his ^j^.; -Sjgfrjtejdj away from a mob which gathered around the jail at "Nashville aad aev effl members .of v,hich searched -*e> pnSon,,the .negro pow. repots. in Qje -state- penitentiary at Raleigh, untif ithe time of his trial rolls jwoend. The other cases of unusual prom inence is that. ^gajtyst Dopk NLc^joy, ,negtror.,who ia.(dialed W# WWs -ambushed and fatally shot Rufus Beard, wealthy farmer, hear 'Bailey, ? A% two years ago. McCoy was apprehended in Ifennsylvagk apid brought back to this state after a vigorous fight against extradition jjj which it is alleged that colorei ,pXr' ganizations employed roftaaeljiptfc backed up the fight for him. The negro is- now in the state peniten tiary at Raleigh. An alleged accom plice has idsb been arrested in con nection with the crime and is being held Jn jail .'lift Nashville pending the ft is learned frem-wiiable sources, that, troops will be asked fdfc the pro tection of the prisoners during these trials. At the time of the attack company was ordered to Nashville but sent back hotee before It reached its destination when it was .found that the authorities Jim succeeded in getting the negro to Raleigh for. safe keeping. Feeiingr.however, is sljgl understood, to be running high in view of sub-j sequent reported developments. ; j , , #4 '.'tNL ? \ ' i?ess, Qnce More Hffi"1 A;i claim # iba Multitude m4 Affirms Faith in His Prin cipals. ; '?; ?-?? Washington, Nov. 12.?A reaffirm atiqn of faith in the ultimate triumph of the principles for which -he .has stood was spoken by Woodrow Wil son; to a throng of friends and ad mirers on an Arailst^e Day pilgrim- j age yesterday to his home heus. . The former president's declaration, whkh he said he could not "refrain frojh saying," .was an adjoiner to the brief address he has just concluded and came .impressively after he had silenced the. strains of a hymn a band had, commenced at the end of his last sentence. ? . *.?? "J am%u>t one of those," he de clared, "that have the least anxiety abojut.tbe triumph of the principles I , ha^n jfcoedvfoz. "J have seen fools resist provi dence before and 1 have seen their destruction, as will .come upon these agipn, utter destruction and contempt That, we shall prevail is as sure as ! that God reigns." A cheering throng of thousands packed the street and all nearby -va cant space when Mr. Wilson appeared on tthe portico of his &. street -resi dence to deliver his second .address in less than 24 hours and the. third he has made since leaving the White ^HflpSbi7!.?- '..-w A little hent with his four years of illness he stood with bared head, aft er waving .response to the outburst of applause which greeted him, while Senator Carter Glass , of Virginia, de livered the address on behalf , of the -i_ ;..;orr ?:-: . Although'faltering a little nnce or twice, Mr. Wilson -: stood unassisted besjde Senator Glass while he dattv eced the first.portion of his address in which he gave to the men of whom. . hejsraa proud to reme^>^". he had Predicting a "new turn in the u* tion's foreign pbHey, Senator (gMfc in bis address declared *we stall soon be compiled to put aside the covert and feeble civilities gfan.^up official observer" to reveal our-idi* tity as a nation which means openly |o itakc its part and .give lUteteian to things that involve the security happiness of nil manlrind." JTi ? . American Iqjbfmtmm ' I As" "Devil Horse?k^loca?g . WeevJh^-/:';V'' !>y-., :?? <&<-.& \ Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 13.?Tito r&l. horse bad till flMffigB i What 10^ ? 3^ fe a? faaejctv itself.1 fours' the a* *t ?M? ^jn ^othe^^owls,-as one leading nent that the devil j destroyer. . The fifth anniversary of Armistice gB was celebrated here Sunday with Itteehv. aSteheises .under the dta^e I d? ijp idea* post of the Ameci - It^w.an oce*sion fay selen* Pf?em ory had was observed as a holy day. i- Jit 2:46,o'clock .thediffwect organ isations fnvifed #parti2rffe Wthe ' celebration assembled qn 'the sfcfcbdi grounds. The line-up wasjasfagkoau World War Veterans/ Confederate Veterans, Auoerican Music, .United Paoghtexs ioi giit Confeder acy, Boy Scouts and School. Children. ProhipfljcJat tiie hour of three t&s solemn prewwalbp wn?ri ?% Forest Hilt cemeteryta-haM pyiate servace and dedearti#e^ap?aa of the falien heroes of the^Vorid aN !fe SSuTmiS!^' VlMpapl . *"r '"M0& ' idh' l nin nriiistldi' tffc.iaaiW tiAw C**'*'r

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