" hi ***? i - ,?s?? - f ^L|M I 1.8 I a ?'' --M H.\8-8 1VI Wt^^^^^m&Eit ? - flxjf ? ''B -.'^-S^'^ ?? ? ?^'.'?"8B?*B ? ^?"B "? AEb ^Ak wA ^HL JAkwAAb *'??' ^ JHJj^ Sheriff Draws Jury List For January Court ?*. ?v' ?? Crinhai Docket is one of the SfltyiU?& On Record. The boarii of county commissioners at their regular meeting held on' De cember 3 failed to draw a jury list for the January civil and criminal terms of superior court and on December 26 the sheriff according to the law drew the lists. The eivfl term begins on January 14 and the criminal term on January 21. It is understood that the criminal docket so far for Janu ary term is one of the smallest on record. " Ayden Township?Cox, W. O., Mc Lawhorn, L. G. C.t Humbles, J. E., 0"1giirr W* W - Coward, R. C. JjBvsi? Totfhshit?-Tyscn; W. R., Thfimen, A. Lewis, J. B. B^ver D#ur Township?Jo yner, A. A.,jQrK*#o?d, W. Ch icodf Township?Batchelor, J. D., Smity, II A., Stanley, E. A.; Wil liams, LJ T., Gladson, J. R. Carolina Township?Roberson, H. Fountain Township?Pittman, C. E., Moore J. W., Bell, B. W. Farmville Township?Bunn, J. H., Seaman C. E., Joyner, C. H.; Davis, jJT Greenville Township?Evans Leon J. Harvey. Puctohis Township?Beach am, W. Winterville Township?Jackson, E. M., Worthington, Herbert 3., Cox, D. T-|[ For the trial of criminal cases only: Ayden Township ? Burney, S. C., Quinerly, J. K., Craft, W,. A., Dail, V ??"?**? Jantins J. T._. SluiuilH. Bla nej, Jackson, S. K., Manning, J. T., Dap, George. Sharer Dam Township?Nichols, C. Bel voir Township?Alford, R. A. Carolina Township?Butler, R. C., Roflins, D. S., Carson, S. W. Chicod Township? Gray, J. P. Porter, W. 1L, Dixon, J. S., Hudson, WiBie A., Baker, S. X., Edwards, R. D. ? Fannrille Township?Allen, Paul, Troublefield, -9. E.,' Monk, A. C., Bel cher, R. E., Gaynor, E. F., Skinner, bJj : ~ Fountain Township?Gaynor, W. D., Wooten J. Allen. Falkland Township?Harris, H. R. 9*oentille v Township ? Hardee, I Nasfc Blount, J. H., McLawhorn, R. IL, Tucker, L. W. Swift Creek Township ? Jones, Charlie, Bland, W. D., Pittman, J. S., Moore, Lee. Wintervilje Township?McLawhorn, Dennis T., Vincent, Z. V., Sutton, PROGRESSIVE BRIDGE CLUB. One of the most delightful affairs of the holiday season was that of lire. A. S. Bynum when she enter- j ?tainerf the members of her bridge dob and a few invited guests on Saturday afternoon last. The rooms were bewrtifully deco rated, a Christmas color scheme being effectively carried out and four tables were attractively arranged for the I A? ,h reward for high score W TaUtba DeVfsconti was given a ?? set of hand-painted table numbers. | id'bir- the hostess at iDie cioee of the afterahCR. TteAWBPABTT Continuing STSi activity, of ? J- " ? ?? ? ^ ^ ^ ?*wvu | the botSdajjs was an enjoyable thea agan, Mildred Barrett and Nannie 3er the show re&fshmenti were served at one of the drug stores and games, contests Mwi mMe ^lioved Until a - * viJu i "^n? '?? " ^3i&gSf REV. COOK HOLD SERVICES IN EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Members and friends of the local Episcopal congregation enjoyed a ser vice held in Emmanual church on Sunday afternoon by Rev. James E. W. Cook, archdeacon of the East Car olina diocese and the new rector of St. Pauls, Greenville. This is the first service the church here has had since the departure of its beloved rec tor, Rev. A. C. D. Noe, Nov. 1st. Rev. Cook's message,* taken from the text "From Ashes to Beauty" was impressive and beautiful. An editorial in the Wilmington Star speaks of Mr. Cook thus: "One of Wilmington's most beloved Christian ministers will leave here today for Greenville, N. C., to become rector of the Episcopal church of that city***** The Greenville congregation is going to have a rector whose personality is of such a type that none can know him but to become attached to him by reason of his fine qualities as a man and minister. He is a most gift ed pulpit orator and Greenville will soon be able to recognize him as a learned and impressive preacher of j the word." etc. Mr. Cook will come to Farmville i from time to time until a rector is | secured for this parish. BEAUTIFUL PAGEANT AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH ' 1 ' ? ? The local Christian church gave their annual Christmas pageant on i Sunday evening before Christmas. It ! was one of the most beautiful enter tainments ever in Farmville and was presented by the different members of the congregation and directed by Mesdames Fred and Lloyd Smith. It was staged in the church 'midst elaborate decorations of pine and ivy against a snowy background. An electric star and cross added much to the impressive seene. The music and costumes were beautiful and gave a genuine Christmas spirit to the large assemblage which filled the church. Miss Dippie Baker and Pearcy Fox impersonated a mother, and daughter busily engaged in decorating the church and talking of Christinas. Fi nally the child drops asleep and "The Shepherd^ Christinas" is presented as Three Wise Men represented by Messrs; Leslie Smith, Rural Tyre and Lloyd Smith. The shepherds and an gels arbund the manger scene made a lovely picture. Miss. Fanny Moye read the scripture lesson and Mrs, Mary Moye Patterson and little Miss Mildred Horton sang beautifully ap propriate solos. The gifts which amounted to $78.00, will be given to the Superan nuate Fund which provides for aged preachers and missionaries. IN HONOR OF MRS. RAWLES. Mrs. G. H. Burnette and Mrs. Al fred Taylor were joint hostesses at a miscellaneous shower Thursday, Dec. 27th, given at Mrs. C. A, Tyson's home,, complimentary to their sister, > Mrs- Kelly Lorenzo Bawls, of Rober sonville, who was before recent mar ; riage, Miss Leona Tyson of this city. The home was beautiful with its Christmas decorations and the table, where Mrs. W. G. Sheppard served punch, was especially attractive with glass and holiday greens. Mrs. Al fred Taylor presided over the bride's book, within which good wishes were written by the guests. ?? A Christmas card contest was won by Miss Sarah Pollard and the conso i.iiAn nnVa crivftn to Mrsi.. Geo. Beck XftMVU y? *MV . man. After which the merry party was invited into the dining room. The table, in the center "of which stood a mi nature bride, was artisti cally decorated with mil tie toe. Over this hung a basket with hidden for tunes therein and attached to stream ers were tiny rice bags. ? This was indeed a showery after noon, for while a shower of rain fell outside there were showers of rice and gifts on the inside. A suitcase filled with lovely articles was brought in by little Miss Annie Lawrence Burnette and presented to the bride. ( : A delicious salad course. Was served bfc the.fcwtesses.. ? -T,," i"! I Beautiful instrumental mask was rendered during the afternoen by Miss Daisy Holmes and two vo^al dtteis by Misses Holmes and Sarah Follard i jteny Mr Whilw mwPW? S? I E* ? IrtVft ' A ? ? '.'? -I V . ?w ,?.? i,a 4 ' . II I At, thw mmIdsmb of flu . I K\ : ? '?? "*TB $* .^H" jjpR v V^:* ;i_ Once more we hang up a new caleft^raRta old 'year dies and a new year is born. It is invoitiljjf^BL It is time to measure profit and loss, fflpre and suc cess. All check up accounts. What has beeiBSiied or lost In the material things of the world. Haye i impoverished our spiritual resources? WhinGpd^jlayfe'' done with the closing year is done. None of ] iean rewrite the story. But a new chance is given tojiiHp99ake the story of the new year what they wilL ^ We live in a country that Was built upo^^H^ncipals L that all men are created equai ine ays Begin the New Year by warming up to an idea or an ideal light the widfc of enthusiasm. Emerson says that enthusiasm is the passing from the human to the divine. The Greek "word for enthusiasm signifies God within us. Go to it. Let our resolves be DO rather than don't. i * ??*? * ? ? ? . Ku. *? . ? j ? ?*. , j'V' '? ? 1 . '* ' The fulfillment of resolutions will save disappointment, regret and remorse. ' %" ir * A >>#'.. J '? : dY;? ? -fit i -?./A >>'rv. -? \t*t 'X "V \&s ???: ?>>.- v. ?- .V.a ??* Ill ? rn T. C. T4JRNA0R. I V *WOE* Itiiiib'ja M - A fire which started In ? store room on the second floor of Mr. T. C. Turn age's home On Church stijeet about 11 o'clock on Monday morning before Christmas" caused a damage estimated Btnm.tofl.BOO., -A \m, shopping dis tract - w^s attracted ny tne aense srholtdv?but FarmviUe's efficient ftre department quickly got control and extinguished tl}e blaze which had at >cke^ ijoof. Many valuably,books and handsome pieties l^longirig to Mrs. Turnage wcr^fcjwtfed by water. The causeof the ftrehai not been determined. ?NOTICjK 110 ^AJSEKS To the People Interested in fcouitry in Pitt County:- W 'y:': Mr. E. G. Wardiri an extension poultry expert from Rateifch, will vis it our <*imty.tl>q week of,January 7. to ^salMft meetlngs for this Week wmch yoy will find" beloW.1 * Piea^^e|fd this program carefally ait^ 'fto^^thn- 'day on which a metfcKg AviRlwJhdil-ih your w munitfo-fi.. .1 Monday, Jan. 7 Grifton,. 10:00 a. hi. AydoPr^HWiQ. m.;. Tuesday. Jan. 8, Farmville, 10:00 a. m.; Fountain/2:00 p. m. Wednesday, Jan. 9, Bethel 10:00 a. m.; Stokes, 2:00 p. m. Thursday, Jan. io, Falkland, 10:00 a. m.; Winterville, 2:00 p. m. . Friday, Jan. 11, Greenville, 2:00 p. m. It wilf be utterly impossible for Mr. Wardin to make any individual visits to fanners for culling demonstrations. Therefore, should you have a flock you Wish culled, please bring the chickens, to your meeting. Mr. lVar din win ^ull the birds which are brought to the meeting as a demon .stratiott- Each individual WJM then t>e able to cull hia flocks at home, It r . ; 2 - - , T ! us all totake advantage of Mr. War T'* *'#id9Km it as profitable as possible. Please notify your neighbors of ^ this meeting/ And urge, thgl they be present Very truly yours, . R. B. REEVES, Co. Agent - 'A. _ "The Rouse Way, The Right Way" FOR BETTER PRINTING "The Rouse Way?The Right Way" ? ^ 7~"~ J. '^hb - ^y/^\ |Y ^g \tit} 1 ? 1* 4 i^E^.' iffl? M - ? : n PfcBT ? ? \ M 1Am1k?i Sk. TLrf" >*"*' I I UJI Mm *poP ) %)\ i L VpjWBl jtfJf3WLP$& *. w | , - ftiiii^fl- 1 WATCH NIGHT: SERVICE WBUk J! IN METHOMfiTCHUBCHi f'Z&tt-W Woit i^he annual watchflight ?emn of the Methodist 4^% W en Mondiijpi&ght from 9:00 unOT'l2:05 o'clock, a special program having been arranged for the :vrp?Aif Jh*. first hour ft-program was given by t'teSuncfay school and tiSwfflM A. fc W *W led the devotional services. A'splen did paper oh the "Cradle BoM" .read-by; Mrp. J. Loy/i port^n and, an interesting article on "!Fhf Wpwers Council,*' read by Mrs. B. 0. Turnage while J. w. lovelace er.umerat-1 ed'tKe special days to be celebrated' by the school in 1924. At 9:30; O'clock the Epworth League presented its program conducted by! lit Donald Lovelace, Mr. Lovelace, in his-opening qemarksgave the mot to. the ideals and work of the League.1 Interesting five minute talks ,Vere: given by Mis*, Susan Barrett on "So cial Service" and "Missions" by Misq; Nancy Bynum. Beautiful mttsica! se lections by the young people were' rendered during the evening. , Thohour froni lOKH) to 11:00 was; a WBfed period and a unique get-ac c^L scheme was one of its fea uSHPPSfwell as the delightful re freshments serVed by the ladies of the missionary societies. New Year resolutions were written at this time and read by the minister, Rev. B. Bi Slaughter. ! V t . -.-ri'.ii f A special program by the Oman's! Missionary Societies was conducted by Mrs. T. W. Lang. Mrs; ^ W. Lovelace led in the devotion*! service and met, outline the society's en deay^?^|d accomplishments were ?r?. Lang. Mfs. i, Loyd Horton jflso gave an account- of thf Bright Jewel work and stated. that the local organization lacked only $2 of being the banner society of thel Washingotn district . j Promptly at 1130 o'clock a phh gram for the Whole chpreh was put on. This was conducted by the pas ' v''? . ^ ^9?^ . v; c^y concerning the new church gelisr^^AH the Church" and just> the .congregation to give thanks for year ah*io hail the cpraingof .the new on their knees, and -ait'fUSpltfutfi consecration service closed at a few minutes aft-: er tweive..;? fi L; , jU .?(HlTE CWfT/SfSRVICE byterian church on Sunday evening before Christmas, The ehurch iris lively in'd ecorations of white, pirie boughs, candfea and artificial smr being effectively used while over ana abaV?aliffilK|ft&i Star, significant of the wise men and their gifts. A special chores.made m&lfa voices in JtheJocal church and .several ?uyky* to ui6JWwI(?; K# & processional. P. METHOPIS f | B. a Slater, Pastor. ; E minis 3t{ 51 Setting trees in "K? ?aO (\r- - THE- OBci*A*B Cfi. *rliL~r.C? Srtfft W^m ftw' Advises Eori&taiK'BfedaHst pladtto* Jh orchard' dialy treds should be used. ^his meatus vigorous fP^tfvia* pMoot #5*$ free from, disease and ii^ets' and "tro^tb name.' No iH ahapO dtree ShOGNNri used :<* rected. Be# results cannot be ob tained from using trees too old and too &*&" fJte&Wbi *?&*** for those buying in--smaH quantities -to -wdktArfees that'are- vettr lai^s ihfiik iftg-' theyc^iU Cbm-:irito> benHn^eat lfeh!: Thd'ydttigW aa^ ?nia?#^m?? will not ably *jms to$oo1>fciriti|r ? . --.MW J m.t fc- ft V4,ti * - eoon, Hut-can or Trainee za toe* am zim ehkp*} ^riir KMt ifbss 4#asf?SLnA rt&re of the lte4i"os*ps ?. Fj Pay*4 extensitahartkultttrtefcof the State College: and Department <cf AgrtodtUW. wJaubai initial oili ?.j "BeaV results am obtihiW'from one year old apple and pear tieftftifefento fiv?:feet Mgh one year-old plums and chertiea thl*e-to toWJtoct cahs^that: lf<m#-!t*4ix^#eit i?%h, aHtf>vjfT$th: Jdrielbudded pejushlotzeah tli&t (?*? t#bt Mhrte feet <in fcagtb. .Cheaper'prices can be obtulnftddwhesp a numWri~of/i(ariril)r?^dub\together arid border their'treetf cooperati ve^, ft "Upon receipt of the trees :t&m the nursery-they ahouto'be-feet jrntd at Price.- /f this eeriribr be'done;' rtfcey ?shoriW' be ^hci?ted<i*>V *rtech tofcans diggiriga ttench Ufcep enough t??? er'ffi* rWte,'setttog th etwes in this treriehlriritf coveririi* trie nkttv so. thby '' Manyotrow^ espt eialiy peering, ai? 4ott4h*em^ dryi% o?r Wfote the* *tt- far th*o? 41* nt fliia jsari lamina Hti nt iioty ,l,(.-rr wiyi. rrgsd r.eri tzrti ; > CHOfcAL CL^RjENTERTAINS ? ? fJJ*jdtr. The party" irar glnn a rare treat awB^MMtWiyilil)iffllfllfWBr or tie 'BtBhic raaBefcwb w*ei#js?awjWte ?^shtofci?^ iac^3etf||hi'^f0c^??d Qen^n. #P? volo??**|ea*faiaife it-is a joy to heeitrfeffcr rrofeatJro^ ^interestu^^ord won by Mrs. G. RPWheeler and Mr. *?--*?? A ?iImiJM tallr ATI "SVllnw !<nrtte??s2^ iMlly, tm iMittftYou iMto ?ftft*)l .'nAnNttttmr toft ri *W** M|fl of ^the hettratfcftilota j?Ha# ?*,???(* iS?. 9T*?;rjy yurf .-JJJ 1VW ff-OU*S? ? ?f ?^uefurNei A An Viv f)ip Pft****^11 It ' boys 'TXVMMMv Photfd&V" dfccc ? -:? - - ' | % 4 ? m ^iti1 r\Vl L^rbicn?ior?iw>.n the T&xiy It ? 8 ? , .

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