! ONR PRICES ARE MIgSk^LOW ON WINDOW And DOOR MAOTLES, SCREENS AND SPECIAL WWD WORK, LUMBER, LATHES, SHINGLES, ; If ROOFING, WINDOWS, D(K)RSkEtc-^--WE MAKE ANYTHING YOU WANT. FREE DELIVERY BY TRUtlTTO-fi^RMVILLE. PHONE No. 567 j| II 12th Street and A. C. L. Railroad Track, ' SOUTHERN PINE COMPANY, North Carolina, j; The Farmville Enterprise .Published by_ THE ROUSE PRINTERY G. A. Rouse, Editor and Manafer Mrs. J. L. Shaekleford, Society Editor Subscription Price One Year *1-50 Sfrrc Months .75 Three Months Advertising Rates Funished on Application to Manager ? Entered as second class trail matter May the 10th, 1910, at the postoffice at Farmville, North Carolina, under the Act of March 3rd, 1878. FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1924. TO WHICH WE SAY "AMEN" Blessed are the merchants who ad vertise because they believe in it and in their business, for their prosperity shall increase many fold. y Blessed are the country corres/ pondents who send in their well writ ten items every week; for fame of their friendly neighborhoods shall go abroad in the land. : . \ Blessed is the woman who sends in a written account of a party or wed ding; for she shall see the details of the function and the names of her guests correctly reported. Blessed are all those who do not expect the editor to know everything but who up and tell him when ever an interesting event occurs to them; for they shall have a newsy paper in their town. Blessed are they who get their copy in early for they shall occupy a warm place in the editor's heart. Blessed are all those who co-oper ate with the editor in his efforts in behalf to the commuinty; for their town shall be known far and wide as a good place in which to live.?Bar ron, Wis., News. "I Should Slap A Rabbit." Harry Thaw is just crazy to con trol his five millions. There are two BITS at evidence that may hurt him, NesBITS and BahBITS-both parties "squealed" on him. Looks Iflte h$ will lose by ? "hare's breath.*VHe will probably see red, a*, ha* wont "stan-for-white." C-Anyway, its late season for a "Thaw-out." ? All la Favor Say? " Two pretty girls kissed when they met in the postoffice the other day. Two men were standing near. First man: "Fin opposed." Second man: "Opposed to what?" First man: "Women doing men's work." MHINTS ;ygXZ* Cr*. UoutovUt: TkU nowtfoPtr vM htiiish "HilfjulHrntr mtkii form * roo alar iMmrii. Wo rajgttl you cNf iku * ? miJ h ? it m iS iau ? iifr aMkM CffVWI flWP ywJi* *9 |V JQ%r TJClyw <7w?. Vines.?A glass receptacle is the best thing that can be used to grow vines and slips in, as this allows the son to get at their roots. ? ? ? White Leather.?To clean white leather bags, belts, etc., use oxide of zinc. Corn.?An easy way to restore silk form corn is by using a veget able brush. ;t i - ?? ? : T: link.?If your canary refutes to take his bath just sprinkle ? few seeds on top of the water, and be - will be drawn to his tab. ? \ m 0..0 ; Trouble Savem?A pile of ndw?> papers kept in one corner of the v kitchen will save much trouble if nsed to set soiled JfjrtftfV';'-v t , ? ? * MSk.?It it said that if mjflc it heated ontC it is lukewarm and 1 : K then suddenly cooled there will be v V modi more cream. ^ gM Pexch Stains.?A peach stain is ? done, however^' if these directLc^ wo&s if I the stain is very^old. j | . Chance at Dempsey J Harry Wills, giant American ?negro heavyweight, who for years has been a contender for Dempsey's title, gets his chance September. ? at Boyle's SO Aires, in Jersey City. Tex Rickard will stage the contest DR>fi^E. PnTM^N^' Bank of Fajnmlle^B^jlding Office 114 -^ONES? Reikis'' How gladly I j welcome the verdant spring onion, that sheds o'er my gardenf its capable breath. It's goo/ fer my cold? or to poultice iny bunion, and helps to postpone when I'm Sire in' with death! Its virtues so rare,' lhat I g{adly repeat 'em, although they are easy and well understood,?I Xdiallenge the strongholds of sconce V^beat 'em in uplift, exclusion, perfum ery and food! What matter if friends an' companions forsake me, or face t'other/ray when I - toot my bazoo ? ,Qf course 1*11 repent?if my srnarovertake me, and set by mywl in a far corner pew. . . /Let neighbors insult me byholflin' their noses, and kin tin* thai "polecats is on tile increase"?/the onion dent any mental hy rteric that enters my kitchen ai ' fools with my haslH1 ? '? * t \ ? 1 i * J Tve?. ( S*?MI6 yj LuliJ - ?-n TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF; PITT <X>CNTY: After numerous ea quests, I am anK nouncing myself a candidate for Repr. resentative to the Legislature, subject to the Democratic primary, and as! the support of .all tine Democratic voters of the counter kc.D. HORTON, J. Farmville, N. C. FOR HOUSE OVREPRESENTA I hereby announce myself a candi date for Representative! in General Assembly of North Carolina, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri mary. I will appreciate your vote and support / K/ A. -PITTM AN. FOB COUNTV TREASURER I beg to aimounde my candidacy for re-election as Treaiurey6f Pitt Coun ty, subject to the aki^n of the Demo cratic primary. .1 amreciate the sup port given me imtiiepast, and I trust that my record Jn omce is sufficient Aor me to ask your vote and1 support ih the coming primary, assuring you jftiat the same will be appreciated. A. T. MOORE. JAMES L. EVANS FOR COUNTY JUDGE I want to be County Jjrdge because I stand for Law and Order, for Ser vice above Self, and Yor the adminis tration of the lawVith fairness and impartiality to Ydn without undue harshness to anjj and with special favors to none. JAMES L. EVANS. TO THE VOTERS OF PITT I hereby annotBfcesmyself as a can didate for the office\f Register of Deeds for Pitt County,) subject to the approval of the Democratic primary. I will greatly appreciate your support and I shall be glad J6 render my very best service to Op people of my county.if nomira/ed and elected to jj C. GALLOWAY. FOB RE-ELECTiW FOR SHERIFF I use this method,, to ad^se the ftfSheriff, subject to the action of the Derac cratic Primary I will continue to do my utmost to Yulfill thp^requirements expected of nu as to/fhe enforcement of all laws an< other duties that be long to me. jriU appreciate your vqte and supp in the coming pri mary, and stand ready to serve all people alike. AMOS C. JACKSON. J. C. GASEINS ANNOUNCES UANDIDACY ^ELECTION REGISTER OF DEEDS. After mature conBideratioa; I have decided to become a candidate to succeed myself aa Registorof Deeds for Pitt county, subject/to the Demo cratic primary to bar held in June. Xn making this announcement, Iwant to thank my friejodB for their support of me in the paMrand express, at the same time, my pope that the serviee which I have been able to render has justified the confidence placed in roe by the electorate of the county. If nominated and elected, my constant aim and desire will be to render the best service possible at all times and to all the people. , Sincerely, - J. C. GASKINS. FOR JUDGE OF THE COUNTY COURT. I desire to announce to the voters of Pitt County mjydandidacy for the office of Judge if the County Court of Pitt County/with the assurance that if elected h -will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of this office to the best of my ability. I will appreciate very much your support of me in the Primary. W. A. DARDEN, Attorney. FOR JUDGE OF THE COUNTY COURT. To The Democratic Voters of Pitt County:? I am a candidate for the office of Judge of the County Court to succeed myself in the coming primary and will appreciate your support I an. a candidate on my record as Judge of the County Court. In the per formance of the duties of this office I have endeavored to enforce law without fear or favor, and n&intair for the county a (court whifch would demand the respect and admiration of the entire citizenships / have faith fully served the pe<Me and if re nominated I shall continue to conduct the court and enfojft the laws as 1 have heretofore. \J - ' I believe I have satisfactorily serv ed the people, and I am asking for the honor of this office again in order to continue render pffijHc service ; POTt LEWIS G. COOPER. NOTICE OF SALE By virtuim ih? powel contained in a certain Wtgage executed by Cap Barnes add Tom Barnes to R. L. Davis, on thrf21st day of November 1919, duly recorded in the Registry of Pitt County jn Bdok C-18 at page 810, default having been made in the pay ment of theapotes secured therein. The undersigned will sell at -public sale before thtt 'Courthouse door in the Town of Greenville, N. C., *to the highest bidder Nr Cash on Monday the 16th day hi June 1924, ?at 12 o'clock noon, tfiej following described tract of land, flying and being -in the Town of FarWle, County of Pitt, and State of l\ofth Carolina, descrfb ed as follows, Wwit:- ? Situated in tint Town of Farmville, on East side of IMain Street, in front of the Townseip Ware-house beginn ing at Arnold fcpree's cornea, runn ing Eastward^ with Arnold Dupree's I line 195 iei to back line; thence Southward al right angles 75 feet to Lassiter's copier; thence with Lisslt eris line 135 fedt to Main Street; thence Norifward with Main street 75 feet to the beginning. Said sale tmade to satisfy said in debtedness ?cwed by said purchase money mortgage, v. . ? ? This the 15th of May 152$-; .fahpetaoin etaoin etaoinetaoin aoin -V R. I- Mortgagee, ; John Hill Paylort Attorney.; . f -i.. , - " ? . NOWC? OF SALE ;.'vt "A*#*'-5 Vm.. 1im?I note secured t^ eretjv ^ before the^ jj 16th day of at 12* oClock noon; the fol -2 JUrjl, *'.* * *5* ? ?? Poetic genius draws, perhapsT the big gest load of handicaps . . . She tots her inspiration soar to haunted realm or tuneful shore. . . . She revels where the skies is blue, and paddles some in lore'* canoe. . . . She seeks Ambrosia's honied bowers, and tastes the wine, And gathers flowers. . . . She fittr where boss-mint -scents the dell?fur off from Sordid busi ness-hell?But, her shinin' light grows mighty dim, when a wood-tick bites her on the limb 1 ? Poetic genius soar* aloft; |n search of somethln' sweet an4 soft. , . . She seldom condescends to go among the bunjbly, meek or low. . . . She covets wild ambi tion's crown, while sodden ballast holds her down.... She finds some tawdry, ple bian thing that shatters her angelic wing. . -a . Its mighty hard to court the muse, whan Holly wants some better shoes , . j or, monkey with a sweet romance, when ? ? Bobby needs a-jpisif.'of'pants! . r..fv.ii, _y J it LTII Jfi ? SIK WOK-flBuRr ? tO Dcw - IKI j^Wn ^ ?ai ghmM^ fe I fc_ Abb l4** ? *r*#wlr?4M"|jpiW BAg^HA We Spind, AUo Save-Full Beard at 4-Wiiy Except Laborer*??Old Men Clave Learning?Money in tne didic 5v-!s'w.' *W?? *wnr-5?f? P+>.- -"V r*.. ? _ . fa?. ? . ""V- .V u/?\a\%T . ' Americans are saving money as never before, and prohibitionists will find comfort and ammunition in that. Savings bankdepoaita increased last year one billion one hundred and forty million, a good deti of money, and that*s only ? small part. Other hundreds of millions were invested in real estate, bonds, stocks, etc. In the world's history there a nothing like the way in which the American people both SPEND money and SAVE money. Savings average thirty million dollars /a day, about thirty cents a- day for every man, woman and child?not bad. . Yet you have pessimists predict ing hard times and sensible busi ness men actually frightened by their own talk about "a bad Presi dential year." We are indeed "fearfully and wonderfully made," and well may we praise the Lord. What horri ble things MIGHT happen if our glands ran wild, as in the case of a little Russian boy four years old. He wears a full beard and has such abnormal power that he wrestles successfully with grown men and must be watched lest he strangle bis playmates, having the brain of a child and no realization of power. Doctors say the unfortunate boy has excessive development of vari ous glands, especially the thyroid. Marvelonsly we are balanced, and we should be grateful. At the Equator, temperature 140, or the North Pole, 50 below zero, the temperature of your blood remains the same, not a change of one de gree, while outside temperature changes two hundred degrees. And the earth, that fioating hot house in which you live, sails through frightfully cold ether per manently at "absolute zero," cold . inconceivable to us, and we are protected from it ' Washington predicts that portal employes will get an increase of $800 a year, "all except laborers." WHY except the laborers T , Their children eat as much, wear ont as many shoes as others. The Gov ?eminent can afford to pay its work ers well, and should remember that the child of a laborer may he the moat important citizen or the fu ture, ana, anyhow, should be well . -fed. Kcata, the poet, worth ten million average human beings wu the aen of a livery stable groom. The Governor of Connecticut, past fifty, "will enter Yale Univer sity, to specialise in Watery and psychology when his torn ends, and that in normal. At fifty, men really want knowledge and value it. In early youth they crave ex ercise and excitement. In childhood we lock them up in schools, forcing knowledge into them fay a pumping process, when they ought to be oot of doors. And when they are old we turn them out into the golf fields and let them make geese of themselves, when they really ought to be studying. The Labor Government of Eng land has abolished all duties on' automobiles, motor cycles, moving picture films and watches?and that, in spite of Great Britain's terrific war debt. This highly intellectual Ameri can Republic is planning a tax on radio sets, which is about as intel ligent as it would be to tax school books or new ideas. To allow twenty billion dollars' worth of se curities to go untaxed and put a tax on horgan ingenuity is foolish, to put it-mildly. Mason J. Aldrich bought a Bible at auction for twenty-five cents, and found nr it two bills, one for $100, the other for $2." A wonder ful bargain, newspapers call it But there are better things than $102 to be found in any Bible. There is salvation, most important, and if you are more interested in money than salvation, as some are, you [can even make money by reading the Bible. Isaiah, Job, the Pialms stimu late the mind, make the brain work. A stimulated mind succeeds, whether in making money, or avoiding sin. "To lend dignity to their bobbed heads," English women wear fil lets of green and gold, or little spikes, in Goddess of Liberty fash ion. The real dignity of a bobbed head, is a.well shaped skull. Noth ing is more dignified than the sym metrical head of an intelligent woman, bobbed or not Eventually aU woman will est their hair in such fashion as to show the whole forehead, the ears and the shape of the back bead. But i> wDI V\f;e tlm - to get used to it. for thrstate senate I hereby annouhcemyeelf a candi date for the State^ehate, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. a m. jones. for treasurer. .. ; :ab ' I hereby amounce myself a Can didate for the^fice of Treasurer 'I Pitt County, and appreciate your vote in the prinuw of June 7th. P.'V ATKINSON, STRAYED? iteiM MY FARM near Falkland alibut 10 days ago a Black Mare Afyile 4\year? eld weight ? 1000 lbs. v Any information appre ciated. Suitable refelfcd. R. Wiliams Gretoville, N. G. bank/Nipt sale. In The District Court of The United States for the Eastern District of North CurolinaV In the Matter offF. L. Shirley $ros. Co. and F. L. Shirley, G. M. Shirley and W. C. HinWi, Individually. BANKRUPTS. Under the poweAvested in me as Trustee of F. L. Shirley Bros. Co. and F. L. Shirley, G. M. Snirley and W. C. Hinson, individually, /Bankrupts, and in pursuance tc an/order made by Hon. Joseph B. Chefcsire, Referee in Bankruptcy, in the above entitled ac tion, dated at Ralefeh, N. C., on the 22nd day of April, U924, I will offer for sale, at public action, to the high est bidder, for cash,Nat the place of business formerly occupied by F. L. Shirley Bros. Co., in 1 the Town of Walstonburg, N. C., oi the 19th day of May, 1924, at 10:00? o'clock, A. M., a number of Tobacflp Co-operative Association certificate and a number of Fisheries Products Company shares of stock; and all oflthe uncollected accounts and notes receivable in the hands of the Trustee or the said Bank rupts. ? i Said sale will be made subject to the confirmation of the said Referee in Bankruptcy and 10 per ccr.t deposit required by purchaser until confirma tion. I This the 6th day of Way, 1924. T. C. TURN AGE, Trustee. ?The Rouse Way-Til Right . Way ' f "Tr"-. V '' ' <' ? ? > h THE UNmRSAL CAR A \ / A Welcome Member \ / \ of the Fajmly. \ / ) A MOTOR cat is never mofe appreciated thsn in / Ol<; springtime Its convenience and enjoyment / arc shared by all the familvjrand by speeding up die / day's wok, it provides m<rt time for recreation. i / A Ford jdkWng Car provides every motor car pssen- J I tial at thflEjhfest pricjr for which a five passenger car / I hat ever sold Vapripfepnly piade possible by complete I I manufacture, i\rrymendou3 volume, in the largest and I I most economical operated plant* in the automobile - J I Efficiency o^mannbeture ? accurately reflected in the / ? I ? quality and^irice oAhe Ford Touring Car J FORD MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT, MICHIGAN j ^^dbf Stdan ? *68vC All prices f o b Detroit J Yon can buy any moderoy making a small down- / . - nfiyment arranging easterns for the balance j >Or you can buy on our JVeekly Purchase Plan. / \ / \ / See The Nearest Authored Ford Dealer. J m 7 I t DgZiUS ? w

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