$25.60 IN CASH WE INVITE YOU TO SEE OUR NEW SILKS, VOILS i ; < * AND RATINE. * t ' * SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY OP THE * I'J NEW WASH SILKS. * ' 11 *.1 R. L. DAVIS & BROS. * - M * ' . " - ""f Main Street, ? ? ? ? ? Farmrflle, N. C. ? * ? .. .. f $5.00 STRAW HATS $2.50 Now is the Time to Change Your Lid. .YOTJNG Sells it Cheaper always Young Mercantile Cp., Inc. PUMPS AND OXFORDS You will see these Pumps and Oxfords with tailored Suits and Frocks daily. Excellent in style for street wear. They come in Patent Leather, Tan, Calfskin, Black Calfskin, Black Suede, Grey Suede and Fancy Satin. Wraps, Coats and Capes for Spring. JOE a SAIEED ? ? , -vii$ ' jr If gm Let s Go Shogping * Early Summtr Number "Tomorrow's Millinery" Now Attiring MORGAN'S HAT SHOP D. R. MORGAN Everything in Jewelry, Watches^ Silverware and Spectacles MIXED PEAS FOR HAV Sound and Glean ' /.< .*? ? "- *- "'-M* $3.59 PER BUSHEL SMITH & YELVERTON, '% , 7 FOUNTAIN, Jf. C. The Place Where Your Money Goes Farther. MS. M. M. WARE & CO. FOUNTAIN. N. C. . '^- VRpg .''-.If ' ... . .? ? ?' ?&? ' qjBii+tJ l'-'' " r* , \ .y ? xtv -WJl ?> ? J " ';. ?? ? ? -V '? '? ???.??, Jua sy ;?:.'?'. ? > .?;i R. A. PARKER . ?**>? ? ? -' 4-'^k;'? -v.. **i'hi tfi'-1*! i *t^iikri n , Auto Accessories Tires and Tubes. Sell or Trade Philco Batteries sold and Exchanged Do you dread the HOT WEATHER .'j- '? i w . - ? V " ' V ^ r"' ?? '? r> ? See our ad oo page 5 Farmville Furniture Co. Farmville, N. G < FARMVILLE DRUG CO. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Stationary, Toilet Articles, Smoker's Supplies, and Nunnaly's Candies FARMVILLE, N. C. . : ,? "THE MEAT QUESTiurr Did you know that we are in posi tion to keep Fresh Meats just as good in the Summer as in Winter? Did you know that we keep all our Fresh Meats in closed cases under mechanical Refrigeration, free from flies, germs, dust etc? Did you know that we want and appreciate your business? SMITH GROCERY COMPANY Phone 196 ? Farmville, N. C. Don't forget to Drink GAY KOLA When Thirsty IT'S BETTER ? I . ' ? ? "V / ?* '? :?* ? *y ; ' ' .J Gay Kola Bottling Co. W. G. GAY, Owner. FarmviUe, N. C. KyaBlze^oorHnis^^or Flooa^BPSli^ ? ?? ? vV'' - ":X!K f'1 ' *S?-2>- ? ' * ? ? ,*. v . *?';?*'?*W1?. ' ?-> '??? - v ?? - Woodwork, etc. Kyanize Porch Chair Enamel?for your Porch Furniture. Kyanize Celold Finish?A Semi-gloss Enamel for Furniture, Woodwork etc, % Kyanize Floor Enamel?A High Grade Floor Enamel with great covering capacity. Kyanize Anto Enamel?One coat will make a car look like hew See our window display for practical examples of Kyanize Finishes. They can be easily applied to anyone HJJB HARDWARE COMPANY, Inc. FARMVILLE, N. C. PEOPLE WANTING j [ FRESH MEATS and GROCERIES 1 ; WITH QUALITY AND SERVICE j ; -SHOULD VISIT- | | JOYNERS GROCERY STORE j ? | -NORTH MAIN STREET- i j A PLACE FOR EVERYTHING GOODTO EAT j s i HENRY CMRKB^Eli^sid^ i-. . w. _ _, L- -??>' -:d.; ? :? ? ? < ?? J K" 0BW^to^ident "BARBER SHOP" YOU ARE NEXT Sanitary Methods ? Prompt Service SKILLED BARBERS i * ? . ; ... WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF BOBBING HAIR FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. ? I ? v ?? " ' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITE BARBER SHOP Farmville, N. C. ^ INCORPORATED fountain, n." v. 'I''? * And is coming in a greater ? . .. .. . i ; . V;;4.*- .' : degree. A shipment of the new white and colored hats just received. Come in and see them. MRS. BLANCHE WEEKS Main Street, ? ? ? Farmville, N. C. ? v- i , ... - kaaa ?w ~W -W -w ^ v Style and Comfort Were the watchwords when we selected the new Straws for Farmville's good dressers of '24. 2^ They are now on display?so be - ready for the warm days in a hat that is correct, The hat you want at the price you can afford is here. We are headquarters for Gents furnish ? Farmville, N. C. We, Hugh and John Barrett, are ndw oper ating the ...RED TOP... FILLING STATION, adding Batter & Elec trical Service. : Prompt Service Guar ^ an teed, ,, ....? ; ...RED TOP... : FILLING STATION, ; H. L. BARRETT, Mgr. v- | - : why you Should go to ? ! It's Sanitary and we ? I" serve you with a smile Good things to Eat ? and Drink : HOOPER'S CAFE Farmville, N. C. YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND OUR BIG EASTER CLOSING OUT SALE ...WHICH STARTED TODAY... $25,000.00 worth of High Class Merchandise thrown on the market at Unheard of prices. A Visit to Our Store will Convince You That We Are Offering Real Bargains. . N. CANNON BARGAIN STORE ' ' ? ; irV$'/sr>J'' Main Street, ? ? ? Farmville, N. C. ? - k..-?Jr> +1.1 ^ ^ A-A a. A J. Iw. ? FARMVILLE SHOE STORE Now Open For Business in Same Old Stand. This store carries a big line of guaranteed solid leather shoes to fit the whole family in either dress or work shoes. Prices on new shoes from 5'Jc up to $6.50 pair. Men's first-class half soles, sewed- _?r $1.00 Men's half soles with' rubber heels $1.50 Ladies' first-class half soles, sewed: 85c Ladies' half soles with rubber heels ?$1.25 REMEMBER THE NAME AND PLACE Farmville Shoe Store, ? TomGoor.Mgr. Next door to New York Cafe, P.rmville, K. C. When in Greenville, visit Greenville Shoe Store and Shoe Repairing. Toitf Goer ninGuarantee Full Satisfaction. Ntoct poor to Pitt Shoe Company ? ~ Greenville, N. It~ttin11 rriiiitiii iri 111iSfi? iit u I ?. ? i?i- .y?JP! \ kdi- ', A4# ???r? ^-?' *''. ^2 ?;-!?.? ? y At* Ei|||| *# ^ * ? ?' W T*^ ^ ^ . * .' ' *s X I. .'"?? X WfAltl 11C #!? a?A " #1% i ? a ? 1* ??- ?- J ?: . ?? * *? lIvlAl ^ T 1^ '; - **?' jw ji 5 , ' * > - . * <2 ' ? 3 ? jj