****T '"***1** mnimm I ONR PRICES ARE MIGHTY LOW ON TVTODOWAfcd DOOR FRAMES, MANTLES, SCREENS AND SPECIAL WOOD WDBJfr'LUMBER, LATHES, SHINGLES, |[ ROOFING, WINDOWS,DOORS,Etc. Wfi^AKEANYTHING YOU WANT. FREE DELIVERY BY TRUCK TO FARMVILLE. PHONE No.567 j: i: 12th Street and A. C. L. Railroad Track, SOUTHERN PINE COMPANY, Greenville, North Carolina. || . A a A A A A AAAAAAAAAAAA-A. A A A A A A A A A A A A AA AAA a AA A A AAAA A A A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA44AA444444444A4444A44^4###ftfff#yi44444444i444444444444^44#4f#ffffff^ffffffVffffTf?fffffff^fffftfffWffff f 0 (V ?; 1 ' - ' . ' . ' " ? . The Farmville Enterprise .Published by_ THE ROUSE PRINTERY G. A. Rouse, Editor and Manager Subscription Price One Year Six Months ?T? Three Months Advertising Rates Funished on Application to Manager Entered as second class mail matter May the 10th, 1910, at the postoffice at Farmville, North Carolina, under the Act of March 3rd, 1878. FRIDAY. MAY 23, 1924. PARENT - TEACHER ASSN. HOLDS FINAL MEETING The meeting of the Parent-Teacher association was he'd on Wednesday afternoon in the school auditorium, with a large number present. This meeting closed one of the most suc cessful years in the history of the or- , ganization. A report from the Art Exhibit com mittee showed a totai of $184.21 clear and the inspeotion committee reported that Mrs. A. S. Bynum had won the prize for keeping the best chool room. Mrs. Florence Thome was presented with the roll call prize picture. The president, Mrs. J. M. Hobgood then announced that clinics would be held in the school building again this sum mer and that a meeting would be held in the school building again this summer and that a meeting wx>uld be called soon to perfect plans for the community chatauqua which is to be given the last of June. In a speech full of earnestness and sincerity the president thanked aTI who assisted with the Art Exhibit and bade frewell to he teachers and to the organiation as its president, promising the new officers, however, her interest and hearty support in the work next year. We print below the expression of appreciation by Mrs. Thome's pupils: "We wish to thank you every one, Fathers, mothers, friends and all, For helping us to win thia year This picture whic hwe hold quite dear. We're glad of it, we're proud of it, - To ua it fi* a treasure, Which we'll bequeath to our room For other children's pleasure. May those wlto follow in our stead In years to come attend you With grateful hearts as we have done For helping us in the contest won." The local Parent-Teacher associa tion is a live organiation and its re port won special and favorable com ment from officers, delegates and vis itors to the recent State Federation meeting held in Raleigh. PRESBYTERIAN PASTOR CORDIALLY RECEIVED Rev. N. N. Fleming, Jr., who, with his family, -arrived from Wilming ton on Friday last, preached his ini tial sermon, in the local Presbyterian chureh Sunday morning. The minister took as his text, "I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Jwui Christ," and put a new meaning and spirit in this statement. The sermon wv oeiivered with great power and force t? the large congregation which gataexed to give the new pastor a welcome. ; A *pkMiA musical program had been xmwged sad was an enjoyable feature of the service. Ceeymtim k spelled with the let ter "We PIHLK WELFARE IE THREE (WETTER WHA RE STUDIED. Ill I (ni Iisieuel frees ftmt page) oner taagftc aeewdogy at a summer snidea ef flm Worth CsreHna College for Wooer. The fiSMtor ef tfte Seefcy Service Division ?f the Children'* Bureau writes; "We have. tiyefer^Wt one have been ewrifefMiaR 4k W wSfi i*i _u t i *r ? i- * - erf iMME 'UAlRlliM) ifiiiSiiiJ tjf' curp n-frrmfrrtiMtl, *6d ft# tkt piftCt wtiinr uTmrnttm* t< l^tH " wnere ft w&Bm > ^Poljtics? TO THE MEN AND WOMEN OF OTT COUNTY: My political enemies, wljo work in the dark and are afraid to ? come out in the open, faccrto faeew are giving various and sundry ? alleged reasons why I am ydisqualified for the office of County ? Judge, among which the foltaving are worthy of mention: I First, because they say that I am slinging mud. Second, because Judge Coopo^dntrary to law and in violation J ? of his oath of office, disbarred me from practicing law in his I ? court. * 1 Third, because I am native bom, and as they say, do not have 1 I sense enough to discharge the duties onthe office. 1 ? Fourth, because I am too honest and saright, and as they say, I I there is no need to corrupt a good man. f I I Fifth, because they say that t drink moonshine liquor and would 1 ? get drunA as often as Cooper. / I ? Sixth, because they say I said I dh| mot want the vote of any I ? man who ever took a drink of liquor. / ? ? Briefly, I shall answer these charges in the order named: fl I First, it is true that I have in rmonse to Cooper's challenge fl ? on his record, offered some criticisms showing special favors to fl I violators of the law, but I deny that Jam guilty yf "slinging mud," I I because what I said is true and no ratal eaarbe made. I I Second, I would be unworthy offthe reject of all law abiding I I citizens and certainly unworthy bf the offiot of Judge of the Coun- I ? ty Court if I did not resent the imnsitkvw Cooper in unlawfully 11 ? and despotically depriving me of me riant to practice law in the ? ? County Court. They say that I an tryife to get in by tearing an- I ? ? other man down. This is not tr?A buy what has Cooper done to fl I me ? He has not only put me dowm Wfcas aim placed his foot on I ? my neck. If he can get any gk>moft of this, he is welcome to I I boast about it If yoJ think that hLfehoaM be re-elected so as to fl I continue to keep me from exerrisuw the rights guaranteed by I ? our constitution and ti|o Supreme Orat of oar State, then vote for I fl him, for he is the kirjd of autocrat and tyrant that you deserve I ? to have for your judge. J \ fl Third, I am proud of being a native soik and if it be true that, I I as they say, I have not suffictenraense tope Judge of the County fl I Court, then my enemi< s should rejoice anmvote for me, for then, ! ? having an imbecile for judge, they should be able to put anything I ? over tney deeinY I Fourth, it is not my personal welfare that they are interested I ? in, but they are afraid that v cannot be coarupted. Fifth, as to my drinking ,liquor and getting drunk, I can. only I I say that such a charge is an absolute falsehood, fabricated and fl ? put out by a diseased and Criminal mindjmut such is a fair sam- ? I pie of the lies that art spawned and hatred In the minds of the fl fl desperate criminal and corrupt element^ who seek by fair means I or foul to bring about my defeat / fl I Sixth, I have ncvef said that I did/iot want the vote of any I ? man who ever took a (brink of liquor./1 only said that I did not fl ? drink myself. The-Only reason any {moonshiner, bootlegger, or I I any other lawbreaker can have fo?j)oting against me is that he ? ? vants special favors janri is ntrt'satisned with fairness and impar- I I iality. I propose to uphold the law in aooordance with the oath ? >f office, and at the same time to mat an fairly and justly. I No, I am not a candidate for aw selfish reasons nor for ven- I ? ?eance upon any person. I would not have beoome a candidate at ? all if anyone else would have takeft a positive stand foFlaw and I fl order, and for right and justice. I I Be not deceived. This campaign (for County Judge is not a con- I I test between individuals, but it 1* a battle between those who I fl stand for law and civilization on t ha one hand and lawlessness and I fl anarchy on the other. There can be no neutrality on so vital an ? issue. There is no middle ground, aid any candidate attempting fl I to straddle the issue is making a deliberate effort to fool and de? I ? ceive the voters. Any candidate whd is afraid to openly take % ? ? bold stand everywhere and at all timm for law. nnd order, is so- I I cretly aligned with the lawless elements, and Is under their influ- j fl ence and control. 1 fl So far, I am the only candidate who gas taksn his stand openly ? I on the side of law and order. Why df not the other candidates I fl openly and boldly state on whieh lid# mey StandT Do they dare I tell you In public print upon what tetfcs they sre obtaining the I support of the lawless elements? C? they teU you why those ? who violate end defy the law are iff anxious to'defeat me and I fl seem to be content with either of thajbther two candidates? Why1 fl fl should they be so eager to defeat ? wlmu f tave promised afl fl ? equality, fairness and impartiaHtyfTIt is because I have refused ? .o promise epeoia) favors. I I Men and Women of Pitt County, ?e not deceived 1 The testing 1 | timc^has come. You ^nw^^^^^^for ^you to say ? * L I t Atk'mt' t?^ I '*!*?? Jt iL . ? jcprtjctly. | J ro THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF PITT COUNTY: After numerous wqxwts, I am an louncing myeolf a eariidate for Rep reaentative to the Legislature, subject ? the Democratic primary, and aak the support oi all w Democratic rotor* .of the county. Mc.D. HORTON, FOR HOUSE OF REfRESENTA. TIVE / I hereby announeeyroyself a candi late for Representative in General twembly of North Carolina, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri mary. I will appreciate your vote ind support \ K. aNPITTMAN. FOR COUNTY TREASURER 1 beg to announce my the of my ability. I wOl aDpredate very much your support of l?? in the Primary. W. A. DARDEN, Attorney. FOR RE-ELECTION FOR SHERIFF I use this method to advise the voters of Pitt County daf 1 *m * candidate for ledcctks^s Sheriff, subject to the action ?f the Demo cratic Primary. I wiUrcontinue to do my utmost to ArtfulJwc requirements expected of vr.eps tp the en farce meat j of all laws kndjotpcr duties that be long to me.' rjyWl appreciate your vote and ruppoec in the coming pri mary, and stayd ready to serve all people alike. - j AMOS C. JACKSON. J. C GASK1NS ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY RE-ELECTION REGISTER OF DEEDS. After mature consideration, I have deeded to become a cMwidate to succeed myself a l Regiyr Deeds Pitt county, s ibjectAo the Demo (THk primary i? be/held in Juno. fa making thig ai noupcement, I vrant to thank my f riei dslor their sappott of me in the pas and express, atthe f time, my 1 me that the service j which I have bee/ able to render ton; Jbjy^Ihe electorate of the county. Mj najfrtnatod and elected, my constant, ami and desire will be to render , best service possible at all times and to all the people. V Sincerely, ^ \ . J. C.GASMNS. FOR JUDGE OF THE COUNTY COURT. candi^^or the office^ ntp pwiiiiy A coon wpp" r?M ) ?.;-/X AHHOWCEMEWTii if We wisl/ to announce H ! that we(will open an i! up-date I i Electric Shoe/ Repair Shop || i and Ladie/& Cents Shoejj Shine Parlor li next door to the Express Office ; in a few days. I| Prompt Servi/e and Best - jj terial is/Our Policy. :: AH Work Guaranteed. Give Us a JTrial. i! WATCH FOR/OPENING DATE ii F / ^ ' jj Farmville Electric Shoe ii [ pair Shop | ITUrR. N. A SMITH, 01 JUL Shaw, yCas*. says lie can'\ remember m|?L-lt, an.?j/._ji. Demg wimoux xueuioru a Black-Draught Unr med icine since he tad Mrs. Smith begin keeping boose, many yeaiAaga ^-we^ * Dnwght fa whai we dm and we find it just ?pteal d& I had a Ud caiejf stomach trouble. IcouMlrt hurt me, fomSfltind I spit up my foqdr I would feel srujpid o&dtaggery. I didn't feel jfte doing any work. I Uew what Black Draogh^ad dm in colds and Loegan taking w?!! doses, i certuniOTot aa lief. It did me WCoi food. 51 ' "When I ?no town, I ? look first tc/fee how anr oat of Bklck-Draught wo are, then got mmo. We aiea good way from M they&tor and keep our SB honeromedtos tod the , wain one is Black- J9 In hundred* ef tfcmand* rf fe?S55*ei55e??,& 9 a Tw?nrf\ cost* only one oat JLSSWsJte'? 9 your sl?3L Buy JtaT 7** 1 itnl A Get a p*df er, in ?KM^gOadltiQB?H^anv honest man's fair jmwT Rev. B. V ?- j ? Lsr-^ V NOTICE OF UALE By virtu re of^lM ppwer contained in a certain mortgage executed by Arnold Dupree, to t L Davis, on the 14th day of October nd9, duly record ed in the Registry of IKtt county, in Book C-13 page 15, default having been made in the pawnent of the note secured therein. The undersign ed will sell at publicyfeale before the Courthouse door i/ the Town of Greenville, N- C, tafthe highest bidder for Cash on Monday the 16th day of June 1924 at 12 (/clock noon, the fol lowing described vtract of land, lying and being in the \Town of Farmville, County of Pitt, and State of North Carolina, described ahfollows, to wit: Beginning at corncAof Main and u proposed street to the\Norfolk Sou thern Depot, running with said pro posd street 195 to back line; thence Southward with back /line 40 feet, thence at right angles Westward 195 feet to Main street; thoice North wan! with Main street 40 reet to the be ginning and comer off proposed and Main streets. I Said sale made to katisfy said in debtedness secured byvsaid purchase money mortgage. \ This the 15th day of Mdv 1924. R. L. Davis^Iortagee, John Hill Paylor, Attorney. A NOTICE OF SALE I By virtu re of the power contained in a certain mortgage executed by Cap Barnes and Tom Banufs to R. L. Davis, on the 21st day of November 1919, duly recorded in ther Registry of Pitt County in Book C-ljjt at page 310, default having been make in the pay ment of the notes soured therein. The undersigned will Jsc!! at public sale before the Courthouse door in the Town of Greenville! N. C., to the highest bidder for Cash, on Monday the 16th day of June 11924, at 12 o'tiock norm, the following described tract of land, lying and bfing in the Tbwn of Farmville, .County of. Pitt, and State of North Carolina, describ ed as follows, to-wit:- f Situated ia the Town^f Farmville, on East side of Main Sprtet, in front of the Townsend Warehouse beginn ing at Arnold Dupree^ comer, runn ing Eastward with Dop*?e'? line 195 feet to bfck line; thence Southward at right jangles 75 feet to Lassifer's corner; thence with Lassit eris line 195 feet (to Main Street; thence Northward with Main street 75 feet to the beginning. v Said sal$ made tb'satisfy said in debtedness'^cured by said purchase money mortgage- 1 This the 15th day of May 1924. .fahpetaoin etaoin etaoin etaoin aoin R. B. Davis, Mortgagee, John Hill Paylor, Attorney. E^ery Moving Need At Lowest Cost Th^Ford Touring Car meets every possite1It is sturdy, depend 1 abWfonklived; easy to drive, con vomeatt^ park ?and possesses i Jpe kighesnwsale value in proper | to list of any car bulk ? I I ?11 " ML * J# -A. "JTr: f jjjMJf IIS I y 11 ?11 ? ^ III III Tin Cat / * ^ Til I III \ ^ / X III lr- *>. ? , : "ufifcj ' ~ ?N^w. igiSr' '.?-'? ? . t3V^>>if* 2H ?*? ] ^ ?>?? ^7L'. - -^k . I IB I I * I m w .u._, _ mA #ty . Ill I 111 JMIBS^F > WkM||ML. ^rAfr * i -#L %. yw?fMf Ixl wBP9SM ^ ^ V , ^ 11 111 "? w" ^ Yfcto Nfmini I 4ttlliimHUBtaNl DMImp 1 1 981 Jf.O. BItedfel ??wwfiB aiomwuvi ?Pwer. | j I 111 ^ -iF$jLT*L>" A y I I fil ? 3L '. 1^1 iii ill I ? III ?<-. ? ?-"5"r'f ? ? .-.> IIS Jf ''.^Fdmr #m9UFVi\ M > lVi?/^WW \ 111 1 I :i 1 ; \ I SI