LOCALS AND PERSONALS OF INTEREST TO Farmviile and Surrounding Sections . Mrs. A. L. Howard .visited friends in Kinston this week. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Parker were Snow Hill visitors Sunday. * ?..? ? Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones are vis iting relatives in Roxbcro. ? * ? ? Judge J. Loyd Horton and Mrs. Horton are in Kinston this week. * * * ? Rev. D. E. Hill and family spend Friday with friends in Greenville. * * ? ? Farmville Shriners attendetl the meet in Rocky Mount Thursday. *' * ? ? Mr. B. Streeter Sheppard, of Ra leigh, was a visitor here Wednesday. * * * * Mrs. C. T. Dixon has returned aft er a visit to her mother in Norwood. Mrs. J. T. Dixon spent several days with her daughters in Greenville this week. Mrs. Annie Lang'returned Wednes day from a few days' stay in Rich mond. ? * ? ? Mr. McD. Horton and M. V. Hor ton were week-end visitors at More head City. ? * ? ? \ -. Miss Nannie Bynum, of Magnolia, was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. T. Bynum, this week. ? * * ? Miss Elizabeth Middleton returned j to Magnolia Saturday fter a visit to | her sister, Mrs..D. E. Hill. * * * * Mrs. Frank Capps, of Raleigh, is j with her mother, Mrs. T. E. Keel, who has been quite ill this week. ? * * * Mr. Mabrey Pollard, student at j Bingham, has returned to his home [ here for the summer vacation. ? ? * * Mrs. C. C. Satterfield and small son returned to Richmond Friday after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gates. \ ? * ? ? Mrs. Brinn, of Edenton, was thej guest'of her sisters, Mesdames W. R. j Willis and M V. Horton his week. ? * ? * Miss Mary Lou White, of Green- ; ville, is spending the week-end with t Misses Elizabeth and Janie Davis. * * * v . Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bryan, Jr., spent last Sunday the-guests ofWr. > and Mrs. E. H. Marrow, near Tar bo ro. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hooper left Tuesday for Morehead City. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Warren. * ? ? * Mesdames T. E. Joyner, R. T. Mar tin, J. W. Holmes and T. M. Dafl were among the Greenville visitors Wednesday. * * * * Mr. J. M. Wheless and family ac companied by Misses Mary Jerome and Vivian Case spent the week-end in Spring Hope. ? ? ? O Mrs. J. J. Taylor, of. Wilson, re turned Sunday to her home in Wilson after a visit to her mother, Mrs. Ellen Hill who has been ill. * * * % - Rev. D. E. Hill, Messrs. J. W. Holmes and "George Davis returned Sunday from Atlanta, Ga., where they attended the Southern Baptist con vention. ? ? ? ? Mr. Henry Bynum and two small daughters, Charlotte and Susie, and Miss Lola Lee Havens, of Tarboro, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bvnum Sunday. . ? ? ? ? Misses, Merle Ladle Scott, Arlena Stroud, Fannie, Lauara, Addle Bru ton, Raymond Irving and Guy Bruton, of Kinston, spent a few hours with Olivia Rasberry Sunday afternoon. .V . ...w^V Mr. and Mrs. Cutler Moore and son rebated to -LmnberV** Tuesday after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Turnage. Mr. Moore's mother, 3,? ?~re, a~mp?W Am tho* Farmville atttnd ing the Dfetrte Coherence of the M. * E. church held in Ifetfcel thie.week, .ere Bev. end Mm. B. B. Slaughter. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hokten and Mr. John T. Thome. Here lie two men, who we agree, Have won the cut-glass, bonn ' I ? | irafriyffiT** ~r*Wm ::.. I ? " 1 ! REV. MILTON A. BARBER TO DELIVER BACCALAUREATE SERMON SUNDAY MORNING ? V ? .v ????? | Rev. Milton A. Barber, rector of ; Christ church, Raleigh, will preach ' the baccalaureate sermon at 11:00 o'clck Sunday morning in the school auditorium. A large choir made up of well trained voices will render a beautiful song service and anthems. Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock the closing event of the commencement exercises will take place when Con gressman John H. Small will deliver the address and present the diplomas ! to graduates. . HON. J. W. BAILEX TO SPEAK ' x IN FARMVILLE MAY 31; Hon. J. W. Bailey, of Raleigh, can didate for governor of North Caroli na, will address the voters of Farm ville and vicinity Saturday, May 31, at 3:30 p. m., in the high school au ditorium. The public is cordially in vited to hear him. ???????????? RT. REV. THOS. C. DARST VISITS EPISCOPAL CHURCIL Rt. Rev. Thomas C. Daftt, Bish/p of the Diocese of East Carolina, p rid Emmanuel a visit on Monday ever ng last. - , i A large congregation heard the bishop's powerful sermon on "Watch," when he denounced the crowd and the world and held up Christ as the glowing example or humanity. i A class of five adults was presett ed for confirmation by the minister in charge, Rev. J. W. Heyes. \ EMMANUEL EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1 J. W. Heyes, Rector Fifth Sunday after Easter. Church school 9:45 a. m. Adult class leader, Dr. Morrill. Subject: Worship. Young: Peoples' Service League at 7:00 p. m., Mr. J. L. Shackleford. > Ballard's Sunday school at 3:00 p. m., -leader, Mr. Twiford. The rector will preach in Christ church, Raleigh. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH D. E. Hill, Minister. Sunday school at 9:45?classes for ?Hr T._ P. Thomas, superintendent. 11:00 a. m. church worship with others at High School auditorium, Baccalaureate sermon./ 7:15 p. m.?B. Y.. P, U. . 8:00 p. m.?Evening worship; sub ject "The Reward of Faith." 8:00 p. m. Wednesday, mid-week prayer service. You cant afford to miss it. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. N. N. Fleming, Jr., Pastor. - * - >' ' .*???. f, ? ? ..' Sunday school at 9:45, W. G. Shep pard, superintendent There will be no morning service owing to commencement sermon at graded school building. _, . ? Preaching services Sunday night at 8*00. Subject, "The ,Only Permanent Building." . v* '?* THE METHODIST CHURCH B. B. Slaughter, Pastoj*. Sunday school at 10 :00 a. m.; A. H. Joyner, Superintendent No services at 11:00 a. m. on ac count of the Commencement sermon at the High Sschool auditorium. - Worship and sermon at 8:00 p. m. Epworth League at 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting at 8:00 p. m. on Wednesday. You are cordially invited. LOYAL DAUGHTERS y *? Mrs. G. M, Shirley was hostess to the Loyal Daughters on Monday af ternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Delicious re freshments were served. ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE ? -? Mis: W. C. Askew entertained at bridge Friday afternoon at her home on West Wilsoh street. The house was attractively decorated with a pro fusion of roses and fern; red roses were used in the living room, white in the reception room and the ar rangement of pink roses in the hall was most artistic. In the. game of bridge high scores were made by Mesdames J. H. Darden and M. V. Horton, who were present ed with lovely silver pencils. Delic ious strawberry ice cream and cake were served by the^oste?*.^18^ ?"??? ??1 ? | DECLAMATION AND RECITATION CONTEST - . ? The declamation and recitation contest by pupils of the expression department under the direction "of Miss Lillian Fields in the school au I ditorium on Monday afternoon de lighted a large number of parents and interested friends of the contes tants. The entire class showed a stage . presence which was remarkable and acquitted itself most creditably, mak ing it extremely difficult for the judges, Rev. 0. E. Fox, Mrs. J. W. Lovelace and Attorney W. G. Shep pard to pick the winners. After much deliberation by the judges, Attorney Sheppard in a "tan talizing" speech, awarded the metals to Margaret Davis and James Y. Monk. THE FARMVILLE SCHOOL CHILDREN ENJOY PICNIC. The children of the Farmville High School have enjoyed a number of pic nics recently. Nearly every day last week was the occasion of a picnic dinner or a gypsy tea by members and teachers of the different grades. BAPTIST WOM^TERTAra - ' . , " In a recent contest between the Women's Bible Class and the Baraca Class of the Baptist Sunday school, the latter won d6t and as a result were entertained , Thursday evening last at the ran eT'Mrs. Holmes by their crestfallen oppnents. The spacious reception rooms were beautiful with baskets "of rose and other spring flowers. Partners were found in a novel manner and a con test in drawing was engaged in after the guests arrived. Mrs. Holmes and Mr. W. J. JRasber ry won thet contest and led the sing ing of "A Bunch of Daisies." A Bible contest also proved interesting, but strange to say, difficult also to the contestants. A number of songs^sung in concert added to the merriment of the occasion as did vocal solos by Miss Virginia Burgeron, John Dwight Holmes and a quartet by Rev. D. E. Hill, J. W. Holmes, -Elbert and John Dwight. The dining room was colorful with flowers, decorations and refresh ments, carrying out a yellow and white color scheme. "The Rouse Way The Right Way" FOR BETTER PRINTING . J ? . ; MRS, HARVEY W. TURNAGE HOSTESS f- :? The members of the Tuesday After noon cltab and several friends were most delightfully entertained Tees day afternoon by Mrs. Harvey Tur nage at her cnarmipg home on Con tentnea street. The spacious living room and dining room were most at tractively decorated. wjtb sweet , peas and roses.. The guests on arriving were served refreshing tea and sand v 5- - v 'i 5. wiches. After several games Mrs. Cecil Dixon and Mrs. Marvin Jones had tied for top score. |Mrs. Cecil Dixon cut the prize, a beautiful corsage of pink and-white swdet peas. Mrs. J. Y. Monk won the second prize, a smaller corsage of red sweet peas. Mrs. Turnage, assisted by Mr. Har vey Williams Turnage, Jr.., and Mrs. Marvin Horton, served strawberries and cream, with potmd cake. The special guests were Mrs. C. C. Satterfieid, Richmond Va,; Mrs. C. S. Rountree, Mrs. J: Y. Monk, Mrs. Sterling Gates, Mrs; W. C. Askew and Misses Ray Dawson and Rachel Jor dan. / ? ? ? F-; ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN COLLEGE COMMENCEMENT j Saturday May 24, 8:15 p. m?Lit erary society program. V Sunday, May 25, 11:00 a. m.?Bac calaureate sermon, Dr. L. 0. Bricker, A tlanta, Ga. Sunday, May 25, 6:00 p. m.?Y. W. C A. Vesper Service. Sunday, May 25, 8:00 p. m.?High Sdhool Commencement Sermon, Dr. G orge F. Cuthrell Raleigh, N. C. Monday, May 26,10:30 a. m.?High St tool Class Day. Monday, May 26, 3:00 p. m.?High S< tool Commencement, Address, Mr. C. L. Coon, Wilson* N. C. Monday, May 26, 8:15 p. jn.?Pro g/am by School of Music. /Tuesday, May 27, 10:30 a. m.?Col lege Clas6 Day. Tuesday May 27, 8:15 p. m.?Com mencement Play, "Daddy Longlegs." Wednesday, May 28, 10:30 a. m.? College Commencement Address by Dr. Finis S. Idleman, New York City. . Wednesday May 28, IrOO p. m.? Alumni Banquet. FOR TREASURER. ? I hereby announce myself a Can didate for the officeW Treasurer of Pitt County, and will Appreciate your vote in the primary of June tth. P. T.yATfrlNSON. : STRAYED? FROM MY FARM ; near Falkland ahbut 10 days ago a Black Mare MultWT\ears old weight 1000 "lbs. Any information appre- ' dated. Suitable reward. I R. Williams Granville, N. C. ! -i ; " ===== WVvvWTT ???> ??? ^ > LI^T YOUR TAXpllS! | | Ncjrt vv^k will battle last i: | for ListingxTaxes/ We will f | be at W. M. Lhng Co's. Store, ?? I So Fail no! fa/cOme and list ;[ I Your Taxe^r \ I iX J0Y1VER. LteiJaker. |A. 5^J0YiVERL.T.Ior Farnwtlie.f ?.?. """"""' ? ; ? - - tiji1-;'- /v ' ?~ ? ** In dty streets,\n country highways, inform struc tures and industml/lants, small and large, concrete ? V. ?'???'? 'ft* ? i ?' .fV,!' "i_ y '-? ; ?? '-iV-'v *.??*? v h.V' fo being more andmore used. Why? First because J\j mmi the modem necessity tor . economy. Atla/is chmoer today than thirty years ago. And second becauseSraan's work must be safe Structure^built with Atlas protect both the worker * and his oeduct, for they are permanent and fire safe. Trill your building materialVdealer about your \ buM^tplsn^ and ask him about n^aterials. He can ] ^ / [ AT L AS 1 ! PORTLAND CEMENTi k#sm> wcwmij ^ ^ Pe\Qee MASTIC P^NT J f\ / N One of the things we shouldn't "find" is ' an fdl2 dollar. \ / ' fo il \ / o i > . " \ - /? v A '< I' ' \ ? / Teach them to work/NOW and they o will take care of you When you CAN'T < ? \ ?! ^ ^ work and they CAN./ - ;; '' '? l/ ;; A |; ;; Every dime they yearn means a Net In- ?? I! ; crease to your Income/ \ . !! - / V * ; J They will work/ for you, nights, days. . ] \ \ | and holidays, \vithout complaint if you \ I ; will buf bring Lnem to us and let us give \\ i! > them jobs. / \ ' " ' . ? ' I \ ? ?? ' * / \ J| ; We will pay them 4 per cent compound- j; ; | ed quarterly, and return them to you any