Bmft. MdUnit Aytflett and Warren Address Citizens oFjknnville ^iaP-r- .???. ? tost seaogo9t dra# ipcge gwiUBt ,ti? ?? daft liiJflfcfnu? hasTp^ ? *5^". **? "Plgft""1 1 Jl ^ T uj'j yyf ^ J?uJ Brie. #ndkUt? fw *22*^1 i J^. I 0w ?** I a n i .,it |M|M"j|ctttftl? OB SnUiWJt JtT?Cgi>, **?**** ?*mfr sElF^ ? "***?&' iimtlTT^ LOAN ss&^M- ^figgs I .%BMB^'njSv!^|HNF M) Win' vw4 "Inn *J*2tVriifefs-v * i i. mg y 'MA/WTf'uS 'VMCff. ACCwIQ^ to' ta ^HH in tilt ManafWUnHra' Beeont *** <*???/**!-** ^ySS^. S: tfgg, with a total memberpM* iSata* if UM6MSA 55. tbTwI. of ?n aawNdattos in tba United States have iiw*:iflS, tha atttte-tf North ^^ n?? associations have Mtny W?' North Carolina hssjnan hofldfe* r and loan associations than any other southern state, aad-ealy 9even states ;* the Union eottank us to the num ber rf associations. However, doe to the nssltaesa- it our towns stvtntiia states rank ahead of us in total mem terehip and in total assets. Yet con sidering the fact that only four states ha^Tlut^^nom! gopatattar ratio, sad the additional fact that our towns an MNt ink of 8th in num ber af asaceiatSotts and l'th in mena Unidj and assets speak w&ifertbe thrift .at.tfct.vnaB towns and cities in this rteta As *d haru nW^fcah tha buftd tag and ben^M# ehri**J^ nut rtfiijfcttt' and Aearftrif<T Tier ^y yt|wi>;y?j* "2S? af ii ioitilatrrl tnterr"* and savings are exempt. ^ And as irw ilj> wast plan sHtf^htoOT JfOT yigyy,?3kt4y/-, HWI IdCttWT* ' ^ 1 ? 1 11 J ? ATTO HOTA*T CW*. _ TUESDAY ?VP<WC I: f f I fcw to Fipre Yogr Brans renu Expt^int Simple (Written for lite Enterprise) By BOBERT FULLER Washington, June 5.?It is easy for World War veterans to find out how much insurance they are entitled'to ^ * - \\ u llTh In I directions for the use of the factors: AHow Si per day for each day of heme service. Allow $155 per day for each dayr of tepeigtar service. DodoCt 368 from this sum. Multiply the balance by the factor oppbafta the age (nearest birthday) as shown in the table below. > The result will be the amount of the adjusted service, certificate. As an example: Age at date of issue, 27. * _ Home service* 175 days. Overseas service, 110 days. One Hundred and seventy-five mi nus 60, times $1, equals ffl5. One hundred and ten times $1.25 equals $187.5* ?? Adjusted service credit, $252.50. 2.532?factor at age of 27. $252.50 service credit multiplied by 2,582 equals $639.33. $68*38 is the adjusted Service Cer tificate. To compute your bonus the ta ble of factors as to age as compiled by tee Veterans' Bureau. Age-factor Age-factor *-*545 43?2.430 21?2544. 44?2.426 22?2542 45?*413 23?2.540 46?2598 24?1589 47?8581 25?2.587 48?2564 *? 26?2585 49?25454V I r *?2582 4MM 28?8.S30 51-2582 29-2JK7 53-2.279 MjfarlBU 53 *254 *1-4321 ^ 54-1228 82?*517 55-1201 83-2518 56-1172 rr 94-2509 .v 57-^lI48- **= 38?2504 58?2.113 go ? "ftlMg - f 1? <9^-1478 62?1.986 40-2576 ' 6*-U* 41-2560 64-1.921 42-2550^ ^1.389 ^ ] I* FflfeE BTiiiJIrtififin WfMffl fftf OiEIut I " * ^ V *" ' 4*1 ? V m*. ?" i.-*. <1 ?*? *"' . '/.. ^ I Supporters of Ford's BW In Senate Withdraw Demand For Vote. ?<? u Washington, June 4.?The Musete Shoals issue, which has been the cen ter of a bitter fighMuripg^flte en tire session of' Congress w?^hot bft. settled until next December. Supporters of Henry Fords .bid, faced with overwhelming odds, withdrew from their stand of dema^g bq c vote at this session of>^M|te^ and submltted'to an agreen^P?R4h; W the question to go next session. ' Senator Ui^erwood, democrat, Ala-; bama, obtaqwj unanimousIPg*# im*m?? brin* ?p Shoals question on December 3, and keep It before thft.Senate.uida* final vote is taken. Afterwupdslfe- pre dicted it would" be jfinallyf Mftled By December^ wjgi \ - *' t: y m' ~ . DELIVERED^ BY ?Jl- > L. ^ LOVELACB " ^ >*'> - - ,-v - 7,-^^ - v ' ?- - Through an oversight in the o?r count of the graduating exercises in the last issue of this paper;we failed to mention that lfh.^5on#W, Lovelaoe had the honor of delivering ihe vale dictory address. This he did in' a de lightfully intelligent and -qihfcffected maimer which stimulated Jute sus- I tained the interest of his hearers. Mr. Lovelace is the principal afc pointee to Anapolis in this .congres sional district. Mr. Marion Shirley, ali? a graduate of-this dej^da aHqk^ ' _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . 1 ' ^ ^ ^ ! or later can be made on the adjusted service certificates until two veers after the date of sueh certificates. The war department, navy depart ment and the United Stetee Veterans' Bureau, have made extensive- prepa rations to handle promptly all claims for the adjusted compensation. This great work will require the undivided attention of every employee, and it will be impossible to answer individ ual inquiries concerning the matter. Such inquiries would not only be use less, but to answer them would delay action on the claims. Claimants will aid materially if they will fill up the , blank forms of application to the-best of their ability in acjprdance with their own knowledge or recollection of the facts, and refrain from writ ing to the war department, navy de partment or the United States Vttef ans' Bureau, concerning adjusted compensation. Yours very truly, , ROBT. C. DAVIS, MaJ. Gen., The Adjt Gen. V ,1. ? ?. - t Bi^^ ?! I_~l L I I - JTj. ?' ? 1't; l^v ^^.?. y^? COlint>V^ v*t, jy % H ^p0Pl%^|^^i|iJBBPy~t*.#wBr,- | doctor or from Ac heel A deport-1 I ^ ?|B[JfciCAA/1-' * *B Memphis, June S.?The fast thin-1 nlng lines ot the Confederacy pafijl tribute to its dead today?in eulogy II and song and silence, a silence in II which memory raced ? backward II through the corridors of time and I called up the men and deeds of those I Thousands of veterans and their I descendants, the Old South, and the I New, here for the thirty-fourth an- I nual. reunion of the United Confed- I erat? Veterans and allied organise- I tions, joined in honoring the men at I memorial services in Elmwood ceme- I tery. Every state in the Confederate I group was represented in tfca tribute I to the gallant hosts who fought and I f ? ^ ^ k- llaleif^ June 6.?Two continents &M*<xl hands across a North Carolina kkst table yesterday morning H$e?i Raleigh extended the first for pfeN reiqame to Hie diplomatic and ?fcopQertean nations come to North (Catoflna: ** guests ",?f the American Road Builders Association and the Hdrth Cirolimi State Highwg??on^ fijjtiOn to witness the working dem Pl^tBons of highway construction that will extend over a thousand miles i Barriers of language broke easily undec'the cordiality of the welcome 'that was extended to the two-score Latin - Americans : and the hearty "fri&dliness of their response to the greetings that were extended them, and before the expedition had com pleted the inspection of the motor de-. ?pot as the first event of their inves tigation, formalities and diplomatic decomm were forgotten and Latin Sopd Jiordic alike were looking for* ward-to an eventful and pleasant si* Hke pre&slonthe show ! moved from point to point, [and without confusion the 260 mem bers of the party, including the offi ! ciala of the American' Road Builders, [ the LfKtfiir Americans, members of the ! NalSonal Association of iStete'&gh | wayr^ficialefeterpreteTS^^^^^^^.? Mr. Rage's staff, boarded the automobiles provided for them end laid course for Greensboro; " where the convention-and and tomorrow before moving to Win ?ton - Ss 1 em. raik^V V '/ v' ? ? - J&ZS.v peas' IIBBiil After a short business session the president, Miss Perkins, turned the nteetfag o\;er to Mrs. J. I. Morgan, chairman of the program committee, and a program which was most inter, eating and Hmely was carried out as follows: An article, "Women as Citi zens,^ was read by Mrs. Morgan, and the. platforms of the gubernatorial candidates, Josiah Bailey and A. W? McLean, were given by Mesdames W. C. Askew and J. Y. Monk. This pro gram was quite enjoyable and instruc tive to the memjfert who will vote at the election on Saturday. ^ A novel contest was won by Mrs. W. C. Askew and Miss Perkins who received exquisite corsages of sweet peas. A delightful ke course was served by the hostess assisted by Mesdames W. M, Willis and R. A. Bynum. Mesdames N. N. Fleming, M. V. Jones, R. A. Bynum and Miss Mary Jerome were charming guests at this time. \\ ' T '= A . -? v* ? ' . ? , .'' ? ? conuihtiohV ma5sa66, ) Special Session General Assembly to Be MeFj^; ?'y.;.....' ,-. ti A,aii*6iL, By Governor Mortmn r *?' ?"*BUf-aQA>i *-"? . B the people, when the propositwn fully, understood, will approve his ac tion, Governor Caiperoi) "Morison to that he had decided to ,a#k the con sent ofthe council: of State for the--, calling- of*!-a' Specie! session of the* V'* legislate to^-coriBJder^the'queBtion of <s vd development of water-earied com? ? \?U mercd in the state.- He- father^ out lined what his ^reemnmehdalidns'I to the special session would he by assert ing that "he would favor enaetmimt of <: I * an act-by the assembly tin establish ik *< : a poih"commission withfthsrnecessary:' "- 'i pover ta handle the plopoeitkilC and ffaitog leaving the final appfoval of thife'actt > to the peo^e aii the*ie*4 general ehfc-^ ?' > tion. - . .n-yr.'-, 'il Mr. Morrison deielared that he rec ognized the magnitu^e-pithe proposi tion and sympathized with those who felt that the investment of sadiv* large sum &t the - peoples* mwreyH Ji should not'be nfadt without theat ^ # proval and support - He asserted that ; ? submission of tiie ^destion to the piedtf ?' t pTe at the general election, after, the' ? ? ?? geperal: assembly handled it' would ' he believed, "avoid political>difficut~ '-<10; ty Vhich might accompany direct and fhalvactiifit' of the geheiSl'aAdoaitty/ R Governor Morrisons-statement oat-. . - ^ lining^ what he WOuld ,. _ NuRflmtijU^W time and had^^f^jwr IWffK3 devotional exehdscs", "The Personal ^ Side of Pratt^wjth hpproplT ate hymn, -S^t Hour Of Prayer," u ah introduction! "r ?>$',-&. aaw Mrs. G, M. Holdenph delegate" Vo / ^ the recent missionary conference-fiehf ~ in Goldsboro, gave a full and splendid 4 report of the p .pblemS disiua^. tfM ' achievements of this "body in-thelr' Wm nual meeting. Mrs.1 &;O/THiimage was appointed delegate and Mist ,? B. Slaughter as'alternate to tWd^ ;tv trict confertnCeto be held ^ . Tune 12. After the readingof pf I a ^ ports of the different officers the meeting adjourned. ' This meeting was called for 2:3?* j'clock and the literary program was ' u waived in order that the htenfberar^ft^* might attend the meetihg at' Green-1 r" rille and have the pleasure c* hearing Mrs. Lee1 Johnson, conference sttperiny j; :endent of social service. A large numberleftdirectly after - :he meeting for this purpos^ ' r'- ^ - . .... > M Jj.-ztit. -v^v-u.: is* ' ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR ^ :. : uu/f!:.i:?y-..y x sabwi ? The local Order of ".the Eastern >\ Star held an unusually flirt mee^w_ in Tuesday1 evening in-the* Mwfne* 13 mil. Daring the' business session "it was .. leciu'ed to send a present to Mrs. Daly lose, adopted guest ibf ^jhls chbpihrt*^ >y tlie vfeitors to thb; G(^.d'!<Shi^ttTr. Jj* neeting-in ? ?*i ?* 4 <LJXji 1 ? '? US j *?; y,. *''^4 lMPS Ilttbert Frank, 14 year old W , of wealthy Chicago 'Jewelerf who' * \ ?at*- .kidnapped ami ?j brutally WfttiWed before wnaow coald i.c . paid. A Reward of $10,000 Is o.' fered. ? Issues Warning Oil Income Tax , ? ' ' - ' ? ' 1 ? ; Grissom Reminds Tax Payers Half Must be x^ald Before June 15 -- i u lie United States Collector of In ternal Revenue at Raleigh, North Carolina, gives the following informa tion as to payments on federal income tax returns. / The new Jaw: states: "Any taxpay er making" return for the calendar ? ' -? - *V'i ' year 1928, of the taxes imposed by Parta.l.and 2 of Title II of the rev enue act-of ?921 shall be entitled to an" allowance by credit or refund of ? ->?*- ? i thr"^y i- ?x'r *" * y>,' . ,-V^ ??.*?: lectible. Many tax payers paid the full tax 1 due. for the calendar year of 1923 in one payment and to such one-fourth I will be refunded without necessity of < request by taxpayer, so soon as the < clerical work can be done. ' I Those who paid three-fourths of the 1 total tax under the old law now be come full paid under the new law. I Many desire to settle in fujl at this i time and all such will have clear re- 1 ceipt buying three-fourths f the full 1 amount shown on the original returns 1 because of the 25 per cent credit al- ' lowance, but this does not include any 1 additional amount found due upon < Careful auditing of returns' and cor- ? recting mistakes. I The main point to be borne in mind 1 is that one-half of tax due this full year raust be paid before June 15 or < taxpayer is delinquent 1 - ] A REAL PANACEA >- ' . . : ; . ) - At last! A solution of all our nat- i ional ills and ailments! It Was contained in a remark made I by a local business man yesterday afternoon. He said: ' ?"the thing we need is to put men into political office who will carry out the pledges which they make be- J fore election. And if they dont car-' < ry.Out those pledges, then we ought 1 to dust them from office so quick that: it would make their beads swim." j c Fine and dandy! 1 If it only could be done'! ' i Political spell-binders : tour the : couiitry before electien day, making speeches and telling what they stand c for and what they will do if the vot- ? ers elect them. They'll lower taxes, t they'll build snore roads, they?Jl erect new school houses, they'll Improve t busoiesB conditions, they'll do a thou- d sand and one things, each of which J will tend to improve our national arid I load affairs. v vWondkrful pledg^^v^ 9 I: But they don't mean anything. | The. minute the average politician 1: gets into office he forgets all-about his pledges. He runs things to suit "n himself. And he maintains this pol- q toy until another election day rolls s arodnA By that time ^ people o bdMTilpo glMiior -> ^ ? : . arid mush ?ruel and must I ?MM' IV -V" "I*" IvMott Olll2> f I ? v x . ?. * 3Qaa^ K' uM !3l ft itlSjw J ^

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