Tie limrflle Bnteyrfae IBM BOUSE PMNTERY 6. i. Rititftr and Manager Subscription Price One Year tlJSO Six Menfta- .78 Three Months ; AO Advertising Rates Punished on Application to Manager u second eten mfl natter May the 10th, 1910, at the pestafgke at Famvflle, North Carolina, under the Act of Much 3rd, 1878. -? ?- ? ?% . ? "? ? ? V ' ? , ?r? =g-ac=t= FRIDAY, JULY 18th, 1824 Evolution of Aa Idea. I?stands for Interest % D?stands for Desire E?stands for Enthusiasm ? A?stands for Action. A lot things that are progressive are not staple. Now days people can afford any thing they cant afford. Love may mellow with age, but in the ease of the average old widower it just gets mushy. A great many men have thought they could open the fountain of youth wiith a corkscrew. - ?? ? ?1 ?_ _ s An interesting taiaer is one ww talks about something the other fel low Is interested in. Your son most be the idol of the family. Yes, he has been idle for twenty-one years. Weigh some men and you'll find them wanting in everything?except weight. Come in and listen to my loud speaker for a while. Sorry, old man, bat I have a date to meet mine &T seven o'clock sharp. The bald man is said to be most - susceptible to "water on the brain/' he has no locks to keep the water out. Une half of the taxes paid today goes for things the average citizen doesn't want, and a great portion of the balance for things he ddsen't need. The lata Elbert Hubbard used to say. "If you want anything done, ask a busy man to do it. IJy a like token the stom that is the busiest is always striving for more whilst the dull store marks tine. A little girl was taught to dose her evening prayer during the absence of her papa with: "Please watch over my papa! Her papa returned and her mama Unshed whep the child added: 'And you'd better keep an eye on mama, too!" Ne man is prepared for Heaven im mediately after he puts the wrong end Of a cigar in his mouth. EMMANUEL EPISCOPAL CHUBCH J. W. Heyee, Minister. Fifth Sunday After Trtaitj. 11 a. m.?Morning prayer and ser mon. ' Subject: "The Spiritually Un employed." 9:45 z. m.?Church school. Supt J. L. ShackkfordL There will be short papers read at the Bible class for adults by Mr*. Atwater on "The Puritans"; Mrs. J. W. Joyner on "The Celverts of Mary lend", and. Mrs. Alex Bymim on "The TMT ??Tii i gj el, ? ? riifTUn FIU6T8. Ballard's Sunday school will meet at 9 p. m. Leaders Mr. and Mrs. ? . iwuOTo. Young People's Service League on Monday night at 8 o'clock. Subject: "What-Sort of a Community Would thiis Be If There wen No Churches?" Papers by Marie Gibbs, Edna Fbust Harris and John T. Harris, Jr. - "The Bouse Way The Bight Way" FOB^BETTEB PUNTING "1. ? - . . t ? ,r - . '_.. ... f.l^.- '' :' ? - ' " 1 SOCIAL CALENDAR Monday, J?ly21 4:00 p. m.?Circle No. I, Presbyterian Auxiliary moots with Mrs. W. H. Moore. 4:00 p. m.?Circle No. 2, Presbyterian Auxiliary. fcO# p. m.?-Y. P. S. L. meets in Epis copal church. 8.-00 p. m.?Odd Fellows meet in the Masonic Hall. Tuceday, July 22. 7:00 p. m.?Rotarians have supper in Club rooms. Wbdaeeday, July 23. 8:00 p. m.?Christian Endeavor meets in Presbyterian church. Itarsdaj, July 24. 8.-00 p. m.?Masons meet in HalL Friday, July 25. 8:00 p. m.?Boy Scouts meet in Hut gHQO p. m.?Modem Woodmen meet in ' Masonic Hall. EPISCOPAL AUXILIARY ????? ^ The regular business meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary, Episcopal, was held on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Julian Gibhs with eighteen members present After an impressive devitional ser vice led by the rector, Rev. J. W. Heyes, the usual routine of business was engaged in. The Field Day Ex ercises held at Hill Crest Thursday were discussed and a committee com posed of Mrs. W. C. Askew and Mrs. Alex S. Bynum, was appointed by the president Mrs. G. A. Jones, to out line plans and find means of convey ance for all who wished to attend. The carpet fund is still growing, and the sum of $331.00 has been collected for thf? purpose. A short talk on "The Neighborly Spirit" was given by Mr. Heyes and the Auxiliary voted to have >"'? give a series of talks on timely subjects during the fall and winter months. Mesdames Twiford and G. M. At water were cordially welcomed as new members at this meeting. Mrs. Jim Waters, of Snow Hill, was a guest at this time. THE METHODIST CHURCH B. B. Slaughter, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m.?A. H. Joyner, Supt Worship and sermon at 11 a. m. Community Vesper Services at 6:00 p. m. on Graded school lawn. Sunday school workers council to | meet at 8 p. m. Monday Prayer meeting at 8 p. m. Wednes day. The public & cordially invited. Have those seersucker, mohair, palm-beach and linen suits cleaned at Sanitary Pressing Club; price 75c. -The Rouse Way The Right Way" k v' ? ? ? * ; - : : FOB BETTER PRINTING The Bouse Printery, Farmville, N. C. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator with will annexed of the estate of Jenniq B. Harris, deceased, late of Pitt County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the. estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Kins ton, N. C., on or before the first day of July, 1925, or this notice will be ' pleaded in bar of their recovery. All - persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment.' This the 2d day of June, 1924. ' 1 ELMER Q. BARRETT, Administrator with Will Annexed. F. E. Wallace; Attorney, Kington, N. a - "The Rouse Way The Right Way" FOR BETTER PRINTING The Rouse Printery, Farmville, N. C. ? . - r ?* v T TH8 POUTtCAL- CAMPAIGN^ \6 NOW ON - *SPBClAL.L_V THE LAST SYJXA&.C-WltMOyr Cool Summer Cooking II With a Loth's Oil Saver range all | the sickening heat, drudgery and | ; inconvenience of preparing the sum- |j mer meals is banished. ||' Cool, clean, and convenient, the | ; ; time saved, and the increased com- |J: fort of using a an oil stove, will ; many times repay its co& to you. | ; Many Models?All Prices. < || Hub Hardware Co. ? FARMVILLE, N. C. I j rvmmwmmvm?mn???'.'l'inmn-,nuililllll, I! n1 II Now With FULL SIZE i I 1 BALLOON TIRES || The World's Largest Selling ? II 6*cylinder Closed Car? g "'COACH I jj 2 P ' CPMrnt r ? XX I r ? r ? WW 9 11.} 8 I IS I A ^ I I ^^7 3 ?L ^H| . ? ^9'^V V9_ JP ?' m>...... EX I VP ?' 9 KB -M B a . &?? XX I 1 B II IK I It I I I M'W JF V# iXX I -1 [XX I e XX I Cfniffht anil tflT PVtfS ' I If S 1 rf^*SPt inflow? ?xiii * 771 ]IK . 9f 4 441 SAVE MONEY % Don't throw your old Shoes away. We do all kinds of expert repairing, not Hi: 11 cobbling. Whole soles and heels for men and all iji: kinds White Shoes Repairing a specialty, ji: Bring us your work. All work guaranteed. Hi; | Farmville Elect? Shoe Repair Shop f | ' Next Door to Express Office# FARMVILLE, N.'C. |E ? 7'{.* - '*># , ; ? ft-"' * ""V 'T. *? ' v'. V \\ . ... ? ? ^ ( | ' i#5KL.-_ r/~rr l a ?But Into a Home of Your Own! jsj > ? < * ;;; Why continue as a renter^ At the end of eight years j *; ;;: you will have about one hundred rent receipts?and that's all, ; *I 5 > At the end of six and one half years in the Farmville j *; Building & Loan Association the home will be yours?all j *; L yours?and no claim against it. <*> ;;; Bhild a home of your own. In a very short while it will J 3; be yours?all yours. ! Begin your plans now for that new home. Maybe you ;;;; have a heme and plan now for a new room, sun porch or * '' ? - . | ;; sleeping porch? Maybe needed repairs and alterations around < >;; ?i! the house or outer buildings? The sooner you start the soon- ;;;; ? er you will enjoy the pride, of ownership. You will be repaid J J!! many times over in comfort and convenience. j J j; Farn^HMi^Miter and Loan . *. . ! ' Association G. A. ROUSE, Secretary ji! !i ^ * WTVVTWTVVVVVVVVT VVVVVVVWrVVVV VWWWVVV ? ??????^^VWVW'TW'yV^V W WW W , . y ? ? . Subscribe to The Enterprise--$1.50 Year ?n-'s- ;.y.. ? *. v- ? /? * - ? ... '-??'***? '? .. _==__==l_;_==^^====ss==issa^ss;^^ij=_=s=3==s&sis=ss^=_===_====__B=;_===_=;= Our Job Office Equipment ti i^dd " ^ PWe do posters, calendars, I hand bills, office forms and all kinds of the job printing. ~~ Autocaster franchise our jab ' fj illustration and .type equipment I caster Stereotyping Machine M working and you'll understand II ?H ? ?' "* * J -v