r "WAT^lT FAai^n^*^?^W TORWARD" Sobscnpti... $i.r,o a ^1, Adv^ .J^; ^ PAKMV1LBE. PflT COUNTY, NOtmf CAROLINA, AUGUST 1, 1924. ~ ~ *?? 13 15 ? *1 ''v, I j jSCSes Jones' ro* j tn lr ? rn. ??!? ^^2l32SH f imn CmMtm find ^fg^frteWT | *- ? yr *.? | >.?% ? ^nrj .* glh ?? ^ ? MI I * 1 I f ILXtLL * If fill T 'IT r ' TlU J ??'V?" ? ' i^y -f> II ?a^Lt * -fiadh.f - " jfc'tffel' "'mkudjafrmLmt | r;. w. -j- ? . " '-;??'. y [Mfl, & V, fetfU*; V..H 1 Presidential Nominee | ' Qn Dry pcket j teicr->w7^%i P. Faris, of Clinton, Mo*, it i -? ' '? ? m ? ' ? ???_:*?- * ? ^ 5-5:; **ary*?*j testation has rapidly inSljsai. -( "Some folks have only a lew , weevils" says Mr. Sherman, ?yet there are a great number which have reached the point of ten percent infestation, at which tfctte dustiiig with the dry cal cium arsenate should begin. For every man to dust all of his cot* j ton would be a needleSs waste, , but for the careful man to dust ? properly when ten per cent of 1 Ids cotton squares have been ? punctured is only wise and prof- , itable according to our exper ience. Plir. Sherman states that one may pick and burft all the infests i ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - I ed squares and yqimg- bolls and j secure soue control if he has - only a small acreage of cotton or if his infestation is low and < there are some boys and girls on the farm that may be used in ? this work. But generally in late j July and early August, when the | weather has feSen favorable for boll weevil development the only < remedy which can be depended \ upon for profitable production is l the standard dust poison appli- j Some dusting, has already 11 rvf fUo ^vf-Anfinn HDItlbd* charge bylwi^ng.'^edtfor of extentlon division, Raleigh." ? ? ; ] EVERYTHING BUT GOATS I At TS& BI& STATE FAIR, j ? ? Raleiegh, July 29.?An expert I1 for every -department of the State Fair this fait, with-the ex- i ception of the goat division, is announced by the management, i Kj?fs omission ma. _e explained i by the fact that while practi- I 11 J ?L L cally every department manage* j has been with the Fair in prey- j ?bus years, yet before they get through niaking^pngements ) ?Tor the big event, a good many will feel like goats. Either that, or else the State Fair doesn't consider goats de - sirable things .to have around, 1 ?fearing bodily harm. ' Itff&LM. ATWATBR GIVEN A I f BmTHDAY PARTY. | Entirely unaware of what was up, I I Mr. Gariand M. Atwater, the I tared, druggist at "the Fermville Ding] JI Co,3ppled to his home on Thurs day evening about nine o'clock, sup- [ posedly for something else, when he j iall||tevjfeB^. guests whqjhad arrived! birthday. x /... - ; Ifrs. Atwater had well kept her I, I Lm ' hour Derore returned to tr.e .^tore-irom i j the evening meal. After a couple hours of various L games, and merryment, the birthday [ , cake was brought fourth by his little J 7-year? daughter, LaCena, with at large number of lighted aindles,-re&|j wonting tt? nurabet of yearo, whig| he immediately began .to blow out ", c boeetp hair.,; i A CHAMPIDHSKlP, / X^UNCVt^X - -?J?~ , New Davis Manager ] i 'vt: . - -iu h... l;i i-i.a I,: Clem L. Sfcaver,~Df TVeat Virginia, was the choice of-John W. Davis, as the new Chairman of the Demo cratic National Committee, to di rect .hie compaijm for election. ?* KS JKit l I ^H^S' | ? I I ? B? ? ? flKl ^B B mmm ^L ' 1 .. J2 LT|v| U V fl BB ?? f#||*'r/^?il#-fl| "?1 ? ? BHB ?>B p r ?,l^ ? M III Ml I B IBS 1^ l~ |B|p THIS SERVICE TO TAKE PLACE VESPER SERVICE r . Men's Federation Doing Great 'Work Throughout the County Aha a Large CMwd Expected 'J Here Sunday Afternoon. ? The Groups of the Men's and Women's Federations, of Green viUe, will conduct the Vesper services on the School ground in Farpiville Sunday afternoon at 6 o'clock. Mr. C. B. Rowtette has been selected as leader for these services. He wfllbe as sisted by members of both Fed erations. The invitation to conduct tips service was extended to ihe Fed- - eration .. of Greenville . by. .the Ministerial Association and the Rotary Club of Farmvffle. And from the mfonn^Him received a large crowd from Greenville, is expected to attend this ser vice Sunday afternoon. Farmville extends a most cor dial invitation tp every one whn will to come to this service, and especially urge all dtwens of this immediate coniniunity to be aresent on time. Sunday engagements thrpugh Mit the county, with the exeept ion of "Arthur and Aydejvfctve been cancelled by the Federattwi to Sm^vAttgltet 3kd,*Uy, : [%QU6Sttu tO BWH Uif xoT?' 7 ill A service ? A A wmiiaiasimt THfiSKfUWUAiTBmn cr^ - - ?* skv r>v.? ? *?.. ?'?V VJpv ? ^ V ?' *r ' jyT-1 ^ ? y ? . i1'. j0& A young woman called at aostoffice in Farmville recently ind inquired bashfully if there were a letter for her. "Business or love letter?" the derk asked, jokingly. "Business", was the blushigg "#y. . As no letter could be found, took her departure, but at the door she turned and carpi oack. "Would you mind looking among the love letters?" she jtsked. .1 9fi5< i?" ? - ? * r- . ? HENRY FORD SKIPS OUT FROM BIRTHDAY TO-DO. . Detroit, July 31.-?In an effq^t to get away from all that "birth Jay stuff", Henry Ford am peered yesterday on the occasion if his sixty-first birthday. 99* business associates profess..to know nothing what-so-ever*#? whereabouts. . . ; - I STARTED ON FISHING ? ? If'-" Brightest Dopes and Fondest *. ? Dreams Come to Naught 1*2 B ^ Tlds^ld Crael World Say they trudged on toward the aTdsSriVed*1* Wr jar madly careening do^th(^^^ ^eU,^d^/'^d Famwr HAW Ttnurn rin uaii DAK7 - ' i ?