-1? ? ??-??? r * ? ffct Governor Stjrs He Woeld Hate tfee sakinf Food Provi sion Corrected Bat That the Bif dime Before the Extra Session e die CootideratioA of Improvement for the Ports of Eatoni CaroUs*.. Raleigh, Aug. 7th.?Governor Cam eron Morrison addressed the special session of theState legislature which convened here this morning. Gover nor Morrison began to speak about the noon-hour. J I am sorry that my sense of duty required me to call you here in Extra Session daring this hot weather, but I am sore you will recognize that it could not to avoided when'you hear my reasons for so doing. The proposed amendment to our State constitution enacted by you in your regular session coold not be sub mitted to the people of the State in its present form without serious peril to the credit of the State in respect to its sale of bonds for the construction of highways. Soon, after the adjourn ment of the regular session the defect ig this proposed, amendment to' our - constitution was discovered by the k attorneys, upon whose opinion we were selling the Hgihway Bonds as well as by some of those who were heavily investing in them. The defect to which I refer is in the proposed amendment's provision pro- ; hibiting putting into the Sinking .fund for the redemption of the" Highway Bonds any revenue derived from a special tax levied for that purpose and requiring that all of such sinking funds should to taken from the gen end revenues, of the State. It was fteared this weald prevent using any ' part of the revenue derito^from the ; ^?SWUIC WfcA | ( *tma f This can only be done by yes and this extra session would have been impera tive for this purpose if there had been < 10 other extraordinary occasion for it . , I, therefore, most earnestly recom mend thai the amendment proposed be 1 repealed and that the one first adopt- 1 ed by you at year pedlar siato be ; reenacted and submitted to the people at the State. But gentlemen of the General As- ? skmbly, I have asked you to assemble .] far another .high and extraordinary ehrviee to the state, namely: eonsid efeatkm of the report of the state ship -u ahd water transportation commission, appointed by the . and unanimously H confirmed by the senate branch of ytour honorable body, pursuant to leg islation enacted by you in your reg ? star sesjfeo. ?vAj you will recall, I asked you for authority to pweed with the com- j mission's report and findings, if fa vorable to the undertaking, and if approved by the governor and coun cil of state, without further grant of authority from you. In your great- , er wisdom you refused this grant of power to.yoar chief executive offi-J. * eera and required the report to be submitted to the general assembly for final disposition. Lf-'. ?-:-t-1 - ,~ * "w v 7 V '*'? . - y Thdreffre, I heg yog to proceed with yoor tomd A letter from Mr. Leo Nonrflle, now v located at Townawands, N. T, to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Norville, teres t to his friends in this section. hopes to bo covering the Carolina* I '? very bright hi ' .. . -xw **"n , a. An Interesting picture ?rf Jadgv ? I John Ii. Chrerlj. upon whoa MM? the /ate ot BJcbard Loeb and Ka thrn Leopold, college foatkt ?e| chewed slayers of 14-yaajr-old Albert Franks. There la no m the slayers pleaded guilty and the judge most decide their fate. IV , . i ROAD WORK Lend* State Half Million to Be Paid Back Out of Next Bond Issue Raleigh, Aug. 8.4-Wayne county gave evidence to its belief that the state is not through with its road building program; yesterday when representatives of the commissioners of the county proffared $500^00 of county money to ever funds were available through legislative appropriation, foe lean was accepted. 1 Funds made available through the loan will be applied to the paving of the central highway between Golds bo ro and the Johnston county line near Princeton, shortening the only unpaved gap between the top of the Blue Ridge mountains and the Atlan tic ocean. Funds are not yet avail able for paving the section between Smithfield and the Wayne county line. -v ?? r Littie Brother Sold the Beer Came Pretty Near Catching m Him. White ville, Aug. 7.?Reports from ChSkeadon, 12 miles southeast of here, teU?ehe^]lewin3*o?i-, 5$*." Shepherd '*tii*kland *a? greatly- shocked. ^'yesterday wtfwtef wheh' she returned f?m a short visit to a neighbor's House-to find that her Uttte one-year-old daughter wis inks hur. She had left hir" only a short time before with her four-year-old brother on her porch, and trhns-she mihml nrl fVa UMla luiu oiw neo^i lUtwi returned ute attie ooy a nap and told his mother t^t a.hwjjfc hadoome sin*. sh*r&VMW'?g?? SSd ahouT the little sister he could give no il$$&? Hon.- '-"i**; **-Vv >n.? SMUmdi limi nlant a mile i? * my ?hoa time the whole com munity joined in the search for the w?ta?w behy, which presumably had ? "O ?? " # J r* '?> ? tf^e s^r^inff^jrtyto ** k|J hjim Tte vUi MMU I 1i. *** k01** k* * **** WPP*: a^'' p |g ? . ^ ^fifeosen at * ?6tmB?liee Meeting ? Aug. 1.--^iaSrat Q. Dawson, of Kfrstoh, was' rd-el&rted by a ris- . '.ng yot^^gduLirtnan of the democrat- i at a meeting < held by the committee in/the hail of J the'house of representatives tonight. : W. C. CouhenhPur, of Salisbury, i was unanimously elected secretary to * succeed W. T. Joynier and Miss Jane Henderspn of Salisbury was elected < to succeed Herself as vice-chairman of the committee. W. A. Hoke was nominated by the committee as the democratic candi date to succeed himself as chief jus tice of the state supreme court and Geo. W. Connor was nominated as t^'dthtfofcratic candidate iq succeed himself as associate justice. ?? i?^ , ?;??. r ?** ?T r? -?? ' 7 ' W$\ THE MAQCIAN ! i J B&S llfellll ? ? ? >i |1 ?' . l.jr.iii i ?'? Hi ? ' ' - ?'Souny'V FWbdJriui 9 in7an4 weighting one lwnud, fif teen 0BMC^8. Unusual Case Presents Itseff to the Voluntee Workers At Dunn Dunn, Aug. &?An unusual cast presented itself to the force of volun teer workers of Dunn who are assist ing ex-sJSiqnce men in filling out theif ; application^ for the government bo^ nus. This case was one in which both War ^nd the wife having served in the y. S Tiavy at the same time. The husband, Mclver J. Pate of Dyke, was wounded in the leg while fighting at the front. Mrs. Pate was classed as a yeomanetts in the navy, having vol unteered her services to her country after her husband enlisted in the ar my. Both were given honorable dis charges from the service after the close of the war. ?Stream of fifty Cent Pieces Ends With Opening of ^ I Main Highway Greensboro, Aug. 6.?John John son's detour in Orange county, cele brated as a device for separating ?travelers on the Durham-Hillsboro road from 50 cents per car, unless ?they desired to make a 12-mile detour ?by Chapel Hill, is a thing of the past ?The main highway was opened to ?traffic today and the stream of 50 cent pieces is no more. I The .-detour had stirred up som$ leg lislative resentment, but there will be nothing to that now. The cause is re Imoved. . .Work on the main road en ables travelers to avoid both John son and the other detour and to ride least atad west free. ! I It is estimated that ^B h^rh as one play at the London Horticultural Hall Phuit, says London Tit-Bits, is a #a- i tive of the tropical Hast Indies. Its i principal prey are nd^^wldA ^ ^ ? a' I ' .. . i,- -? ' ' t ? 4 *.[ | It lon^ D6GH Known that pl&nts I __ ' * \ - '? . . ' I The Progressive Fanner Issue ^ 2fifh! Is Retail toby Mr.%tTardwell From wliicti He QuoteSome foodSflfcge&ions ttf F&nters1 A'bfttif Removing The Tobacco Stalks From the FteKteAfter the'Crop. (By G. A. CARDWELL) Agricultural and Industrial Agent of Atlantic Coast Line Rl R. Co. While- in conference with an official of one of the large tobacco buying and manufacturing companies a few days ago in New York, the writer was forced to listen to some criticism of the southern tobacco farmers' carelessness in leaving the stalks aft er harvesting the crop,, thus robbing the soil of much needed plant food and providing ah hotel for destructive insects. V; ... . . V ' f ' _11 A .i ? 1_ ? imagine my. pleasure upon looning over the Progressive Farmer, issue of Jhly 26, to find an article entitled, "Keep Tobacco Stubble Busy," which I am quoting in full: "A lot of mischief may come from neglect of tobacco land, when the crop his been - harvested. If suckers are * ? , allowed to grow, then these will re move as much plant food in propor tion tql the size of the crop of suckers as did the crop wd took off. Further, When a tobacco field is allowed to grow up after harvest, the tobacco suckers become-feeding and breeding places for the multiplication of tobac co1 diseases. If stubble is destroyed prcrihptly after harvest, then we get three good results: 1. The sucker crop does not rob the soil bf plariVfOod and moisture. 2. Insect breeding and feeding? places, are destroyed. i ?. Diseases have no place to multi p&rlir while they lie in wait for the next crop., j ? , lowed to lib idle froth harvest On. It is idle'so fir as' producing what we want is concerned, but very active so ~ far as -producing future trouble is Concerned. ? There are innumerable uses to which this land may be put It can produce a profitable crop before frost ?and improve while doing so?and then can be Sowed to another crop for maturing next spring. It is a fact that bur tobacco Stubble offers us exceptional oppbrtumties for wid ening our efforts at diversification for iricttasfed production of food hnd feed, and for making the land better and richer. Tn +^n' fnnrnn rtr "nnrn" Knlf All VIIV IVH VI VI IIVTT VVVW*VVV WIV of North Carolina and in all of the dortimercial tobacco area ? of South Carolina, tobacco' is harvested' in time to plant a surprisingly long list of field and garden Crops maturing in a month or two and releasing the land for other crops; or other crops occu pying the' land until next spring or summer, ot even several years as is thecase with- alfalfa, may be sown in tobacco lands this summer or fall. There is a very long list of Crops that tob&Cco stubble land released in July and early- August Cap be planted to such as second crop Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes from vine cuttings; turnips, tomatoes, corn, beans, winter . cabbage and 16 or more other vege tables. Tobacco land can with but little effort be gotten ready for fall sowed, small grain, legumes and pas tnrejjw^wea- ? - ^ We ?vrfcp/ have suffered from rain and we. who may yet suffer from boll weevil, may find a measure, and a ?ood measure of. relief from our to bacco fields by putting, them to work at the time we usually free them to loaf." It was Lord Chatham who said: "Trade increases the wealth and glo ry of "a couP^ry; bint its -real strength and stamina are to be looked for among the cultivators of the land." kmiM/f " MiStii fanrn tno/l/iiYirv enmi#AV^ orateu tneir xenwi weuamg wHirrer 01 July* niosc pr6S0uv wcro wr? unit - ^ ? vti - sr - 'Jj * 2 ? J ?, V LI tliM* 1 i ; ?rvea out in the grove znusic iciidQfsd by Miss jEJIiz&beth Cow* toe* 't ' ,? r>fi5