??- -*?-' - ? ? i% / . , -MTf .; | ? | ?ftKtt *Sb^b ?attt ^'4ib(iA ffl 4ft, W Jsn mr^k. w^ .g j^^ntI In Unity There is J r" ' 1 W '19 - OS ?^B ^"*." ?? '_' "^l-X' ' yaCv * 1A ?"? ? ?? - 4MB ft ' IMB US SB ? S al Btt -^B'' fS ~'*R ? *!Hk ' H I ^lotta??? ? yia?jj j 1 I f A -?Tc 'l IVILLE I t 111 iliuL ril- Bill I' IfT I M II ???^?K I '4 1-9 ' 1 . ?' J* 1 ?" lI?tEi;i I HAS BOTH I I mghmbHtot. JL MUM.. m Am MM ? ? t ^ "*'**" , I ? 1 r iy k,.i Lt Tk. Haamt HMllJ "WATOii " lliwll * ..: ? *****teTW 3L= ? , ' . ?? =1. '?? . - '? ~ 7TT7 ~ .? !* ? . " PittMVTiiJC PITT COUNTY H CAROLINA, SEPT. 12th, 1924 ? " A VQLJi "v t *? . "? ..FAEHypja, ?.:.V. : .-.. i , ^ ^ ^ ?? mi pttM to Bel ob the r 'Seoteoce; Judge Gueiy $Kf$ ? SestMoem Lae With Mod Records -v'., .-.v mNgMNMplMMBb, :^._2 ? ? ??'? -v'i Criminal Court Building, Chicago, Sept. 10.?Sentences of life imprison ment for the murders of fourteen year-oM Matt Franksend 99 Tears for kidnapping the boy were meted oat to Leeb and Leopold by Judge Caverly today. The youth of the de fendants, 18 and 19 years, saved them from the noose. It would have been the path of least resistance to im pose the extreme penalty of the law, - said the judge. In <ftoosing impris onment instead of death the eourt is moved by their age. It is not for the court to say it will not enforce capi tal punishment, but it is within the province of the eourt to decline to impose the sentence of death on per L'v soon who are not of fufi age. This seems to bo u line with the progs*!1 of criminal law, all over the world, and in accordance with the precedents ia this case. The reeordsof this state show only two eases, to which the eourt Is not inclined to make any ad ditions. After sentence had bie& pronounc ed Nathan Leopold, Sr., fttyr of on* of the defendants, said that 1* would noVer attempt * to obtain the release 'kta ^TT '<-1 7r n I I f . m!? toe pemtent?ry. When asked if that was his attitude, * ^- y^?w "'^* ~?"-? jvv* <? ^ l^^jbfttd w ^y?v + ? - *n ?' ' . -^Lfc ' _L^j" j l ?.;; ? r>V2TuyTtrLL. ^'Xllv uc*Sn8v"vOiil]icl CJllcX '?' yoot^ftti ttafsrosc ^ - ^^ki-' a|l ? % J x . y I &tho Mtt?m Ok thi'lfst ttiriit of 1 v - ? " ~^ w ] '.J What a Depositor ?? " By V. R. Pattern In the Soother* ' White public improvements are con templated by a dty, calling- for a large outlay of nfoney, the avenge citizen is not the least perturbed, tak ing the position that the dty pays for it. When questions of various kin<|| present themselves for solution bear ing upon 3ie income and disburse ments of a dty, county, state or na tion, as awrule we take the position that it is afi right and will not cost the individual anything. Wc fail ade quately to grasp the results of such ? position. We should realize thqt cities and nations' are but aggrega tions of individuals. citizen is vitally affected by the acts of his re This reasoning applies with equal force to .the eustoipers of banks. The ability of a bank to render satisfac- I tory service to the public as a whole depends almost wholly upon the atti tude each customer takes toward bis bonk and the demands he makes upon, his financial ally, depositor is vitally interested in jn&t what he owes hie bank in the way of proper consid eration as to whether or not his de mands are just and, reasonable- and in what position Mr banker would be placed should every depositor'assume the same attitude. ?" y ' M Bank, other ,"*asti|*Btions^ present themselves for careful fliought: Not the least is th* fact that as a deposi tatWe banks ew to serve besides myself., I do -?*' - ; ?- ,., T?' w : '^r. t" - . m. ? . | ? i ? * Om? |4<gjEt s?j? State Fiifing to Develop m _ .,,v:.f-rpfiiterw^^ - &|^j| Elisabeth City, Sept fc?"Either all other states in-the Union with faciii ties for water transportation erteon summately foolish and North Caroli na only is wise or else North Caroli na is unspeakably foolish and these other states are wise,* General E. R Glenn told his Elizabeth City audi ence in his address here in behalf of the state port ana terminals meas ure which is to be the issue of a ref eiendum submitted to the Voters of this state in the November elections, "for North Carolina potentially great est in such facilities, is the only state of them all that W done nothing ; to develop its watw ta^portatkm.*! oi This measure which is to be sub- i mittedto {he voters in North Carolina j to November" the speaker wijft^n i merce ipfat ud out of these termin als/but Is itself ohligated to provide ffYou people in this section are very much interested, in .the completion of she Norfolk t?B^Uf0rt ^ about it on a receS visit ^ Wash-f ingrteo and he told me that the stum bling Woek was the board of engi S^?rstR. that board and here is what he jsaid tome: 7" **<?* 'oiks down thebe are talking about pofent^ commerce,.>t we on ^s^^^Sto^North ^<1 a ?' w. ? I' I , ?*? ^ ^ ^ flDdju^j ^ Y- . . . \ ?? ' t'f. ~' * * ?' % I ? * ? - i ^ _.tri m. -1,? ? i_ __ ? A i ? y. xt- _ ceivea oy TTigmig nere during tne i| [T^AfiA ttfliA pYf'PMi tjip ? "S|ll(0f |f I |* I'HV ^ j >?aleigh, S?pt. ^.?"The childrenl need to fee and itaait be protected from the menace of traffic vioUtoraHj opining rf the criminal term pf Ifie superior court yeste&ay when he J called upon members of the grand h?ut of evoryautomobile driver," | he said/ "the idea that the children | I are at his mercy and that they de serve the utmost-bar*-from drivers of motor^ vehicles. *1 am afratidoufrjj people jre ribt obeying the ;;jtraffic Jaws as they should and it is .very im- I po riant at this time that law obedi* J-j I ence should demand more attention ery protection on the highways. J *No- more daqgeroUS weapon gab up on mean whi^ l |jt_ ^11!"^f [ ^ - ymifcy*?. <*iwt yacn 14 ^1 j$? ? li&rL Stflv^V ;<Ve-- * ??'-i V> ji'/i J, . -V", i ;??"' * T ? Mrfir J. iy. Pflr^r^r1 * Krlllft" jtllYlHftW Myc P A- PffiM/ic J vuio- Au^uitti^, ??? A. A* ^wua, lii^gHaPBt ^liyiBMBilVMllt Ar^iit llt^yy * v > ? 41* 14 /\ ' >*? f, , . . j y LPPII v _ *IUA ?? tmy 1.'" trlct secretary. A'ldeUghtful pro- ?'? ^ t3 ? Spencer Assisted ^tl^G ' ... A Ol I A Att pv V; <CL i| M-: ^ O / ? ?*? *v-w . *"rtS*fcir '~ " ; faie lOywrold son of3jir.;phdMrs. ' Glasgow Sxratfi is fa the Wajjungton hospital suffering from the amputa tion of his left arm, made necessary by a bullet wound which he received While on a fishing" trip, at Biount^ creek. Immediately up'dh his arrival at the hospital it was found that ft woulcf he neceseary 'Jo amputate the urin. i The little boy was r-. a fishing j to-Blount's creek and was unloading a boat at the thine of ther accident; ac cording to reports the gun accident ally fired the'shot taking-effect In 0? left arm. His condition ia as fmron&le' '4s can be expected and he is resting very weA today. ? nimr 11 nnr I I#f|| \k ] AW L?> W#c9 n uijik'' Tun |]|: S 1 ?l-l'i-i ? ..' ' ?Jy 1 w-%%M ??? H *KJ i^I i jjfc ffia tr jfiL ? > ? ILE' "B ^ *1? I llHH f(|P 1/ [VI f: vntHIt "xti II11III j I ffP'rS^P*? PfT w I -.. .,?; *; -?' - . . jIvJlUVCIJ Ui "UtfSuvUBi Jf i PflfHIW , ~ ?', Al ?* ;?-.. R a?, ? ? IT t ,* jml' i t v ^ * r ?rti ,> ? ? v Y -i ^'k f ftf Iw Aiey t yiiif/tfi 'f&r"''? ?-' I ;>y \?-':-:w?'v* ;Cg? -x '2p^*';. fl Tarboro, Sept 10.?The members <rf fl : I 726.10 for the purpoie of erecting a i auidsome structure on Main street . ? . '^. J-1 ICdvS V* il^jCvlligOt r I j hr^LiaJfilTJ? n^tf Ln^ Mrs. C.^ . ^ ?n the building will begin -d||p^. J liinj! ' [T| III rlj IIfill 111111 1 _____ ^ 1 >1*1 .or i,A wal1 Ipcky Mount Was Also x w% < der for the Big Show, Biit j -??*? -5b'16'#? f ? ~ * '? "'jS -**? "fr " * ? smiptieid 5fcured trie num. , H-- "??"'vHj! 'i'? ft '?"? jkaK ??? *?, # Mansion, ^Sept. 9.?Smithfreld wii^i ? ** ? v , ? . M ?a jgjv' H - V&9 ?[ ? !i i'-.i Bjv'*>' 1'aSter n $antmi Ouaber to 1 ftt on the Publicity to Boofi :-ii?w&%,r " sih' '?-% p A gigantic advertisingpfbgram wiH be put on by the Eastern Caro line Chamber of Commerce during the next three years* if the (dans of the organization don't miscarry. It is the belief of those familiar *wi<K Eastern North Carolina, that all she needs is publicity, backed by an or ganization :that will handle the cam j&ign in a bustaess like manner. The ' record of theBastem Carolina Cham ber of Commerce during $e last three years is proof enough that this campaign will: be handled in a busi ness like way, bya real big business hien who mate-np its board of di reCtors. ?' ' > Advertising 1WtH Pay fc Nobody that thinks soberly believes now that advertising doesn't pay. The business men too has tried to sell merchandise without advertising has found it a hard job. The town that has bullfcitself up without advertis ing is, hard to find. The county that has been made famous as a progres sive county, has done it by advertis ing. What is true of a business, - a tdwn, county, is true of a section cr state. North Carolina, the most talk ed or sWte in the Unlbn, has an ex eeUent-oppertunity to become the foremost stafe in the Union in many respects, now. The eastern part oi tne;$tate, cov ered. by the Eastern Carolina Cham ber of Commerce* has * double bene fit to be derived from a ms&ra wide idvertislng o*n#aign. Your town or << - county will profit only to^he exteni^/r. that you atfll step in and take advan-. which j^|| frig: firm that is destined to mean so Programs are out and plans are be ing rapidly completed :for holding th*?' _ Pitt County Sunday School Comen Jdn on Monday night and Tuesday, September 22 ind. 28. . The convention rillibe'held-witfa the Christian ehuteh, - ' Fanmrflle, the opening session being field flit 7:80 o'clock Monday night sflt a exited that:there will be a good iounty at. this first meeting. Other sessions will .be held Tuesday morn-? * mg at-tt-M o'clock; Tuesday afte*i ? icon at 2:00, and Tuesday night at , 1:80; the convention closing with the Puesday night Officers jn Charge of plansSmd pro gthe contention > haw an hat the program has been with the idea of having "a J r^, the discussion of I*Tac ^artroents of the Sunday school to.rej iipbtems for discussion,;and ask any ^?"ork 196 convention is lntcrQCioniinti" Bt tfr-~ ?n?I, ana wUc^ from nil Sunday ; ions att tomtexLUi participate in tho Ark. 4?? Pace County Sunday ichooK Association, under whose di

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