g ^ 1 | ytgicotot Tt M-. ,S123J mgjA JmmBH Jf.uf .|-m :' u I STRENGTH, 8nd % I I ^ 'i n "'?"-'''^^^P' 5 u !*? ?. j# ? ^MBSrlSg " sH ? "'- g ' ffBra W^i'.. -' ?Sf'*/ H >^B;. ias ". ? i rpg*..v,:.~4,\?2&:?: I K. ^:?V ? i . M . JLg^L&P'ft*W m: W ' & 1 Big Pcssiifihf:?s. j M> M$%, ?*& . - ,....- - ? ";'" -. - '.. Y< . I 7s ^? ?? " ?? --^' '." - ?? ? 1 -i?fa^MMIg3g=g=g5^MMlg f ? ? -' i " v ' ?? -=^ "T. ^ ? 7 , I s ; r-^-LTji JIW/i .., ?i RAi?tli i i j ,-w !j? ? . -? - - ?wATm irPHStfi'ORWARD" wnwifw liiw* w?Awau? ? ,K ?. ; j I- PriitfTT YV Alvil T. ^ - ? ------ - ? : : : : ' ' ? ???- :.-?' ?? .' T?? it PwSRM^ IPP ???nil ??? ? ' ? " ' "- - "? v ' ' ? ? -===. ? ? """ ' 7 ?- . = T illiiafMMMilnli : lilTT miTTTTt m CARbLINA, OCTOBER 24, '24 No. 25 II - N-SfSEjk. y fc rin v/vuw ^ [ - *? f' ||Jj9?||3Z_|p- _ --r; ? a^^^ijyiiniMf-? '? ?? "MM1 I 1 .' ?-?,.... . ... ? U. m --- .m. fir ? TT IMBiliyi ^ ? _ - mi ^ flt ' li06 {I c tin cut ^f)wi -iLcisc Juos Angles, 1 ^'^rr^rs ^Wa3 r^ moved from office. The taki?g?of testimony was pro ceded by offering of documentary ev idence, including the withdrawal or der ?f President Thft by which the EHt oil -lands were withdrawn from pubHc entry; the executive ?r^ der by President #???? ? ^21 di recting that admi&tntian of the n*fj - vai off iteeai iea be:1awpsf<ned4h thW department of the interior. ??? Roberts asked Stuart to rrial| (Whigs with PaQ prior to the fSHtt-, I j?? tlx W to ft. PM-Ame^M ^-After^ lt was decided to make ftr fc|T|aro >vo/^ alTeadv said he woeH get proof of the ap proval, bet did not until later. We left and went to tie Navy building and wero then sommoned backed shewn the approval of the president Shortly after the leases were divided.^ % Prank J. Hogan, chief counsel for the deftpse, said in his opening state ment yesterday-there was no profit ' eerihg back of the ofl lease transac tions and that they were based on a desire to protect the United States by providing ?t Pw>H harbor, Hawaii, > heard of ofl to fuel the country's oil burning dw adnaogfrts in a possi ble war. Near sifted navy officials, not Secretary of Interior Albert B. ?t pSi? planned that move, Mr. Hogan dedarod. Mr. Fatt played but a pure ly "format andpdrfuaetory part, i said Mr." Hogan. S " Edwin Denby, then secretary of the navy, *nd Admiral J. K. Robison, ^ chief of the navy's en^TOfring bu roan, he told the court, prime movers in the lease traasao --? -?a' their motive was to "eon witeg . - der ground into inel oft available for Owen J. -fecial covfi&p tir-*1 QOjfi ft S e-t IV wr D ? 1 h ^ {BUut iiiicijiw^ fjjwn (n Cvropm^*/-* * back page of* this i^Tf^^w Ncirth Americas Land Co., of thitf city. On^SafuKlay, Nov. faraasj^ging frpgL^ to^ iO^aare^ cash and th^^^er fb onq two and three y$a*a. TH* ?M to tyke place at ItM^ebek JL m. fr Jh?JI< <ty* this company will also sel(t some of residence lots for botlpKfcfand tyJg ored, some with homtyjffifthcm and small farm, a tasfoMrat?^wme or a nice vacant lot on y*IHv * home, be sure and attendthis sale where your own price will do^tfie See their tig advertisement on the back, page a# this issue for full .and complete particulars. *i~; r? if--.' ?"? -Z~> * York lawyer, against Wnkr Foresfe college, was compromised late this afternoon. Under the terms of the settlement, whfch was. effected upwr the recommendation of the trial *>#?; Justice Wasservegd, Mr. Fhrham wflT receive $27,500 in full payment for all of his legal services in behalf of Wake Forest college in connection with litigation ia New York courts. < <; The plaintiff! agreed to wtthdrjsw his charges of fraud and misrepre sentation which he set up in his equity action. The'suit was brought by Mr, Parham to. annul **p*taa tion award of $12J)O0 returned k his favor in North Carolina fdrTegal atirw-. ices he hrt perfpnnad in. NejgYerk for the college. His original claim against the institution, was for $200,* 000. He represented Wake Forest college k fowr suite involving ae counts in the Farmers' Loan tyld; Trust company, and the New York Life Insurance and Trust company of the late Jdbc*?A. Boswiek, the Ifirgt of these eases came up in lffM and the last in 1922. The arbitrators, E. P. Aydlette, JL 2rSerrt?i He Was not satis fied ud^^e amo^t w^tiS^^legal proporitkm the award-was binding upon Pariiam but ad^d that V too^^t ^r^ng I MMMA ~ ?? . 'i; ' . T^v^r^r *yj 1 "i'JPir" - . -. ?. ~ ??& ? j * Kawfai kt $27,500 Wli I^JfOttUSp _ ? ? ' __^ HTjlpIW: I iaim woe in the Vcsie by I Icj^v " .TrK:^.^.- ,/J - [an. alumnus of Wake Forest ? ^ IJTMljfBI if lr ^ ^ XiUiVly* ? ? - '?JiJl* ?H 1,1 _ HW ^ian u|^v KroS^ mi wu?w"iwiwwwl' ; ? ? ; III M M 9 U 9 ^9 9i9 & 9 9 9. 9^f ? ~^y - ^!Iv s sS ^5S1K ? / : ? - ; fr*vl--fv^* H^ Jtond^ Evemng &*&[ $fe| Joywr .^terfciin^ -t^w [ Wfjkew'.jftw*%*fe the Methodart j dmrthjtf | has JbomjK^ttlw here ilpe*1^ departmental worship, ex plained this type of -Sunday school work andpave: the equipment nec essary for each department:' ;' %&2&23.i I Old waf , looked iftfcat thia tiiBe. The goal has not been reached as yet but 4*fc4*?ight. - Delightful refreshments were sertM ed by the hostess after adjournment of the council. -5 ^ 5 '* 'J -.&>*.?*.????? r- ? ??? -?? ?? ?; *v I mssz&sL* joyed -an afternoon of. social itftert coarser and, finer-se\ ring when . they were entertained hy Mrs. Annie hm\g m Monday-of thtfweek^'' ?*"*; ;' A delicious ice course whs served. th^pt MoJay next ? i ii ij-^iirii.r, ? ?- ? J ?a *"/c mt* ~ I? iy. ?^- ... &? t,% I ^ ^ ^ I i v^ ??V'. w*v W|f*HMv"?vf** I V ~r?? 4Va ?? ^t / :? ! . ; VwI^Afe ^ tXpitelCU navy and some naval officers iext ' preps be^g^any fmding^^Ml will Be sent t^Washingtoirpt the eon elusion of thf ii?ar% and the find? ^ ings will; be ponottMsetl there. .a o. W? mmm IngramVgrade won and will receive * rfttSS,'01 toed ttonaamdty fcr e?eh ? move on the part o( .parents w4-urg^d that school matter was referred top* executive committee "LADIES' NIGHT" METHODIST A^^rfi'&S^NIGHT,: OCTOBER W ?? 1 Friday night, October 31, will be 'ladite^iffbt" at the Me&odtofc Hen* ckb. high -sihooF difti?g; roohii:?^ Every member is supposed to;*?hj [us w^e,/sweetheart w friend;^^. A Hallowe'en ^program wilt feaffire the occasion, and will consist ofe special music, stunts, short talks and a good supper. This meeting will, no doubt, t)e the most enjoyeble one of the year. i-:pi?' v: - - - i all right to talk about the fam ggpgSSS rnSmmm c- ~^~r0JTT^G"THE N'iELON " " i SBsA1311 Immmmiiiltm L* ? ?" ? -r ' ' j ^' \ WiiMGive Snappy ftegriMtt 5: School Auditorium. Come ; Everyody likes a male quartet and ' Liu the Jtfgh school auditorium, in a IjjRW-Program of aongj^ xwritatians and musical selections. The quartet is highly recommended by many who j have heard it From the Hamilton, Kansas, Lyceum Committee we quote the followingt' y-.y V&- ?'ik-J I ;y$he American Glee C'.ub pleased [our people very much. The bass and .baritone werp especially commemled on their individual-worit. 1 .fluftt-X unsafe in saying it was the strong est' male quartet that haj ever ap pear^ hi our town.'^ this:/ I ulSv Uiv ;*>murivO'i. ] - . rv. in^ the .TaM^that*".i Ideludes 'foot ??young men who wm splendid mofci ?cians and happy ente'.tainers. A large [house is expected on Monday evening, t Season ticket* now. on sale. ??? _":j'?? - - ? -? fev lis1 ' ~~~~ ^ ^ General E. F; Glenn of Greens boro,Makes-.Talk on- the ; i Nue?iUii4BW - \l r f g' . A "'? 3fl I E. ? Glenn of Greensboro, on the oort terminal question was the prin cipal feature of this particular meet int^citv meet at Washington r aTr^n^Sr^of me^ bers were planning to attend. instated J? Wi4PWMtake?r^mj|^^ guest of Paul Jones at this time. ... - ^ k. I JW. ^ ? ? V y.:-y- V*:Vj^?' "V<> I THE "UNWANTED CHILD." ?: ?>*" ; -? Florence Edna May. a brilliant young playwright, is tho author of new drama that has given scope for much discussion both for ana against its stage presentation. It is "fhs Unwanted Child," the plot of Ihich has to do with the subject of what is to the future of the children born, but unwanted. Without any semblance of sensationalism, the ^oung*dramatist has taken one of the most vital questions ofthe day and it into a remarkable play with a punch in every Hne. At .the same time, Miss May has succeeded in off ,*7' i.AiLUflPK'qcflMcc and. . . rufrnnhln tr mm. L.*dv ?I "The Unwanted CbUd" is a modern idramaana wixn me pre&cuu. _ ^^7 ?w"''jTHuiW^T I \ IJ : nmfl UL m$fe ^KEtmnf B1 ?III ^ ?> nraTi 11 Ian \ v ? | SII ? j I' llu m M .,! ni nnrn s li I fill! 11 lallSriI I BSfP? -4 ?"? ULUuLLF r^' ' mI- ? <*2fc \ - ?,fv' ' v # i '?fe' * Rev^B. Starter. Unal^ fat nr?u i fj ?? ^series ofmectings being'*eld in the local MethodM^rfmrch cula^n vals mi hrtd here came to anjnd. Taking as his theme, ."The Pearl of Suprente;*?aiue,* tfcr Rev. B. B. Slaughter, local pastor,, drew a dis tinction between the Supreme Pearl j on. this subject J?* tiled UnstancesVof finding the- Pearl by chance an<Tof TUtsuStf which ended triumphant ly fbr the pursuers. -Se-butlined the manner in which the .tear and fire - prophets had had their fulfillment/in the. Pearl of great value, and ap pealed to his hearers to forsake all else and -receive this priceless gift* - Mr. Slaughter was assisted in his successful meeting By *>Mrs. C. JU Steidley of Gastonia, singer and perr sonai worker who tendered faithful and efficient service in tta Master's cause, Thirty-six-additions Wre re ceived during th^'taeeting; six of these being by eortifieate. ,*??-? - The co-operation of the church peo ple of the tojsra both in attendance and; assistance was most gratif^g to the pastor and his congtegiuji, and fiie ushers and the choir deserve especial praise for their loyal service. jjgjg V. I POPULAR IADY i .flBy 81 J. l -1 iff# if Qu k. *'v - PfAfiiinPi)^ | U J9BM L VHM >?- -b:, Andrews, 62, *K# -died attSehome of a-son/ Clay Andrews, Saturday -morning hf 10 a. m., fallowing ? msmm$ afternoon, with intennegfelKsK^^ . Kinsto?!^d> the Re^J^K4dler> pas tor qf fiw.-^a*i^*uTth ?* GrednviDe,'' Conducted iKe funeral set* 'vices. . Mrs. Andrew/,-had:many fine traits of*eharacter arid was Very well and faverablf ''JSiovy 6T' flartmlle and ikinity*^;/ ;5" ^ ^"T(' / ^ y ?TT^SS-w,: Goldsboro, Oct jMnf the fact that no^g^de^b'^h^ S^P^?ded^^maYe sible. Mr. Van teWHtfngham. didanofc ly that this will be d?>oided In j^ J5W | A ROUGH RI?EPT^tf{ "! ? ."jell' '! '$ ? Hymoeth, Eng., Oct 22-Udj is? tor, who is seeking rejection*, per-, "SMb ^ rj ' } ? ?i U*-I2vi onh?ititutiM that of h+r socialist opponent They sanjr, O A ' OAA trAHflO |MAW gifftflt'itnftlf

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