-w M|^ *' CT I -??. I Good Meeting it Greene Coon-| ty Town; Jodge Hatlon Prin- H , ./Vv \ J The district membership meeting of ? the Eastern Carolina Chamber <rfl Commerce, Inc., at Snow H21, Mon- ? I day night, proved to"be one of the! I best meetings held since the orgmni-1 I y^tiwi began operation two and afl I half years ago. Nearly 100 business I I ton, Greenville, Kinston and Snow I I Hill gathered around the banquet | I quaint the member in these five! I counties with the real purposes of the ? I t^Tthere was no man who wentB I ? away feeling that the evening hnjM been lost. There was a spirit of Iceen ? I fellowship existing which is sore to ? erystalize into a great forward move-1 I ment for Eastern North Carolina as J I ? section. ?? I TbcS? IBCGtfBjfS &T6 CjlW tot the I I purpose ?f making the individual feel ? hia responsibility to hfe community 1 I in no uncertain way," one of the ? I speakers srnd. The I ptete ? ? ,v ' *> y _ J I LAST TUESDAY 3HGHT AT | f THE ROTARY CLUM .. I Walter G. Sheppard, rice president,! presided at the Rotary meeting on I Tuesday evening. ??_ J > SwTwas. regular business! meeting held monthly, and several! important matters were discussed and! decided upon. Roscoe Fields, who had been recent-1 ly invited to join, the club on ac-1 count of his reputation as a singer, I demonstrated his talent at this and although too modest to aeknowl- I edge an encore, promised to give an-| other number soon. The music com-l mittee was nearly overcome with joy at having such a songbird in the dub I and immediately asked that the new! member be appointed to serve on this I committee. I Y*e delicious chicken supper, rank-1 ed next on the program for the eve-1 ning. The home economics class with! Miss Rae Dawson at its head has I been serving splendid meals for the! past few weeks. SEVERAL INJURED IN AUTO' ACCIDENT | Misses Allie dark, nurse living in I Greenville, and Guilla Askew were I painfully injured when the Ford I coupe in which they were riding on | Sunday morning; collided at the cor-1 ner of Wilson and George streets I with another car driven by a carni-1 val man and his wife. _ ; Miss Claris car turned over and! besides bruises the occupants suffer-1 ed co^.siderah^ shock. The lady fa! the other automobile was thought to I be seriously injured but late reports I State that ah* is recovering rapHttjfcl Miss Clark who Is on a. case hert waa l I Ay I* to- /VMl/lTlAil In Vay '<? wjr la ma I . JWfAGAZINECLUE - S# mgmbora present A KfErers to Always cak a Vote, ;T.., ? ? ?' '? ?'-? ? I deot^ Coolidge WiMfevea ? ^^?1 -New York, Nor 5.?The foil meas I UN of therepublican victoryat the I polls could not pit be taken tonight, but returns continued to show'-lhat President Coolidge^ wo^ld 4iave at least 1A0 votes ra$rgjn in the elec I toral college, and* the largest popu Tbe showing made by" John W. Da vis remained unchanged throughout taday^and although Senior LaPol ceive the electoral vfctes j of any state except that of Wisconsin. remains whether the margih would be opposition of the democrats and the I I As the presidential figures stood I I tonight with only a hand full of elec- I ed strength of the' three candidates in I I the electoral college was as follows:! ?'. Calvin Ooolidge, *67; Johf W. Da-: I .. WEEK .OF PRAIfpR'OBSERYED^fl tJoyner I was offered by Mrs. Henry Tyson. A for tpVung^ well as Tu^-^^H I l'n n mnnf li?ni.<in.ni. . ? l I ?n a most impressive manner Dy miss dotU^ thi!?I ~M drynrt-.i: _r:ra ? ? 'typt or -. i >: - -'renorteci I ttilfl Ofl mul JI 1 2 uTm ' ? Ifc" ' _> J ' n f ^ ^ J J? Wo -rarkerx treasurer of the Mis I Oi < JhQ QC * __ Knytlr i>j>- L_ _ --J ? x V ^ jgan, prr ||& group, led the devotional ? 9n| ?s- hie] subject,: ''Jd^Mpswermgj Prayer,"] ? ".'V??- pj J an intere.-. Kfc *How Mina | m's PrasBM-Answered," Mid Misses LouH 'irginia Harris ? as I a Templef'^|BPte LittleJap Ba by." w8R ? Tore.*, read I an articlfS ho Prayed Him self IntoM MShepherd," and ? -two stia&m Kby the entire ? gtaup with J^HKSzabeth Lang, at I the piano. AS^Bnmr was then ta 1 . ? - u ? The-anm c^Bd which will be ? ion work, was! I ^ I :JH|: OF LOYAL I EMBER 141 ? v. ? ?s wish to an-B nounce tiieir^^^Efency sale Bv&ok-'ipS ' This event! Red forwartfegaB ? with great inl Bthe ladies'of I ? the town who J Bfroy dainty at- | ?[ tides for Chril fta and by thel I ladies and get^^BL too, who en joy an excel d served in I splendid sfyletf^^B&.y-?;iy-y;rp\M ? ti There wiU b^B^Bey dinner with: I I all the cents, a I I chicken talad c^^Kor SO cents and I icecream an! |tt delicious. Pafldra ; freet^BU cordM^B I ?ka^r^l f~ ? I BE' - V^iir ^ mjV g|'? i "- i Fr ' ,-c" V - ? ? ; ... j r) .y- - * ^ i * rwi^* ilffiifppM \ , w. ' that attained by Harding and Cool idge in the republican landslide of centrot of its legislature, New York state re-elected Sfred | Smith, its | iSSStmS, Booiy^Stl r^SOThSniI"'^ity to with stand the republican tide in tbe;state! ?J|M a^tributed t^ popul^ ||B H turns show that f^^ried bjia' plu ? rality of 514,848 over C&mejiBoose I velt, despite the fact that the head ?lot^he national ticket lost in;the me I tropofc as welt as the??I ?fe$jg/fe. V?' k" : HALLOWE'EN PARTY I : Miss Evelyn&ton entertained at I a delightful Hallowe'en party Hal I .low's fi ' feSP? After the guests dressed in; g*J g^us Hallowe'en costumes, had gath ?rered at her ^iome. partners were II found, and the ^Hostess invited them where she promised tham'ghosts and witches galore. The unoccupied house. :owwd by Miss DeVisconti on Main street was "fho crnnl an I ira. 1 f hw ' k.:.: + .. j , , wild niianty. TiK^Jrooms were dec** , J ^ jk i . ., / oTanterns and other Hnltew#^?n qnjp . , AT fltlf OTY\tt IOOVOC ' ?' 'M' ?.'? ? - ya .tfUwluUit Icafvbi , ^ ^ I Inip -fletrOTMT ; iftf B Mari 0 J Nov 5.-^^ cations yet undefined are .causing con siderable apprehension today to phy sicians attending Mrs. F. Florence Kling Harding, widow of the late president, who wastaken ill yester day it the Sawyer sanitarium here where Mfs. Harding makes, her home. , Br; C&ui W. Sawyer, Who -in charge of Mrs. Harding's case, an nounced today that the disease is ? recurrenceyof tl? samfc sickhess. lad ney trouble, which almost caused her death eariy :^^e sprfcg Of 1922 while she was mistress of the white house, v A statement issued last night by Dr. Sawyer said "Mrs. Harding is eome: better after resting well.^yes terday but * new complications have developed which-are yet undefined.'1 METHODIST MEN'S CLUB CELEBRATE HALLOWE'EN AS f LADIES' NIGHT The banquet celebrating the first ladies' night of the Methodist Men's dub was; held in the Rotary olub rooms on Hallow's Eve. at -8 o'clock jand proved'a most brilliant and de lightful affair to the sixty or sixty five people who attended. As the guests arrived they ,were greeted' in tke.dimly lighted-ha&sby the Queen of Hallowe'en, a ghost, fingers, who inhered ?bem into the reception room where deco distributed by Mr. and Airs. J. M. the "Doxology'^a^umptuous turkey dinner was served in three courses fcr members of the ?oun? PeoplasV Mis sionary society^ Miniature witches broome made Unique favors.' T. E. ?Nmll?Jimt ad as The first thing on the program was an amusing stunt called the "Gigan tic Scat ef the Hallowe'en Cat," in: jvhkh everyone present participated; it splendk) talk On the "Meaning of Hallowe'en," was made by thf pas tor, Rev. B. B. Slaughter, and iw ad*t dress on "The Ladies," by Jno. T. Thome, proved^*; masterpiece of wit and showed a profound understanding of the sex which is so rarely tfbder? Stop4tlA telk.ou ^ThsAIan,^ by Mrs. ph ^e^ a^ti^g AWAinot A* * llf An Wnn NSV6T O ? joined the Club/' -"^y > x I .J r/ > . _ ?? 1 -y/y trrjtti f\iif them in a dungeon d<xrK , r_ i r J| m I7.j",y^- - " Ke&f* - X'tC I ORDER OF iJASETTRN STAR the meeting of the?lo^l'Orc3i^of the Eastern Stair held on ThieS^^ewmng The meeting was duly opened by the WorthyMatron, Sister 8a3fy Hor ion, and the minutes read and ap proved. J^/j^orta <rf the standing committees were then requested*. Sis ter Alice Parker," chairman of the ?home committee, reported that her committee together with the ophan age committee had decided tj> send a turkey to e&h: /tetttution as a Thanksgiving offei rig. A vote by the ehaptmr resulted in ten dollars be ing given for this purpose. A report of the sick committee . was also giv en by the chairman. Communications from the grand matron" and Superin tendent R. L, Brown - were read and after collection of dues the following interesting'prpgram was' ^rendered: An~ account of the -district meeting held in Rocky Mount by Sister Mary &2j|g; "OtwfWowment- Fi explained by Sister Pearl Oettinger, Fields; "Our Eastern Star Motto," by the grand matron, was given by Sister -Parker, and the follow ing poem, eloquent in meaning, was read by- Sister Clyde Rasberry: r" "If you stay at home and away from lodge; ?; If you shirk ite work,tod your duty dodge, In time atov/tt say . that your Iodfce is "bum," . For the kickers are those who never come. And the. ones who come, are t|e drie?r Who praise The work of the lodge, and think it tJShe good that ,.being don*, They love the work and enjoy the to Sister .Irene Gnadt of Grand Bay chapter, number 178, Grand Bay, Ala bama, was a guest at the meeting. ices'fdr^mn B? Underwood, beloved educator whored yesterday in the hospital af WIlwnr ?*ere held : flus afternoon at 3 o'clock from Ja^vis Memorial chu rchitt &Ie presence ? of a large congregations of friends ind conducted by his life long friend, Rev. odiS cliutih .V Wilson, assisted % Rev. J. M. Daniel and Rev. T.: A. Sikes, ^both or whom ymmiokd. friends of the deceased.' The services at the grave were in charge of R?V. Walter Patten and Rev. W. W. Peele. Following the members of the fam ily and-the pallbearers inr the fntfer .ol- procession came the Rota^f vChib and the faculty and officers/of East of MRS. JUNES HOSTESS I ^ one of the mpst del&ntful social I '?'?''V '?*. e ? i_ -X' J abridge pkJtyi^ 1 lona Less into the^ spadous ^ living room, I ? . ES to fcMfe<rfHis People. Davis Sends His " ' : Coneratalitions T?0"' Washington, Nov,. President Coolidge, having received a vote of confidence from the .American vot ers, today expressed his "simple thinks" as one of his first acts aft er his election was assured. "It docs not seem possible to me," Mr. Coolidge said in a statement which he read to the newspaper men, "to make an adequate expression concerning the president of the Uni ted States. N[o other honor equals it, no other responsibility approaches ft. When it is conferred by an over whelming choice of the American people and vote of the electoral col- I lege, these are made all .the greater. ? ? "I can only express my simple "thanks to all those who have contrib uted to this result and plainly ac knowledge that it has beep brought to pass through the work ofj a Divine Providence, of which I am Ibut one instrument -Such powers as I have I; dedicate, to the service off all my country and of all my coonti-ymen. \'<l , "In the performance of tie duties of my office'I cannot ask anything more than the sympathetic consider ation which my fellow A$nerfcjms ? have always- bestowed upon me. I lave no appeal except?to $ie com-. "raon sense of all the pbople.J I have no pledge except to aerve them. I have no object except to promote s*'fl their welfare." : - vil I >v; ? Davis Congratnlates Coolidge on ^oHdge ^ t e piw^ **Tu this hour or defeat let me thank you again for your assistance and support. We have mimeje data and open fight and can accept the ri^l'.wKtadt bitterness.^. J : y V MRS. PARKER HOSTESS TO LOCAL Uj D. C. 1 '? ???""<'? ' J Mrs. J. W. Parker entertained the ".'/ members "of the U. D. C., at one of th^ 'most. delightful and interesting meetings ever enjoyed by the local chapter, on Thursday afternoon at hefjpalatW heme ttC*Cfturd| street [ Mrs. J. H. Darden, president, open ed the meeting after which tip usual business was transacted. ?. This was the annual business meet ing and the election pf officers re-.-g? suite! as followsipgfepT Vice president?Mrs. D. S. Morrill. I After a splendid account by Mrs. ^ *0. Holden if the state conven tion recently -held in" Ttodcy Hount, the following progippLwas enjoyed: " I^isto ol: tl^e Stos a^d Bar^"^ read The soul stirring song .uf the south program to a close. . B9S| hrtntiigfl tTutn Ihllfjrf LAr a. had been attractively decorated for A, h I * ^ candles were in silver holders ?>?> -sistet of deudous rut ?<t kMleiej ' - - ' - ?*. - 'v -If ' . -if??*/?-> -4)

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