L-! . !...! . Declares Jouab W. Baiter Charges State OlMrtnea* With Utter Dm-! regard of Ecoaomy; Attacks Auditor's Office That Co&s W40,00??.6?r. ? 'Al'5' \ ?'? t* "? ?'-H J. W. BAILEY in News ft Observer This statement is addressed tp the people of North Carolina and partie ularly to the democratic party, since it is in control of the state and is responsible. . . $ Wo now know that the deficit on current account in the state's finances is at least $9,515,786^63; this ii the' finding of the budget commission; it is recognized as a fact by all save one citizen. How the state auditor of this state will ever reconcile the pub lic statements heretofore made by him with these facts, is a matter for him to expikin. It is a- reproach to the democratic party that it has required two years to ascertain the true con dition of the Htatph finances. It is now mfioWn that the bonded indebtedness of the state is over one hundred million dollars; and by the time the present general assembly ad journs* it wiQ be $130,000,000 or $150, OMAfc. It is now known that the finance committees of the general assembly axe laboring desperately to devise a tax sehemwuuffigient to meet the sit uation; and that under any circum stances, taxes will be very greatly in creased, since the stifle taxes are to be about $5,0069060 more per year than heretofore.' This increase will be in addition to the large increases made the last six years; and it is a question whether the people will be abir to bear the burden- It is cer tain that the burden will press heav ily jfcen them. ? J additional bonds, it is thejuty ottfee legislature to make a thorough-going mvefBgation with a view to catting down the cost of government, and; if ? pwajBk ^mooey +*9W * . * ? # fWti* ^ essjnJjy^ tU^e^ state auditor's department for ezuide, ia costing the ftate 1140.000 a ydar. There is no reasoh'whatever whjJ^is office should coat the state ?v pver $49,000 a year; A reference to K*rthe records will show that it has cost less titan $40,000 a year within the I srBJ; tniffi h<h^iI!mdndui^Q 'Sarie* Th% aotomobile license bureau of thi^gate, under the secretary of stas is costing the state over $200, 006 * year. I am informed by the! jaeaJrtary of state that he has pur eha** nine Packard cars-the Pack ard iter being one ef the moat eapen sive types. The secretary of state has one of these for his personal use; hie chief clerk has another of these for ' St^ia^^aHi ?of his clerks I'fund on page 37, aotomobile de partment, under 5!??ito?<BqKid ^ licenses and fund'1 I tior? 4 rkUiiary expenses of the of ? ,^TWt * ? ; '. .. . . , ing salary of hinweif and lus clerks, 32 shows the cost of HMri% cLT ^ f0r reP8ir*' re? aCe" the cost-of the state's printing. , . - We spent $48,339.64 for survey of the Appalachian and Western North Carolina Railway, irt all probability z dead loss, since the attorney general declares the act unconstitutional. We paid interest on the. funded debt, $2,729,76&50;.and in addition to this, interest on; notes jfcyahle $831, ^15.82, Bear in mind this is interest ?not principal* ; When our state debt ?mounts to $$50,00$^^ as it shortly I wi&, the annual intemt will come to j $6,5e^OOO. ? . - g r I have motioned a sufficient num ber of instances to confirm iny state ment that we are spending money at a rate that indicates an extravagant disregard of sound principles of econ omy as welL, as "the con?fitig$T^\the tax payer, arid demands invastigi^^^ government account are 009 was a tremendous burden. For over $40,000,000 of our state bonds we have no Specific provision whatever for pasinginidrest or prin cipal, and since state isrim-; ning behind state expenses, our cred it. is threatened. The state prison has been run at ?? loss of frbxri $250,000 to $300,00(1 in three years, and its sujmriniaadent says he will, require about PNtf/OO a month hereafter above its earnings? that, is, $SfiK^jper y^ >;fit ^ One other matter, we have built within the last ftmr-yearsr a large number of costly structures. There have been a number of ugly rumors touching some of these buildings. I have heard enough to justify me .in &H?sflBgtaa%^ KgWhltfrqiicteni*. pare t|ie buildings with the'plans and gggfcatjocs, wiffi m view to^ ascer jngs combs up to the. specifications upon which paywt^ jpu^V -ifes ?f!Cprt ^to' 1<^U Html* rMXVi^n uu Kfrv it dim pure authorize tne zaje o? tne state prison ftum near Raleigh ft? $400,-f 000, beaten; but only becsuM.. certain individuals - . ? . fj V . ?!-?-. - .-*?- ? . r- - r t -- IT" " appeared ana unarmed tne icgttM tnre that the property was worth in the neighborhoodofa milUin (tyllaxfc This project yw supported by a vyy but for the would-be purchasers. We OPght 'to. havp an end of this sort of thing. I observe now that a bill has been introduced to tjfraWe. the /btate to purchase the apartment house end lot. on the earicpH* Edenton aritl TfBP mington streets "for a sum not ex ?*k8hr ?175,000. This property wnq? i not sell for more than $100,000 or $125,000. The house would be prac tically worthless to the state; it was with beds bu^lt into the' walls, with bath tubs and fath room*;: and i? the state should purchase it, frpWould ] hkv^te^for Uese ';bhdfc.: bath, rooms, bfth tubs an4Vother:,-?qijfe: I mentj and hwrpover, would bay*. j& tear out the wails and reconvert the is not a fireproof atructdr^7! and it ^j^?^yejry successful-apartment . [house even. To reconvert this bpild ing it Usable for stiehC'b<hrv! it would not be a fireproof building, such as the state ought to have. If thf legislature fixes the Unit to $175,^ ifW t<ttd ?AtLtq Jitjllht i/\ " t|A V/yJf A J 1|*1V * JJJ. J fkj, r * i v i "iii i ' ~ ? i mi ? F; ? "?. ', 44..' ?'' ?' ?' ^>52% YrV"!'' ^"T | tVC6Il y 11/v^UvV SBu *1 jVwvjvvv S yfoT i [ :- . . I ?MA?a that) is Tl/?i*ftOQ/l?*tf? AvtW I /Irt ?*<?f I igr" ? necessary, man i a? not body until ">^e cut out this waste | > Mgaai Aps.-* ( Tb Supreme Court. | Stokes and Ayden to Ridge Springs Projefls Let By Count? Board Yesterday at $20,468 Per Mile. l> Greenville, Feb. 8.?Contracts for |?0?eta!ire^kHi of a sixteen .foot con crete road from Highway "number 11 lto?to)?s and for* aimflar road from to Ridge Springs (Greene JtsmnBctf wZw wpn is w ucgin HIM * H)e completion of these two proj tfts vrilt add mnch to the county's tbfltygfc^hjeh >tbese roads pass as ?^Sli to roe towns tp which they [Hfe 'p&fd^A&rfe I they *n stpdipusly doing. They move m solid-phalanx; they constitute a ?ell organized machine; and so long as ihejr know that, they can do this, they win be ex^VRggpt. The only chec& updfi mdriey - spending in North *n?h1?s ?ffi<* hold ers toVtfeftMt the will of the people, $MW5L&!i ^ *<*"ca,t and has f^thfuBysupported the par earnestness ui'ujo aeamf ww. shall give to the people of this state and the rank and file of the party it self a be^ w^^safer way, of fHjai?* ITlfl to ma. ?l"l ,As^^^^H#*'^H^V4RBB>|i?i ?/ ^rt MB fe i# i thltf' * XII ^ ? f'"r ' r*- -? * i i'l M'ti. ?' IH'""'' 11 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^||| do&s liflt .jjiiBt.rihirfft^Ij nfc its ilfit Drof" I co^? y, y. cnyr)lu5 -3iKn^ *or^ ^^ ^ TlAtffAVpr fpft stOCfM? ^ _ | rijsftvy; . ? - . _ %.?1^17'''/. - /? '^J.u..- .'? ? ^,,.?<? 11 ? ? - ^ ip/' . y VV4B Qf w L|K - I 1^?1 ?ill '-- ? ? * C2-".?Mf-flll >!?? Mr John L HbokerC 5, died in the Eftt Community hospilaf| in CfcMn ville Tuesday night at 12 o'clock, bie^eved to have been remains w^ owt W ^o^^aek,' t. Hooker; a traveling satemian, found Tuesday afternoon by of Poh'ce Hobgood of Parmville, sitting on the running boardof his cat the 'that he suffered an attack of acute in at to drive his car. any further and had stopped thinking some one would ,,afS' - -feu.. *&; PBtSBYT^UN AJJXILIARY ?; Th^ W?mn*r7wdli?ry of tl? Hobgood, "at iti regular monthly ^|*H4r T. C. Tuma^ oonducted ^ &?& Turn age emphasized ini: {massive way Jwtitf hundHty, as dem onstrated by the Washing of His di*-" I mMpfoefc lit the Last Suppei&*> '??%: I This ^ [.*? "'* & ? ' ^ ?, ?. V*i|T.S. ,<|Tra'v;' &utk\? the^eVe^^^i'dvw days ago j effects to a second hand ife'diV-hf5 the J^mviction that, with the earths dftrl molition, Kewodldtete noffuxOfcr'nae for them. He safeguarded against a miscarriage: at the'predictidni," haw- f. ever, by -jseservi*g-; t?id .right'itoi-JWl purchase:his effects should he. fafl to 1 ayd the vicinity am,scheduled tiiile.-1 AV: : ?"&:rftr.?,v -; (l,? . ./?;, ''f - notes of the: $ MlfclSlERIAt MEETING [rThe local ministerial board hold ?m- j ter, on Monday mdttflKf 'at 11:80 o'clodk.' -A A ~ ?Th^meetingwas opened with pray- < *r by'Rev. J. LJRumJ&y after -which::, N. N. Flemiiiig. j'i?porteEl Tl;tbat beeprplaced in the stations adtf'jioit pffite. dinner reeeirtiygistn niemfaere-'of. the huhisterial;6oatd hy Mr.; and Mrs. Fred Smith was hibught write an expression'6f appreciation to t^4nli j HifiAUQQAfl Thi* cprvu*? ?"i i In >L* Mnf^AiHaf .nhiiiuih A y fiiitw1 dpfc ? r' * ~ ? ~ j- 4 Complete settlement on two crops W do with-mem Stt^lofthe .Tofekeeb firovtert ?oop?r fl m association oOft oft&Ml SaWnfey. TOhiary '?& n? be issued ???? as. socja^'ni^rtibert ^isSm tiie coo^tive Wa *hbusds>itfM^astefe' bfek W co^*he: iastindebtedfte** of'tHe &!' *xc ifottio?& en^' lories Utfe aftd iticcd.- T ' ? ,*:??:Ui&: M X -*???<?-? . The tobacco co-ope of South Caroli na' ahd the *3Ct?SF Candida &Kfer cot Mr wilt ? Vttntt' "fii 'lift#' tt> oh1 -tt*' *?>r?Iffe *f&tm ottiirtayV set temeat/having' fcW&dy *ul payment ?? tffe* U& Vio(lv?fM * :*A #%?iitM??g? Thefcnal ^. nieirt"hy:the 6flfidctotion "With ifi toisAi be^'ift th? S<mth CtfiuHiftfc "belt b , sch^MSM takd ' Starch' lie, according- to the announce inep^rr M aSfkiCifttioWs intMWdtiMUMZ X f> The 'tbWco 'fafroers of the old bright' bett'ef; Virginia and "North Carolina ^?are fnrtttbeK ??&?'??' tl^ment 6n Tddiv^is bflfhe i9!22'?rop >ii joiCbelrtrfe W, iad/dctotd Jjuw to their'directs** thfe'^tttleMt - jmi be followed within 40 days bp' i^mentsbrtall grudee 'of *h?4r*t92a{ - tcco which baye been sold and paid '? '''? ;.. -?Ttr Tt" - rtf^t n oif ps iii^inofirs in ?A8t6Vii Ltirolio^:r, ? ;yv, flicJ ^^?ifii i atpyy^, **^7y"w .W*t v^y* ??< .tWwjrft yvQff' flOBv Succ?safut hl? -. .. ... ?i"' />r\T^' ? VWI ?Wpj|Wfy4. > .'?w'rw,* *v?4Ul,fi:<?uf>|UatiiLLiK4 irti/ij'uvi1 X->-' *r 7u^?? ip One of the most en joyable of recehi am ips of Masons Tn aiT attonriance bJ^if of ?n fratan^tn^ h?2si*?thtitW?i* wid innnrin^ ^fr?. "\'f V ^5^" fflfMffig fy*..' v An {nvBlMfbiy^mMtm^

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