| TwentfAllegedMeabers? Admit Taking Part in Crime : x , V ? ?-? .7 ??? ',..2. '.v iV "11 I " ?- ' ? Twelve of the 15 Arreted m 9% ShMHB Ke?ft RjBKr etHJhder fletvy Bond (By R E. Powell in Raleigb Times of April 13.) Tarboro, April 13.?Twenty alleged Imember* of Ota mob which two weeks age took Joseph Needleman, young Jewiph npleamai*>$om the ??*? tin- , I 1 fTlmiml TiTni Wm WBffjr jiir ana rautnatecr mm, nave confessed to participation in the crime arrested and jailed are at liberty un der- hpnde ranging inn $6,060 to Three men, alleged to have been to make a- sworn statement, accord ing |o SdMtar Don fiiUwm stale proeoeuter, and are bepg held in the Edgecombe county jail in Hen of be ing able to make bail in the stun of $36,000 'each. Dm three men who base not con fessed are 'Henry C. Griffin, a cousin of the jail whom Needleman is al W. Spatrow, Jr., ^ho married the girl following the mob's mutilation of Needk&en, and Sparrow's father, fte Utter residents of .Kiristop is-M*v-nine men and beys are fei plicated, according to Solicitor Gil-j B ? liua's -statement this morning, and of thfe number twenty have made written" confessions. Of the total number! of suspects, fifteen have been arrested at various times since the crimeya* committed - and all hot three of the fifteen have been lelepa - ?d under bail. The solicitor could not state today whether seven or etdht f' erif the men who ass behaved by )fm ?'."to have been implicated, who bad not | jfrm toresbsd, have also made sw^m A* if the man who have been fx *? mboapwet ^wfrpiueiitafn & case. ^finder a statute passed forty years which the main toto'ipf-tto tooh axe tbsi-gsrl is- pun t?rty? SST^axi^^ 'Trfhg Kestflatoan, victim of the mob, is reported by physicians in a Washington, N. C* hospital, as tow Tht charge against him, which is a] capital felony tat' too state, was al topsd to have- been committed on Waito 20. -It was a week totor that be was placed under arrest in Eden ^ ton tod-tarried that toy to the Mar about thirty-six hours before being ? * ? i ?-i ? 1IB? I ^ GilHoi declines to die . .-. ^ _^.."^Ai^ . . Aw.t I h*. hu mm?d *tth saArt' abiKtr ^Cni'l mi lllfra JUL l :; jprf8aM? that savefcrthe thwe prin . i^><v"ry! v . _Jv B* twantjMuae alteged to have part^-1 ^-g_ j. ? |. i ? | it- -?-*- ?_? ?? -' "hTj 11'.', of auMttoff * w n/toawnig j sbnpfe. .- r~?" '_ |, "j M I * N H A ? MAA Hi AAAA ? M. V. Hertoa Rc-Eleded Mayor | The primary hdd Wednesday for tame affair, very-flttMi kterest being manifested other than for-the mayor ship. ?- -s > -'.- c '--'.v-?-< M. V. Hnrton, *bo fcaa heid the po S*?Q fcR. yean? received a veto of 3S6, whfle his opponent, Waiter G. Sheppard, re ceived 174*Sortwx i*?g ee-noarina*. ?d by a majority of 54 vote& - * f .. Mefisrs. H*W, Turoage, L. W. ?pd win, J. R, Davis, Dr. -' I>. a M?*tt and Tora Dait, "were the successful nominees ottt of eight candidates for commissioners. \ ? The losers in the race for eonunis sioners bofng T. W, tang,*. i eher and W. Leslie-Smith. Pill-Beaufort Chapter of American Institute of : Banksng Organized Greenville, April 16.?The 8?M Beaufort Chapter of the Afferiean] Bestitute of Baking was organised <P>0 H IMS, ?t* fr m. . . ' p ;? w. M. Priiette, ^Bethel* ployees of Pitt, itadfert and. Martin counties have signified their intention 4? join. L Several ChaptersW'alneady teen Jrganbed inseveraM' the longer cit ies throughout-thestate and being so conveniently connected with nearby towns by pavedlioed*, makes it possi ble for this chapter tp be organised; i& Greenville. Vy Study classes will he held in the each ^ru^k for one hour. This is a privilege and an, opportunity for the [other and to feem'-^nor* of banking methods. U, N3 ' -?-/? fc ? > - iv .-f'-v j for an ail ^ayseseion. The following I I ,, , Sl-L >-"-!*?? -Vi. I . .-ftC" '" I program war ?arr*B ent. ^ . I I bivocation?ite. J. W. Lovelace. j| C^Wom^Hjnim. Sjgp j ^1 '? ? ftfirt ?166i^SImi VVit^p - \VKA |C ? k; m9m.W+-1*mWf**m^m- / ?? ? ? ??w I ^Mftr jftpll know why I did It! I justeouldnt she sit^ brooding in the gray shad Sophie Hazle, her imele, Fred Kienke, | Sr.,- and his wife, lily, and causing the illness of thirteen other relatives and friends. On three different oc j~kes, livtog in separate homes, drew ^ tUr water for ?odtfn&<t?t^^!1 ! It has^^t bee^decided ^^er in. thTdehisior wWcheaused PrW kill her nearest of: kin. I four children, 14, Ifland 7. Her hum : ble home is in an agly, mod -bound The impulse that caused her to poi son the water palls was suggest on holidays. She said ?he used; the. ar senic at her mother's home on Tha^s* I giving day and at the Giente home I intakes *n?tbe iltoeu?^^gniiany ri^Alrin? 'IK"""iei" jifftiyiH* ^ww^i^k ' Q9' ttW y(Kl* ) . *? a ???iw-^imr " ?t -? ^ ^r ?, ;7* y ^y ? ",~*".e t ,-r!^.' ?*"' ^^^:'^>-?>r devil made me." That is all she lias to say; ? I: :.-. ' - ?'.-' ' .'. . ?- " Tk? Baker-MasonLumber Cam* flny Bays Loqtf Phu?i of 3. 0. BAw^Th^ Wnf Carry a cabinet work, and will carry a. number of years. _ j n*re ywusfc will n^e his ._. IAWj KM1||V Tf) fjf) _ f\ 11 1M|: ? * J.* .-...mK. 1 . ? / --| ~t '?-i m m ? *?._ ? ? *' KTm -*? I* ? ? ? i\ I I 1$ BWW A '' '*' cf[awiA^jh. ' malting ? luspjces /tlio bi^ exposition is bemfir '"' ' '' ^ ^^ I *.?? ?' ? '<< *?, ^ ? ?. - ..? ? / ^ ^ ^ j c^ called qu J ? Vfft" of jppssi- J ^b^tV v 4 .' vIPgP** *Wfii'Wwl? flny. 1 satisfactory -"^r-v .? i:^'-' I I Hq|mC ' i? "x .?* . ?**,' - ' ,J I CtlStom?(rf*" ^hiiin-~nn^ji^^i^C P j I y ? nifict-' CQnSQlt Wittl H-'i y \BU,4>!^.. ? . I I ?^^SjM^^P^^^HEB?^5?x9^flS|^KB9R~*?PM|HH I I Vlfliv" A'P " f 1<??k' ? ~ " T~ " ?' ?, *- *J :| .jV W U 1|| ? II T |ma' '/III 8 .* 1 i 6ather ajGrecpville /' Missionery Conference of the M. E. ^ an's Missionary Council*-will give an address on Tuesday evening. Mr& Steele will also 1>ave charge o^ flje noon Bible hear each day of the-eerr fieranee yTfctlopJe forthese noon hoar addresses will he 'The Chris -tian Way of Life." Dr.: J. L. Cunningham, a beloved member of the N% C. Conference, now. president^ *#- :ScaJ*itt - College for Clyis^an'flUorkers, JjlasJhville, TminW w01 speak on the Belle H. Bennett Memorial arid Searritt College. b ' Mrs. M. E. Tilly, Atlanta, super intendent of Children's Worltim No#h Georgia conference -will speak pn "The Children of the World." She work especially with the commit' tea -On children^ -Work. ?#& H. C. Ritter, one of the lead ing missionaries in the Orient, for many-years Professor in Narikingtln -iversity, will give-an illustrated ad dress pn Wednesday eveping on cur worki?.China. ;'r Miss Daisy Davis, widely known throughout the Southern Methodist Church #id who has Just ieturn|ed from a year of study in Scotland v IB give jthe address on Thursday e1 e: -fy .. ? : & Mrs. Kate Burr Johnson, Raleigh, commissioner state board of charities .and public Welfare, will speak at; 11 -o'clock Wednesday morning on "The Relations of . the Miekmaw Society to " _7^1 ? ^'*'' mV V '" y-T^**"7 I^NSItfS* * "- , M' v J W 35 1 hp i\8C6DI8Ht Of * I tetog^*PopobXera soprano voice. and: the program ' w rendered Friday evening was un doubtedly ode of the\be*t ever pre WM&ed he reg$|&^ ; * -; - i. jj. Misa Case has been taking vtfttl for the pwt t*o: years under the di rection et Jiise-Mkry K. Jerome, lo Iohfciiney jsefc become a singer ofgre# | She:was the. recipient of several large baskets of beautiful flowers, I ah(ndo^.tiw;^arteen\ ;ln which she & find^eeWtesy!' r-f?;-??><?? i-yV >1 \ r.lfM: v; I these posers for ^^^^r 'of v&^^^dation will ^ I m With Three Mwuhs o? the Year f ./? v.;nt./?>"fv ; r ?c? ".AW.M- ?. ^ >c & i* ^ f -j . Raleigh, April 16.?Figures releas ed yesterday by . Governor McLean ^ ? we* account of the state on March Si whieh- will end on June- 30 the esti mate of the budget commission of a K ^,515,787.(53 now apj^ip to Be as accurate as an 'moptb& l$t and with the'lyjft it {he ironA colta# ed, the. figures submitted to Gover ham and TmsnWt fr B, X^ry show i tv the . n?t three months at the rate or ?400,000 a month,*#? figures will pan. During the month of March, heavy, income taxes swelled collections and there was rec^iyed ?3,103,^0.36 as. against disburpelnents of |1,208,950J)4 oy. a surplus for the moi$i of $1,92^,r 680.32; Tt?&^efwt of $tp>Oo,000 re ported at the end of'February, just before the income tax flood, was t^e " high water mark and, by the same toten, the present deficit of $3,30p, until the end of the listal year. r ?l?u?. J Cirei^ l^o. Four of the Missionary So \m: ndp^riatesong Wa*sunfc fa the~v?fiemberafcijp Contest; it was Pftnd that groups Nos. One and Four had made the lowest average, there for* according to the -ra'ee governing the contest these two groups will give supper to their sncce^afol oppo ?wimts at the nextmsepting, Following this feature of the meeting iu W. Bot> bitt, chairman of Group Fw, called ^JohA T.Thomeforo speech. Mr. Thorns responded wwl a beautiful -talk on the meaning of Easter. Fol- , lowing-this talk, Group Not Four put on w4#t we w.Ul call a tin can race. Those participating in this contest ?jrere J. M; Christman, Karl Forbes, Dr. Alman and Earl Lang, easily the most nosing stupt M ^la^wn^^d ^F|n^a^tepg man had the ^ed'ge" on his oppdn^nts by a very narrow margin. The meet ing closed to meet again the second J Friday night in M*y #t seven o'elock' instead of 6:$0 as heretofore. TO GIVE A ii^AL Mies Edna Foust Harris, pianist, and John, ftvright Holmes, vocalist. I will'give a mixed recital in Perkins I hall at the high school building Mon? day evening, April 20, ait eight o'clock. / it Loyers afhigh class and wonittfyl: 11 ly' rendered instrumental 'and vocal . mu?c should fail not to attend this Jfiw Postal Rales Went Info Effect on Wednesday Biggeit Boost Ever Ord||d; New Stamps Are Now on ' %. The general change in postal rates, which is the biggest boost eve^ or dered and designed to raise '$$8; 000,000, to pay the increased'1 sal aries of postal employes, went into effect Wednesday. This- change Ne cessitated an issue of new stamps. The new one^ arid _ one-half cenfct.pos office Tuesday and Postmaster ^ G. Gay states- that he is expecting; a >c^UgJu^ of. ^-haj^ jcentc 15 cent "special delivery stamps and a 25 cent stamp, wljich will insure parcels be^-^j2(l^' as; expkliep.tjy as first class mail. The. greatest change is in the rais ing of postal cards from one to two cents, the raise in'special delivery, and registration^ fees. The new rates are as follows: Insurance fees: Value on one cent to $5, fiv^ cents; $5,0.1 to $25, eight cents; $25J0l ?o $50, ten cents; $50.01 to $100"," twenty^five cents. Registry "fees : Values, one cent to $50, fifteen cents;" $50.01 to $100, twenty cents; registry. or insurance returp insurance receipt, 3 /cents. Money brderfees: Ohe cent to $2.U0, flVt' cents; $2.51' ? $6," seven cents; $5.01; to $10, ten cents; $10.01 to $20, twelve cents; $20.01 to $40, fifteen cents; $40.01 to $60, eighteen cents; $60,101 to $80, twenty cents; S80.O1 to StOG^-twenty-trwo cents. 7,; 3?fstt .df??:; Letter s-tyo cents an ounce as before. Post cards two cents ? ff^Spapef'-tatesr One or two ounces, two cents; three or" four <jtagesr fo\jr-e?rfi; five or six ounces six cents} seven or eight ounces, eight t*gs.. ^ ' ?' iWfi&lk Over rtjjht elites* ^^ etc., one: c^rtt tor two ounrea under oisht ounee^ over oight ounces, sone I rales. Merchandise san? as printed matter. ^ ^ fees: One cent to $10i 12 certle;' $10.01 to $50, fifteen dents; $50.01 to $100,-twenty-five cents. Parcel poet special delivery fees: Weight not- over t*tf?gf*pds -an* not Over >n pounds', fmcen.<J?ta; over ten pounds and not, over seventy pOtinds, twenty cents; other wall than '? parcel post, ten cents. - AH parcel post, except that col lected on nuUl free delivery, routes, will require two cents in addition to r all other postage. All special hand- \t I llufe twenty-five cents -extra in ad dition -to all other postage. > ? ?'+> ' + ~ ' ' '? W ? " V . i ' ' 1 ' y"'* '''' ." V.:. l-* ?' Isupt. V.^A. McAdams, with ' the consemA>r?fe boffKl of town commis cents a.kHo^at f?* this purpose. This rnte Ls being made In order that tho citizens of Farmville may avail them selves w?th modern electrical, cooking - and heating stoves. : Mr. McAd^plao ^tal^ that to. Or to hol^k' denTonstration here.:ft? prdor that the fadies especial^. raigh-. &e the advantage ofc\ cooking with electricity, ' .. ?? We uhdersftand'ritet theater and \ light department expech to handla these stores and:iE8taIl thqxn at cost nounottnsnt cf the date for .the d ^ inc' vpc civi' ? " y " > - *-: : \ ^ ?

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