ENTIRE LOAD Of A SHOT GUN AT CLOSE RANGE ENTERED THE BODY UNDER THE LEFT SHOULDER BLADE \ ?* ' * . v < " ?? .1 ??? i NEGRO CAPTUgEft SOON AFTERWARDS gUSHED TO SAFETY Funeral Sen*? 9* la FnmviHe and Remains ta Be Lud. To Rest > Cemetery la Kinatao* HJaLFonuerHoue, Fntmbk.Mah. Violence Avert ed. hje Proiaptnes ot Officers In Rushing Culprit Away. Never before in the history: of Fannville ^aK its citisens and those of Shiten Carolina been more se verely shifted than on Thursday ? night when the news was broadcast telling of the awful tragedy that oc curred near town that cost the' life of Dr. H. P. Moseley, one of ourfmost prominent practicing physicians and greatly beloved citixen. It seems from the best information obtainable that about 7 o'clock Thurs day evening, a'negro by the name of Sherrod Blount came into town for Dr. C C. Joyner to go and administer to another negro by. the name of Frank Fraxell, who resides alone m a little hut near the corporate limits isssss t? out of town call, Bt Moseley was called. Dr. Moseley, accompanied by Ms wife^ drove oat to tbe house where the negro was and immediately upon appearing near the door of the hut where the negro lived, the negro rais ed a single barreled sho gun and shot Dr. Moseley, who died instantly. = * Upon bearing the sound of the gun shot, Mrs. Moaeley, who was sitting in her husband's ear at the end of the sprang from the car to eee what had happened and ran to the corner of the boose where she not ofdy^saw be* the 4emeM0a*~teeeied upon her. . 3heraglmftt^therbeJaBds?M?y: ed help from a passing antonmbite^ the offp*1*** seeing the negro with his gun still leveled at Mrs. Mosely,v shouted; the negro the* turned and <~Xbont this time Mr- mid Mrs. D. G. ?? Allen, of this city, who were out for a ride, following the evening meal, cam% hy and were hailed by Mrs. Moaeley. Mr. Allen sprang from his car and went to Dr. Moeeley, sending Ma wife on into the city to summon physicians and the pobc* Gpon im mediate examination by Mr. Allen, the' first to reach Dr. Moseley, whkh was only a few moment safter the Tearing, it was found that Kfe was Mr. Alien is of the opinion that Dr. Meaeley died instantly In just a few moment? after the alarm wae. given in the ?ity by jfg Psgi|g*ig J??ief of Polk* Hphgoo^ with the " In the. death of Dr. Moseley, who was in the prime of his life's profes- ? sion, he being only ST years ?f age,| Farmvffle and Pitt county has lost ? on? otits most lovable and prominent ? physicians end a valued, citizen. Aftr? er graduating in medicine and secur-1 ing his license, he came to Faxmville? from Kinston about 13 years ^fo and ? began. to^prpcticej and I duglT Imowledge^of his profession, had I secured for him a profitable patron- I age. fie was;a man who loved his? profession and gave it his entire at-1 tention.. ? ?: ? . When the World war brolte out and I Uncle Sam called him he willingly laft? down his work here and served his ? country in the states and in France. ? He was mmisi>-'oned a captain while ? in training, and just before sailing ? for France was married to Miss Eu- ? nice Andrews, of Wilmington. Upon I his release from duty at the close of I the war, he, with his wife, returned? to FannvSle, where he resumed his ? practice and made his home. ' ... ? I Besides his wife he is survived by ? I his mother, \jrho for the past few? ? years has been an invalid and whose? I death may be hastened by thi^?^ A ' ? Coroner's Verdict ? I At the inquest held by the coroner? I th'? morning the evidence showed them ? negro who did the shooting was not! I erased by drink or acted other than? I normal just prior to the' Shooting. ? I The verdict of the jury was "that I I Dx. Moseley came to his death by be- ? I Jug shot with a gun in the hands of ? I Frank Frizzed without provocation or ? ? cause, and recommended that he be? ? held without bond. : _ ? He will very probably be tried at? ? the regular term of criminal court to ? I be held in Greenville commencing ? I Monday, August 31. I ??-< "a j ? v M m w ^? ? - fl? ? |?B H ? I HARD MATTERS > ~ CL iwj- j*. -^? HThj^ft^n^DeBaC^Mon^? I RalLigh, Aug. 18.?The operating! ^?ministration, and the I confront the goveSor when he re-B II turns here next week. ? ^^? L^ree wwkB' va?tto at a I l rE|/ I j ^ up t^l Hk - ,',v5V- ' _ ?i /\Af ^ IK'S .t ujIjv aI,a rificATl tn yitJI 'apt? t ? iMnAtd^V fkal ? .. r ~^B Va_ _ - * BtJB IL I ft I ? v^HT rat 11II i III ??I***?1*? ?; : *"W^| ..:>$ ;? ? ' ? Go^-^t^hter of Great Com-I moner Organizes A National? Committee. Favor Florida to I Avoid Controversy. A Prize! of $1,000 Offered for Des&fcl ' i ? ? v.? . .i ' (Written Specially for The Enterprise ? S- by Pauline Deaha.) < New York, Aug. 2Q.-^A nation-1 wide movement for the miction of tan H extraordinary memorial ? to William ? Jennings Bryan dt Ctewiston, Florida, ? was announced today by Miss Dionee-1 sa Bryan Evans, god-daughter of thel late Commoner. Miss Evans, whose! home is afl 8636 Grafield avenue, Min-^H neapolis, arrived at the Hotel Roose-B velt, New York, to establish a per- ? manent organization for the project. H There is to. be a committee compos^ I ed of conspicuous leaders of thought,? industry land finance from all sec-^B tions of the country. This incorpor ated committee will have general I charge of the enterprise. There is to be a; contest for the^H most appropriate design for the me-^B morial,' and already Miss ^Svkns has H ? secured a donation of $1,800 from 0. ? G. Dahlberg, of Chicago, to be awaiE-l ? ed for this purpose. The funds for ? the erection cf the monument are toH ? be supplied by ths eHHdren of rite/pub-? I lie and Sunday- schools of the. country Bin dime contributions. Charles F.fl I Daly, president of the Liberty Nation-; I al Bank of Neur York, has promised Miss Evans proposes that (he roe-fl [ morial be built in Ctewiston, Florida. ? on the southwest shore 4 Lafc? Okee-;M Hchobee. Miss/Evans explains that she I ? selected that place for the monument ? I of her late god-father, first, because I it is in the Commoner's adopted state, Hand, second, because it is a beauty fl H spot he. favored. "The proposal has met with such ! ? enthusiastic approval as almost to^^B I sweep me off my feet," Miss Evans | I said. "It is true that when-1 pro- ? I posed Washington,' D. C., as the place.H I for the memorial, I found a. numheT H H of objections. Critics suggested thaiB I any effort to secure a site at the .nat- ? fl fpnai enpite* would produoe a sug gestion of political' significance. The ? ? monument! is so great and broad in R&H H| conception and meaning that 1H I thought it would be folly to assume H I any hHTP1ri!| of political controversy. B H Moreover, the fear of partisan objee-1 1 tion brought forth the additional fear H Hi of sectarian discussion. ? f ? "It was logical, therefore, to re- H I move the undertaking from all peliti-1 fl I cal, pftrtbatt, sectarian or other ,crit- ? I Jcisin. No one could possibly object J to the selection of Florid* the stajfeB I of the great Commoner's-adoption, sal I the site for the-first memorial to be? ? erected, to his memory; and thus Flor-| I ida was chosen. ' I "My vision of this memorial is I clear of any thought of sect, or school,? I or pari*," Miss Evans said. "It is anJ I Expression of his love of that faith in fl lluthots." - . fe^VxH Briefly, besides the general com I mittee which will handle ^establish ment of the memorial, thert will be ^TrSo^ dTlILreTthe a? I tist aubnutting the design which best i'tetorporates the idea of Bryan and Bw3T. & 1 $Z,-. I Faith. j __111 1. *?'' j, ? ? vni-n - /evvvkfAeF Tncrj^ win DC :h in religion. ?ttwnpUcations any kind, FJ ?-v '? ?"V Kinston, Aug. 20.?Great prepara ;tktps jrte. being, made by the Eastern Carolina! Chamber .of Commerce with headquarters at Kinston, for a real representative exhibit at the Made-in Warolmas. shpw ;to be h#d at Char lotte, September 21 to October 3. The directors of this organization in ses ision Monday of this week-in Green- ' MUe authorised the secretary, to ma.ee a creditable exhflt>it for Eastern Caro lina- "Eastern Carolina has newer been regarded as being industrial at all, but we.expect to show the people of the other .sections of the country that the territory, covered , by the Eaa tern Carolina Chamber of Commerce, is a, fertile and prosperous field for j indmtftos: of aU'kind#/' Secretary Bartlett after the meeting. ,Agricul ture .itfll not be. featured, except that it furnished the raw material for the Manufactured products right in the field. ?. . Realising that it takes cheap power and an abundance of it to make an industrial section, the Eastern Caro ;pHfc$hamber -of "Commerce wilt fea ture hydro-etectriepowefc, in its ?* ?jdbit The :TKdewater ^ jJ C?" j* "HTVT ii *' .1' 1. . 1 * MH fln'S a Companion and Another Fe male. Great Excitement. $? , ??? Kinston, Aug. 19? Madame X has, -returned to town, accompaneid by her masculine partner, ^Monsieur Y, with a further addition to the party in ttte person of Mile Z, thus creating a, ?simultaneous equation with three un known uantities. The first phase of jtjie problem mig/it be stated thus: x phis y plus a pint of corn likker, equals a warrant to appear before Commissioner W. H. Sutton for 'vio lation of the Volstead act It worked out that way, anyhow,; when the "dainty and captivating little B^adame and her sugar-daddy," or whatever he is, spejtfsoroe weeks in and about the city recently, as a result of which sev eral of the leading members of the South Kinston social set and several more, or less prominent bootleggers learned that they were chargwd with selling liqpor to the pair, who turned out to be a pair of federal dicks, bet ter known as plain clothes detectives. The Madame was invested with a glamorous and romantic past by alo cal newspaper than, which included" a New. Enjj$&d finishing school and hinted atflither social qualities of a Wgh -Order;- ' According to the best in formation! that could be gained, how ever, the- young lady is a native of a hodS^ggers the madame "-tobTc ?her'n straight and didnt even need a jchaser, implying more than a passing familiarity with the brand of white jraule. manufactured hereabouts. | ? Mile. Z, who was added to the parr ty since they left Kinston, is a slim young thing, who rolls a mean stock ling and a wicked eye. The trio pa raded the main stem yesterday and leave the datives an!eye full. It could pot be learned whether they were in the city on official business or -just on pleasure, One citizen, who acca sionaliy looks upon the corn when ffc -is. white, of yaller, as the case may be, hurried around to his friends aft er observing the party, and advised them to lock up their likker in a safe piace. That woman's in town again. They created quite a stir, at that, and set the natives all agog as to the mptive of their visit. The Madame bad a friendly smile for all whb look ed'her way. Her ljpgual accent has ni^re of the Eastern Carolina pocosin flavor than pf the New Engiaqil twang. Her victims admit that she, isn't io "dufn dumb." felG KINSTON WAREHOUSE IS DESTROYED BY FIRE Kinston, Aug. 20? Kinston had a $100,000 fire Sunday afternoon when tKe (Antral.warehouse was totally de stroyed by fire. The Iqige brick ware house, constructed of brickl was filled with fire before the firemen could ranch It &v?ral small dwellings and s? rasthe * c* . ' ' ' ? r* '1; Miss Cobb, Formerly an Em- j ployee of Sheriff's Office, Shys | She "Understands the Audit Kinsten; Aug.: 20.?The riinth day I of the' hearing, before Referee D.- FL| Bland of the Taylor case, in which? Sheriff-elect-by-the-people Arden Wvl Baylor is being , sued by the county commissioners for fifty-odd thousand I dollars, alleged to be due the county ? for taxes, .produced no sensations,? but afforded a bit of. interest, at that ? Miss Katie Cobb, county auditor,? and formerly employed in Taylor's of-1 fices as his secretary and clerk, tesr? tified on the stand that there were certain items, in the tax-levy of 1923 whichfTaylor had collected, but which ? were not shown in the treasurer's? records.- Later on' in the day while I being cross exaihined, Miss Cobb ad-? mitted, it is said; that th^e were big! turn-overs to the county ?fefsurer of I <^ish by Taylor which "might hav in-H eluded these specific items she had? previously testified were not familiar.? Miss Cobb, R is said, has constant- I iy. ton present with the Auditors of tnb county at thecourt house in tho I course of the audit, which, ?he'teati-? fied, she understands, but "would not commissioners are] for Taylor cross examined her in the! I afternoon; there were considerable k that there is a short- I I age in the sheriff's accounts. I N. C. Barbour, second of the com- I ? missioners' auditors to take the I ?stand, is reported to have admitted be- ? ? fore he came, down that there were errors in the audit made by his firm. ? ? Taylor's counsel are said to be pre- I pared to force the same admission ? ?from-all other expert witnesses of the ? ? plaintiff commissioners. So A Money Loaned During I ? Washington, Aug: IS?All interest I I charges on money actually loaned to ?Belgium during the wjjtr with Ger Inupiy will be foregone by the United ^?States under terms of an agreeme^ I ' ?ion and Belgian .deiR representatives. I feiThe American commissioner^with the approval of President Cooli^^ 3f^ yka?s without interest; i The 'balance of the-debt, aPPro*& rr? ' Young Man Was Shot and Killed p by William Cole as^A/terraath 0# denied - Love .Affair With 6010*8 Daughter. , ' /.vvVifi-v ?;;.v i* ?' , ? ,i 1. . ? * . Rockingham, Aug. 18.?Tributes havihg been paid to WilliamW. Or mcnd, ypung man" of Raleigh, who Was shot and killed here as the after math of a love affair that was denied, citizens *>f. Rockingham today turned their atteniton toward Qie . October term of superior; court when Wijliam B;'Cole, wealthy , mill executive, is., scheduled to go on trial on a charge of murder in connection with the slay- . tng. Counsel for the defense already includes a number of leading ^attor neys of> North Carolina, Conferences were held by thepi with the defendant, and it was apparently decided not. to !f>ress for the release of Cole on beiL The. solicitor will be assisted hy. pri vate counsel. Complete denial that the- North Carolina department pi the American Legion will employ counsel to aid in the prosecution, was made by Wade H. Phillips, of Lexington, < state commander, in a telegram last ? "nJ^bt to the Associated Press. He" stated in the meantime," however, that the Rockingham Post was free, to take any action It might ,desire. Burial .services for^ Ormond here, yesterday afternoon were attended by * what,is said to have beenfthe Jarg est^numher of people ever seen at a; ly after, the shqoting last Saturday did it become wid^y known, however, P:a series of letters haid passed be-' n Cole and Ormsnd. Threatening swfflpaHfi wew alleged; tnhave been , made in. thea* communications The diwgrejecrieDtJP^regarded as settled when Fred W. Bynum, attorney for 4 Cole, carried j a. paper to Ormand to sign.. Cc iMJpd.signed the paper. By nura is quoted as havin gtold the Rev. Arthur P. Orraand,.father of the dead man. that '^his ends, the matter, Ev erything is settied, and there is noth Ju gnwre to it." Ormand's friends fdst;; that: tb eagreement wqs carried jaifc by. him. tp', the letter. 5 . j Raleigh. 4^ft,l&r7-<^n*d for Wi# ..... liam B, Cole^: prominent raanufactuT-, ?r ei Boqki&gJramVwKon Saturday shot and killed William W. Onqapd m;thee(ore the October, term of superior powrt-at which Cole will be$ tried, A: statement to,this pffectywas. made; / oytr long dmtjBvce telephone, ernoo*.& Jh? Awei?te4; Press here . >y the firm Rjm.uwtWtd.He^ of Rockingham, chief coupBel for .the de tim yjfo Hqnry, speaking for the Irm, said, "If at*d when the cqunsel lecides to issue a. statement outlining he defense plea of Mr. Cole, a. state-. #tOt wo.Uld. be furnisjied tivj, press." fa. be tween lawyers; associated ,-witft his firm, Mr. Bwy said he did not deem it Win te .iMue any Statement on the mutter. . i . . : ? .'B SCOUTS TO v FEATURE $ SCHOOL DA* AT THE k PITT . OUNTV PAIR ? i- y; - .n. : i'.v .iwap'm ?; Boy-Scout troops o?,ypitt ,,eftpi>ty f&J90et togeth^Jg^uge rally,iip' ?'I the ~ he .nature of a field meet and wfljj, . tn". inXltflK xoJl tvArtrio I wn i4 Ij" O 1 V v 0re i Sf-BKLt :u. .wl'1' Qne-ot the co^rf^^pnUste planned ?. *