many other acts of atjyjtQ the banks real- money. The detnre^o^! xnaiaty. gpptal ^ Mgt> minded'men and women every i I ? ||^ ^|^3v I I p^Cy^Q^INSvlw ? *?B?w uwy .'**tr?^ J I ?/ -t-afeT^ tl- . -TI I hi 9tiy hi' . OT? wiH I I ? g^gj^' ^1% wtt^H have I sf isvififs accounts H ^ r^MMtY'tyf-W J coust wottW. * ^ ^ .^tfcwagh we use of a eaeeirwoSf ?i Tnnw eiififtf? btuik t^sK tie liter-1 I mw . ^uatrB I " ifei tHjs^ may y??* invthitf^ttlch I ! does it* 1 hare 'coaxed peoss^'ip^start cmwp I * > ? ViAvw tiiMt f^irfr bal-i ?f<"' ? dnct^l' nyouaia ww ?h t&jpay "M cte?>*' 1^ ";f '- fa, v ^*"i I ^|* MttMn 7091 a^wQHr?, w lOKHf H?PV - B V,-:/ ^ ^ ? ' ' ~ . . ......'? - ? ' beatemeat of F*d*ira^property,? ?eUed liquor he admits ae <>d **"* ^kn ? I B ? BH^B B ?',? ' ??.^T_ B fl B ? ^K ^B to Po?esston of Liquof and ^^SMt toJyi far 12 Months) ?A. . ^- -j- r -V. '' "?' ^^pt".'^''*^-''^ Kinston, July 27.?Just what ta do times on liawor charges >tfrat the U^lftrWUt-mL-Af* lm*lnA*R 'that flows I UUk TVituIly ||i l/VuHlipiO .mVJICiV' Hv;W< I -r + Lx , . ' ,. *m I rec^^Tf'money loaned to oui l^f^T JPWiCn to ron^^vwii^v^'^rr j pose $fou really should collect 56 p? I tvov x *vw*|*w. .jjivi j-,'-,. . | yotit necking a?oants. 1 *thfr bai^t ffoffl- the 86 p^ ^ ? Raleigh, Aug. 5.-Keceipts of the automobile branch ol the state gore ? mSmw*mm 1925, according to figures I books ok the department. I tor the,past: month, per* $3,39(6894.95 I saf against receipt* df $2,569,708.40 (U the same .month I The greatest gain ?*f$fcppitin ^he I July receipts from thd saft of auto I mobile licenses, which accounted for more than six hundred thousand dol lars of the g^a. Collection of gaso line taxes w* n?w to*n two hundred thousand dollars greater than mduly. ? tost year" ?**!??' v ? -? ??:? ? %}.}. I I * Fees' from the registraticui of titles dumped more than ten thousand I tors. I -. Comparative figures for the auto I mobile bureau's collections during the past, month aad*'?* t M',' Kg^B 1 i' ??!?#' I ? _ > ' t " ' ** ? - .? r Trl . | -- ?r'? XJifC^L .. ? I' ?" H. . * j\'.j ? * *? nw'l^nA JMMtt '? m JHDCMKI' 01' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^* '* ^T >WBfc tg (flfe; B - f |jV f"f ? _ ? ; 7^ ? 1 ' Nftytn 0&TOUj? ' ^* - v^-f i 11 I WP* ''.4.-'.',f? ?\xJL^mJ' BIlM?! I ? . rtT^AniM*- ^wMBUSMiDPfli -110 >*" | ' "* \ tion th^ ^ith in''W*| fiPV01OPW^5;r" .?;y^ '? tx'i u^1 1 I c u Vin ftf Pol ' apcoitipsttue^ ^ ^I^-''.uvjlyXrn S2(r-JW *tJu i t>u v i nip 6y '. iire 'aMPi * ^**Y '^!- . *? .SKS r,V' ' < -l^- ji^f. i/tfttyg1 RIDING THE RANGE ^ ^ chapin ?#m B t li l V; 1" ';'%f f ? I * ?*3 [* ?* Ik' ?? r*i 1 ? f ?* jo?t macHine^ and by building a large ad dition';to the factory. This concern .wi|l tore at jbjfir- disposal this year, ' 97^550 square feet qlflopr space. H*.,., plant's capacity will \ &mm ea^ty they appiroiimuMy represented this year by the follow ing buyers: J. S. Ficklen, J. F. Ar Merritt, fKk. Mil*.-* ' . m ' . Person and Garrett f Person & Garrett have added, a new boiler* an,d new redrying^. ma ^..their mi^erir and up-to-date plant The street leading to the fac jtory is.being paved. , This improve ment alone will speed up activities during the busy season. j W. C. Thomrfs and Cctopany W. C. Thomas and Co., who by for foreign ftnd domfestie trade, are do id g general repairing to their plant, ahd W31 he find shape when the 33$rket opens. The capacity la 10, 000,000 pounds/ They have . #1,000 ?square, fee? of1 floor space, and em ploy 450 wbmnen. the huiyerator W^son ^lVbd H. A- Bost, ' w. F.;T3*pm. . Lig^ti and ^yers Doing Things Lig^tt ahd'Myeris Tobacco Co., are Remodeling their plant, ahd now have * ckiphcity for' handling 10^)00,000 pouods d bright i?|f. They haw 80, '58,0 square feet of floor space. The ^ Kilgore, Z. V. Wallex. K. Ellftenderaojn, Gh H. Crowd- ' ?tp?y,viU l4borera .' American Tobacco Company v ^ - . tbhi'American TShacoo 'Company art delbg general' Wpeirfhgr% their a*** mI, oflfloor space. TJteyy. fcm, Capacity v.~ feed;0>Tbhytwo hundred 3 la wr^ving devices. The borers are 'T]\flv TIIIVG fl. naiMfu ? r" ' ;V ' " *.** * Hgpy* ? V . ' ? tIt-- * TJkr yifii.. j.* * -- trRfc" l \t'' ? ' : fjpL _ ? 17y?innl Q_ _ jplan# ft WW v ? . ? . ~ I ?*'?-? v - WBFfiflM? l' jl'-s 'I Y'-f j llifj' - - ^||^/ M,*?iS(.^ndBM" ; , | - 11 i*i ? - ?' Goldsboro, Aug. 8.?-Chargfea of ^indamnent and non-support brought y his wife against Roland Holioman ill, eeunt^tiMBrtWi* declared ^mMbi^ l^ hjyw letters, that their lettaxfe W6t# Is ^fOnflWfi ** . I,.? . Jr^.'^Zr. ifr .1 v*.yj,'" '-'jst-t^y. vfc' | toa.;??Iio^ W cjj' i*f 4 ?v*i ^ cl^ vl tJm* noijoutftn snoulu hA"i I * |.? t"i ' I >., ^'il ^ V. V| 4m and .noR'auiwort. He Was ' de >-*^^v.-' 7 ? t vjf^j onee tht. aifnity of. ^ge. Biands court WW threatened^a^! soma-#thr*t^;^.read. *be Wst^m *88%, -. <*? 1W fot&whp yiifee fro* one. bf the: H?i-'W,lliffi pei^ 011 cheaP P** ptiatwast which were before the- court: . ' - ft love you end wi'U fotever, ycm mot' rUnnA KWt I - ? ??* ' ' may-chan#*,, butrfwilfcigiur.v ^ ?*** PW atit ?mes Wig never change my. ? -rn Wfcvda^l ling, forgettpw no?> rm^'y.a-M When you^ nwfc ?d dive *# ,i i .?j *?. . "'?" .*? 1?$ Where the^n fcay; never shine Ito "id; thi|dtiV?l^if some other jjf ghik 'ftushnn " V '-' ? 8fc*5? ? ^strOT': *WW D^U^DterUng, as I ?a so hcarffMy^nitf J|?t *Ce for I wjUmn to close ^tf^^lr:f;iPl'yoa 156 ^'^^SpSv^i y^ fbr it: God bless you ;- J.] * , . - IjWiy!!frj...V, ? ,_r /Mr ? . __ y < ?w ' '*> " * ??V?v?? ^ . iBmi*^be add d< n't forget the ?/to.TomVyd#y|t. m;ow Too. Si&''V'":. '.'A?? ' "v ':? 1 1 6w ?? -> Carolina Will nB&U^-nn i 'P A A*