4i2? * tHE FAB1IVIUB ENTERPRISE " THE ROUSE PRINTERY G. A. Roust, Editor and Solo Owner. ?v - . . ;?> Subscription Price One Year $!.?, Six Months .75 Three Months 1 .40 Strictly Cash in Advance. -?; Advertising Rates Furnished on Application to Manager ? ? ? ?? Entered as second eta?g wii matter May 10, 1910, at the poetoffice at Farmville, North Carolina, tinder the Act of March 3; 1878. - TOWN SLOGANS. The following suggested slogans were handed in by about a half doz en people for the committee to select one permanently for the town pf Farmville. The committee decided on one of these as being the best for brevity and expression, but it was not adopted by the mass meeting. It was felt that not enough people had inter ested themselves to try to make as important a thing as a town slogan, and so they decided to hold it open a little while longer. The names of those who handed these in are omit ted: "The Friendliest Town in North Carolina." ' - * "The Best Little Town in North Carolina." "Farmville?A Fine Home for Any Family." "Farmville Forever." "Farmville, First, Last and Al ways." "Farmville, The Fittest, Fairest and Finest." "Farmville, the Fairest and Finest of Ail." "Farmville, Faithful, Fair and Fine." "Fasten To Farmville, ? Always Fair'.' "Find Farmville Always Fair." "Farmville, the Cleanest Town in Eastern Carolina." ? "Farmville?If You Don't Like the Outside, Try the Inside." "Farmville?First, Finest, Fore most" " "Farmville Grows Bigger and Bet ter." ? "Farmville?The Coming Town." "Farmville?A Real Good Town." "Farmville, Biggest and Best Li&fe Town in North Carolina." < "Who Likes Farmvilk ? Ever* body!" _ "$?ake~Parmville Your 5?annv2il?" "Say It With Farmville." "Is Farmville a Good Town? Ill Say It Is." SLOGANS AND SUGGESTIONS The following slogans and adver tisements were suggested for the Farmville tobacco market: "Your Tobacco Brings More When Sold in Farmville." "Farmyile Invites You to Sell Your Tobacco With Us and Go Home Hap py" "A Little Town With a Big Mar ket" "A Real Good Town With a Big Tobacco Market." "Truck It to Farmville." ? "Say Farmville Market" "Fartwdlle Pays. More." "Farmville Grades Higher." "Best Buyers in Farrnvjlle." "Farmville for High Averages." - "Sell Tobacco in Fannville for Highest Average." - . . "Sell Tobacco in Farmville?A Mar- J ket With a Conscience. "Sell Tobacco in Farmville ? The ' Topmost Market" > "SeH Totaicco in Fanxmlle - A Quality Market" : "Farmville Tobacco Market SHts to Satisfy." ? ? Farmville Sells Tobacco for Your ??-Wi- ... v , "Sell Tobacco in Farmville ? The Square Deal Market" "Farmville Bound .Where Tobaceo ' M - | MB. HE YES GONE I wheft |ie goes to regeir* which service he 'H jfrfljS to Ala Ig^ceep^d Held of labor^O J: : _ L teep ttoiker, a fine preacher. Of Jj I CTV*ft }r - - I t f BANKER m iltnSiTO* 1 (Continued frontpage ?tfe):'??|g half the deposits. ' ' J Banker: Exactly sp. TJhntfe pre cisely what it means and when we dis covered the fact we were as much' surprised as you are- "We had. never before analysed our a&oUnts and never dreamed thai we.^re Uwing much expense money on - account - of the smallness of some of ouf^chbdc ing Depositor. W?U,^t?v|o >u propose to improve the banking con ditions in the city ? / V Banker: That is a Very logical ques tion. We are going to .suggest to our customers, none of whom we can spare, that they do one of three things "to help out this situation. First: If a checking account is es sential to them, increase their balance to gfiO.OO, which wiH not cover the cost to us but will be sufficiently near to justify a trial, and then, refrain from checking on that $50.00, but leave it as a permanent - balance in the bank so it will partially pay the handling cost Second: In the event that a chieek? ing account is not particularly needed by the depositor, we suggest that , he transfer his balance to our savings de partment This wili obviate drawing checks against, it as he would bring in his bank book and make withdraw als of lump sums for paying his ex penses. His balances then in the savings department would be earning him interest all the time, but would always be available for withdrawal if really needed. This method really en courages thrift Third: If neither of the above plans suits the depositor and he finds it im possible to maintain a balance of $50 so that his Account will pay its wav? then we suggest Ho him that he pay into the bank 50c a --month service charge. That will compensate, . the bank partly for the operating cost and at the same time enable him to continue" his checking account , as usu al. . Depositor: Your idea"is that 50c a month would only partially cover the ? i' . .. ? il-r-v cost? ?? ""?? ?*? v*vV.?*;* Banker: That is corrupt If every one of our checking accounts (now under $50) paid us 60ea month, we would still be short at leaat $2,000^P0 a year inc ollecting the dost:qf hand ling their business but . we waive. $iat Depositor: Do I understand, then," that you would rather not have small accounts at all? . - Banker: No, indeed. We do not want to lose a single account we have, small or large, if we can poSsibly have them on. at least a cost basis We nv rely want them to pay for the- cost < bundling their o,wn business. Our sory has been that the,small ac-, counts would some day grow tf rbe large ones and therefore we are^iWk nig?to ? liauOlC tliwii at a. wut) profit, with that end . in View. Depositor: What you realty Want is pay for keeping our books for us^is that ft? - Banker: Ypu have correctly stated the facts. That is just Hundreds of our customers have ,nhb' other book than check books, which we furnish ;them, and our chdck up each month, by furnishing them their monthly statement, h^pa tto to heeftj a ttiriy accurate record off their YW nances. It ought to be worth a 50c, service charge to a depositor who js not able to maintain a $50 balance. Their cheeks give them a receipt for all bills they have peto^afid enables them to have a record of their trans actions. out and have none. Perhaps "in ? the course of a few days* you "bqve anoth-, er fair sized deposit-but yon immedi ately check it, which in epd makes you a low average. Depositor: So I have really been an expense to the f^^tofcyeaH/' Is that it? -: Banker:. a <act Slfou see every alittl^money want tp .make my account worth somethjhfir to the bank, at least >orth enough to pay the~cost of handling it I* no iw should expect something It shows you . Banker: Tnatis fma.. It sno^j|yi want tc live and let live; that while you need and must have a checking account you want us to get the cost out- of ' your balance. We greatly pp preciate your fair.treatment of your bank. Your bank will always be fair to you. [' * -V ? - ' ?-'????- ? I p o w. nqtccs ? v North Carolina?Pitt County, Having qualified as adiainiwfatrix of the estate of J. T.Dixoix/deceased, late of' Pitt ?county; Nd)ra Carolina, ibis is to n#tify all Jersons having claims against ti&j&ta.te of said de ceased .to exhibit^hem duly verified to the .under.sig/(ed at Fannville, IN. C., on or b?aj? the 16th day of Ja^rJ 1927, or thyimotice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons teJ debted to said estate will please ndi| immediate payment! S; 'vv-:?li This the 14th day of July, 1926. 1 MES. LULA S. DIXON,. J'1 *? ? Administratrix of J. T. Dixon. ; ' - Suffered \ . weaft, nervous I -TWAStomwywealMMd, 1 ss^^ssys 2^^ J Xt \VrcflB| of i I had to go to bed, andlcept ft ^suflGered with any back so ft much. I was very nervous, ft i i oouldnt rest good at night I #?' couldnt eat anything?L just ft ' "I had read so innch of J* . ii Cardui, I thought bast-to use ft; ; It,.I took seven or eight hot ft Senl&ro ? 1 ?flr f68tOTp t>Mis ftppCwfM^CO JB?ip wf\ j "" 1" ^ ' ~ ? -: - .. . 1 T "v-TT'-a'r .. r % - it I V/ t XI I g ? Kjf .A - ? L^ r-. j-J XI I ^ Ifcg only fclfld ' || i^vA.j I iCf l69Si / | # , . ? , ^ ji X I *lytcCo" Co" \ ^ 7?rffir " If v "7 " ??? ~ ?J - -.y/v jM' '"' p<^rft, of the fest tie the i ty_ TB&isfcry, 11 made' in the action entitfed li. L Da" Sng Sfor^e 6ae^' the undersigned Commissioner will on Friday, August 20th, 1920,S#tftwelve o'clock noon, before the eoprt Wuiie loor in the tpwh of Greenville, N. C., yffer for hofe to the highest bidder for CASH, tiwt tract orpajcel of lend in Beaver Dam Township IjCoiinty tf Pitt, State of North- Carolina, and more, particularly described is > fol lows: . : Adjoining, the lapds of Isaac, Ser mons and J*>hn 0. Pollardf (known as the McArthur lands and fcounded as followsT Beginning at Issnc Sermons' corner in John O. Pollaw's line, run ling said line a westward course 110 yards, thence square^rom said Pol lard HAl parallel w^S Isaac Sermons' line 210 jiards, soils to make 140 yards to Said Sermons line,- thence with said SeWnAs' line to the bato ning, being bjyestlmate 'six acres as shown in deeiftbearing date October 1st, 1899, fromReuben Kinsauls and Nancy KinsaJs t<AAbram Nobles, re corded in Bock E-5 a^page 645 of the Pitt County jRegistirTSfess a Certain tract of land in Beavei^Dam Town ship, known/as a part of the Hodges land, being Iwo acres of the JW. acres across thewnd next to Kinsau^toe, bought of Reuben Kinsauls and l\c cy Kinsauls, his wife, by tbe aforey said Abram Nobles, on October 1st, 1890, and recorded in Book E-6 at page 545. This deed being recorded in book ~H-$at page 207 pf the Pitt County Registry,, ? This the 19th day ofJuly, 1926. JOHN HILL PAYLORj ? ; - Commissioner. j 2 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF partnership This is to notify the public that H. F. Owens, formerly partner toy the ?Owens Millinery Co^^f Vountofn, N. C., has sold ail of his utotejdnn said' firm to Mrs. M. D. Yelveroopv and that ,i i r J ? X, :l ill past accounts and allxuure ac counts due By the said JrveniJItiUto- J ery Co. are to be paurby saidNtf. D. Yelyerton and Misspell Owens, part ners trading as^fte Owens ilfilUnar^ Co. / - ~ / H. P. OWBNSifts 1 ^Payior, Attorney. ' ' -jyj 1 Mr ML ? ' J I ' Tlf TTT - 1 ? ' ?- ??? 1J JL ' * If ?? f/ ? ?? ? ?- . ' ?;: :: New Crop Evaporated Apples, Pound 21c :: :; Galvanized Pails, each .... .'. , ., 23c j| j j Heinz Beans, Tomato Sauce. No, 2 c#>12jc 1 j II van Camps Washing Powder;aP^8. z,.10c ji : Ball Bros. Fruit Jars For Preserving MASON IDEAL Metal Tor Glass. Top 80c doz. ?Pints-? doz. 95c 90c~doz.?Quart^ndoz. WOy ? 1.25 doz.?1 Gals?-Jloz. l.W f Square Jara? Round Congers: J Gulff-rarafine Sealing l^Nj l f Wax, Pfcg..~ 15e1j I ssafcd ? Rubber Rings, Double / J I dipped, Pkg. : * I J Certo, Bottle : 30c J was6 items I Ivory S6ap, cake 7ic -| Kellogs Corn Flakes ! ^ Post Toasties 10c J \D; P. BACON ? PickSr^Hid^Sliced under U. | S. Goveritmeut^SHjua^ision. o 1-2, Pound Carton )? 1 Pound Carton: 53c *> . 1,11 X \ WONDER and PALACE X /FLOUR 1 12 Pound feag/-59c 24 Pound Bag $1.15 | ' 48 PPound Bag .. 3>2.24 j ; CALUMET, The Wbrld's Best Baking I; : Powder, 1 Pound Cairr '29c :: | Van Camp's BAKED BEANS, Caa :8c | ; Cut Stringless Beans, No.' 2 Can 12Jc :: U P. CATSUP, Large Bottle , 25c if ~ ONICE ,-,;i .H, : Gosman's Ginger Ale, bottle A5c .. - WW ? ' ? I' M?'l ? I I . Schlitz Famous Brew, bottle * lie :: } i ' i i '? ? ' ' | ' 1 * ' ' ' fsPresh Fruits and Vegetables Received Daily % ? 1 -i-L'.|' ? ? ? ' L. ?? r . >T". Tv'y.~ - ???? "I,' i i' '.!? *?yt ' Qciif |B. t p ^ . ejMiSta HamortM. itr, fUt do you U^i:^ ?y %pt' wid tlMr icother^&fteJ" iUffL &M.i fcs<cd BokDy'i wri -1, don't think ?t *B." replied thd youngster. "My ytia ?f thought hw been 4?layed b* >>?? hot bo?-"-^w Yoifc llypy- \ I. ? J - - ?? ,v' - ? [ Ginuu University Students. The Unjrerslty of Berlin, has nearly 1,000 students, Munich nearly 7,000, Leipzig 4,COO, Koim 4.000, Heidelberg 2.460. In the-pyinfctpai universities of ibe Empire about <55,000 students are now enrolled, . : -- ? 1 ' i ? ' 'L- ?' "- '? * >w ia 11 3 -.1 ^ ffoio^ ol"-'-r^Hj8fc?$ Mi^r?oyr ?w ^ m?-- ? " T!iT^* _ 7^ ?- ^ p^w^ *n ? rr? ?- ^ ?-w A ? <A A .H ? ? .? ?|ii|m .' S'Bjtrsj > m ~/r\i\iflO . jp/\/||i/iA/t - . 11|^. ti7jt\p|y /\|\ * if Vw ? * 5*' . '?**?*? ? . ? Jf * vUMVv^i ft _ ? " - J XT A w fl J . - ? ? .:???? - - * : ' - ;' . " _ ?-' i - ?? XT ? <

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