the rouse G. A. Rouse, Editor and Sole Owner. :, . -^T-? wJ** - ?' . ^ -vgr ,, ? "j 1 1 '.. . ' -.' One Year ?"...'.^ 6A Honthsi^^^ Entered as second class mail mstrar Max 10, 1*10, at the postoffkef&gjj MlZreh 3, 1878, ? y HEALTHY HENS ^ -? in disinfecting poultry honses or yards wher$ there lias been an out break oT avian tuberculosis ft is im portant'that- the liquids' be sprayed or oth?wise applied in a thorough manner, so that the area to fce trad ed may be well soaked. After dis infection, the premises should be kept free of fowls for several months, or a year, if possible, so that any germs not reached by the disinfectant may die. If convenient ft is advisable to. place new stock on ground which has not beat occupied by poultry for- a year or more. ^ i In restocking, it. is highly, important to dbtain fowls, or eggs for hatching/ . from flocks which hire? shown iSo: evidence o f the presence of an.infec tious disease for at least a year.v * ' ? " NORTH CAROUNA ? .TBQB "MOfK EL STATE OF THE /BOUTH" S "Riere are many reasons why North Carolina should be called the model state of the south. But the. main reason, according to a citizen of Georgia, who recently vis ited this state, is our system of hard surfaced roads. & B,.Ivey, of Macon, .was so im pressed with his visit, that he re turned home and granted an inter view to his home town paper. And here is what the paper had to say: "8. B. Ivey returned Wednesday from . an automobile trip through North Carolina. When he was asked about the things which had im pressed him most, in view of the fact that North Carolina, has been held ' up so much lately .$s the model ?m thewi state, his reply wayi-'Tbf roads; the roads, first, last and all tike time' "Mr. Ivey said the roads fre^ Ma^ not paved were gravel roads, which are almost as good, he ? ~ ? ^ j * ^* ^ have, rather; he^ j BjT' - B^fV ?.!??' irS^SI Wlflptt 'uiflb ?18fliviri' w*-T Jk . - " - j1/^"P ITiB' '"ifcsi'f11 tr ^ykjiwk^*~ ?? **** + ? *>? ''"r^^t-f* j ^ BC fm ?? B| ?? !? 9 U v4 bIw ' I ? t ... .? J ^5-5^?^^h8S8 -? 4 ,'. -.^?-*?"??.-" .?? * 33wa?s^^fe ? ;^,-:jv..tf3<\;?~ ", ?5?Ssv " ? Jjf?^v5V??? i "'A^- JL ? J- ? ?> - ?r "^B ? I v -w , ?;?? , - ,." _ t "' "1 ' \1 * - These beautiful nt t - . . TV t : _ _J < A ^ ? /?Xn Ut Hrmiffnitnt ami \t"^ vj>0((cn ov ersKuaow 4?? uic i . J ? ro " ? _ 'TisdiT'is more strikifl^^f^ku distinctive .m ^np^yy* I qiitp Hf jF \ ~ i' : *1 ?J-^ 1 'i VL ^ A'mjrl "ClII^WWSw^ psppp Nwth TCarolina, Pitt pp ? ."^ ^Gr of Mrs. Jb 4 A? Fiuus^sbd < . M ? .? . ?...fti.**. < - ' 1 nsB,'?J:'w #?*.. . nils snd Sara to ?*s. Sho Was 1 shouirfered thfe responsibility #ol*pd, Fa&jra md^AlberfeY^^.-fSBiteral was held oft.; '; Monday afternoon from- her home, ' aid interment was made in the Farm tfkoemettiry. ^GmOon ? nd Rev. B. B. S^ugl^ were the of My Gof^^TW?j t4bide With hfe^- and ^ ^Aeteep: ^ \ Jesus". The lovely and numerous flowers weii)jmat? witnewes of ,??j Of*^i which Mrs. Byiu$in was held. Sihe wEB a^oisSin of penk^'c^niw>; possessing the jniw^mbination of i perfect housekeeper and. home-keep er, tender, aflecfonate-, chanu. " V , 1 \v. ? ?. .. > - ' ' S!J - ne- ^ ' ;.. " * ^ til .......i-r-rr'^r, ,r &&* ^m'9* th?t^ all .past acco^uo^Su^ at counts due by th^ud, Owens Millin John Hill Paylor, Attortiay. ?? " NOTICE OF SALE/ rts, made in the actional titled fi. L. Da-> I^agt^y.N^, W W, Wir Nobles, Mary Lajigley andV husband, ; ^^n^.^aakia.ttebe-., mg beforh. the Clerk 926, a?kw*fcfc 1 ^ock noon, before the couryftraee I door in the town of GreerhdUd; N. C., < diffe* for sale to the highest bidder i for CASH, that tract oyiareel of land 1 in Beaver Dam Towydhip, County of f Pitt, $tate of .Nortft Carolina,' and 1 more particularly described .us ; ftj-" i Adjoining Vhe lands of Isaac Ser- < toons and John O; Pollard (known* ?a } the McAifthur lands and bounded iWil fallows/Begitining at Isaac'Sertodfes' A corne/in John Oi Pollard's nff^said line ^reaj^ard^ourse 140 < yards, thence squaw from said Pol?.|. lard line, parallel .with. Isaac Sermons? line 210' yards, so *E_dle, "'.malmi' 14C f ir":v ^ 1 * ?r ? i ~ '" /ards. to';;?aaid-,. Sermons line, thence vith said Segnoim.' Jin* to thev**Siu* ling," being by estimate six aires aa ?hoy Land o'Lakes Syeet Cream Butter, lb. x48c :: : Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Received Daily i; '?m m M Stores inc. . . ^Ijry 1 mgm jftw# ? ? 1*2*777^7 ?T*HRIFTY everywhere are asvintr ? J ^ Ohfj^ ? . * TWs' new Cfit^lo^ for IJuH &nci Winter provide? * many suchX VMtf fltflTI ~^r fflBiiTW w 'j \ ?x things tlifit yon'never thought yoti ooutdAffoect