iied Expedilion F?r Revo |l ' 1 ? ? - I San Diego, CaL, Aug. 16,?Enricue 'I I Estrada, former secretary of war for j I Mexico, was named today as the er> I I flfl? \ plot to overthrow the I Mexican govejiiment, foiled near here I I l48t. night with the arrest of .174 men I awi seizure of *'ia(ARV amount of ai^- |fl mamting and equipment. >'- -l fl A; A. Hopkins, department of jixs- jfl tice agent, said that JS|?_ Kej^ndJl . "from all the information we have '? it fhelCexieainHMions troua ? Jfc jjyfjIlfflliiiL to fit with I any <fl bat Estjjfe) ? HHfflRw.it. I lfleve.it ^?IB of tlfiLuts fii|Wi fB ^mmk* iusL*' I iers, including J. T. Deg- ? -ive* City contractor, afcd I fl?LlMfr, president of the aPr- ? flflflP* coaepaay, of San Diego, jB wT^'W?,f I pri? era are quartered at Fort 1 ^flflwMjpr'gmahd of the United I I H|^flf|^a and the members I ^^BflpjBQpsf to make any I ^BflBjaif publication. The few ? ^Bfc- Would: -talk 4 declared! |tad lm^d as laborers, j of the well" holding I 't. y , < I tAft A f7 CTPrf^f* " 1 JrZS IJjOrvUmUs v^Qlv I the main detach Bwhi Los Angetos :o trucks in33S feHowed those oc ^^Kptvuu <???* and feftrewd 5f3 if fg y COfttfl wl"l y % f v _ . / ? I Bfc and ?nj ?*_ %. .? ? __-" - y M HB. behind fflgn boanM Kr ?? being foil SP^, f.#,yB 1?^ followed,, the del agents were com I aJ0QQ0AL v SBu * CKV0]H ?aid. ? ESfe 85 miW east of here! the border. Latfl ^HHfp Jton tnckfl a ol |!cjw *-?-- ~* ~ **XT> ~"*> *"/**r,*',^^B -"Ig ? ? ~~ ?* ^7 .i ? -1 ?? - - *---? ? ':3^few'Pi?o^^^^Htead? roiw>re^tt!^3riS!n. ? present ' dry J chief will - resign cn ?Jus retain J . SSl^SlKJ^ ??* a ' -tfaynes, whois ^strongly backed by t the Anti-Saloon League, is pointed , out as the most likely successor tov I 1 s -<? '-1 %" - V AutoraobWe Bureau Seeks New ! Addresses for Licenses Which . $?' .*"? ??;* '? *-r\n?^S" .&Z- j . jj Were Returned L " ? ."?"?%?.':J*V -, ' i M. ^ ' 'i ??*?<' '. 4? .??'? -'- ' ,/ . ., 1 ? ." ? . ' ? ?*' ? . Raleigh, Aug. 16.?A total increase of $316,383.04 was made in the coRec-.. tions ? of the highway and theft (fur- 1 ing the. current fiscal year to July jSl, over collections to July 31 of-the-' ^preceding year according to a state ment issued yesterday by Commission er of .Revenue R. A. Doughton . which also showed a decrease of $11,462.93. fh the operating expenses of the two; funds (faring the past month, and a r&tabse of $I,ID$:29 in --^jwaidllui^ ' I IWjwfcwofcilc bureau a^o report^ peoplftsf. ' -v " 1 ? 1 . ' *> v ? ?*. v- ? ? ' - ?4;. wJ . . ?, , ?? ?' ? sMj White the highway fluid increased in collections by $826,311.54 and de creased in running expenses by $19, 640,84 during July, the theft fund col JptetionB allowed a decrease of $10; 428-50 and an increase in running ex penses of $8,177.91. % \ The total' collection of highway, funds for July, 1926, was 84,840,917.631 I as compared with $4,514,106.09 JpJyl I 1925. The collections for the-theft] fund last month was $29,352.50 as , compared with $39,781 the previous . year. Expense of the highway fund wwe $54451.66 as eou^aied .NrWr $-34,510.82 July of last year, white the' expenses of the^ theft fund B"; for July 192*/ was $13,541.30 as com pared with $5,863.39 the preceding ***?.? I * Expenditures-not included in the other expenses were.$1,868.74 for the i highway fund last ipenttf whilp the lf theft fund <Bd not have any additipn t al expenses. Expenditures for -July g 1925 were $757.95 for the highvfoj fund and $2.5C for the thef^&j^H t l,U Jci *?" ?' ?? ?? POOR; SPORT I ? - > M S ^ 4S '? of governors. She mair be thp tool or she nbsy ha* fsh to make her husbanc her ambitions. She_maj n of all npnper of-wiilk I ^-administration. aireh< oody^ I AH these are only^l ? 4 ? S; A _ Uarmll OX ow-13*^ iopt*''? ?* .investigate*? iuh?" ?.?horottir"^1^ ,??.<' BJ L * ' . .. it /\/r ''*\?_ v??Y T? -'*?y '''*'?? -* ? 1- l\\aT I * X UO ? , R-ji ni^KiiClV wO '-jBr I 1 La rtTOTTH*'*'? F I ??'' ' invention Get* to .Business, F With Reports and Addres - 1?" es M( Owning Session I s: i t-Morebead ? Angl 'itAdrtimtf '?% Visitors ftw : at|d arts of North&imms9t* itfeding *? w con*fcop~tere, 11 ccording to. Secretary John i. hi aFer a ? Ctuivtit* -'The AthwtfrXhotcl ttall * oom Wa& thrroged with membera ai * odhjV 'Aee^i^4?v'S The ?9th ? .armdifr convention was _ pehed this rtfornihgv by President A. fc -Horaey ( .of fiigh Poi nfc: ''^ajn^ D. IcNeill, of Fayetteville, responded to jj no ad drc^s of iwlcotiA'by M&yor Lu~ ? her Hamilton. ^/ejey 4lttier business , vas transacted today, except" the re )ort.of officers and the appointment f >f committees. , < The importance , of fire prevention ? ,'ducation was, emphasized in a main. , nldress by Stacy Wader state in" t airance commissioner. In suggesting ^ vays for strengthening the fireline.3 { d the state and preventing fire < osses he urged publicity, interest in ( J;re insurance rates and co-operation. ~ if public tmd firemen. A triple plan j if defense against,fire was advocated, \ first, the highly trained paid firemen, ] second the. volunteer firemen and , third an organised- reserve, , ?? - W ' ? ' Thomas "A. Green, of wew iwrn.r past president. of the organization, < told of the history of the fit^te organ- , ization and dweltolvthe oldmethods i of fire* fightings. ' <? Charles S. ? Wallace of Morehead Grty, pictured the future development : of .Eastern Carolina. X C. Davis, of (Soldsboho, spoke on theVork qf the state firemen. w ?. ? ^Memorial exercises were held tbia afternoon fiffaihe 14 members thifr1 dfe?'.durios'.4lttt last year. ? Wj# j memory was extolled in address by ?f ?te ' ill Ail Airpteqe New York, Aug. 17-?In an jdr pEwfi 2,?)0*feet above Central park, j Dr. Henry, C. McKnown, university professor and former array aviator, | took Miss Ruth I. Herd, a Mount [Pleasant, i Tenn., school teacher, as I his bride today. ~ The ?erero?ny was performed by Rev. Leslie J. Harnett, of the Mom ingside Presbyterian church and vfik' WitnessesH, McMuHpn^ pilot nock, of Pittsburgh, a friend of the ? The plane took off from -Curtis field at 4: odock and landed, there i sijJftSB'.anrs KfeSBU"* -r m^mmr * '? r? sg jk "? ife I _ f 1 I F^l I '! jflBl'l H' I'l ' ? H| M ^9 ' ie*^!rtisns^HK' A -' w^Mi- rfltniiflun issiiisc, "W8S ?buris^FtWcdiiosdsv room*11 ?IMJ B ? -j jjh-* .^YiJ - - S B ^k 'III I k k?*-J BL '"? >Sb*'B3|91B?^nr ? ?? ym.*,-*Br?r?, --' ;-'T?MTr.? *?'?_. J ?? ;ii V ', I 'v'jfc.*ST3jf.v^-'?> - >T,*^T*TT3tfe-tfr^w*1 -'". .'? .? ?'? yjitktifa&fkv\il TMa^i to be staged at Duntaj phor for tho Ftat Nation. ? of sleeping - powder last night andwa$ takento ? ? reaftfeffi: will I 1 be released soon, attendant* deolave. I *pi; .J^ISSSS ^ I jnans fiance, d}$d yesterday morning > iW|^8 *** employed te ^i in naranee ?departing of Imagine firm I gl.e yfiungv^oman and fcadgone i Pu'rinr D?^ illMss fl|Ay A |IA ?. " ' . ? ' Y ?" AYnuy'ri '*" Puf-lumT 1 x> ? I ?. '? ? f^V> . . 2"i_ ' ^4^ .j, | Y-4 .. ? vit+Ti ??* /?T : ~"J 'y?- WJ"'^r ? ,*? **"'1?W. j'-"'"* , ? I ff|iwi(fd||v?ll ihnnlfi ? ATT\"> AI^IJHHMIuI I u^MUUv*)Va |fV* vpj(vvMjWfH' W ? 1 J . i-Z , T.^o >" 1 ??*-4?' "1<Vl I aflggba* &n*f>-ix- ? *? * '. *. ? .. ?- .. New Bern, Aug. IT.?The program tot u tile: seefjiil-cenienniirt- cejebriihm a* Moore'*: Greek bettiegrbuhd' has fa^ Hllttl'st compfeted by C. Turuagl, ^FaSnvHle, ^mm of the Dott^lt. ^>gram committed in charge of the ^remtB for August 24 ?C4he> battleground, when the -tract ?tor to the f&tttal gbtominent for establishment as aha Himftll j\n i' '"trrt'-^rr ""- ;>nb ?;a*r -SfijSitgnt.SecretWtfr^Hafr &nxLr:MaeNider, Mrs. Alfred J; Bvoe sHm,.p*esidentgeneral,N. S. D. ArR. and Representative CharWli. Aber j^thy.wiU. bo th* chief speakers of 'thmdag.?;; 6en. A. J,* Bowley will -pre SBnt CalQiie! MacNider and greetings will be brought by Senator Lee S. Overman, ex^Governor Cameron oMr rison, Mrs. W. O. Spencer, ston-Sale.m,:<te president generai,D. A. R.; Louis T. Moore, executiv* aee retar^ x>f. the Wilmington chamber of commerce, and others. &" ? The address of welcome will be made by Judge J. D. Murphy, of Aftiiville, ^ Tespoi^e by Mrs. C. ;M:<*&rks... tf T&bori,\^6bft vicevte gent, D; A. RT^-he salute to the flag, as the'opening: ritual wiH be led by Mrs.- Frbnk Brandon Smith, of Char lotte, state d! ? Jfc chairman of the Cortect Use of the Hag. Mrs. E. C. Gregory, of Salisbury, state D. A. R. regent, will preside over the exercises, ^ be opened' by- George J. Moore, president of theMoore'sCreCk aBttiegrouiid Association. : . g BICH Noktf. CAHOug ' ? ?? Surprise ha& been caused by SeetO tary' Hoover's statement that North CarotoUk has had a greater ecopomic ; development in the past fifteen years stated, while the mote substantial and Whstilp iMBitaini ibiriiliiiiiiiiiil of Ninth Carolina has attracted much less at tention. South Caaolina, Georgia and Alabama ;Muue srith North Carolina hi the tJqMaOfe?;oC a textile in- . j dusMy,. ^ the.^ld North #**? has in addition vastly profited by the -jrobili. of cigarette smoking since the wv, it. & dustrial Expansion in this particular iaws?4ar?u I UuB^' andr Reynolds enterprises, has brought marvelous results. > I ! The Bfttkea have been tolucco I (ion dollar, to,the university of hi^ ^tote {hat now in consequence belies httr -nairie. It is interesting to note that a dosen or more eaptaina.^f in dustry in North Carolina all hear old BngUah names, that they 'adm'debiWd ---1" oMr.M tkof OA KJJUI m WJX-kMW", WW WUMJ JU |*u. ??tt o?; the state's industries were I not only iinaiicedat home b* tn ? ^Und^jve cp^roI,aodi?Bi^|^ twular "boosting". ]t? prosperity is geniutoe. firmly bastd, and sur* W in raitfett on"roa^^uilding during the *^ W Q-. ^".T" ? post- four yens, and now piiy* note ' nt<>mal n*'9&iui& t&XM ftiTfli mw -flftrr American ' eom??w?oith, ?Kh tt* ?wg*to ^ssiir / the^ o:C ft ^vJjuL. itilh?il.'|- Hi I in nlni.iln r| Arts, and orchard s.,?? ?, ggg$ ?5? /&&$. bills ik' t$ ' ^ 'j.1 ^ * I as haiK^r P&&&C& and thnf XtTihei^fl . 1 1 Kk * r p > ? J IHcZlVQ W2^?V y*?* !Hv 1 ? : - My:. . ? .y^.-"? A-ir .' f ?? ? jp; , ^*L.>y*'v*1' il I . _n ' 1. . ^|i >pyy?>ifr stoop "C- JSXk

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