?- -- -- ~ *' ' ^ I *?**'?"*? ???'" * ? ? ^*| .' *??"-^-- ?^? v ,^*?k' W i i'Ttt;' ' "^*'i *T 1 A" *^*t- *> ,j I Averages From $8 To I $10 a Hundred High I er Tfian Last Year. ^ J News and Observer.) Opening of the bright belt tobacco markets bt Eastern^ North Carolina yesteeiy found the price average ap proximately $8- to $K> higher than on the initial day last year, and farmers and business men unanimous- in ex pressions of satisfaction with the way it sold. Because of the late season, no un usual- records f5,cents, gii??g*fo: high*. HowW, the conqaarative Wgfe prices paid for the common or first priming grades was what astonished growers mots wBy anything else. In some cases the increase in price as com : ?***??*& last year reaeh^^hj^ ? Ci&Urmg the quaiityo^n^fv "b*ece^jf*owers and merchants antici pate ^ 'tevrral of .the prosperous' era ot 19i? and 1920 in Eastern Carolina ? this fkH, although not on such a fe I crop, :v$ieh comprises the better I grades, .begins to come in. When this ? happens, fc;e jmce averages likely will I At SWTy market the usual tense ? pass narking the opening of the sales I Morritp jr., who viirifed more tfian ? half sr ^ozen of the principal t^cco I?ept af agtfctthttie, talked with many ? ^ aaahyptand farmers in every' mar other ? soon &s <1. of pricss I ___ ji. sales uittmi jJ cviiiniri Qf> j-u * ?? K'v,it,' I -wm+kr'-'~ Mi iiJ \. % K wj> n 0___j eawmlnK /vf - .'ra" ?' *'?? . OPENING AT FARMVILLE IS HIGHLY SATISFACTORY , ? < Three slips of paper,v on eqch of j which was written the name of a lo- < cal warehouse, were placed in a hat ? at 8:30 o'clock this morning, and 'a ( tiny tot placed its hand in the hat, | drawing out the -number which en- ] titled Monk's warehouse to the first ,J * ' 1 I ' ' .j - * - * ' sale of tobacco 30 minutes- later. ? i J. Y. Mpnk, proprietor, "started" , j: ? - 1 M thfe bid; with Jim; Edwards crying the < sale, and the first .pile* of 1926 tobac-j] co offered by the Farmville market I was sold at *75 cents. The crowd was { oppressive, every face tense with the ' ankiety which came from the sus- J pense of waiting to know what the j companies would do with the result of j the year's toil and sweat. As the. ( sale ;progressed\ the tension lessened perceptibly and smiles of satisfaction i spread rapidly as all hands agreed ^ that it was '."going good," < There were half a million pounds < in the initial offering, less than half 1 of which was sold before darkness } closed the sale at Hobgood and Bgll's j , ^ celebrat" ' d thankf 11 j 30 mites'north of here, and folks were - here eye^ywhe^ it seemed. -Ali , parking space for home folks. ? ' . 1 A. W. Taylor Suing For Salary ] i , | Kinston,-Se^t. 6.?Arden \Y. Tay- } I lor, former sheriff of Lenoir county, i | has brought suit to; recover several f thousaad doil^rsall^ged to be due^ijn - as salary. was refused induction I December, 1024, follow ing a clash wdtli the commissioftei? bver tax collections. \ V- '' Taylor has steadfastly claimed that I he was illegally ousted from an office j he-had' he|d "t^^^fears ancf to which he had bee:. re-elected for a seventh two year term. Litigation involving ? him and the commissioners followed the: refusal to induct him ia 1924. Phases of this fy&ve 'been fried, and Taylor has been the los^r generally. He was a candfitjfc^rrthe sheriffs, office Iast sprihg-and w& def^t*raj| Cou^sSl for Taylor today aa^the Te ss ? demands his salary from the time o^ file ouster until now. ? , v.;, ? . , ,: .::. ; ' 8 cent? ip Tennessee. - * ?' * ? -r* _ _ i_. I !?&?-iput against ice American dook Company rdW3t>e takeiv ap; Tuesday ?ith state officials by representatives >f ifce company. The injunction gnint K by Judge W. M. Bond restraining fce.three companies from seliingr.their x?oks at higher prices in North Can>-( ' rutlge Bond's order and the further jffect cjf.it i? to prevent the pubH?h ?ts from taking them off the market The greater part :of the three hoof, 1 session Monday night was devoted not :q reaching the agreements announced, jut to p conference with representa*. tives pTthe 0. F, Johnson Publish? ing company. It was agreed wkhin1 the meeting that hp information conf lerning this discussion be given ou?| said A. T. Allen, official spokesman. I Before the institution of suits last dfek, the Johnson people voluntarily reduced the local price on the four text books ivhich. they soil both in North Carolina ahd Tennessee. K' was stated at the time the tedttfetioil I was made, that the matter of indem nity had been left open. ? ? ?. - ? x'-> ; '? -- .v- ? :? I ? . ' % 1 , -11^^ t, J " ' I a * " xx l* - ft. i ' * ? Yfnotkifol TPKova AL- ?? A-.J] nta# be come reason, and, the reasons j is the least likely ptace in the world teen miles east is Gtwntfnie; & miles ? r'^juk L?]ti^?y ????. : PwhI ?0 Hospfttf A^flour After Accident? Funeral Service | Wednesday Afternoon I ^ 'i T'I #11^ .. ?' ? | r GreenyJU^ SSpt 7.-rMvP. Carroll, KfiLone of Pitt county's most promJ hfort farmers, died: in Pitt -Commun ity *30 In* high*, ? hour after bein^lpiiek .by an auto mobile; "near W& bomeln tte Cox Mil! section of the county. ' weanesaay EiwRidon v &t of t|^i^ cWver of thoj eajy was exonerated ofc.Mainly J3r| Occident being described as unavoid able. ? r-J, *1 Tall weeds were growing along^the dent occurred, and Mr. Carroll, who had started to the home of his son OOros? the roa^.^ AtoRBOdl pitto the impaired for a number of years, no |Mbt did not hear the approaching car and it is believed thatiffl*'I Hit..Is survived by hie widow, three' s. Tj*iUd Mias- j es Cora and .Annie Carroll, anrf-a sonv*l fe^w ^artblt,; alfof tfcis co^. iH;h? ^ North Carotifta Leada rtrii fKv iTX^ izv&X .fp '-V ? wnt'lcinof ixi anl.tflth tHB towtl. is ' t ' V '?!? j Ai " f '"J* ; tj.41 P|*'' *; J# AIM |A A tt$ T^V. ^?U*> ttftU 'UC I -i-tl^l-ff-'-'-Hff^-'If !% h^fMftyy' kjpHlv " ., . ^ ., ' --^K-'iV:?? * t?, t Sfiiiket Opened with Blacked Sales on the Three Large W^ihonse Floors with 401,914 Pounds | W^i^Sold For An Aevrage of $26.55 Per Hun dred Pounds. Prices Higher Thursday, The Market Making an Average of $27.52. *' . ? > 'i " ' 1 -. . V Bridgetbn^-Hr\l,.# Sepi- /J.-?Rather thaff-f?jce ^rer fclassnjates of the Bi?dgeoto- SJffii. School. jnih unbobbed twssea, J\nnftbe)^?. Levis, 14, of Up per lieerfield. -township* - six . milea ?rpm t here/ killed herself yesterday ;AnpabeI was one of eight children, summer,she jvoifced in the fields of het' father's fanh clhd in lmickers sjfcf sldfiafcf ahfrf. During the sum mer her hair grew lortg and her fath-; er promised her she could havp It ?/>V -city. |fOTdtwl&*nimr %eeh' turned pway nightly, on account of not being able ttf-gi&h entrance to the gneat auditorium of Memorial church, which accommodates sjxtfeft hundred people. livery available space is pack?!. Thjs ia tW evidence bf the drawing' character of the. evangelist, who is preaching a vital gospel, that is practical, ' without any . fantastic fringes; dealing with the sins of every ilay- life, and a religion for every duy use. -Mr. Price'Is regarded here as a wonderful preacfyBr. His sermons are roaaarpieces of logic'x dml : common sense; always exalting the Cross at Christ and the Church above all else, ft If B meeting that he* otetted this tftgfi in thinking, poaiihly; ae^ never before, upon matters of cor&ct living, brotherly',love,vand serWcefipo God." ? ' * ? ??? Dr. M. TXPfyler, eminent tlivino of Wilmington, compares Br. Price vJh ather" leading Wangeliste in the ,?>1 ? rvWilieiJrt|ttm Ww-had* at one time auffcujiother, all the leading evangel ists, such as Moody,.Jones, Torfy and Chapman,, but none have pissed mare than ^hvuston 0. Price.'' \ , r ^ . ..r . Washington couldnft lie, but did he | Sales on the Farmville market Tuesday for thd opening totaled 401^14-pounds, which sold for an average of $26.55 per hundred according: to official figures an nounced. Wednesday night after the block had been cleared on the three large warehouse floors. '" Both the volume of offerings hnd the average price are highly satisfactory to local tobaccoists; and the fanners^ were especially pleased with ,the prices received on the Farmville marked. > The opening here was decidly the largest that Farmville has had in several years. Possibly five thousand visitors were in attendance, with a'large number from a great distance, many of whbm had small lots of their curing on sale here. The average price was the highest since 1919, and was close to to $10.00 a hundred fiigher jth?n that of last year. [^'Heavy sales have greeted tne Kv^ehous^nteto and buyers here I each day since the opening, sell on all the floors. One day's was etftirefjr lost this week on ac * * S ^ f * , f count of the block from the day of^he opening. Sales as a usual thing fall oif to a gleat extent in pounds after the opening d^y for a few days, but'this has. not been the case in Farraville this week, as each has been crowded to the limit of the buyers, and believe this has been largely due to the very j satisfactory. prices being receiv ed here which is attracting a good-number of customers from a distance. To; sfee Fdrmville's warehouse men/auctioneers and buyers in actioji is enough to attract any person having tobacco to sell, as they are a live, wide-a-wake and jolly bunch of men and sell and buy tobacco just as th$ farmers love to'see/it. Beiar in mind that when high er prices are desired for. your tobacco; all that ycu ha/e to do is , bring 4t -to T&rmvijla where the highest averages are made. Farmville's average Thursday was $27.52. i .1. if. , - ? 1 , TWO FINS' PLAl'S FOR FARMVILLE IN NEA1* FUTURE An entertainment, including one act , plays will be given in Perkins' Hatt on Friday night, Sept. 17th. The first: of these jdpyB fe a elever comedy, "Not Qnite Such a Goos?'\ Ii y?4 were a lad of seventeen", years and. thought feU lovera.fmy, .then by aiKl fe ^/aight >?:.;a(;pretty-g;il w caused ^ou to ahxne your shoes, m# law ypqr nails and wear fussy clothes you wouldn't think it foolish to. spend an hppr talking about a dinky little rosa ? These ate f^me of the exper*. . fences' of Albert Belti* this wonder- fp s -- -The second dram:; ' Bubbles" dance. ? Qfiurch} bfc ditticted by M r.~.. i'., j .?| * ' - bL\ Ji i