i" i 't~a ? v' ?" . ^ "i ?? - * LI' % WJEJ' *i > i, Wi,* I'i 1 i i , mssSSSiBBSSSSSS i|ltMMMMM>? MINI1 >M >1 Mill $ MtlWlMlil ? ? ? ?? ? ? . a ? *- M ; tor aw i and auu ! .-OCCASIONS - j Deliverey Promptly Any- i i f where at any hour. ' : Will appreciate your next v j order, bi^ it small or large^l ' Prices Reasonable./ i , \ / < Phono Your Order NOW! __ i [ - Jud C?Km/ Mrs. G. M. flolden | LOCALS AND PERSONALS OF INTEREST TO Fanoviile and Surrounding Sections . i ? e ?o ?o ii^"inrT~ . w-r.;_-i ?<""' John Lewis went to Wilson Tues day. ? * Lee Knott went to Tarboro last Sunday. - % ? ? ? ? * ; 4 ? . J-j Mr*. W. C. As^ew spent Friday in Raleigh. ? ? ? ? L \? LeSoy Rollins went to Greenville Tharsday: . ? ? ? * J. W. ,Winston went to Fremont last Sunday. r * ? ? * Mrs. Chas. Bountree left Monday for Raleigh. * f + * " ?>.'; Chief Hobgood went to Raleigh last Wednesday. " ? ? ? ? W. J. Rollins went to Greenville Tuesday night. ?y ?? ? ? i ? . Fred Carr, of Maury, was in Farm ville Wednesday. * * * a B. S. Sheppard, of Raleigh, was in Farmville Tuesday. * * * * / Dameron Fields, of Florida, was in Farmville Monday." v l *?** y . I- tr % . . " I Bill Wilson, of Raleigh, was in Farmville Monday. / - * * * * ygs - I John Barrett w?it to Washington last Thursday night. /; David Barefoot went to GM? last Thursday night Theodore Moors went to GreenYilie ast Thursday night." ? * * * Sam Pollard, of Washington, was in Farmville Monday. ? * * o Robert Lee Smith spent the week end at Virginia Beach. Miss Annie Mae Sinclair went to Wilson last Sunday.' # ? ? * Cari Joyner and James Monk left Sunday for Oak Ridge. ? * * * Hubert Joyner, of Greenville, was in Fanuvflle Tuesday. 1 j E. O. Bou -ough, of Bethel, was in Farmvfle last Saturday. Edgar Barrett and^his mother went ( to Rocky Mount Wednesday. Tab Skbmer, of Greenville, spent last week end in Farjnville. ? ?? ? "IF N. T. Mangnm and Rufna Rollins were in Fountain. Monday. Ed Nash Warren, of Speed, apei* the week end m Farmville. '*> * j-ft e e * t _? '?>?.. Ssimrio Heath, of Greenville, was in Fartaville^aat Friday. ipv" *'?* .... ' * .' ? WflUe Pollard and Jud Walker went to Greenville Sunday night \ ;p--; Mr. arid Mrs. D. R. Morgan motor ed to Greenville last Sunday. 3^ w ^ I ---- ----- Elbert Holmes returned to Farm ville from New York city last Sunday. ? * * r George Bucsn, of Henderson, is visiting his" aunt, Mrs. B. O. Turnage. Mrs. Nancy Tyson, of Ayden, is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. C. Ander son. * * * ? Mr. and Mrs. Edison Moore, of Snow Hill, spent Tuesday in Farm ville. k ? * * ? Miss Elizabeth Murphrey left last meek to visit school mates in Char lotte. N. T. Mangnm went to Richmond and Washington last Tuesday on bus iness. * * * * ^ ?v Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones and Mrs. Gene Clayton spent Monday in Rocky Mount. * ? * ? B. R. Fields, of Greenville, was in Farmville for a 3bort while last Sat urday. * ft* Mr. and rMs. Prank Harper spent last Sunday with friends in Greene county. N ? ? ? ? Miss Huidah Smith, of the Ring's Cross Roads section, was in F&rmville Saturday. ... ... Lynn Eason, who has been forking at Morehead Cky, returned home Tuesday. * * * * r ' Bob Laving, of Roanoke, Va-, spent last week with Jimmie Lewis; near Farmvilie. * ? * * Miss Lucy Ann Flanagan has ac cepted a position with the Bank of Farmvilie. Ivey Warren, of Roxboro, is-again in Farmvile to be on the tobacco mar ket this falL n ? * ? * $ Mrs. Annie Shaikleford, of Walston burg, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. N. Button. ? * * * Miss Mary Mozin^k who haa bten in Griffcon visiting relative's, returned home Sunday. ?>-** George Morgan and Swifty Garris, of Washington, werewlfccpvillf. visi tors Sunday. ? * * * Miss Elizabeth Sumrell, of Gjifton, is the guest of Misses Mary and Eliz abeth Mozingo. ' ' ' ?.& ?? * * * ? *Wi I Miss Louise Sm^h left Wednesday tor Raleigh wh^rt ste will enter Peace Institute fairies Cheatham, of Henderson, v in FaraviBe this season to fae'on the tobacco market. .?' ,? ' Mr. and Mrs. W. Leslie Smyth, of Beksher street, motored to Greenville Sunday afternoon. % - ' - -" " Jm*. Dick IJfcondon has ?srt?ed to the city as factory manager folr the Imperial Tobacco Go* ?:% Mrs. J. A. Burnette, who has;been visiting her sisters in Faimvfltoi^kit for Baltimore Tuesday. ; " "v ? ? ? * Misses Gladys Mildred Barrow, of the Lizzie section, were to ifarm ville Monday afternoon. : Miss Lucy -Smith spent "a few days to Farmville visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Bynum,. tost ^eek. ^ >' :&i' Lester Skinner who has been in Georgia on the tobacco market, re turned home tost week. Miss Ethel Pittman has returned from an extended visit to" Virginia Bead) and Rocky Mo'^nt. / 1 Marion Shirley and Charles Rumley went to Greenville last Thursday night to attend the dance. ? *.* * Robert Fields, of Greenville, spent a few days last week with his grand mother, rMs. W> J. Rollins. 99** Misses Agnes and Elizabeth Wilson, of Durham, are the guests of their sister, Mrs. Haywood Smith. ?? * * ? Misses Mary Louise Foontain^and Edna. Gardner, of- Fountain, were to Farmville Tuesday afternoon. > ^ 9 9 9 * * William Humphrey and Jud- Walker attended thd'- dadce in ' Greenville Thursday night of tost week. Miss Mary Francis^ A)lbritton has returned to her^bome in Hookerton after visiting Mrs. Will Joyner. ? * * ? Miss Winnie Carr, of Washington, spent the week end in Farmville vis iting her sister, Mrs. W. J. Teel. ???? Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Shackleford are now occupying the new home just back of D. R. Morgan's residence. *?; ? ? ? ?? Mesdames W. C. Askew, Bert Mc Cullum, Lath Morris wsri J. "W. Joy ner were Ayden visitors Monday. * * * ? Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barrett, of Wil son, spent Sunday afternoon in Farm ville visiting friends and relatives. ? ? ? ? ? William Small, of Hertford, who has been visiting his school mate, John King, Jr., has returned home. * # * Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Gibbs and daughter, Helen, of Lake Landing, are visiting^Mr. and Mrs. J..C. Gibbs. Miss Dippie Baker and her .sister, who spent the summer in Morehead Mrs. Wesley Willis and daughter, Helen, of Edenton, are spending some time with Mr. and Mirs. ML V. Horton. * * * * Miss Susan Barrett who has been visiting Miss CorneUa Frizzella. 'm Snow Hill, has returned to her home here. * * * * Miss Thelma Brown Jackson, of Chapel Hill, spent a few days in Farmville last week visiting Mrs. J. K. Cobb. 0' * ? ? ? ? . Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gibbs and chil dren, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, 0. B. Gibbs and children, of Lake Land ing, motored to Kinston and Ayden Sunday. * -i, "!') ..nuP .1..' j ,, / ,x ';v " J?L /' i., ?'I. ? ?!''I I Dont fail to sve Jim Monk and Jim 'Edwards in double action on Monk's | Warehouse floor selling tobacco.,pp | Mr. andjfrs. JL C Woolard, cf Roanoke Rapids, spent a few days last $lP?f? Ml*, and Mrs. t, S. ffob Mrs. Leman Newell and children, of w"c. Jonest-'?]? m: ?f?| **** end in Farmviljfe ^ki^Mrs. Satter field's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John. Gate,B' ,.,, > < > ^ h ' of all parts for ? ?;? Radios I ? ? ? ? < ?? ? if J I WJ kre the Batteries fully charged ? x ' > , ? < f || and the Tubes doing their duty? if 3; ? v / ? Radikis coding in nicely now. fi |S Let us replace yptir old Batteries | i and get youXt>condition. | ;; " )C - it' jl A six tubtvohedial control, non- IIS 11 radiating set'comptete with batteries is: 11 and tube^put up for A. ill m 1 " y 3 >< > $155.00 \ * k A , ;a r ' ;* . * : _'A.: ? . ' 4 ^ ?'! Farmville Furniture Co. SI i ';?? ' ? 'y Ul i n ? ' | ^ ^ S? i 5: * ' A u i \ ?.v - ? J " ' M ? ? is -Leading The State" in . J! H " - **11 - <>< > H . ? . < i< ? HIGHEST AVERAGES 1 Our average on/tfevDpening, which was I , , X ' j , i:: | not sold until Wednesday on amount of a block I L-_ ?j- Zr. . , , ^ V'ljl. j was 27,1^ Thursday s sale wenrthem one : \l ft [I dNialfcJttaBW. 3 ?%afillll?8'.J?.- i: . ?;?' H Vugs ^ common gra cs ^ are .ug zt II load as Soon as you can get same ready. tf (4 ? 44 lZ XX H XX -/'r'r- *? *>? .-,'? ~~~~ ' gK . *<- ? - '$--t ? jLjXV -*- IM' IS. Jt ". -?"^'s/'fc-'t'"' W',-. ;"' ' ' M"* T ?"' 'A. 5 44 .:*??||fc-> ' JV fqCfc ? JX