MIMIMIMMIWIlUMIXItMKMIMMMIMMMMM. A ^ . , ' ' ^ - ? 4\ i! For ANY and ALL : E ? OCCASIONS ? " ? i \ I Deliverey Promptly Any- 1 :: where at any hour.^ ;: Will appreciate your next, \\ order, be it small or lwrge. - : Prices Reasonable. i I Phone Your OthtMoWl i [ jua c*a f Mrs. G. M. Holden j v ,, ?? -5. ? 1.' *>'-? '? 7. v,' ? J ^ v-; "?*?' 0 mipjh.111 i ?? ?i.i.mm !? )!!??? ?iiimi.i.m ?? ????i /.-? .. ?? LOCALS AND PERSONALS OF INTEREST TO I Farmviile and Surrounding Sections j ? ? ??? * Miss Best Dail, of Snow Hill, spent a few days here -this week visiting relatives. ? " Mrs. H. P. Moseley spent a few days in Farmville this week visiting Mrs. < Annie Lang. * * * * * j Attorney John Hill Paylor attended the session *f the Supreme Court in i Raleigh Monday. ? * * * Miss Mildred Barrett left last week : for Greensboro where she entered the : North Carolina College for Women. ? ? ? ? 'The Chautauqua will start Saturday a three day attraction here, and it is hope will enjoy a large attendance. ? * * * Farmville Extends a hearty welcome to Mr. and. Mrs. J. W. Bass and chil dren who hive recently moved here from Fountain. * ? ? ? ? x MissEstelle Mixon returned to this ? , i city Wednesday from a two weeks' vacation which she spent at her old home in Ocilla, Ga. * * ft ft V-f! Dont forget that you are cordially invited to attend the meeting at the Methodist Church. Seriees at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ? * ? * There has been so much doing here at home this week that very few of our folks bava been running around, and those that have wouldn't let us know about it ? * * * A good number of our sport fans took in the Dempsey-Tunney fight Thursday night vis. the Radio, apd seemed to enjoy it almost as much as if they had had a ring-side seat ? ? ? ? Mr. JL E. Coley had a very narrow escape one day last week while oiling a large shaft at his lumber piant In some way his shirt was caught by the shaft and he was wound up against it, infliriring several bruises and ugly places about his neck, arms and face. Fortunately, the shirt he happened to have on at the time was an old one ' and not very substantial, as it was torn entirely ojf him and into shreds. ??*? . The Farmville Tobacco Market is c continuing to grow in favor with the I growers of Eastern Carolina accord ing to the great numbers who daily bring their tobacco here from various l~ surrounding counties., as welt as from a distance front fifty to nineiy miles away. Stick to the FarmvOle market I aiu^wbcb the season has ended you wiB be the winner. Sales are not as heavy now as Am* been, due mainly I to pespte picking their cotton, and those of you wishing to sell will not I have to wait on account, of a block, but can get back home the same day ti the sale. No block today, and the floors imd. factories are ready to ac I you on tiafe again. ? I M naa japia MWW /WM vmm w PSCHrpAM WEEK SEPT. ZT, ||jG H i) v D \ Y MBab vi jef - J "TOR JKIlXCKIBlftD" I ?: Two-Reel Cdiq64^ |^| I fT "V '*?' . II \ jpr^miy Qr ? I " ^ jfe ?hC^ -wr ^ ? " ? ? v, , .1 v EDNfiaDA Y * ?r JP ?*? ? SOCIAL VISITATION DAY IN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH '*. On next Sunday, September 26, the Farmville Presbyterian church will observe Social Visitation. Day. Teams of visitors will go out from the church on Sunday afternoon and visit every resident member of the church, not for finances, but for fel lowship. This custom has been observed-for several years, by different churches, and can'mean much to the life of the church. The following Sunday, October 3 is Rally Day throughout all the Sunday schools of ^he Southern Presbyterian church, and every member of the church is urged to make plans to be present. All persons not attending Sunday school elsewhere, are invited to our school: : - CARD OF THANKS r *" ^ * .?(' 4'. Jl v We wish to take this method to express our deep, appreciation to each and all our friends for their thought fulness and many deeds} of kindness to our most cherished /husband and brother, Guy Cv Dixra, during his illness and to us in the hours of our great bereavementWand especially to those who rendertd the beautiful singing during the fgneral. The many beautiful floral offcrinA and the ex pressions of .syjnpjihy t^geak th us thoughts of love ind friendship that are dearly appreciated a/d will ever be remembered, J ' ^ Mrs. Q. C. Dixon 4 1' Mrs. H. C. Sugg ? R. D. B. Dixon * B. H. Dixon C. S. Dixon . P. L. Dixon. - ? A CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks an ' 1 That's why at this ins tit^^er* * a steely. '! | ,?? jjjf genuine effort to give area m3s^ban lOOjfe $ Business men and others here foundNb?t X ? ; ; s the ppwer to lool^head, the resourcefulness, fj' the experience the belief in our community yj you?whether your account is large or small. Y ?.+ ? . :?? : - ? ?-u ? ? ' - ?????? 19B^Sp9HE ^out a shift. ..Where all you* ^mo^r^power is needed, Esso I! 1 *' 1 ? . I! New Living Room ? I:: FURNITURE S You are invited to come in and if - ? ; J vi i VY ? si see the new color combinations if h \ / I i and styles. \ / if tm ? \ / i A suit for evtj^body and rea- if | sonably priced. \ 1 H * \ ^ ^ I Farmville Furniture Co. 1 3 I ?'0YNE*>^ I : l ^ ' '' ' ? ! * ' [ ' "The Gold Leaf Center" ^ J v. :. - ? . ? ,. 1 ?-. '". ? ?'. '.'*???'? >? - ? '' V;-"*- /? ?'?? ? ? . ] | |f \ y ? V. . ? ^ ? f ! , (< > v ?- . ? jj; IS STILL LEADING THE STATE IN 1 i1 ji; I HIGHEST AVERAGES I Good dry, lufi^and ripe Tips are i ? J selling go