- - 1^^ The "Pace revival services "have been an-outstanding event in the ? ?.". ? - ?* ? ? - . town of Farmvifie; it will close with Sunday night's service and the great" good this, meeting; has , and >will <|o; ckmot be fully seen or measured.1 The Sunday school night, Friday, Sep -tenxber 24;*?phe?a great service and worth-all the effort and cost of the nmetog/ aky to Christ anA^ehafch, and: ." . twenty-five gave their names: fori church membership in the local * .> .., Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 was a mass meeting for women and girls. Heari* every girl and woman in the audience came forward for a move definite staad^x^' Christ and the Ctafoieiitee. There will be another :tssfeawfc^l ? - . ..- . , -1- ?:* . f Mr.ftue is ahrajpfopc and sqatqp jg fields, in aN^ew w?ll F^i words, thanked' the parents ?? and teachers for their splendid co-op- ^ oration daring her j/rra of office. Mrs. 5 Fields then tamed the meeting over fag I to Mrs. J. M. Wheiess, our new pres-j ?f ident, who. thanked the association for , the honor bestowed upon her, and as- -Ft J J thorn that she would do her f The following standing committees were then appointed:* ? I Program committee: Mrs; Gonion, ML M. Cox, Mrs, J, W. Lovelace. T and Means committee: Mrs. | J. a Spencer, Mrs. K. Fields, Mrs. Annie Lang, Mrs. J. ?. Monk, Mrs. G. Mrs. D. E. giesby, Mrs. & &8mith. 4 >fe!nlH?r?hip- committee: Mrs. Boh* J hitte, mT^u! Jones, Mr*. W. M. * WflM*. -Ijl Grounds committee: Miss TaWtha ' Room roll call then followed. Mrs. t "^1 ' ^ I ^?P!R^l I "IS Friat'wko is hoIdiE^a **NJ H;r ?*..,dBc^.bM; - "jj^tnOQiStf CuQfCil thpn 3(1 I '4im?'TOrd3 * ?*?*# * *a Barents and teachers. ?UI^. t ;J tetoer _.;t . 43 MINERS' FWNO HfVE IN MICHIGAN - - . Workers Rescued By Searched ?)' After Being Underground ^ For I^ve Days ?. v ? . ? [ Ironwctody Mich. Sept.2d.?FortyeS I three imprisoned and nearly starved ' miners were found alive and well today, a half mile from the earth's Surface in the GL Pabst Iron Mine, where, they were imprisoned for fivo days. A plea for light, led rescue work era who crossed a shaky thirty-foot feat walk" and lqeated the prison of the mem. The miners reported they had subsided on birch bark tea, which they made from lunch-boxes over the fire of tfieir miners lamps. Sirens and horns of the town sounded the opal note^ thousands bad waited for, since^aobn last Friday, when a cage dropped in a shaft loosening" tons of rock and earth, killing, three men outright and trap ping 43 miners on the eighth lere' of the mine, almost a half mile be low the surface.- - . '* Shortty-before noon miners and res cue workers went down, while others worked "their way up to -the' eighth level -firow another level almost ..he low the earth's stooge. opRd. ladders extending to the eighth level and threy raila-and power fines . across a thir^fjoot kMil^hnd- with daring tight' xpjpe " jmlirfng thgy grossed tl^hplg^the . imprisoned men to be greeted by a.- sturdyr m?m boss ; iiybo reported ull / on of the k *we? ^hoat?i the news - to ".-IBs; panious jwha hurried out the"shaft erfnj reported all men alive apd well. ?g hort'y thereafter food and car i ight were taken down the "shaft ** He" rescue workers prepared to re- a?a ve the mfh to the hospital for pre* atment and relieve them of their ;dy clothing. " loup. coffee, cigarettesagd chew- * ; tobacco comprised the flfst lead; e? Tefef material; thri one IVEINJUREDJ^p ' ? to w? Others Very Seriously Tl Hurt When Car Goes Down & Embankment * ??, ?38.' Charlotte, Sept. 2&?One member t the Charlotte police force was be ieved to be in a dying condition\ two w ire slightly injured a* a resist of in ej *ntomob2e accident today S abort tl iisthnce from China Grove. ' JL M. Byert, pp^toe detective, is d Kee detective are reported in a grave c C0B* land A. M. Rogers, p'ain dothesman, Attaches ^8 Salisbury hospital 11 fracture of the deal!. ^ 3 I Det&tive Chief Grr was badly in , been determined tonight." X-ray pie Point *>\ attend a eonventionL^ poHce officers. In the nature of an th^ra to join in t U Wltf ? fttiL * '> ? l j ' Q, a ? A ? ? A r| ? > ? . 1 ? A*vR9l|Uic OI vflc Q^xeUvIi h> ? Xfl< , y? ? _ ?\,m' , 5 in iw/waa anguS by^a - ^Heded the shooting was of brief ation. Kilpatri^k did not know. forf. veil war rtii?f^^pntU he confro^ act, DUgh the abdomen, according to B witness. The victim -died in Par- eaci KMemorial Hospital here shortly e 10 o'clock Monday night. fires of assaulting Police^aptljthp . Stroud mornJ^B^of I res ber ?4.. ^Stroud investigated . liking" in-.^restaurant u'c 1 raj as disarmed and struck over the ^ ie station. Kilpatrick's eounseYwon- ^ ay afternoon declared, presumably w I explanation ??the former's absen -, ^ I i' j } ^ ? M' , *r.l , I wtw s mnwPJbeW(MM1l(ku man % , , Ttt + v ? * j % or 3 o'clock- Ki. t&plri&cs k witsnoMi 1: matters >" **%$. lants; a cimrar/cf camels; one of pi re most-interesting- traveling nvenag- ta irlositie^and ? tnd operatic ifrtusic will be given by^ I 1 5k"Sc, 3 ST> :r,^^. ? ?? 4 ? JS-1. J] ' ?" 'fxy -i-^'-"<-'"'' ^$si5 4 - ? I j4,1 1- ?? x - >?t'jv; . jp 9 S8 h K ? a I )''- ^ -? l[f <^a1?ft4* -I-] r- ?t a ? t f f>CTrt 'ftltft of the latest inventions in the retail ?' x ? -J :'i. ' ?*- it * :?? meat mduatrv, a ifinL^^eutfhah ? ^*cctrMj ? meat- i^Jtisrr" ';Tfl^rv6!" aus miehine ruts Steaks ehnns in I I ^ fi ? ?"' ?'?'jC ?? ^ ' ? I I fact anvthine in -fife ii*eat fti&rket afc I ^ ? ? *? i"" ? H . 1 t?un ? ?i| ?1->aK^6 * i /i IflirA cf?4' I I | f-, V ?.-??? '.-i> ? v ? VT ? '-. : 7fT I ? A renorter 'from The Enternrisi ' I w4f wftis; ? ^ ^ loTfy j^cur > rjuKWffl* ^ jLjup" IS mia * o^SbdSfc^Ctetdbsr I*-* i ^ -Av-, ':, l'' . . 'rr^r Raldgh, Sept 29.?Dr. Chndw O.i I*Khfc*b99?e. of the] State Board - of -Health, *ii. take UIW>|V^V*^^p^ro'*xtiftent. Friday morning. ' Announcements of the shift will not As oj^n at th2 last meet-. executive committee of the I*u?htnahouB*V re gime will be marked by a change in the administratite system of the de surtnwife ft being, his intention to jtbe iJistrftt jftlan., gowevpr iMp^pgef ^ ^t .^e n^4in tii tho.first of the year, ii was stat oi 3..Jta,4. Cb4nse ? W ^jprilin g t?. the new pton the ^;;?di'to ofa'depu CT State health officer. The present i^fe-admlate?fetion^rongh ializcd bureaus. of vita! statUbica ai^d. fafttilton" claims that' "aant" Sa**)?- P&' ^ of tlaft .cit* & tho champion Tot ar imother-o? #ie nefcro race. The. d colored onum *?afc:.?mnI sons J. > tj? arm*. ?fce ..doaaaTt know what ij in ^ i? tu^ca cf? ed ^ m altta 'Kiedatol or vtetitth. 4$Ptey|j?| ya&ijwsfc-ifcearty eaters and raiddJIn iM I ttodi %&? f l find the flag* bad been &miaml VfB her ttoys came Aajjflg-. ?| jenown colored man of-^ayne countv n! aurin#;^^teh^W^'#r/6f ? [ On article appearing in oar issue of '! fl ?diru?^i9ii 5 it91fc ?rafeifin^ te) - a I divorce case that was tiied^ Gold^. ' ;;' ? jJhnt^d Iw? ^Se ' 3?1 ?|x,. i.? i jj * for fe^v ml tite " jjg bcVd * * 9 wniic tiic J-UO^c recorded nis rotnoric i? ; ??' A>rf trt rifmwer fn fliA bne tii ivife present* I htm wittyd^Ki^rnyuid one boy. f Lmy of inn! SaS^sald that I ? ; /;L ? - ffivSi . ; *--jgBgfa4/jJS&- _?" ' ? NO MORE BLOCK SALES HERE NOW . ? y M: ' ??? .TV ? Farmers Can Get a Sale Same: Day tobacco Is I Brought To Market; Farmville Growing In Better Favor With the Farmers Every Day. - t' . Today, Friday, Oct. 1st, was one of the most eventful days in the:lffe of the Farmville tobacco market, when two rfull. Bets of buyers, representing all of the big tobacco companies and many of the independent concerns, Were put on the market running double sales. Since the opening of the mar ket on Sept. 7th, almost four million pounds of the golden weed ' has been sold here?an average of practically a quarter of a-million pounds a day, which, is more than his ^eveh been sold here before in the san i length of time, hence the necessitj-for With the Addition of the sec ^nd^set 'of' 1^^ double : TTr H1JMPM % growth in every p&rticu since it was founded and es ially has this been true of its ?cco Market, which can be ribiited mhinly to the type of ... a running the warehouses 1 "to the hearty support given ; market by the business .men f farmers of this section. ?arraylUfi.has also been fortu te in securing apljurge number the best tobacco buyers to be d; this too has helped eon J^ably to the satisfaction of e growers. This season Farmville has in tded pew territory and is today Ijing tobacco' over a radious ' more than a hundred miles . ith farmers visiting this mar et often from fifty to sixty" jffc this is not from oe direction, hut from every di- ' ection. tfWHrters of Eastern Carolina. c*e;)t&tieftded a cordial welcphie; 0 Farmville at all times, and, ;g| ?emember , above all things else, ?ARltfVp?/I? EEADS IN HIGH iWEBAGE^j and ffom now on fvith double sales, your tobacco pan be sold same day you bring ^j^nng your next load to Farm ? I ' ? TBBM ' ' U hitf' 'O Tw C ?ull v Will WV. ? J'Ut; ' We ?pn ftjftnt $ tz^e