AA A'A v\ 4b BA A Al A Mil A k AA AAA^x' '^S, j ^ ?..>; ~--h?v&x*!L^ Aij i ppwuiiinnpr oij? ttwiuixiw II ip^SS*??* ?t?Mgh, Oct 6.?A renewed plea fttfriiitjaa I fit costs of cotton pro dKion ahd for diversification -of ,- cms as the only safe insurance - apjnst thO, ill effects of slumps re s^t$ng ' from over-production - was seujtded by Commission of Agricul tacf WiUjam A. Graham last night. ^P$e- Mr 'HA not oppose the -staling o? the prospective cotton surplus, if iteuuM^e expeditiously and inexpen sively ddde, he favors a "more ?far anted and n more permanent solu tion." He advocates on this, as well af-?n pHSfious occasions, the raising of .more* food- and feed stuffs, along this cotton, believing that this wsehi naturally help the farmer arid un$4 certainly help him tide,, over cittle lhat might arise. *#Wther, Commissfc ner Graham sta$ed4h$t he did^not? eorisidof a policy for farmers to be kept continually in' the positidn of being Aaced-to- take temporary measures, su^i as hasty ai^wpepfivg sfcttipg effcotton, when bj? (Sv%'r*fcfn5itioA and ??fee Hon.. of . production costs, .they ep$d $ut" themselves in~"a position of WlHaocnu bccunvjf. * ,"""? " ; ioe?r., at? !*&?_/?*? flfiflj} st^ement, said; f Jftf* eyde of prices in the cotton jtekaUfcs again been compleMd and ue/jhpking for a Sulfc or,%.Fpfd tnorner the crop and rescue the pro mjhtff&m financial ruin. But' 3oh 1 lffcot Jbif lesson and Mr. Fond iaJ&*r if io profit by his example. ~ |jl ata a cotton fttia& mi 4klvr tt?y iirftrigtfW iu any and all mfiat w movements that wHi get the far 'fehf' ty^Wf? | T ik *1r^ fjyr* ilfcniy power to bring about a rnate ?atoiiliiiii of these views; but the BtOspnt slump in prices shows Jthe ; jarattag of forces out of reacK^^fhc jSarer of the co-operative to ??y u? prevented the co-ops from get 1m; hold of more than a small frac jBa of the south'^ cotton production, CaW thus, preventing any appreciable jpBonship io production. It requires eteert figuring to show w^r a 14, ilMdh&ie WP should sell WBts a pound and a 16,000,000 bale jmp of equally good grade and staple ^ 8|fruld sell for^^o^ 13 cents^ a pound SOO^OO or 4,000,000 bales off the Eraae w {?? are words that loom large in the language. Should this- be fluMd out by the editor of,pne^of Mr-leading dailies, 'begin to play the litfcfrfty .THI'Hji i MMfeli 4ury holding WW prices'worM Hi no better^d^w^w?uld have to pay {letting that much more loss on the ? V r ' > - ' ? ffThe wtoe thins for each man to do Price Mm?y go am woer, ^ jmteinly ; jKv1 *1 ' , .^ ' jU|In discipsing a weaper. production iflr cotton] ?*' Commissiver ' drtthiin {?feted a friend to?iw ing. matures. . He knows the 'napaes of att the hn pottaajf-stars, and he can. find hi^ way by .them,-end he k^owMTall about how be able to do these things when a to build a signal tower. He -can take two colored flags and from his tower or from so me . hi rh spot near his home, talk to a^|fl&hM? hoy^h chile or more teday. RfoflT le?^n?.|he|co(le ana 'try it! ' ,; * V A scout can make a bow and ar row and he knows how to use them. Ijje ^ui ra how to do th^spe^ raS&tK ^iig distance stroke, and the life saving stroke; be knows a dozen swimming m diving shtnU He knows a . hundred 5 thrillipg games that a group of boys can pay; bird house builder. _ the scout Is like Mr. Kipling's ma Iju .... I; birthday and ere not a Boy Scout, be ? Washington, X/ Ciy wad Jfr. WUcox At the time he wm on hi* way U ? ;| to right Itn^P^'-. &l?klnH^';.iMM^M<.S?kI.'J [-?? Yfckr?*an?U, Alexai^f^soco,,,: : ,Wedi Bottomlay, Bell, HaHfe; ,*nH?m?; 3i>SB j . faftjttr Killed Sal urday Nigh* When Car ! McGowOn, a member of the firm of JtfcGowB, Canon and Johnson, , ware houseman; -of ?ce^iviH4 was ^nstiht-j Iv left# "bad jBefr^jjr pail, aj^o jpM city was seriously injured when n' Ford coupe in which they Were re turning to Greenville after a vipit to |giHton overturned jgt a popti. about J ^ t^irter of ^fton, j faulty steering gear* i^dlf have caused the accident which resulted in , ear leaving th? road and crashing to the bottom of a ditch alongside the road and ten or fifteen feet or more in depth. (?-V- - * I '* M itanee j)f the vistims. Mr. McGown rats jpi -twft^; life exiinct, ' KM Iwoulwr #efe| broken and crushed, [and being internally injured. Mr. IfllwifiaMjlWTi tne wrecaeu ByR 35lMlarried, to- Griftori I where medical attention was givfeht'fe I jfurther treatment, later being corned, to htshonM. ' I 1 r. 'jc Mo6?wan and >ir. Dail I #6rf widely known and held high Mr. McGown was about-thirty >08** of age and was one of the; )e?$|ra \ beec. in Kinstoh during thje afternoon" I conversing with friends eci ncquaift teces and the news of his tragic death Just a short while later ciaused aibeh, Greece, who is^ai^t^age? in , Friends McGown stated' | sixteen chorus 'girls, who will apwB | iiy-over two "hundred unique pieces j|M ? cos^ymes, such as stars, chickens,qjjjfi j n*rttkeys, pigeons and moons. And afgj j 1ieer| Tittle children who will represjteit fairies, cupids, Charleston babies, |n time-to-retire kiddies. Jj | s The play is a Wayne. P. SeweH. j m f newest Sewell play, "Cupid Up ? .1 Date."- '.Admission, 35c, 50c, 7BC. f; , li-iitor;'Ktdiies h , W.4tii only a lew rinnv Ua^s ? matniftfe' before the appeafcjj&se of u a; '? ^Tj^~ .?? .? ?'-? ;" . _'V* -/ - ? *%>.jj^^ .?", .# - ^"~ ? ' '""?' : ??:' v r'li-'f-*--'.?. r*V" Rate, W' : d.-d?mplfete': pW^i rram for^oHK1 Garollnii"f>iiy'/tt lifte Ifiimkitt^nfQ^ Expositio.-i* *0ct * ;***.? it followrs: ; ;????;' Officials irieet" '?'*&$&$? Bftlkiaii ind hfs'pat\v dt the" BeRevue-gtratf brdi-hiwfict jitf/iD&s? tafanft proceed o the rtfctplion . by dayor Ksemlrick. .?? ?^b^0B.,..v ,,-, i>?'(-t.?^ ! Cttnmiir tmdi?|^y:niefeh?nmilitary !KCbrt tit coriiei".6f 'Btfalf'ttfttt OWgtn Am*-##' ?McW. mMf ^>wa-^P S_H state : " ? ^- " . ':. / / Tsteaff ? JtH^SasJS ?.?' 3: Regular A nnutKCoftfefence of J Fouoteifi Pres.Clwrch r" -at'."J 8&? b.sa .:a .a-Ii, ?"; -~- Sfei" 1 tttfe toiLfe 'accompanied py1 ! dmiih, 'of Wilsbh, One of the special features of the day was an intensely interesting address on Mex Ico^qgV-ewAtf Rev.{E.tG/1 Marray, -of fSfc-'PhotV Nj ?; Mr. Murray te a missionary to Mexico, being at home how 'ofl.'firrteutgh.i -Many lights1 were tlirown lHt the situation in Mexico, the jqtyker stressing the fact that the fcotpMar wad peopl^iuer sa grossly, mis Understood by thegepewtlity of Amer icana, . fie said that Mexico is a land 0?,d k ldiid?^-pe,<>?le Vhb<~ JaVe no mono iftao pttpi* elsewhere except for the W'^r?6 *Tr,throogh whidi * ? -? ? fc t J piyiyttyijy ? KMMBIfr' feheiL:- ItUUiC d^^foi ^ci;e% ' '<4*1*1 * steady, . insidious propaganda Ming introdthwd in North Carolina (May py agents of the contnunist interna- ? tionaJe, ar&r'GngMy.. said, .y^>:v-;tr?v i The meeting was, attended by rep resentative's of . the five Charlotte chapters pad* by members of the sodt tUft of ' Gsetoga. Concord, KfagS Mountain, Shelby, Monroe, B&ocria tille and-Statesville. w ? ; '?TT.e greatestresponsibUJty in-the tastory of America now iypt$ upon the Daughters" of the* Anieriean Is olation, as upon every true patriot," **& ' *Th* Ies3*m 'if commuhlgre^hitar orgiahod C determined ait&k upon &* Mutest principles of our'tivesi patriotism,'^ ligftn?' ?<*ietyv' tfcfc mdSt progressive state drtfei uh? . on- May, is the bright target for heir most compensation,' who is not in fttttpfog harmony with.' the spirit,." 1 lettefr-ind best traditions of the cbnstJtutioW'Of the 'United States of America and the! government' whielT it sets': doea Adoption of the. resolution, it* wad Srtpia/ned, was ndta legislative- move ment, but sirit^ in exprifesto**f opinion of the: order. On motion by Mrs. J. K. Reillejr, of Charlotte, the coaVentiopl voted1 td' reqqdsfc/riftfl$al officers of the -eh Ar Rr to send to the superintendent of public InstiaftMf in NoHtf QgrS&j+ wptei of the Mteeatahi being given tochapters of the wriei# wariiing members Agatest the whriihrt ef soviet workers 'and ask ;him .Vr'djb* tribute the warnings among praivi pals of the schools in this.istatfc iffi'f _The resolution was adc>pte