THE BOOSE PMNTEBY G. A. Boom, Editor and Solo Owner. " a . <--vy ? " < ?v >h '-~4 ? ' 1 - 1 11 ttOTilpliiH Price 0n? Yoor 11M fax Bortfat .78 fiwee Months , .40 Strictly Cook k Adnata * . v . . _ T-.\c < - *v-?aY4 mkt i?? Jllrtffli, North Carc&% under the Ait ?11lack 8, IOTA -i*- .y >\ wmmBBa=s= i i" . i, PENNSYLVANIA AND ILLINOIS PROVE NOTHING Despite the efficacy of moneyed m? ehtoery in Pennsylvania and TiWnoU potties, which resulted in A mild clam or against the primary election sys tem, direct nomination of public offi cials will continue. The people wiU not ?t rotten political bosses hurl this country back into *he abyss of dbty pofitks, no matter how many mil Hens were spent in two'of 48 states. Apprehension over the nomination of Vare in Pennsylvania and Smith in H facia is unnecessary. It is doubt Jol if thay will ever be seated in the United States senate, should they bfcJ 4&Wted. If ft ever conies to e vote in Arsenate, most senators will remem ber what happened to those senators wiip voted to segh Newberry. Nor ahotrfd wgjiiuption coming Iowa these state* mfbence the aver age decent voter's attitude toward the fdsoary system. Good ririsena, who Vote without charge, now dominate pet&es. Some may claim that the primaries have not eliminated boodle. Berhaps not, but the primaries cer tainly have made it harder to buy the majority at voters-* than to buy one awaked boss. The primaries have crippled the ar> ripat boss *Who used to dominate convbutiona, whip offke holders Into link, sad juggle governmental affairs to his own satisfaction. That, too, is wocth while. 0 i. ."k* 'v. ' ? - > ? PROSPERITY REFLECTED IN CROP REPORT OP SEPT. 1 ^a answer to the radtet about N?rth Carolinaa* prosperity fc Hh fifetad in the September l crop re port released by thk: national crop i*?ortiHg board September 10tL Mb ?r an adverse spring and very dry ww^m^a ^prospect ^ ^a ^ie CT?Pa ***** ^ ^R^iiile, but, as vfcwetf from put] Par's actual results, ,that the har veste are good. r The cotton crop ahowrthehest coital dRIon In the scpthoa cotEen states. We have an outlook for a good Caad I M&fitable tobacco crop. Wheat had ?#iey shewed the bat yiekb ^forl ?Byj?rs. Corn, with an indication I ?*about 21 bushels per acre, showed] |Jow?tioB -v. >* . " rfttfiiua is: The late Irish potato eros* gippes 88, pears 07 and theppuehpro- j is 67 per cent of'a full crop! rrfiartfrm. .. ^nwwwM^wfouIn VA Ulv *v " I a - . ^ _ .jm *? w?? penamaig to tii6 uistn* 1 Kwlhw A/'/^nin f.jrOTn - --) L __ I L M*Q*2PlS^Sg I STRAYED MIOB I- * *J ?& 11'- ?>??"* ??*? b^ w? ?wm'r'i^Z I Lr^fin****1* Sjf^ST ?t T**v& - CAH^OB W-*"8 y* *!^ S*~?y. Eason, grow* ?* riupp?spwtt?w burgi N. C., R. !?: / ^V'/B THEFA?MV^^8W^; ri?3E?sr! next door $? ?yy ^QP* , J Tbe Wlzzard Stacl*. fainter, ; tractor, known fnyeoast to C9*g? ^jpt worker ^appwtee yoor job. F. O. Box lS3,^fogrfH?>. ?? f^and Ph^^UBties. Some chWones. Write (for dt9QW09> Jfmee 1L By ifato&fta power of sale con tltaiaedin a certain deed of treat/** ittsqfed by Dixon and wife, l*la' 1 & Wo*ilk W. R. Wxilia, Trusfcfc 8 i The Citiiocs Bank, on the 21st day. of jMsrcK, 1983, dniy recorded in the mg^ ^ry of Wtt-e^nty, in Book U4C?t I page 438, default having been made 'jis the ^p9bg?etttr; o? tihe notes secured I therein, the undersigned Trustee will ?Jsell at public sale, before the Court it [house door ip the Town of Greenville, tjN. CL, to the highest bidder for CASH, iiOtt PWday; November 12th, 1826,^ Now, the following jsciibed. tracts of land, Mng and being. lion th?"East sidif^ street, ccr ?fner of lot No. 2, andf runs with-lot: -|No. 2, South 80 degrels East 200 feet Jto an jfhnr; Thence /with said afley 1 North/42 degrees W East 100 feet Jto Tysw st&t; T$n<* with Tysim ;j street North sVjtsgdees West 200 feet L|to Main streeckjrfieiice with ^Jain j street South 42 tepees 15' West 1W) J feet to the beginnSg; Being lots Nos. ?|S and 4 of what S\nown as Tyson's Isub-division at l?rt\ Farmville, and 11 surveyed and mafcpedVjy D res back ? - :^- i H ofiuy work. I was ao weakl B M cooldpotwaahadish. My back H fjf Then, explains Mrs. Bunch, B ! fi| she happened to read about H IB Cardui, the woman's tonic, and ra 1 m: decidad to give it a thorough ?? tim trial, the results of which she H ! ffl describes below:* ?-> fi 1 "It seemed to reach the H ! -9 : cause of my trouble at once. H 1 9 I did not take it long before fff ; iM my appetite Degas to improve. He 1 11 1 gained in wright from 114 A ' ? pounds until now I we^h 1125 B| 1 ^?1%lighted with my return- B .9 Jm etrengtk?:-g^ ??$''?* By S| "I now do afiniy own work. ?> h 3bB The rmtn? ?? 11 ?? g j: FLUFFO, 4 Pound Can. .|ll77c 1 1 >? ^ ? .. ?* ? / -3?> - ' /,'. ?/.'JSWI fi F . f ' 1 1 f 81 ' ' B j[ EAGLE- MILK, Catt % S ? ???? ' ' ? ft I !: D. P. TABLE SALT.^kage Sc g I ?. . r v ?? . ? t r , 8 | CTioice California HRIED LIMA BEANS, Pound 12jc g i: Navy Beans, lb. 7$c; Sal Soda, Pkg. 9c; Comet Rice,| W'2c ? ?? Shaffers Sugar Cured Hams, Pound - pSi '? 36e || 5 I-'-'??-' ~ ? ' ????;.-? j ? i i ? - is; canned goods I SI D. P. Peas, Tiny Sifted, Sweet, Can 33c ! \\. Stringless Beans, Blue Boy, Fancy, can 296. 11 Lima Beans, Warwick, Green, can 29c ; *. Corn, D. P. Extra Fancy,.can .......... .20c | ' Sauer Kraut, Extra Fancy, large can 15c j; Asparagus,Del Monte No. 1 Ro^d can 21c '! Peaches, Del Monte, Halves in Syrhn.31c I; Apple Batter, White Hoase, large canJS^7c FINEST MJSATS i I Princess AnnePaflt Sausage Meat, Hj._29c j i Va. Smoked Sansage links, lb.. .' ^ ? Premium Fnrfpkd, lb. 29? ?' t Smoked Panics, Small and Lean, lb. 29c .; Salt WRf, Rib Bellies, lb. ?24? 11 Salt/Pork, Plates, lb. _ | Spit Pork Fat Backs, lb. 1 l&c' ; ;t /hipped Beef, in Dust Proof Pkg. , : .15c ^ | || Blac Flag, Liquid Spray Insectic&a. } pt 23c; 1 pt 43e ;:! XX ' '"l ?! ' .III" / 1 ' I I.. II I I I I I I ll"1 |'| J< ?.:X I | Wonder and Palace / ?| ?FLOUR? / j J Rich in Glaten, Besf Quality / | \ 121b. Bag 24 lb. Bag 48 Ib^Bag 1 54c; $1.05; $2.00 ^SkJAZDA LAMPS J?| ClealNjr Frosted :J;; i. . ? -' i ? l ? i 1 > ;: BEST COOKING LARD, Pound '! '? - .. . - ?? ? . -? ?-. ; - -? i ? ? { Hooker Lye, can : . . ,10c Spredit, 1 lb. Prints 27c W 1 i .- ? ? \ '-?? ? ' .' ,J.. ?J'! | I). P. COFFEE I: The World's Best Drink (:???.? Z " ? 37c P4bd. ; OUR PRIDE BREAD 10c :| -? ' : a ? i . 1? i i.1 1M- _JL ?1?-"I- ? ? ? n ? ? ; sW ?. ri ,*. y ? Illl I m I" ' II HI ?_ | I CORRECTED SALE CAM) FOR 19J6 m MWK'& warehoi^ H Farmville, N. C. | ?I<^EST jABKETla THE E*j| ; ;i: | | )? ScMafeafPoUblt Sales from Od. MEfe ? Swednesday81'^ l| |