" - ;^J* A0106 Wncir JU^OwKutiOn ^ otUu^P " IS, SN^TfMNj ft* I OilO^WS! rowrMs NEWS Saturday afternoon by entertaining about ?t /her- littlefriends. The little ?&* enjoyed the contests and games far- about an Kour. , After that thsy w^jnuilt^l into the dining room which aha decorated very prettily for the oeeaeidn. Shaded lights* and can dles cast a soft glow over the table which held the birthday cake, with four candles. Candy, Dixie cups and cake wei? served to the children. Mrs: F.'X. Eagles was hostess to the Woman's. Club on November 30, with; ?a very feRge number of the members; present ;Mrs. E. B. Beasley, as chair man of fee Civics .Department, gave a very interesting talk on die Ways and Mesas of improving and beautify ing our home town and school An apron bassar was planned for Decem ber 10, lejjfinning at 2 p. ra. Sand wiches, ehifcken salad and coffee will be serve&jk: the afternoon and an oys ter supper from 5 to 8. A very in teresting musical program ' was planned fftr dinner hour. At the close of jbe meeting Mrs. Eagles . served f|g saM m^ toffee. The Woman mBob extends to everyone an invitational attend the apron basaar ^Owena spent .last week end wiUSfer parents, Kir. and Mrs. Mr. anBtra. H. F;, Opens, l)r. tod Mil E. Measley, lUtock. A. Perm tain, MjwSl D. Yelverton anff Mr. John Foal Un spent Thanksgiving in Hafajgh.gr f Xin Ha Owens spent Thanks^ giving b?Bays at home. Mr. aJRfrs. G. W. Jefferson and family sdflfc Thanksgiving holidays - - > xTuMp. Archie Yelverton and sifter,J&jjtJohn Yelverton, spent ~Sanday pKk Mr. and Mrs. C. M. ' . Snriffe. ' fl Mrs. f ; i Eagles and Mrs. S. A. Gardner Bat Thanksgiving with .their daughters, 'Louise Eagles and Edna Geijttr; who are in college at ^ - "Give ifet-O give us a man whol sap at Bgworkf He will do more in the sttflpme?he will do it better ?ha will persevere longer. One is scarcely qmdble of fatigue whilst ha mareh^pto music."?Carlyle. Music .i '2 is the best mind trainer j on the listr+Dr. Charles W. Eliot. 1 WHAT DO WE PLANT? ^at^.eS^w.p.an'a We plant the ship which will droc^the .. '9m. ?? --MBHt|V We pant the mast to carry the sails; We plant the planks to withstand the -gales?? ?- V The keel, the keelson; the beam the knee; We plant the ship when we plant the tree. ? (/',! ' ? - 1 ? * L "What do we plant when we plant a1", tree?" ) We plant the houses for you and me. J Wejfc tnt the rafters, the shingles, the. We fiapt the studding, the laths, the ? The beams and silting, all parts that mm SSI \ We plant the house when we plant the tree. V ; ,1 '"What do we plant when we plant a tree?" A thousand things that we daily see; We. plant the spire that out-towers, the crag, We plant the staff for our country's flag, We plant the. shade from the hot sun, free; ; * We plant all these when we plant a tree. HENRY ABBEY.'. ? .-T'r-"T"3' " 4 . : | Some 5porf Dope I . \ ?j.J&i ?????????>????+????#?# Sanford High School eleven won from the Wilmington boys and an nexed the championship of the East-, ern portion of the State in the High School division. Davidson defeaetd Duke College on Thanksgiving Day and by the victory annexes the State championship for the season. The Widcats put it all over .the Duke contingent and upset the dope in regard to the result of the game, as a great many fans expected Duke to carry off the honors. The score when the ^moke of battle had cleared away, was 20 to 0. Virginia upset things all over again when they defeated the Tar Heels in the holiday game- hy a 3 to 0 score. 'Hie Old-North Staters held the Cav aliers to a low score and have nothing to be ashamed of in the defeat. F North Carolina State took Wake j Forest into camp to the tune of 7 to , 3. The W^lfpack played a splendid game and while they won from the Deacons,it was by a very close score. ^? a close game and the honors went to t the Mountaineers by sr8 to_0 scdre. $ f E ? ? ??? Washington and Lee played the Florida 'Gators on the holiday and .the boys from the "Land of Flowers" held the Generals to a 7 to 7 tie score, and it was some feat as the Generals have been going strong this season. Georgia Tech and Auburn staged a struggle on Thanksgiving Day and the Golden Tornado took the contest from^the Alabama boys in'easy fash ion by a 20 to 7 score. - The'Boston BTaves will train at St. Petersburg, Fa., again this spring. Manager Bancroft has instructed his battery men "to report at that, place on the 22nd of February to begin the spring training grind. h Ijpbuilford beat Elon in a fast'game! by a score of 14 to ^ again. The Alabama Crimson Wave has- not lost a single contest during the ..entire 3e&son,\ which is some recdrd to be proud of. ' Basketball wiH now have the spot lit and the sport is fast and sporty" enough for the most fastidious. The college teamawRl-sfcart tiie season im mediately. 3?pP > The Army Mule add the Navy Goat tangled up in a real football game: last Saturday, and when the smoke of battle was removed from the scene the two service teams were right ex?! actly where they started the fray even Steven. The score was 21 to 21. ? Old Bill Carrigan, former manager of the Boston Red Sox when they were winning pennants has been j signed to again manage the Sox, to replace Lee Fohl. Fohl is not to be blamed for the showing the Red Sox made, after the material he had to build a team with, is considered. Tris Speaker,, manager of the Cleveland Indians, and second only to Ty Cobb as a drawing card, has re signed. The Cleveland owners' say I they will not appaint his successor un til they have had timeW%8Iffl8fer the problems Speaker is onft.o?,?e old stars of the game and one of tfte best outfielders who ever doTjnfcd a glove He thought he was slipping last year and having a.horipio< hencfe, chrty, he decided, tof resign, irativer than manage* from the bench. ; 7,... ? , ?-vv The personnel of the managers in the two big leagues next seasoh^Wdll certainly appear like strange ireadj&g. With Collins, Sisler, Cobb, ^Spefiker, and Fohl disappearing from the fold, in the American, and ?'HcKeclmfcij and Fletcher, in the National, retir?" ing, the game will somehow lookidif ferent to the big league fans. WHAT IS THE MUSIC MEMORY - CONTEST? A splendid mental discipline for the child. A power which leads to culture and refinement. A. novel, method' of education in musical appreciation. An effort to bring beautiful music, into our homes, schools and communi . ? ^-Vr- ; -if ties. . . ?i / ? A device to creates taste and love for good music. -r ' More and better music in our ? ; . . . > AWA' EVERYBODY BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS r^ggtoB^mately 30 per cent of the school children in North Carolina are undernourished. Translated into fig ures, it -means 300,000 undernourished children \ iii North Carolina 'starving^ in the midst of plenty. Carolina Tuberculosis Association^ook for it major objec tive for 1926 the salvaging of the un dernourished chUd andj^titiE8l8the well child healthy. Undenoarish ment causes many diseases, both of mind, and body, and these same dia-, eases may be cured hy giving the child proper nourishment plus sunshine. If verybpdy helps carry the load this terrible burden wifi'llq ifted.The funds for this workr a^ d^ved frwio the K> of Tuberculosis, Christmas Seals. Charles M. Schwab says "There is a 'reach' to music whkfh th* other arts have not; it seams to 'get' to you iri an exliausted mood and quiets and re freshes'wherea book or a picture^ not so sure." ^ \ i Remedy A* careless stroke with his ham mer caused a can>ent6r'a hand tciJ swell to liier I (ABifd .by such.extreme p<^n thafti ."the poor man was almost frantic. Still tortured by the excruciating, -i pain; after o$er remedies had a failed ^to bring relief the man afr -.pOaredand the pain was eomvcwj ; Healing qualities of myrrfntra*^ been known since Bible AaxA. hot ? when fmyrrh le scientifically com bined with other healing and anti- '? septic lingredients, as It is In Han- \ .^Sonde^ts effects a^'seneaibohal, ^ Sold at drag sterw. : j Every; well trained youth and girl a music early and accurately!?Ruskin. '>v- - ta'K:.::: a 'Djimi. a.o ?r NOTICE -v - v m-<-i ? Having qualified as administrator of the estate ofJ^aM^weased, late of Pitt county, State ' of North Carolina, this Is to n&tiff perwms having claims agampf the estate of said deceased to /ambit them to the unders igneo^on *r before the 21sfr day of ^111 he . ..^Administrator of J. T. Oakley. f ' Walter G. Sheppaisi;'Attorney. gj||l '.. :: . ..v. Vv? -a KOTl ? ? C : ?? v:- - ~r- ? < - - North Carolina, In-Superior Court fltt County. i Bella JI. Battle IB'-j#, t | vs. I T. W. Battle . The Defendant, Above Named VThat an action entity as abwe ; |mber* ^26,^? pro<2reJwverce for | the causes set forthTiri tpe Complaint ijfcd in die office oflth^ Clerk of Sif- ! And*said defendaiytwjll take fur ther notice that he i/inquired to ap- ] office ^o^feh^^a^^ the plaintiff will apply to' the Court for the relief demanded in said Com plaint. J' Clerif&JpSm^^ou'rt. 1926' v^ry ^iiipori^DD^piijC# ?'? ? - ? #1 FA ifyjiiti frnM* /,_._} \ I ? f*liiadfc f. rt ---ii." *; T-?>r- ... --;: v.;" ft vaiw Oil Qn|y VBS'vlOsR'iB OOJlCiiUvu* SUIHUy ffliv h " ^i/rfiDPy ? ft ] Jffi > ?i^llL I ^ f_ 'Vi _ J li V ? *' '* ^H; '^^K' MB fl&flk H H J*y' KV^W|t MB HL f ' ^ _ , _?"_5./. L"--. Bt^S! ~" ~ ^Hi!W -. ? -. . |Ly^ .?? """"""""^J1*!. i dt ^ m H _ aA- ^?iJr ^1 ^1 *B B S ?? ? jS.lJ' ^-' ?. I - !{' ? . ^ <^>W - *?> ^dFJBuJL* ?', JLJL ?flM4r^^L J&Bfefc? A f * MuHH ' MB " SJBf- r i)HIBr Bi^B r^^Bn^V ? r .I ? -Sf ? P.4.---B; -Ml, t ^rppi J ^?r ? ^m W^ i Bl ^ . OJU ' VAeNe*r and Magical MOTOR FUEI^j **"* ST4lt^?MlD * OIL ? COMPANy ? (N. i-) !?: I I MOV ICS-TAKE YOUR MAS TO THE. gOSE TO Bfc WM&Oft gPf f J MOOWN'MAn I REPRESENT yr/J MY HUSBAND T ? Trtfc Cao. UNDEBWtXfc 1 NEEDS fioMt f fx COMPANY- It) UKE lO&iOim WlMTeR UNDER ? YOU "WE FlNE^^r^^^ J X IfLcTHe(?Y ?HAD A DAKOy} ft<*" |;|0AYAt THE. OFT-tee.. /TIT57\{NO aowess-NO SWE oyACWTtE. AND- J lc.0.0. ca Mo Fit - LET I } R .c r i , ? ' ? ? 'wnt ?- ?