???.*?? T. ?? * : ~ByAythw'Brkbanc MS am AS AH ELM. TERRIBLE CHINESE?BUT. EAST TO LIVE LONGER^ GIRTH CONTROL - = ' . This, as Will Rogers would say, is written on the train traveling - from Washington to New York. Millions of Americans will be glad to hear that the President, seen two hours ago, seemed in per fect health, full of energy, and, amid all the Nicaragua-Mexico ex citement, calm as a Vermont elm.. # . Y/hat appears to interest the President just now is internal im provement, projects for canals ... from the farms and facilities to the sea, and development of un used waters for power and irriga aon, in particular development' of the Colorado River. ? t President Coolidge speaks just * so fast, and no faster. He knows every word that he is ^ ciing to say before he says it. Words do not come out and surprise him, as hap pens with others. . You cant hut him, or choose . hie subject for him. And as fo"r holding him back, when he means to go in a certain direction, why, to "draw upthe Leviathan- with a hook" would-be child's play, com pared with it. Chinese mobs are looting Chris tian churcheg. Too bad, and it fills cs with horror. Americans, Eridsh, ench and other travel ers home all sorts of loot frcs. *"hincs> temples after the Brrr ??iricj. But that was . ?*?* r.73 crt'y NOTICE In the Superior Court North Carolina, Pitt County. Alonzo Foskey vs. ; r Lena Miller Foskey The defendant, Lena" Miller Foskey, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Pitt county, North Carolina, by the plaintiff, to obtain ah absolute divorce on the grounds al leged in the complaint, and the defen dant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the derk of the superior court of said county, in the court house in Green ville, N. C., on the 22d day of Febru ary, 1927, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action, or the palintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 22d day of January, 1927. J. FRANK HARRINGTON, Clerk of the Superior Court John Hill Paylor, Attorney. * NOTICE OF SALE! Under and by virtue of the order of the Superior Court of Pitt County, made in the action entitled R. L. Davis, J. R. Davis and F. M. Davis, Partners, trading as R. L. Davfs and Bros., against Alex JbneS.and wife, Sue Jones, the same being' No. 2740, upon the Special'Proceeding Docket -of said Court; the undersigned Com missioner will on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25lh, 1927, at 12 o'clock Noon, i before the Court house door in Greenville, N.??.,|j>ffer for sale to the highest bidder for CASH, the following described tracts of land, lying and being in Falkland Township, Pitt County, State of North Carolina, to-wit: Situate near the Town of Falkland, North Carolina, and being lots Nos. 2,3,5, 6, 7, on a plat of land formerly owned by^R^R. Cotton, which plat is recorded in Map Book No. 1, page 11, of the Register of Deeds Office of Pitt ; County, N. C-, to which reference is hereby made, the- said. tract of land hereby conveyed contains 146.23 acres. ! Said land bring the same lands this ; day, (Nov. 9th, 1928), conveyed by the ? Central Bank and Trust Co., Executor ! ctf R. 0. Jeffress, deceased, to Mrs. Sue ; Jones, to which dead reference is here- < by made for descriptiob hereof. ? ! This the 24th day of January, 1927. { - T" JOHN HILL PAYLOR, V J ^ ":^^^pqla?'^ioner'/I PROPERTY. ? ?' ?? ? heathens.. /. " . ':>' Charles Chaplin, nev?? -fcpT^ heavy, has lost IS pounds since his latest worries began. The worst Alfiass-is MENTAL Alness. Chaplin who has made millions happy and never made anybody unhappy, would seem to havt, a just com plaint against fate. The Senate rejects the Lausanne treaty, so this country remains cut off from official acquaintance with Turkey and that energetic dictator, Kemal Pasha. The treaty is re jected because it doesn't provide adequate protection for Christians, or any solution of the eternal Ar menian question. The rejection of the treaty is largely a triumph for Christians missionaries. Twenty was the average age at which men died in the year 1650. In 1850 the average age was forty. In 1575 it was forty-five, and now it is fifty-eight The able Dr. Mayo supplies those figures. With the right kind of living, ten years can be added to present average, and we begin wise living at the right age. The famous Lulgi Cornaro, however, given up to die after forty, lived wisely and passed 100. L 1 1 American business men, Dr. Mayo says, "lade girth control." Too much fat means shorter life. The dangerous age lor woman is sixteen to eighteen. The danger ous age for man is from fifty to fifty-five. _ At that age he becomes foolish. ^ Little things are important in bif things. Mr. JBlume, president of the Western Eletric Company, tells you that telephoning across the Atlantic 'Ocean is made pos sible by a small object manufac tured from Roehelle salts. And now the British manual for Royal Air Force idiots orders theoA to chew gum as they come down from high altitudes. Chewing gum creates saliva, and that keeps the flier swallowing. The act of swal lowing red eves pressure on the ear drums. "Fearfully and wonderfully made" is correct Cats near Bakersfield California, can sympathize, with Midas, who changed into gold everything he touched, and nearly starved. Cali fornia's cats were cheered, then horrified, by rolling waves of migrating mica First they ate some; then ran from them fia hor ror. Too much, even of mice, ia too much. WINTEK-DAY SUGGESTIONS. In days,' when the front door to kept closed as much as possible^, and the windows are jjealoushr; guarded,?-when ventilation holda discomfort along with its purifying, influences, I cannot help thinking of the increased liability of infec tion within the winter quarters of those who live in the frigid tern-"* peratures of our northern states. The out-door members of bur fam ilies are abroad -during the day, either from choice or necessity. Being exposed, they "pick up" colds, bronchial infections, throat disturbances febrile in character, and, certainly communicable. They bring their complaints home with them. ? Children going to school : are extremely liable to contract lung or throat diseases,' -by their association with groups Borne of whom are almost certain to be carriers of respiratory germs. Somebody in the family may be tubercular?a most serious infec tion. What I am driving at. is, to avoid the spread of disease in tbe home where we spend our evta ings, or should, if we do not I do not like to hear of colds "go ing through families," and I am.convinced that such misfortune can be prevented by intelligent pre caution. Under no circumstance should expectorated matter be per mitted to dry within the sitting room or bed-room. The handker chief used by a sufferer should be thrown in a vessel of water when soiled; Then, coughs should be carefully discipline^; a hard cough'wdll hurt bacteria ten feet. It may be dead ly to sit in front of. a tubercular who coughs immoderately without training for safety. It is just e* easy to. dispose of expeetomjp matter before it dries, and sickness may be prevented by kindly res triction. Try it in your Home. NEXT WEEK ' ABUSE OF PRIVILEGE ' "W NOTICE tO TAXPAYERS I j PITT COUNTY | i: 1926 tax is now pa? due, and payable f at the Sheriff's Office, Please don't 0 ^ ? wait for the tax collector to see you, as j ii it will co& you. All personal property j if will be exhausted before next May as ; 4 ? * ? ' t :: the law provides, before I can advertise j ij and sell the Real Estate. So please j || make your paymentpromptly. * Very Respectfully, j - - ;' . . . -? : :i S. A. WHITEHURST 1 i ? : - ? ' ? ? I everytWng^tuat pvill g^c)' into f ? v IJM4|A|MM jjWQm ?%mST\& A j|fl i KiTvVff^l ? M ' L __ ? 4 - ??? ? ??* X; | Ifl^fal} C Q J& CJ fj Q Jp-JJTf |^| /^-J ?j'Q *p I : W '? '" ? ;-^g,y.r-.''jpfytyr -j^, ? ^ . ??j^nIfi? jiflifii ? Cash, on Mcmday.Jaai^Wtfi, 1927* at 12 o'clock, noon, the following 1 '^^betaltati, Towatf ; . Farmville, County of Pitt, State of North' Carolina, adjoining the lands ???? of Haywood Gritasley on the South, K, L. Davis on the West, Abe McKia sey on the North and __' Street , on the Ekst^ being the lot bought by : il. McKinsey {som Louis Joyner:.>?' I Said sale being made to satisfy the I ; This the 20th day' of December, 1926. . R. L. DAVIS, Mortgagee. John Hill fioylor, Attorney, rurowiiie A. C. 1?: v ? ? I SI MUW ?n fa Mm Tttwck.Dratifiht. ? I wwmjjq ^wmpw * *^*awp'"> pp i fi 4 Si Ijjgj JTwt* ???^/tn ? gick- fl I ll nSQMi ^ ^ ? FS^HmHmi?UU?&P!EfialFs^J? *9 I '^" friHw I X I I T I I | way to iy^? *t P^P* . ? I p II '.Is - II; vllllrl Vllfl 11111% B. :'? ? 11 I L I S' ff jjif ' | a? *? ' I I i Ml' (lit .SHHim dram oovcvtmg I I k| H ,',?1 -? '-tvjyBf\ AlurairM *"Piir?'* K i ^ j ' '^''''^ I ? ,'" ' : ?. v . ? -- \V I 1 wjkMQ Mm nk iKVim I " ?' v" _ ^ * k By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain : deed of trust Executed by the r-rhai CoramerciaJ iSecurity .Company. ne.;vv- \7t H: Wil son, Trustee, on the 24th day of Oc tober, 1922, which is of record in the register's office of Pitt county, booh No. P-14, page 322; default hating been made in the paymei/.t of the debt secured by said deed of trust, the undersigned, W. H. Wilson,' Trustee, will on Monday, the 21st day of Feb ruary, 1927, at 12 o'clock, noon, sell to the highest bidder, at public auc tion or cash, in front of the court I house door, in the town pi Greenville, North Carolina, the following describ [eitl lands, namely: Lying and being in the town of I Farmville, Pitt county, North Caroli na, and more particularly described as follows: i/'.*-K 1 ' Lot No. 1?Beginning at Bettie Joy ner's corner and running easterly with Main street thirty feet; thence, at right angles to Main street, westerly 210 feet, to a ditch; thence at right angles-and parallel to Main street 30 feet to Bettie Joyner's line; thence with Bettie Joyner's line 210 feet, to he beginning. Lot No. 2?Beginning on the west side of Main street, at an iron stake, J. B. Suggs' corner and running northwesterly 210 feet .to a ditch, A. L. Joyner's line; thence northeasterly with said ditch 1 feet; thence south easterly and parallel with . first line 210 feet to Main street, 17 feet to the beginning. Being a part of that same ot deeded to C. W. Dunn and wife by John T. Thome and wife. This January 14, 1927. _ W j W. H. WILSON, Trustee. ? Date of sale: Feb. 21, 1927, l&tTime of sale, 12 o'clock, Noon. Place of sale: In' front of courthouse loor, Greenville, N. C. R. T. Martin, Attorney. ' NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power >f sale contained in that certain mort gage, executed by James Hcmby and vife, Louise Hemby, to R. L. Davis, Prustee, for R. L. Davis arid Bro?., >n the 18th day of December, 1922, ?V "'Jit'fl. -V . "l" duly recorded in the Registry of Pitt County, in Book U-18 at page 555, de fault having been made in the notes secured therein, the undersigned Trus tee, will sell at public sgle before the eourtho'use ttyjr in: the Town of i Greenville, -N. C., to the highest bid ' der for Cash, on Monday, January 24, 1927, at 12 o^clock, noon, the follow ing lands, to-wit: Lying and being in Beaver Dam Township, Pitt County, State of North Carolina, and described as follows, to wit: Adjoining the lands of James Crawford, Harvey Allen, Ben Wil loughby, heirs, J. P. King, Hazard Hemby, Simon Hemby, Isaac Ander son heirs, and being the interest or childs share of land inherited by Jas. Hemby from the late Geo, Hemby, his father, and this share contains 35 acres more or less. Said sale being made to satisfy the notes secured by said mortgage. This the 20th day of December, 1926. R. L. DAVIS, Trustee, R. L. DAVIS & BROS. Tohn .'fill Payor, Attorney, Farnm'e, N. C. NOTICE! Notice is hereby given that I have this day impounded one black Heifer with knubby homes about one year old. The owner of above described cow can get same by paying cost. If the owner be not fuond, I will offer the above described Heifer (cow( for sale for cash, at my residence north of Farmville, in Farmville town ship, on Wednesday, Feburary 9,1927 at 10 o'clock A.-M. This January 27, 1927. CLUADE N. ALLEN, Empounder. j NOTICE OF SALE OF TOWN LOTH IN FARMVILLE, N. C. ' !i ' | By virtue of power of sale contain- ! i ed in a certain real .estate mortgage executed by Wyatt Eason to J. H. Ea son on or about January 2, 1924 and which said mortgage is duly recorded .in the register of deeds' office of Pitt county, North Carolina, in Book G, lg? page 58, default having been made in the payment of a note therein se cured, the undersigned mortgagee, will offer for sale,, for cash, at a pub lic auction sole to the highest bidder at the court house door in Greenville, N. C., on Thursday, February 10, 1927, at the hours between 1 o'clock p. m. and 3 o'clock p. m., the follow ing described tojm fete, to-wit: Banning: at a stf'jce on Wilson street, corner of. ft. L pavis line, and running southerly M 1-4 feet to a corner of R. L. Davis line; thence eas terly 100 feet to a stake; thence nor therly 2161-4 feet to a stake on Wil son street; thence westerly 100 feet to the beginning, being lot No. 5 of the lands and premises conveyed to said Wyatt Eason by L. T. Pierce and wife, which deed is recorded in the register of deeds office of Pitt county, North Carolina, reference to which is here by made for a more definite descrip tion. This the 3d day of January, 1027. J. H. EASON, Mortgagee. - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Haying qualified as administrator of the. estate of Alex Jones, deceased, late of Pitt County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them tq the under signed at Farmville, N. C., oh or be fore the 15th day of January^ 1928, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 14th day of January, 1927. MANLY LILES, Administrator of Alex Jones, deceased. John Hill Paylor, Attorney. , ru READ the fYou aire resdjog this one, cdumna is y profitable . propositioti; 'Jjai it wOl / v. bring basinets to your "Si JtowtSSwhi1 probably thertaeo?J*ta ? getUi^morfi hosiness than.' the other ftllo# sthsnoe To Read Your Ad in These Column*? I ?** % A. ... . ? V'Y. .?.J T-. ?.? ' * ? - . ? ? ? ' ? ? - ? t- ~ . ^ad-and-pencil apositive extravagance ?f ' 7v' ^ ^ 4 - - - ' ?? ' ? V:- 1 ? ' ?'? '? %Sd?ne*Ki#,r Eigte IJQO ;; V gAY GOODBYE to pad and pencil! For now you can buy an adding and multiplying^machine for $100!?the new Dalton Eight. A machine that will io all your figuring, at a cost of less than six cents i day. Even if you only use the machine occasijn illy, it will pay for itself til the minutes and mistakes it haves. ' - ????< YES, IT MULTIPLIES, TOO! ' Don't get the idea that this DaJton Eight is just mother of those low-priced "adding" machines. The dalton multiplies, too! Does it lightning fast, and easy ^as rolling off a. log". Same^way with substruc tion. Ndthiag to ''learn" about this machine, either. -?it, ". S ? - ^ '? J? '? ? -? ? ' ? v.- ' "T No course of instruction needed. You can operate the Dalton the minute you. see it. Only 10 keys? >ne for each numeral. Why, even a child can operate the Dalton! NO WEAR-OUT TO if! Take the side off the Daiton Eight and inspect its ^' ' ? " ' ' "insides". The;* do the same with any other $100 >' machine. What a difference! Note its substantial contraction?you can fairly SEE the quality. For .this machine is, part for part, identical with the world's highest-priced bookkeeping machines ? ma chines that sell for $1000 and $1500,- Of course, the . Dal ton laSts a business lifetime! i TRY IT AT OUR EXPENSE! , You can buy the Dalton Eight on easy terms? $10.00 down. But first, try it FREE- We'll put.ohe in your store or office witfumt charge or obligation. Use itfpr 10 days?do any and every kind of figuring on it.' K, in that length of time, the machine doesn't sell itself to you?if*, in those 10 days, ycu don't dis cover that it is far cheaper than pad-and-pencil lo uring?then we won't EST you keep it You have to be pleased. And you will be! ' jk % ? v ' " . V . ,v. ?<';?? ?[ ? jtti ? AKE YOU LfSTED HERE7 ?then y'ou need the Dalton Special Eight! The new Dalton Eight hiakes a particulaHy ser-?v viceable and economical adding-calculating machine ? for any of the following: km?*! '$ Gfocers, druggists, delicatessens and general stores ^for use on counter in adding sales items) ? Physicians (for keeping accounts and making ? -grove it yourself!:" ?"/, ;? ? Use?: ihe^Dalton 10 tfajtys charge! j B. V. ACTON, P. O. Bov J258 : "'V. - 'j3>V '' v : Weston - 8alpn, N. ? . ; <"? We would like to try the Dalton Eight lor 10 days. ..At is understood there will/;.'?; be no charge to *8 and no obligation to buy. U ^ ' Position \;?' ?7 ]r?- ?. **<*tV.-V\ ?' V ' -j ? ; ? :? ? ? x dbUB.* 1 WIn. . I-,- . '. ? ???- '? ? ^ ( M i o Bf of ff M tTJ1" ? jAH