THE FARMYILLfi ENTERPRISE v Published by V t THE ROUSE PRINTER? '"v,!. '? " ? /- ' ""--.jT -*.? ' "" 4 11 G. A. Souse, Editor and Sole Owner. ?r ' i . . i ? Subscription Price ? One Year $1.50 Six Months .75 Advertising Rates Furnished on Application to Manager Entered as second class mail matter May 10, 1910, at the postoffice at Iteniii, North Carolina, under the - Act of March 3, 1878. FOUNTAIN NEWS NOTES Misses Ethel Burkbaad, Glens Smith and Nannie Pat Doxier will spend this week end in Norfilk. . Mr. and Mrs. E. Beasley and Dr. W. C. Mercer, of Ahoskie, spent Sunday in Fountain with Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Beasley. * ?; The many friends of Mr. R." A. Fountain and Mrs. W. L. Goodwyn wish to extend their sympathy to them and families because of the death of their brother, Mr. Charlie Fountain, of Leggetts, also to Mr. J. P. Kille brew and all family connections as to the death of their father, Mr. Jim KSlebrew, who had been paralyzed several years. Miss Daphne Owens spent last week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Owens. Miss Alley Louise Fountain was at home from Peace Institute Monday to attend the funeral ef her uncle, Mr. Charlie Fountain. Mrs. Turnage Entertains Alumni Chapter. The Alumni Chapter met with Mrs. F. D. Turnage on Thursday evening, Feb. 3rd. This wfcs a very important meeting as they had the election of new officers. Mrs. C. L. Owens suc ceeds Mrs. W. L. Goodwyn as presi dent; Mrs. Carl Gay was re-elected vice president; Mrs. W. L. Goodwyn succeeds Mrs. B. L. Stokes as secre tary and treasurer, and Mrs. J. M. Horton was re-elected reporter. At the dose of business, Mrs. Turnage . entertained with two tables of bridge and one table of rook. ? Mrs. Horton having made high score at bridge was presented with a lovely madeira tray doth and Mrs. H. J. Johnson, who made high score at rook, was present ' ed with a lovely vase. Mrs. Turnage served hot coffee and apple custard with whipped cream. Musical Trio Eutertaw Friends. At the fiddlers convention a- few ^ wedcs P^^lich presented them with an idea el entertaining their friends and truly met with the approval of the number that were so fortunate as to he in-, vfted. They entertained with two ta bles of bridge and two tables, hearts. Mr. Lester Baker made high score at bridge and Mrs. T. K. Fountain high score at hearts, being presented with a box of hath powders and handker chiefs respectively. Miss Wade-and Mr. Fountain with piano and saxo phone furnished delightful music dur ing the time the others were being served with ice cream ami cake, wit5 Hallowe'en favors on plates. It was indeed a delightful occasion. ? ' . Mrs. J. R. Gay Hostess To The Woman's Ctab. The Woman's CiBb met on Tuesday afternoon; Feb. 1st, with Mrs. J. R. Gay, with eleven present. It was a very interesting and helpful meeting, as the propram was based on ways of decorating and beautifying the in terior of homes. -Mrs. Carl Gay gave a very interesting talk on the ways and.means of .uying furniture and furnishing homes. Mrs, George Jef ferson discussed interior decorating; showing different cuts, of draperies and what kind to use for different style windows. Mrs. J. M. Horton gave a demonstration of hooked rugs, which was also very interesting. At the close of the. meeting Mrs. Gay served cream and cake. ? L : Celebrates Sixth Birthday. < ?^faster Edgar Case, son of Mr. and ] M*& CL 13. Case, celebrated Ms sixth ] birthday lest Saturday by entertain-. titg about fifteen of his little friends J at a party. The children had much ( fun pinning the - donkey's tail . MM Master Frank Owens won the prise and little Miss Hasaxah Barrett Camp-1 bell won the "booby." The children; enjoyed various games for. an hour,' after which they were invited into" the dinig room. The table was pretty with its decorations of pink. The birthday cake was quite tempting with its six pink candles. The chil-j dfen were served cream, cake, pop {J com and home made candy. I% |K Boy is Victim of Fall tne duck fence for-a tight rape, a; boy of eleven test his balance and - -*<811 to the groundi^-Hls wrist was " SO badly strained and swollen that J : he lost entire use of It for over a . week. Remedies of various kinds. I : felled to give the lad relief to any? I degree. His worried parents at last I procured a bottle ofHanford's Bal : sam of Myrrh. A few applications quickly reduced the swelling and the pain. Hundreds of others have -. found relief in similar cases by us- ' tag this great remedy, y- ^? H&nford'e Balsam of Myrrh Is a Italment and an antlseptte.r It Is - . I recommended especially for use ta serious cases of old sores, cuts, burn\ bruises and sprains of any kind. Sold at drug stores, . - M 9 f NOTICE To TAXPAYERS j PITT COUNTY 0 " ' ' ' ' .. . - :: jjj 1926 tax is now pa& due, and payable : i: at the Sheriff's Office. Please don't :: < ' ? , ' ' < > ? ? wait for the tax collector to see you, as ? i: it wiH co& you. All personal property | i: will be exhausted before next May as i: the law provides, before I can advertise : i: and sell the Real Estate. So please . i? r make your payment promptly. 1 fl[ "1/ 1J / A I f II I Quality* Fertilizers on cotton, corn an^-Vi-V;"*! J - . "4 I soy bants and hgfc?a>btained most excel- o'v-^fi-; lent and satisfactory result* ^tfs year; mSHsmESZ 'StLfS'Si IF ' i picked 1500 pounds per sere. It gives ||. } J tie pleasure to recommend it." 1r ; .1. *p-' - ' -a D. tardea It Elisabeth City, .RC* May 24,1926 I "It is a pleasure to state that I have I I' been usntg *AA Quality' Fertilizer ol-' J } ?? - )j varied analyses on different crops for the f fi past three years and must say that the I | J results obtained from the use of them I M have been most satisfactory." I ?Zenas Jennings I Jr I i ' I ? 5 ? iftIxf >ys^|*pI*>Iq f f'OTTl i j]P lttuSt I H > ? ^ J- s BHBBMB?B(PB^3B8BBBB5553i2SSS3S0BS?8HKS25E!5SS2S.!5 FOB fEIMARY .. ?> i^t'-*'. V**.; *r?v:^. Y*V?*- v*-*"V W For Selection as Mayor 1LV.HQBTON Your vote will be appreciated. ? .::; :-> -'? . - . ':- ' . ?? * W - 1 1 "* 1 ?" "'4* ? ' ?:;V ?V;" ??FOB MAYOB L ? ? ?. ? - - .. ' '. ? I take due method of informing the citizens nf Farmville that l am a can-} didate forth# office of Mayor, and ask your kind consideration. Anything you may tin or say for me in this con nection will be greatly appreciated. ? V. i; Sincerely, G. ALEX. BOUSE. , ' ? ' BUSINESS LOG ALS ?1 ROOMS FOB BENT?For particulars see Mrs. A. Horton. ? 7??' 1 it m. . ....... J. DARNING WANTED?WILL MEND suits for men and boys. Mrs. A. J; Tyson, Farmville, N. C. LOSi?WRIST WATCH with Initials "M. J. W." somewhere on streets of Farmville. Finder will please return to A. a Walter and receive reward. FOR SALB?$WEET MILK, SKIM m?>d or unskimmed. Delivered at door. See or write G. S. Nichols, Farmville, R. F. D. 8. FOB BENT ? A 6-Room House on Chureh street with light and water. For further particulars, see J. T. Nel son, F&rfflviiie, N. C. tf-d. u i . J ?I 1 ' ? I wish to-inform the public that I un now MTOt for tBe famous Tanner Zmmm ,? LOST-Fur Lto^Kid^ove for4eft TAfpiirti rrward *? Mfg. Co, East si. Uvaiih fllinoisi ID TRE BARENTS WtARMVILLE ?Jf you have children Who will en *r school bdpMp-'? ?*o?ths n kindergarten work, where school labits ire taught, wffl enable them o make progress that W would not nake otherwise. | :Bor further infon natlon phone 2l? Mrs. L. M. 11'? APRICOTS, Fancy California Large No. 2J Can 19c \b < i >:? 7 * < * * ]:: Curtis Bros. BLUE LABEL JAM, Large Jar ? 24c $ \ ~ \ - i??? ' r i ? < k ? NAYY BEANS, Pounds 6 l-4c *?>. ! ? M :::? D.JP. Green Label TOILET*PAPER,2Rolls 7c i?: ?? - i - ' - ' ? - . ? ' . II . CANNED GOODS - ;; Shoe Peg Corn; Narrous Brand, ! I; No. 2 can. , i r: 19c !; Hillsdale, Asparagus, ! t No. 1 Square Can.. _ 33c .! ^; Mixed Vegetables, No. 2 Caq 12|c Tomatoes, Red Ripe, No. 2 Can... ^ 10c ?>h .' Black Eye Peas, No. 2 Can_. 12c ?J: Wonder and Palace FLOUR Guaranteed To (Jive Satisfaction i 3; 12 lb. Bag 241\>. Bag 48 lb. Bag .ji: 54c $1.05 $2.05 \; ? . .. ? TO START THE DAY P * Jersey Corn Flakes, Package I 8 l-3c *:; Posts Bran, Package 12c * > Puffed Wheat, Package 14c < r > Comet Rice, Package 9c Grape Nnt? Package 18c J:: | ______________ * * > Blue Label CATSUP, bottle. 20c |: D. P. VINBGAR, Quart 21c Van Camps MILK, Tall can 10c !:: ii iTi ^*i i ?. i i " ' ? . | SWAN'S DOWN CAKE FLOUR, 2 34 lb. Package. .. 35c P II Salt Pork Rib Belliu lb, 25c J? Salt Pork Hates, lb_..18e || Salt Pork Fat Backs, lb. 18c It Swifts Sausage Links lb 29c If P. A. Pork Sausage, lb, 29c X| Swifts Premium Franks 0 t| Pound ? 29c || Picnic Shoulders, lb 25c v D P BACON ; Breakfast Sliced, RindLss } Pound Carton ? 26c I Pound Carton., .r: ,y. ..50c - |Oia^)Wde JWJEAD Giant 21 Ounce Toaf 1 ftp X V v M [ i li zzzzzzzrm?ZF**f*T. ******* ftiititMiiyittiw TAKEN UP -''v3"%??. ;sr ^pfK? sj'isSi.*& >>?> -,; On and white spotted Sow, weighing about 175 pounds. Owner can get same by paying damages and cost .of advertising, or I Will sell same at auction at the expiration of ten dayaffrbm this date. !? This Jan. 27th, 1927.? "S- J?fNEB|| ? - , 1 __? ^ ??"? 8 fc&Vs^A ,'- ^F*J ? H' ????.-. ??r';\Vv ^'*M 9*^^B r'-v. -.;???.?.??? -'(?K^S-' -r ? ? ? m\. % -?? ? ? j^ Jj^ ^ ^ xL*M> 0 . ' ; ? \ Bljl-' ' ?' ."ii? ?^?'^,"^K>*is' 2K^i?ll(R? ** ."* v v 4j.. ?, 0 - J "fJiVyH' "' X_ ' -C^: jT ~ ? -?. ^ . i I v.? ' ? ? -. y ' j ? ? j ^ ^ -fVip nublic that 1 ;luiVv \ This is to iiuorm w" p .?! ^ / Jmv*' } I ? s&S&ttX' w jr- 4 *??<-. '^v-. ? ? ? ?-x. ? ' r:- ? . ... , ??.]?.? mm . ' I ? ? . ' II ?> ? h' : FOR ANY AND ALL OCCASIONS |g; ^3teliver Promptly Anywhere *t aoy hour, ; I Will ^ appreciate your ^6^ ^ " ' 4r$ - -\i5 * ??'.''"' ? ?"?>'."?'.S-^J* ' ??*-*#??.?' ^JT il X\ A ikflr -m/r "A "W ??. . . ? ? ivx A U A. Jjx JJI A. K \jf K E T E ? ?? ? ? it" - -...., / * vjani x L^r- . Shfi WnVl jjit-Vi - * _____ ? !.?. * - - ? . ??