Personal and Social Notes ?i^_ I . " ABOUT PEOPLE WHO " . ? - Attorney J. G. Anderson, at Snow Hill, was visitor in FarmviUe today. * * * * Mr. W- y. Redick, of Walstonburg was. & business visitor irr the city this evening. ? ? *-? ' Don't forget that you are cordially invited to attend Sunday School at the Methodist Church Sunday. * * * ? ' > v., -jfTv* Mr. and Mrs. Melrose Avery from Miami, Florida, spent the week end with Dr. and Mrs. Jno. S. Hooker. > ? ? ? Miss Louise Holioman, who has been confined on account of an attack of facial paralysis, is able to be out. ? * * * Mr. and fire. J . G. Spencer attend ed a family re-union Sunday held at Mrs. Spencer's mother's Mrs. Zoilie A. Collins, in Kinstom * ? * * The Farmville Mks' Band, colored, will give a concert on the corner of Main and Wilson streets Monday afternoon at 4:00 o'doek. ? * * * There will be preaching services at the Presbyterian church Sunday morn ing evening by Dr. A. S. Venable. . The public is cordially invited. * * * * Forty members of the Farmville Christian Church attended the ban quet and fellowship meeting in the in - terest of Atlantic Christian College at Greenville Monday night. ? ? * * The little girl that was expected to arrive at the home of Attorney and Mrs. John Hill Paylor this week hap pened to be another hoy. Hb put in his appearance Thursday morning at 9:30. Both mother and son are doing nicely. ? * * * Friends will be glad to learn that D. J. W. H&rrell, pastor of the M. E. Church, who has been ill at his home on Pine street, is convalescing, al though he will not be able to hold services this coming Sunday.' ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. r Mrs. Jno. S. Hooker entertained at her home on Main street Thursday evening in honor of Miss Annie Mae Sinclair, of aeford, who has made her , home here for the past two years. The house was beautifully decorated with spring flowers and potted plants. Four tables were attractively arrang ed for bridge. After several interest i score pad as high score prize. Miss I Sarah Farmer was given a Chinese I pencil for low score prize. Miss Sin I clair was given a lovely piece of lin I gerie. - Valentine hearts in red envelopes I were passed bearing the names "Annie Mae Sinclair and Roland Howard." I The wedding to- take place in March. Mrs. Hooner, assisted by Mrs. Chas. I Baucom, served a delicious sweet I coarse. The bride elect wore a Crepe Eliza ?.beth gown embroidered in old gold, I oriented design. MISSIONARY RALLY. ? I . On'Tuesday, February 15th, there I will be a Missionary Rally held-in the I Christian Church for all the churches I of the Hookerton District. All the I women of the Churches are expected I to be present Each woman bring I lunch for. herself only. Mrs. C. W. Donney, of Atlanta, GtL, I Regional Secretary, will have tbarge of the business session. Dr. Jennie- Crozier, for many yeas a Missionary in India, and who is I now in the States on furlough, will Services will begtt at 10:00 o'clock welcome. School reported, -also books suitable DR. A. & VENABLE ACCEPTS CALL TO SERVE FARMVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ' Will .Ester Upon His Duties Here As Pastor Sunday, February 13. Rev. A. Sidney Venable, D. D., lias accepted a call from the local Pres byterian Church and will enter upon his duties Tiere as pastor beginning- on Sunday, February 13th. Dr. Venable come' to the Farmville church from Farmville, Va. Dr. Ven able is former secretary Stewardship and Home Missions of Roanoke Pres bytery of the Synod of Virginia, and for many years, was an evangelist, working mainly in Tennessee-and Vir ginia. The Farmville church is to be con gratulated in securing the leadership of such an ardent and learned pastor. He will conduct his first regular services here oh Sunday morning and evening, the 13th. For the present Dr. and Mrs. Ven able will reside at the Davis Hotel.. . Farmville extends them a most cor dial welcome, mid wishes he and the church much success in the Lord's wwork. - . MRS. BYNUM CHARMINGLY ENTERTAINS. Mrs. Alex S. Bynum charmingly en tertained at her home Thursday after noon from three to five. The home .Was beautifully decorated for the occasion with spring flowers, ferns and potted plants, red hearts being effectively arranged throughout the house. Seven tables were attractively ar ranged for bridge. Place cards and tallies carrying out the Valentine idea were used . At the conclusion of sev eral interesting progression#?, Mrs. E. C. Beaman, winner of high score, was presented an attractive hand-painted salad recipe book. The low score prize, a lovely tea bell, went to Mrs. Arthur F. Joyner. Miss Annie Mae Sinclair, bride elect, was given a love ly piece of linnen. Mrs. Bynum, assisted by Mrs. J. S. Hooker, Mrs. Claude Barrett and Mrs. J. W. Joyner, served & delicious frozen salad, followed with' black coffee and nut cakes. *-? ? ? ? V " * ?' ru ? ? . VOTE FOR G. A. ROUSE A FOR MAYOR HE WILL APPRECIATE THE JOB Pill mast - atlacth! meeting'' of the Merry Matrons was held at the lovely ho-tt of Mrs. J. W. Parker on Church stteet February 8tb. I y,- Business details were taken up and disposed of systematically, after which Mrs. H. WvTurnage Continued the studies, in American Art and Artists by reading sketches of the lives of three eminent sculptors, namely: Mae I monnies, Bartlett and Bernard. .. As the Valentine season is here mid the Anniversary of the Club has Just passed, Mrs.. Parker carried out both ideas very effectively. ' 'v^'l I - Cards were passed with the word Valentine written oh each, the menir bers requested to make as many diff erent words as possible. Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt proved to be the mostadept in this contest! ?* The guests were then invited into the eharmly decorated dining room. (The table was beautiful with its snowy Madeira doth, a huge birthday cake, surrounded by eight taU red candles symbolising the age of the culb, and numerous red hearts suspended from the center ligiit IThe President, Mrs. R. H. Knott, and the first president of the club, Mrs. W. M. Willis, were seated at the table and assisted in serving white block cream with red heart in center and "Birthday Cake." Little Masses Vivian Parker and Mary Alice Harris passed the plates which were very pretty with a red satin heart filled with almonds and mints and a red heart with an item of interest per taining to the Club history. Each one read their heart respectively, giv ing as a whole the organization of the club. 'I . Several instrumental and vocal se lections were rendered by Mesdames M. V. Jones, H. W. Turnage and A. W. Bobbitt. I Special guests included Mis. F. M. Davis, Mrs. C. L. Barrett, Jr., Mrs. W. E. Joyner, Mrs. J. L. Kumley tod Mrs. A. W. Bobbitt. I ri. Mr. and Mrs^JW. V. Redick and Mrs. R. A. Phillips of Walstonburg, was visiters in Wilson today. /'I Mr. J. W. Redict of Fountain was a visiter in Walstonburg Thursday. /' **** ? Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Redick of Wal stonburg spent Wednesday night in Fountain with Mrs. Bedick's parents. i HAD ANOTHER REASON. ? ? -? I ;? ''What are you doing, at a Klan meeting,Ikey?you can't jofe.^^^ I J-S7. - '-J-' 'Jjv > *?*' EPISCOPAL SERl^ICS# | - Church School at 9:45 a. m. All are ewtiiaily invited.? S& 4 & Wm -Church, under the auspices of the Bishops' Crusade, will begin Monday, February 14th,.-at 7^0 p. m., to con tinue each night through 5ucday, Feb.. I 20th. The Mission will be held by Rev. Mr. Hflly The land sale of previoosyears mast also be settled AT* : r ONCE, or deed win be taken. 5 4 v ? it Call phone 106 for ammurt due. R. A. JOYNER, Treasurer. if | fc ? : ? ; o p, S*?1927 City Auto Pfates are now ready fordistribution. ;; ; | All town cars most display one of these tags. x ? la - ^9L JBLiwv ?? ii ':'~~~i *> 9 t~* '-A - ?__ X v T*S '^X^t! 9 ?|y?y^y< />/% y/\Q ^ I X ? ^-. ? |_u r. 4, ^ | A ? ' * rw^i . * x H I W 3 I J tn6:6Stdt^ of BVL Dail ^ i?a* *S* ., - j * V &ikT/:v?; ' 'B. T. ffATTla; * I 'iuimf f t i J ^ sylor, Attorney. ' I ' '?"? ? ? , x'itt yottnty. - \i *? !??' - ?? T>?r ..jV V *?. I 1 1/111 1I I nn ?%# /i/'N H a?d | FA8MVILLE FURNITURE COMPANY T. E. Joyner, Maynard Thorn* IWe suppose that everybody J If sometime has wanted to run 4- ' ' r ??. a newroajUr of theirown. ..^ >We|>l*ad ^t|^ot>h%.:v:J on that score, but also to-Ujj wanting to be an editor. E J [ O. A. Rouse, qf Tl? Enter prise, says running a news paper is full of grief, but if > hell rent us this r' ? I ^ little eprner each week, and 4# I ' it'll be up to us to make good. : Til.-; ''' ' I So we'll be here every Fri fday with ^^Topica'', in I Which we will talk about: 7;:%- -- X? Reopl* > ?"? I Our Community, Ti. lt'k Improvement^ v'%. ?/.'. I and maybe a little bit about i; the Furniture business. I ? ' ? > ^ We'll promise tp be inter - ' esting all the'time. ?~ ' But we'll need your HELP v v^witB; criticism, comments and ; contributions. J " . f John Barrett says he was listening to a male quartette last night on his ATWATER ?V KENT radio. The tenor had ;? sticli a fine voice that he tuned out the other three and had a tenor solo. We don't be lieve that story?even if it -was an ATWATER- KENT set. But it is a fact that you can do some startling things with an ATWATER KENT. That's why We handle it. . Bye the way, have you ever 5 realised that we have as com plete a stock of Furniture-as any store in tliis section? We can fill all of your needs : in the Furniture line arid .best of all save you a considerable amount of money. We are here to serve you and that's' the first consideration with us. Yes, even in this business - I of ours "we make mistakes. 1 And right here is where you H can profit by one of cur mis- I takes. We bought too many fl bed room suites and have to 'I move them. We have some I mighty fine Offerings for your I < inspection and: have priced them to move. Let's get to- H gether and we will both profit H thereby. ^ That's all for today?only gj we want to say that we in- I tend to make "Home Topics" the newiest part of this pa- 1 per. Let us know your news - H and we will be glad to pub- H lish it, for we want this to be H your newspaper. ?EH and Maynard, I Editors. FARMVILLE FURNITURE COMPANY Farmville, N. C. "The Home of Reliability" I ? Phone 68 ?-?"^ 1 " ?-.??;?? -? \--iv- ?-?.? ? ?-*r ? - ? .: ? ?. ?*.. . . - T IIOIMMCMMMMir ??>f?MMM?M>IM>m?IJIIItttt|<|l|imf mniltm | couple of carloads | Ar .;;: g Or .{jf i GOOD KENTUCKY AND TENNESSEE I i\ %' ' \y> mules , if * r- !? I :? Ju& Arrived i[i | S [?;?? Weighing from 900 to 1300 pounds, j \! I . to 6years old I j.tITaylor'&co. i mil m in i m 111 i'i n, j{ i / iM/ii j i n n n i) i j m n ' ^ ^t ^ ^ ^ Essex ^ | '*' ^ d'stoii ^^^icr8? ^ ? ? | - 2 <5> Cljlflr -fff Ifil* giTli f|-| ^ .C lrit.n w l?'' ? V-? /?.'*r*;az.?,