ME- - - frfflp .- 3MBri^l*BH8^SaBHBBaBy-d^%P^;:. ?la>- =--? B&. , ?v^? X " ' _, frqpwfimjteAi #1?ittnt, iii Mtwi i M?^ ? ' ? S..- - r - ... .. A ^ -- '? - * | _ - "-OLJ1 1 I In ^tinl - Prove ? WX ^Bb 'B^B- "'? n *^-8i. ,^8- B B /?- nTflL* tfti _. j .. . v ? ' ' &teP HP I H (l I Tl V iLLL I 1 jhlli IVljL This Statement * I m IMJ A 11JII Ivl W A Am Am A4 ? ^?-?iir Bf 1._ . I F'l-'l ' * ? ? '' ' - " ; -:-f^?? ' ? " ? ' ? ' ? ? B' 1 *~ " " " ? J ^ ~iM . >. _,rtTJn /Hm/Yrr* . Mt?i ?--?r A TTAATYW rrpTV TXT tUUTfll DTTDT TClTPnW BHKS?: _ ? Ml_.n_ -?_ ? u _ n ? i 'i* %?A-remTT ^1 i'-9%/VT T\T 1; . VT 'A TTlmTfl llajllxlr. flf:Of *? jj A '|t m,*?k, I |||(i Iftl '?..?* 1 I I* wV rl IV iff ' ?? I III Jt^ll Pil I "ANOTHER PAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA HAVING MOKE- mtiULAi w PITT dbuffCY. NORTH CAROLLNA,f^AY, F? ? ATlg, 192T " PARK BILL PASSED ' FAVORS ' BRIDGE ACT r ??? I (t Approves Appropriation rf I SZ,M0,000 Eor <ke? Smok, H Obuattia hrit jhvject WMe tot ot the Lower Boose ^B I Raleigh, Feb. 17.?The legislature I today adopted an official State Song I and sent two measures appropriating I a total of more than $3,000,000 on B their way through the routrie of pas i r^n K- official song of the state with the pas I sage of theJuuse bill by the Senate. The aearte passed the (2^000 Great Smokies National Park bffl and ? sent it to the house and the house H passed the Cape Fear river bridge bill number of bills of lesser importance and a mass of bills were added to the calendars. Committee repoits; consumed the first half of today's hnfir session *3 ** ?> **? ? ? V.v- , it ? which began at 10:JM> a. m., one half I hour before the senate convened. A I flood of bills went on the house cal I endar. Unfavorable report came in on the bill that would require state wide. ? vaccination of degh for rabies. The I bfll providing for inspection of barber I and beauty shops was reported iav ? orably. B The fasurance committee reported favorably bills to require fire escapes H / on office buildings and adequate exits ? for theatres.- ^ " ? The inland waterway right^xf-way I B bffl came in favorably on unanimous I ? ? ?**' ' ' ? -aV " ? ? house commerce committee report I The "bad check" bill passed by the I ivVjimstat was reported fayori^ly as a-fl ? v.v Anded, while the 15-day marriage B ? - ? , n|k. |7^ J \*% Message from the senate contain-11 I eri the bffl that would consolidate the B I ment of eonserva&?7j** develop-1 - On suspension of roles it was placed I on the calendar., Change Date For Atto itegWratifuJ I The bill of Senator' Caonadj^ of I I Johnson, changing the automobile I B. license registration date from June3fiB to January 1st, was finally passed by I I the legislature today. The measure becomes law uponrat-B ideation and goes into effect July 1st,! /^hir year. Payment of 25 cents ad-1 B cfitional tax must be nude at thatfl ? |ime. The first licenses issued will be I good for six months. B ? CARRIE WAY TUGWELL ON HER 13th ANNIVERSARyI I ? I Valentine " day, y February 14th,B about two miles west of Farmv^H l just had as good a time and as much I co?W expect in more ways than one! After Presenting presents and conB till* do' Shortly sftcrw^r^ v ?? ?? ?. p. I gauT^appeared 'and ererybody goi I quiet and then we had something still-JpOBSisof SBTBXQl VO-H VI i nsi ' g 'W^Arit ^ . ggp I _ habilitating the poor tailess donkey I ^^unw ' W A tefAn aA||ar| f I The Ford of Radio I. " ^ * '? * L -*? 'A- ?' . i f t PvWci vTOSicy, vT?f Wj w tancm* #_ '"'A million and ? - tte^at 5 years, ^d^ngw^g^ia i ; ?g j ? fpant more^than^ $^,000^N^for ;>- ' ... __ =35 ling the cpoqnn r i?.: f?E I I | The locals journeyed down t?t| j February -J had admin- r If ?v -~"ji, I ? wiwle., King should receive the Credit [? I for holding his opponents scoreless sol II concen?fc<i" Kalohg and used it in order to droptSf I i ball throogij the hoop "for no less than] ? 7 times thereby receiving- the high I 11 score honors. However, he allowed! ?this opposing center to score aH off I Washington High School points. I I [in TOiamsto^Tto ?Igrand style bv sweeping them aside! I | canedsiQnandWob?Staet etao etaoinmi I I down in Washington Saturday^night | I at the locals in action. Fori I J 3 Points; Smith* with; mAtny 1 I wittL el EdW^\^ ^ eM*w?yI J steadily improved until list Thrnfajj \ J Sel^l I ftmaWfe J"?1 f| I M pionshini s riw^doS0^ expected to befiIed > -S W .1 , A* 'f *% " * -jby both teams. I . . _ t } YVc Friiis VArt? lection $*>m a score of offers. ^ ^ ^ ?? ?ft* Pupils ?d Their; Pur. eats Are Taking Mucfc I ?:J The aim of the Music Memory Con J? develop music appreciation i burger per cent of the school ?'-of the state with the ttlti jective?a higher music stah ained by the majority of these ' '*'-** ?; 'i~*.r^-* ~- "-v* elections from the Peer,Gynt Grieg, were, studied week be t? "Anitra'a Dante" 'In the the |i?; Peer Gynt Suite" is perhaps of W G?ig,_m?ac. that he give.T^(fr igff hfa jewpls and? gold. This melodious dance themeia Mazurka, form is played, in the. I strings. There is a second theme or part which is slightly slower and in which there are short answering fig* ares, then the first movement re tbrns. . I "In the Hall of the Mountain Eong^ Bart IV. This is a wild grotesque [dance which breaks into a chase of "Peer," by the mountain imps. The music begins slowly, the melody be ing played in a very low register by the bassoon. This weird figure ia repeated again" and ^ again'as the gnoms circle about "Beer" apd %ru?t their long fingers at him jeeringly. As the imps run they occasionally shout and the^ number ends with a series of thesw^hout* shown by short Inflections studied last week wiwe ^ B^^by^Boisdeffre,^^ | s^cs the phantom Desth ^PP I N xt k *tii I I* t " i # ? . _ I Aydftp ><.' iiAffly ' > i hp I ft r^fiSir' ii?xt to jVarimdlls. l . ty attended. Th-s group assembled for pfidtograjfl^i^ *?? v, LitUe I At uie afternoon- session Mrs. Little, I Of Greenville, gave anintroduction to our .missionary work, both at home and in foreign field. Then Mm. Downey, the regional, secretary, ap -peared pa program. ?Dr. Grozier, jeettmi mwHeai mi* I sionary, a native .^ Michigan, gave .tM'.^osing. address ofihe session. I She spoke of the social, religion and tpflfield work of a missionary. HOr soul message made air; appeal to all for prayers and for mew gene*, due giving/tSnthe part of American * ---- ? - .^;n iul. J "? * a^>7.; ? .. '; ? ' a ^w% ' V f -iK'H -Ty-.C ^ J ? WGtJc cimr % ?fflr*^," r.,/> Wjjfe ;'. 4'Wfl#||AAfl *.' * -: 3.- ' , EutS:'':''A jjjouninKrt todsy ^ reported |>ENT ? |> -? >^r? ftittl ionfiSj loos , I VU? 1 ?'** 1 'jf-_ -? W" " ' - ,, _ of "l^dli^g*"silver fining",: too- are prev^ativo of ater o?l troubles. Oral surgery is employed most usually to eradicate focal infectiong *Wch cause a laultitudeiofuerioua botfly ailments. H "Consequently; the sessions *f these one hundred end "three dentists are symbolic of the unselfish spirit of the scientist, 3. sprit which would >: de prive, if you please, the profession of businessinter. humanity is improved, is saved time, ,*c^ , <fcinmn cwma " /ff jjy / ? <S .Ifliu 4^ftAglLjhW4lAfll^f?. if f ?rtAkifls Ci/ifS-f If M W (il AMP lyKifly ??wyfc* 11 *- x 1. jv i y? -? | Jj| I I ? ?*? f* BiBfc ? >*' ? I A O Mixon, of Wilmington, N.C., left home 1tu 191&I, A^jgar after ? ? ;;the s*?;ba#^ \ I I trcftCiTCSy ?.XwW^wf'jflp- I ?i flairtbow - division. Th? father, W. ? J. Mixon, Route 4, Lum&erton, N. - M C./wj-ites this newspaper..;*! w ? ojtd and almost helpless and 1 **nt my son. Ally information will bnnf Ifcmfort to * lonely fflpv fl ? ^ ^ ?; - v'^- ^ ? B ^ M *" "3 I uagssi 1 ?'? ?* ??. ?". 'Mr^'' ' ' i II I ( I iVjwrily when ,, I to see that good business men are! nominated. I have not communi cated onft any of my associates _ onf fl the board, and do not know as to the?H| intention to ran again or not. Any I of them that will run again, I think j I the town will make no mistake id renominating. I have served the town for &? P*4 six vears as Commissioner and during t my' tejrm of office I have stood for a conservative government, and the] records stands for the publics^ de cision. During the six years that JIB have been a member of the board | I there has been ne special constructive;! 1 , > ? ? j i if/HVlQ t n"4 1 I I Wift have psid aii-oi vt I rjlflVu iirclivivUcvt vi " ] b^ AH roads lead to Rocky Mount the week of April 4th, according: to in ? formation given out by Headquarters of the Eastern Carolina Chanter of ?Commerce in Kinston, on account of ?he Eastern Carotins Exposition and ?Automobile Show's being on in that fcty" that -week. The citizens of \ ?tocky Mount are intensely interest ed in this big event for their town and are - going - to leave nothing un ?hotegh four other r towns have dope ?themselves proud entertaining- four ?previous Expositions. This will be I the Fifth Annual'Show, the first fcav I ing been held in ilson in Maivh, 1928; ?s^^JSnston; Smith field had2'the' 1925 s^air.- aiid. Greenville wa/i sfat- ' ?tessful iuJanding the 1926 Exposition. ? All Eastern Carolina Interested. This is one event in the state that I All Eastern Carolina feels deeply in ?terested is the one event'what I every town and county can Justly ?eel that they hkve- a part in it. v** ?s in no. wise local, except that it has ?o be held in some Eastern Carolina ?town. The mere fact that it has fcrown from' year to year in intent ?among the people, is sufficient, evi Hence that there was a place for an Hir occasions any where, in this c<hu?- l try- The ^e^n^tWs j^ar is Gio- I " g lorul to /Bite* I tcv? Pn?rtli'wo Ofinf Aa * kAAV lln U1 f ? tern ueat u> near attain nelli ln t'iic lsri?G citios cost" S7?v0 iorL/.* -il |,VAr ' TNiao^ov ic K<rh tiner ior i uesuay lugnx is ine, oign- ? position has ever-brought to Eastern I I North Carolina ahd' this-ia sayings great deal jShe is the kind that ine Keived an ovation in Chicago recently I that only- Pwodihve received, within the ?last quarter of a century. You are to -I ?hear hfo j&t "Rocky Mount Tuesday I ?night, "April 5th. Weideraeyeris t>r- I chestra, the most famous orchestra I ?that comes South, hmrbeen beeked for I I the entire week. This attraction *h>ne~ i'b Worth the prioe of admission. An ? ?have been booked for the entire-week, ?including novelty dancers, direct from H ?the - "Funny" Englishman, who wHl ? [give two addresses Thursday; Upside ? I Down Harrity, the man that actually dances on his head; Queens both. Jon- I ?lor andSenior; Style Show, etc, week H ASSOCIATION MEETING I POStPONED ONE WEBB: I - I On account of a good number of I ?the members ofthe Parent-Teacher^: Association being confined to tbeir ? ?homes with the flue or lagrippe^ jthe I I secular meeting of the nmutfintinn I has been postponed one week. I I The meeting was to have been held today, Friday, but instead, will be ? ?held next Friday, February 25th, and I it is hoped a jiige attendance cap; be I of interest and importance s&echUed I di -g ? "I I M S B.I . - -? fl'nwl ? i ? ? I I p B I IpLi g 9 lm J wx ? u ? w W 7 d'-m ? m m ? - ? c _ I ? w ^?Tl ww I I SilUUII 8 liSifli 1 ; ; - . ?? Plfllfi wpyl ' ? . , m fc,/ I liftW' ? ** > : ^ ?j ' . . a- j i , .'t.

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