? ^SSk fifift ^Bjp .^1%''.'jir~ . ... ^^jl^jjjjjj^jljl^ Jg^^ J^jjp' j^* j^j^ JE^ ? ? . - On Wednesday afternoon, Febru ary J3W, at four o'clock, the mem bers of the Senior Class of the Farm vilieHigh School, presented the most enjoyable and interesting: pro-. grams of the yean. The occasion was the planting; of a tree on the school campus by ejsch number of the class, and the dedication of that tree in hon or of some friend .or loved one. The program was arranged under the di rection of Miss Tahithn DeVisconti \ who is chairman of planting in the Eftk District of the North (Carolina, g Federation of Women's Clubs, alto chairman of planting in the local Pa rent-Teacher Association. Great ap pwidtation of Miss DeViaconti's untir- 71 ing effort to beautify the grounds and to preserve the shrubs already plant- i ed, was shown by the number who _ braved the elements on Wednesday j afternoon in order to attend the exer- ( J -i? - IJ Tie foilowid^njBiigtiB! given,} and ^ras presided over with much grace and eue, Hy^[rvin Morgan, a member of the class: America, the Beautiful, song by the _ audience, with Mrs. J. M. Hohgood at the piano, Elbert Holmes leading. r WKrn**' JKey a. S. Venable, D. D.jMtor of the Presbyterian Church, trwa by Smith. Nursery q grade. Miss Carruthers at the piano. * frees?Joyce Kilmer. Beading by J I^ Mm Sam Keid. - ^ -jgjbiiM on TugsS* | ^Taroiina?Seng by tbe audience. ,7 tv- j? . m v ? T l~--~ impmae 01 1 rees pnntN.. Juucy Johnston of the Senior 1 W S| Aire Grey Flanagan?Senior Class. ( r* - ~ .Jjoty Johnston?Her mother^ Mts. * 'f* ; - pLS^ykfr-Miss Tabitha De 1 -r ? Visconti 1 Benediction?Rev. A. S. Venable. 2 W Ti^CMaiORY-CONT^r-n W "V* Hallalujah Chans" taken from v the Sntom "The Messiah" by 1 G^01^ HaC(ieI' is^the^^ ^ 'i' 'kfe work today, Haiutel regarded it C~ as aa exprwaionisrbis owii intense | I . ty ^Ilabk*ittitiie^^ffeL.<mThe nTT ^fin?ri* TfrW' t^TtJS TrjuVjn XV,.? ??,.TOo ^ by the other voices. The chorus re tarns to Haltekjah, however, and .^and unng the ?:';: ^?Pn?9 thr namtj^r.- - C ? Despite evasive denials, report ?\ current that Judge E^fi* Gary, head: of U S. Steel, plans to retire in April and that former governor' Nathan Miller of New York (above) ^ is folate his place at ? ??t "I"'" ?l"Jlr January Jsf & Ul^" ' f thorized Change-in Date If yob' own an automobile,. get eady to lixy your, state license an anuary 1, instead of July I. ,A bin nacting this change has been passed y the .present General Assembly. Thi win cause 408,000 car owners 0. buy license this yar. One for six tenths in July and tie ether for 12 souths prior to January 1, 1838. ar ow^m additional . >^ssnKnt fcj The marriage of Miss Lilla Aiber leadayta Lee, of Mount Olive, and Jeorge W. Davis? Jr., of Farmvflle^ ras solemniied - Wednesday, Febru irjr-23, at ten o'clock in the First Japtist Church, Mount 01iW,^,N. G. lev. S. L: Naff, pastor of the bride p*3t?f ?f"* rroom performed Jthe cevenwW^. The churph hadf.been most S?|ct vely and beautifully dewriraff wiSti uses, form and* wmfcein mWmxM Prior to the ceremony a program ff bridal moeic .was- rendered bf SrSSBE WWMZlWi E?ove You Truly'' and "GPromise tift?. Miss Flanagan wore a bett ifui nio^WJ.gown of monkey crepe tor in marriage, and was nisi at the altar by tie groom accompanied by Cecil Lffly, iff Farmville, who acted . The bride wa? accessories tc match, carrying a shower bo<suet^of Sweetheajt roses ?* <***, i rortedN out of Ml. Olive's mo*t popular and TtS 'H* WsoTeo?f Mr. and Mrs. D8visJIa^nd * passive youBg .v - 0 member of the mercantile firm- 01 iv. X* 4"BtO? - ?;; - :.s^ . - Mr |a , B ; JH ^S ? . _1 ? 9E ^ '? _ .-_ ccssE^b'' B i^Tj ^^Kit m m M - m W BB Jjf j0^ " %? bk: \ flCj -m m M ? ' m ? m m mm , t ifc^V Bv^KJF.- - \M.-m.M Wr Woodland, P^islTbe .nerabeH they who Jahor in the earth are the chosen people ?|x3od." ?&?gH fife 6ik on the Replanted-Lot* w? all bu^pathetic and was in snM ? care and wftli earUf fillet! with humos With this foundation, I will give you fruit and flowers. Plant me to last LLrt oaks, hint maples, shade andpro tect the children this and the next generation, lime and reseed my lawns often to make a green carpet |Bj ? breathe -and > express the eheerfqj I smile of blooms, the shade o? trees ?Locate my home back from Jhe rwitj j noise. |fy^ entrance path beginniim |iio~plan to plants weiepme. Plant me *veagJ#r warmth,; ;;bermd jfrlftnts the birds.before I ? ,? ? spots. Screen 'the -ugly junction point of .ground and building, remembering though, like your'fanii-1 if, attention is needed*, for trees and shrubs eat and .drink, same as you do. Neglect them and they die." f. x , I - 16 order to make Xirby township ley, each ?; farmjshomtf .present to the peted with green grass, flowers and The speaker urged those presenl J; ? ?? :: . ... rf \ waguns ari', ' J,... *i i. i * j> ' i"~'-^r T ?' i Notwithistandir ? Lindlev sery and in ?? . "yoi ^ ^ ' 'mm ' - * ? surroundings are ... ^ Pt^ ' 11 jj plans for deeorating this gigantic building has boen;le(f to the Was&ig t#|s Decorating' Cc^p>an^ who for. years has been decorators |w all Shrine esmmeree events, They aieitfcfesfcjiLt^ the fact l-is.assuiW the buflding will be a beau hseer-.? ?with sixteen of the biggest acts and roues & the-read today and they are being brought to Wilson, If C. at an enormoujr pnce.ip/yThe program will Be 'changed in mid-week to a complete showing.Tfegive Soaif idea;* the I magnitude of the acts coming here to play the Indoor Circus one of the I acts carry ten people~alone. One oil thehiggest^and best orchestras in the South today has been contactedr with 'M furnish inuaic nightly dwfag'the I week. They carry with them ten I members and some of the teat tea- I tared talent that can be secured. They come here from a long run op thte big | headline theatres and at the dose of this engagement-they reopen at one in the South. There #11 be a dance every njgnt in I the especially arranged ball room which is being made to resemble a night in Japans On.; Friday night, karch eleventh, one of jthe; largest firms in the entire Sduthland is stag ing the biggest style revue ever- of-1 fered in the South. All .& aH this Reposition will be the peer of all similar events that have ever been held i* the 3puth andyitb I out question all roads wflUe# tqJJfU I twelfth and be there *N with "hefr simde^ with great deligb? Wrapt, t "wait, in meditation Burning fire, the Autum* trees! . Flaming crimson, yAw, red and CI ^"pbes^ are tficcc Fighting storms most furious, %? Stronger for^ti? :conflidli raging Hght thou onTmjr Soul! -Eme^Thompsou. C?w". ;;. 14 \ > - r Jv- . grmeNT OF , ?N'S CtUB MEETg E ^ -?? '?. iartment of the Wo Hllondqf night wiitr ?ood. After r?Jl gall 11 'department decided I M "Great <3omjpos ?tt ? Weavgr, ae >r records will be. ^Univ^ty ^tOT Stoto Mwlc tte'N- C. departaient will ^un f - Here h the newest star to "join staff of. this newspaper. C M. Payne,* originator of the mirthful rtrtomic,?"S-matter, Pop." His comic* wiH a ppear . regularlyevery week now. Get acquainted with Pop*QM ^Sfcner, Willyum and AmbroSfljp-the/ liftie hard'boiled i egg from neii. door They j.e up to new stunts : even week. ? . ? , ? ? ? . gS-,- M.' ?- -fV Anti-EvoJutbn Bill Has Been Withdrawn Measure Was Recalled at. Re quest (rf T6rlingion. - ? *?'*.' *V.*?- '*** f*"-- '*?' 1 v>* ' ;>I. "jftfc'V ! ? v ?" " *^ y V Italeigh, Feb. 23.?Uneventfully for mal step of withdrawal of the North Carollgjj^ Bible leagued antfc^volution bill was taken today in public state ment from its leading proponent. Similar biQ was killed by one vote in the house in the 1$25 session, but only after a hot fight. No intense battle preceded this year's defeat. ? The bill had been killed in house ed ucation committee, 25 to 11. Had gone through formality of placing a committee report on the calendar; but ; lie saia m ws i,ov wora statemeni biore than 15,000 citizens of the state had petitioned the assembly for the passage "for the good uf state ownetl schools," maintained the present sjJ tom of teaching on question of evolu tion was ""tyrannical". Word of the conceded' defeat drew no surprise and created no comment here. The ^ill had never been before the house prop er consideration. V-The- house, before it began consid eration of the Australia!* ballot bill on question of initial passage to. the sen ate,, passed to the senate the Sharp anti-loan shark bill to - prevent usur ious interest on loans to wage earn ers. Motion in the house to t^ieiho Australian ballot bill was defeated by the house, 49 to 62, forecasting the bill's passage to the housfe. GOT THE THING STRAIGHTENED.. &'? !?,? v"1'"? '3? ' \; ???;,yfi ? Governor McLean was not satisfied with the first-Sinofcy Mountain Park Qili that wag, presented to the Gen eral Assembly so he went to Wash ington to straighten things oat. He [-did not attempt to dictate, to anybody: |He jurft wanted.tP set straight the ; And in so doing he performed a service tax the State. The original bill jest appropriated $2^)00,000 for (he park, with no safeguards and no was to be obtained' and when it was tSt?^llTto"lay | practically unanimous Approval giv The protection is afforded in the [following three items in the aubeti f ' J tote bill which will go through the rp. . . , . iaW D)pojiiis6(l to buv thfr lunds; Raleigh, Feb 23^In less than 60 seconds, time, ^at i:45 p. m., .today the-Senate passed to the House thev "unmasingk" bill unanimously. TW measure's title read, question on sec ond reading put, a?ed, third; reading, ayed; and the bin was sent to the ? House by special.messenger, r No ward, of discussion marked the J bill's passage. House Declines to Bush Action On KIu K!ux BUL Raleigh, Feb. 25.?Hearing on the Johnson-Haywood anti-klan-bitt has '?been, set ..for' 2:30 o'clock this after noon before fl|e House Judiciary Cdmroitiee, No.. 2, fblibw5ng_its ef forts for immediate passage in the House yesterday by Dr. Oscar Hay wood, of Montgomery. Dr. Hay wood moved that the rules be sus jpended in order to vote on the bill Wnediately as was done in-the Sen ate?* the bUl passing all three read ings- in 60 seconds, but1 Representa tive Makepeace, of Lee, objected on the* .grounds that it should go. through the regular form, and await its turn on the calendar. Hie mo tion was voted down fallowing' the - peace. , Representative Makepeace, is not a klansman, it was stated, while Dr. Haywood is former kliEm lecturer, and is thought to be acting in behalf of the Mansmen of the state who are. sticking to Judge Henry A. Grady, Grand Dragon of North Car olina for four years, whose resigna- -? tion was tendered Monday, following a break with the Imperial Wizaard, Dri Hiram #. EhhMtti over anti Catholic legislation? dr. Evans wish ed XudgeGradyfo have introduced into the North Carolina - "General Assembly. - ??? l ^bUowinB Judge Grady's designa tion, a number of klans iMdicated their intention of turning 4ti their charters, and first reports had it While io&ny of the loctil oi^sniM I tion with the n&tion&l 57SHJ* 8 . MR. OGLESBY ATTENlJS BANE- '$/' . ERS MEETING IN HERTFORD *Mr. D. ,E. Oglesby, cashier of Kva Bank of Farmvill#, returned Tuesday night from Hertford where he attend ed the -meeting of Groupe 1, State Bankers' Association. Thip groupe comprises the First Congressional dis trict. Prominent bankers over the State were on the program, including Mr. E." B. Crow, of Raleigh, and chief State Bank Examiner, John Mitchell. B. p. Strickland, of Ahoskle, wis elected president for the ensuing year, succeeding G. W. Prescott, of Ayden, P^ide^tjastyesr. Mr. Oglesby reports a very inter esting and enthusiastic meeting inter mingled with royal entertainment. ? ;'" LOCAL BASKETEERS LOSE CLOSE ONE TO JAMESVILLE & ? ?' , v: Inabilityof.the local boys io find the jasket for easy shots proved fatal last Fridayf|fcigh?? when t^&st Jamai^'t /file team handed Farmville School quintet a 16-14 defeat whfeh required an extra period to determine ' - the winner. The half ended 7-5 in *avor of the visitors. The loeals came. back strong and had the visitors 9-7 #hen the locals gotjhelr signals eoo-;> fused and time hail to be ealled prob aiby stopping a local rally. , T The Farmville defense was so strong , that Jamesvillfc; scored eight; of her 16 points from the cento 3^ ' ' court, while Farmville went throptgh i ; I Jaraesville!s defense at will, only' to V"':ys miss 'easy- shot^M^^ - ;'i The offense and defense of both #8 teams were -the feature of the. game. 1 The Taylor Brothers of tftevis I -x 1 . . ? ? . , iitors scored 11 of the vi4to^ pomta It,4u J "f " 1 ?lf II uj(' It.lf J half and tarmviiie led tne last natr 1 until about one rainfcJe to play'and H&l, Farmville committed Us fifth and ? 1 m ? -i I ? _ . ~ ? ?

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