r- ' ?? ? "-T "TARMVILLE The Oty of Hospitality { ? J 13DBlii.il C, MET HERE ?r-?? Saturday April 50th hi ftrkias' i Mall. If eefey Was Called By Mrs. B. 0. Tutaagt The Thirteenth District of the Uni ted Daughters of the Confederacy .met I at Farmville Saturday, April 30th, in 1 Perkins' HalL The meeting was call- I ed to order by Mrs. B. 0. Turnagev District Director. ~ * - ? ? ( Mrs. Walter Woolard, State U. D. 1 C. President; Mrs. R. P. Holt,, -of 1 Rocky Mount, Mrs. Felix Harvey, of ' Kinston were present N j Miss Annie Perkins, presidentof the * Rebecca Win bourne Chapter welcomed manner and anetaoinmeilayjp^hihat I the delegates in her usual charming manner and Mrs. J. R. Chambliss, of ] Rocky Mount, responded.*' , j Reports from all the Chapters in j the District were read, showing inter est and enthusiasm, and Mrs. TurnkgeL in her report thanked them for theN splendid response made to the differ-)L ent causes. '* ; -W Mrs. Walter Woodard gave an in-l'-v teresting and instructive talk on the t work the Daughters and doing in the j state and asked for their support Q along all lines. ^ Mrs. R! P. Holt spoke on the Crosses of Honor and Mrs. Felix Harvey con gratulated the District on having such ? a splendid State President in our own * District. * x Mrs. John L. Bridgers found her self in a very unique position being on the program to present the Powell ? banner given to the Chapter that has e the largest increase in membership. * The banner was won her own;( Chapter, the William Dorsey renoer, of Tarboro, so she had to accept it in- t stead of presenting it. * < Splendid reports from the C. J. C. S Chapters in _WiIson, Tarboro and also J of Rocky Mount, were read and Miss Hadley Woodard, chairman of . the ] S. S. Nash schoarship for Teachers < College, at Greenville, reported all j pledges paid and a worthy girl finish ing her edition with the funds. J Every ,<(j|||jgLte present promised their support of the Woodrow Wilson * and Matthew Fon tame Maury scholar- j ships. Mrs. A. W. Bobhitt, Mrs. Jasper L. ( Shaddeford and Mrs. J. W. Joyner -j sang a beautiful trio, "Honey Chile", ; accompanied by Mrs. Jno. T. Thorne. Mrs. B. W. Spilman, of Greenville, had charge of the Memorial Moments and Miss Jessie Moye sang a beautiful solo. The delegates were then invited to the dining room of the beautiful new Methodist Church where a two coarse luncheon was served. Mrs. G. M. Holden and etaoiNw.(e Mrs. B. 0. Turnage and Mrs. G. M. ' Holden were re-elected Director and Secretary for another year. There were about a hundred present upon the meeting. I ? LICENSE OFFICES OPPE^^^"1 NEXT MONTH MANY CITIES Raleigh, May 2. ? Arrangements I for the opening of 38 branch offices in the State for tbo sale of autorao I bile licenses fee the sis months period from JuJne 1 to December 31, are be I ing imade by the automobile license division of the State Department of j I Revenue, it was announced today by I Sprague Silver, director. With the ex-1 caption of the branch office in Win-j I ston-Salem, these offices wil all be operated in eoopomtku wfth the ? Carolina Motor Club, amf will bel ? opened about the middle of June, ae I cording to present plans. I ? However, although the new ticenaM I Si buy them before this date will not be allowed to attach then to their cars I I A w? Mr. SBvar.l ?the license plates tills time will be^l ? sped for a period of sir months, Jn-B I rftotdmbTto tafcemu^bffl the expense inuotved in changing over nl^oo lamonm rod in tbs. left hand* end of the plsti I vitt MBMlk ^jym tki .... ..af f So flfftlfc . V- 'JC1 I IN! MUM'S an ? ? ' ? ? ro Be Held at East Camtink Teachers College Greenvilie ? June 7th to 10th Plans are..going forward for the faftn Woraans' Short Course to be letd at East Carolina Teachers Col? ege, Greenville, June 7th to 10th. ; Because so'few of the. housewives ran be away from homeat night it las been decided not to keep the Col-r ege Dormitory and dining room open. Pherefore, there will be no charge for my course except the material used n Arts and Crafts. ? . ? > ??? . r . "x The following splendid^ faculty has wen engaged: Nutrition: Food Selection and Ileal Planning?Miss Mary Thomas, Nutri ion Specialist, North Carolina Exten ibn Work. ? Food Preparation: Practical Cook ery .and Table Service-rMrs. R. L. ^arr, formerly teacher of Home Eco nomies, East Carolina Teachers Col - Food Preeervation: Canning, jelly rmking, fruit juices, pickles?Miss Latherrne Clarke, Student East Car Una Teachers College, State $ Club rirf Champion. inJeUyihaking. j Clothing: ? Alteration of Commer ial Patterns, Line and Design, Fin shes?Miss Dorothy Dean, Instructor n Clothing, East Carolina Teachers College. Household Furnishings: Treatment f walls and floors, pictures, draperies, ?tc.?-Miss Helen Estabrook, House lold Furnishings Specialist of North Carolina Extention Service. ' ? "-fv i iP M Sultry: Feeding for Egg Produc ion, housing, control of parasites and iisease?Mr. C. F. Partish, Poultry Specialist, North Carolina Extention iwiicc. Aria and Crafty Hooked rugs-? tfra. J. M. Horton, President Woman's Sub at Fountain; Bags, pottery*ate. representative of Dennison Paper Co. Use and Care of QH Stoves?Mr. J. (L Hosier, Perfection Stove Because of the ttmiteft time* no woman will be able to take more than three courses. , If you are interested, will you pleaao communicate as early as possible with Mies Bertha Lee Ferguson, Canity Home Demonstration Age?i? -Owe* ville, NrC, so that the schedule may be arranged to avoid as many conflicts as possible. ~ The course is open to any girl or woman in Pitt County and adjoining Counties. - Baleigh, May 2.?-Governor lie Lean* back ftom;..a,''month's absence in the North aad Jiiddle West* toda] said .<C would authorize -?? Ateomej General Bruramitt to .conduct I sweeping1 investigation of the charge* of graft against the State Board ? [Health. - The Governor's announcement i<h- ~ Iovb a written request from the j(t R| ney general that b* he permitted conduct a broad inveetigation, sot \ t only of the charges oi graft in the en ^ uyivy but of charges of "hardefaip, oppreaa istration of the law. Mr. Bnjmmitt, meanwhile was ant place immediately upon hie return t# #VtItafe tlw48*Wtig8tioii r lir announcing1 that ha was author- ?*> I th g e nation. ' t ' '. .. X " &r ?? 1 aL- *'. ? a? . i w? samxary siaiuidv in VJiwi^ ? |. Jr . . -4 ? - . . r which the Governor authorized. fSOVlQB OX. Tru^ 1X1" ' ? ' . , irtriAfl 1i|>o wt - | rj ^ _ ? iVT^T j More than 300 dead and 200,000 homeless ar<t in the Mililulppt, . Misvtnriind Ohio valley* ** waters recede on the wait destructive river* - flood the nation has ever knqwn. Secretary of Intcrnr Herbert Hoover has been assigned by the President to personally dirpit all relief work at the i^tion contributes funds. Upper photo is an airpfSnfc view of Greene itiss., tinder 20 foot- of water. Lower photo yi ;typical teat city'' ; which wow dot the highlands, St Louis to New Orlciik* - ' ? - i ' ' thermal h of Fbod lust Begin- d nirtg. Battlrtgaitist Dis east Wijl Be Bitter fc ??? ? ? ? : Rafcdgh, May 2.?The State of Jjfifrth. Coralina today rushed two h Memphis,1^iin.,- toaid the, Red Cross n in its flood relief work.. Anti-toxins b 4 A^W*ktion: of th? aid lew the ? frk oMeS^ m of H. Hoyle Sink as ? WMUferr of the Salary and Wage o Commission, acting for Governor Mc: s , lean in his absence from the .State ; in New; York C5ty. i Dr. Charles O'H. Laughinghou.se, . State .health oflfcer, despatched Pre. . 'm. A.' Taylor and F*uH5. Carley and 4. West, sanitary engipeer: They win report' at the Old Fort plant at Mem- t nhic, At the request,of John McMullen, . senior United States surfceon at ^ ; S55w . 900 diptheria and 500 tons of J toxin to Dr. Garrison at . Little Rock, * ? Ark., and also 25,000 typhoid mixed < ? ?a the nodical officer at Red Cross < h headquarters st Mcraphif. 0 : - 5 "The aftermath oYthe jBtood 1s jast ' beginning,". Dr. Langhinghouse said. ^ fThat is the most ae^.us, if less dra- < matic, side.: 0i a waits sullenly < ?in the wake o? tSiMtlewdmg waters. I , t*hat is the angle of the situation ] 'Miidi all health officers will have to 1 Jfcjlk with. It will be. f^better bat- 1 .SfcNto *df*ide* - , . J {? I .} ?- . m Battle Slaved on Suburb: or I Onrn Between rotite and Three Negroes c -J&- ' ? ;-V I Willie Gibbs, cotettd, beJieveed t? e from Smithfield^jp being held il ?g from injuries sustained in * gai at tie with Farmville police Honda; ight. Officers are seeking othe sembers of the ;band^ of three wfr >ere roaming aaound in the,.yWi?lt; f Farmvile at?be time Gibbs wa ?* /; /. $ | Gibbs attracted attention of- Farm ille residents Vhen he went on egging tour Monday afternoon, fit ieving him to be a member of and of suspicious characters previ tusly seen in town, someone nctifSf he police. An investigation follow id. Twproembers of the party wei dund j#u^the edge of town waitin or Gwfe t'o return. Officers waited until they w#i oined by Qibbs and then went ovt o take them in charge. The negixx >pened fir*;: oh Taylor and Braxtoo rificers who had conducted the seard several bullets passing through tk lUtomobile in which they were ridihj The fire was returned, by the ofl :ers. The negroes fled. Gibbei hot ;ver, was raptured about an >' hoi later. On of the bullets fired by tl poice had taken effect in his aid producing an ugly, but not cessari! serious wound. A gun, a collection of raaors ar ' ' ?" " ?>' I.115" - -to Smm |? ?" * - ?? v.^:,*ag.*gB 111 A 3A HI m ^Ll M ? H ? ? Jif^KfJl^lflNI V ' -" >'? ? " ' "- !"_?' '?**? -o Cnearillf, X. C, yVi? R Cr?a^, pi^<itag '?^r cSmtasi I embattling &?#&}*. fro japoonty ; funds during his administration u i sheriff: The decision came feBowiaghope-. ?times viihn jurors appeared before Judge Cranmer for - instructions re garding legal phases of certain points involved in tiie edse?-aaid-each time returned torthe jaj^.ropm to become [more hcpelesjy undecided. Judge Cranmer's charge to the jury Saturday consumed J; practically I hours. He pmentad contentions of the state that the former sheriff had applied county ??nds to his own tained that there had be,n no^ctual shottMe>cni' tint Jariuon had net misappropnated-a--?mtt that did not [belong to him. -- - J ??: The*embesricment Aa??ainst I Jackson attracted conrideraWI*lnter J est in .all parts of the dbimiy.THund : reds of people crowded thecoejtroom I during the five end.% &JfL digs the case was in progress. Jackson watch led the proceedings with a degree of II did he display- the slightest signs pf I TTTtP-zisS* "1 *9?* Mchalr ln his own defense several hours ' attorneys. He was fpreed tQ^eajee the standstwice becscse ~\'t ?ogeaU'whie^fe but each time he returned apparently stronger and mor^#te??fred to I stand the severe grilling, m store \ for him. if - ? * t - H ~ ? ? ? i ?? ? -a ? ? Pa J^WB IM ?iijff-'af bpilniBSunlut J his mpsteroae ^rfiiijpp|<hl?i1i? tress a J and ^lbiu^-?0ewBat? )utd also been at ?| Hundreds of ; bj S Jacfcion. toeelhir with nnmiTfnni ;s I involved in the presentation of tiu i, 124 counts contained in the bill ofcjto ,i, I dktment, and numerous wttnilWi te front ail parts of the county wen ^ brvugfht ftt to support Contentions o1 j. the State. '"I -" ^ " ''JI-"~." . ? ir overalls were found at the seen# ? ie I theahoctkg. It is lettered mem e;l beta of the band are involved 4n mfao iipf i iwi ? ? i rii ?? I in ^ ; ? ??; ;, y ... - " r - -J Thcy^%S^WTI PKOMIS&D TO 00 &><*? THtMfAMB J ^ . hay*^^ munmtmmeiei ?h m ^>wnS^TAmED I1 BY EOTABY CLUB CMk! oriwn thoy"irtT? entortallicd-at ? joni of tbotobaoeo w*rtho?floo at a 0 to ^hundred in town ana surrounuuig WmMtyffc enjoy the occasion. ? : "IB A 3t??uT ? *T . - ? I wa^tte program ar- ' WWWdf ^ tt<? meeting by the pro- J pmmmfi* . J . l*.fle?g? "Peek Up Xeur Troubles." : -2. ^Blessing, by Robert Goo<lson. t 3. Supper. if pjPlfcife, "Hid!, Hall, The Clang's r *11 H,?.? ? t 6; "Address of Welcome, by Jno. T. \ Thorne. a 6. Response, by. Elbert Holmes. j j 7. Talks, "Sendee Abore Self," by j I 10. Stunt, b" Garland Holden. [ [. ll..Arfdt^^tf?ffce Dignity of c Wbbor," by . Attorney John Hill Pay- j ^t2F* ? ?? -? t j "At the dose of - the above prag^un ( ibe meeting was turned back to the ; President, Irving Morgan, Sr., and iftef a few brief remarks the meeting , closed with the song "Glory, Glory, . fwiebfjah." r -- FARMVILLfcjfcWWeR SHOP ' TO MOVE TO NEW j QDARTERS REAL SOON I ' ?--- j New quarters will soon be complet ed and the EermvSle Barper Shop < it expected to move in the near fu- i tore from their od Ideation next dooi I to J. J. Furnishing Co., on Wed; side I tpjtfainstreett? their especially ar- J tanged ple^eon the-East side of Main J Street neat door to J. H. Harris' store, i ji?H>ri?tor> is laying: liis new place i> ; i qcippejiF throughout with new arid f J assures^ the I lubtk of the best' service possible in i - barber !' Machine** i i tlfrjdfMjbEViirying, m&asagiiy, etc., ;.. s'.ftMr bpiqg installed a? well as two, i bower baths, with hot and cokl run. i- fag water at all times. Visit this shop ?'its ; fin , ,n,i, . FrwCIf : ?mmm '?i -A .5-?? ?? ?: . - i . > f \ . I *wjfrer ,*ad citizen B Of aF?BvHr and tfataMirariiaJaLfafl f tag to attend the revival services now goiag^en ia -the; Farmville Baptist - Church, is?..?sorely missing a wbnder f ful - opportunity to get some needed I *** ?*?* Sev. Jt M. t E**ncaJv pastor of the local church, f ha* teen * dejh^ring -sermons that |?^^iad.:-aat*ah some of the yery past Over heard in the city. He is: not httfar, Wte fa prefiching a Gospel Si $*8 is creating to in tenant most appreciable. He is I The churchM ant I "J-wC > m * a. ' Av -' ."5 3!r/f'?."* /-? *? 2? 1" , ? y,? ? . ^/ <.~T. . ? * ?;-\ r^*f . - ,5 5ncre3sed B WB l?vi?#s#iM 'IVaf?r( 9? KYismmg rnoch wmrt ##? * " fWtlSW^Tr'^WwiWSFy ? -"-J-I --" Jl JjMk' Jr\. New Qrlaans, May 4.?Devastation / N? rtJvem Louiiiawi astiwteh f approximptaly four thousand qua re miles rapidly was becoming omplete today ap the madly Taoiog lissisfippi tore through its bapk? at wo additional jriaces between Vicks mrg and Natches. ; A new army of xefujp^es wasrsent n the march, iwireasinjrthe fcorae ess in the great tood to around 260, 00, and rich cotton, sugar, cane, rucking, hardwood and. oftrand.' gas ando were claimed, adding: Almost rrimeasurably to the staggering te al of property loss. Murky flood waters nOw cover i?arly-15,000 square miles in: Louis- - aha, Arkansas and -Mississippi And he picture of desotattOO presented is ^palling, For hundmds^i miles. ..in tdcansas and Louisiana along- W}e iississippi there are only scattered daces not under water. From Arkansas City almost down o Vieksburg, a -stretch of rnb&i&an ine hundred miles-as-the ^jo#,^hMta, lood or back waters am uvCiljtiBtat, he Mississippi flowingthrough the rreat lake out of .which faint lines of ts levees may be ^pen. Roaring through four ^qghe ui he Louisiana ievees developed during he past 16 hours, the Mississippi vaters were cutting dadisoa and TehSas parishes and "ushing to meet backwaters -Tftem iverflow on the Black and Ouachita ivers as welL as from breaks in the mm levee around GljMHHfc- . The mme miohj|gS?^vfym ir Governor John M. Parperv cm Hoover, was moving swiftly to care >f the refugees ;ahd to~?ov?oat lie hundreds who had clm?'*fti<tt?ariy to their iiomes^s the fate of warn ings given by telephone and Asipped pd territory. ? { *A. } ? ? 1 . V - - . ? _ - . f ! Below the .mouth of, the Red HJvfr ?ht levees were still he approach of the crest af-the flood vhich already, has ^nuppled levees e the. Nojtfc, apprehension ia feit m: the safety ofv the yflhrtlfWritB southward towards No* Orleans* w --i ' .' 2 up 3fl 4 Again today the weather ,Wau i?re empbaatefilJh9t..e3i*igr. preeaa ?n should be taken along this sec ? , * ' Yl~ - ~?C-'-4 - - ion against the -record stages pre-. riously forecast 'lit added that fto" "revasse waters; fjp? ba showing a rise in the. gauge of two tenths of a foot at Angela and Baton ftuge. | At DenaWsvfll* further,.}??? South, river was stataonwy, yfyfe M New Orleans a similar condition existed with the ".CwTolltoft: gadge here showing 20.4 ieet, * slight ??- - cession caused by the ortifieialrjnw Jiaae created at Caernarvon, 15 ? miles to the South. i ' I ?- J ""it l^y' '* j Little .Rock, Art, May . 4.; -fr :A drowning reported near- Eudora yes terday brought the deathlisWnuri the presort floods in Arkansas to ?26. Details of the drowning are lmSktos i The State- Department otr^MseD* has reported 16 cases ofkyphfSWfefa* 195 cases of measle8, 59 ofinfluenza, ?0 malaria, 3 smallpox a[nd spvpi of pelagva in the State. 1 : ? - ? GOV. MeLEAN KKAt;i|?S I \ *: **y &? fith the Governor, diaraiMd; 3S^53? if otherstates. ?* terrr : -. . . ' f x HT i * - / i - Wk ? y^4" I"?PW?V*A/ir 1 I I \ i ft tt\> A ?y>f 1 II .it A ry M- ^?,

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