- _ ... ^: FARMVILLE | TttF |g 1 DfClT I f EAtM The City of Hospitality I |T T MM It 111 V I | "|4 T, m!J |\ |ft r IVI IL Extends You Wek liufijii .? J[ JK MJ jmJG MJ JBmv Jri ? m- ?MJ i* 1, - eJF8 I Starsand Stripes ? >* *."'? ?.< ^ A ?"- * "*.'?*? ^ ' n-.- -*> .. '-*!&$*? Nb Two Wars In Which America Has Engaged Were Fought Under Same Kb* ?- " " ? -? ? ?? An American flag was once solid - red. Another American flag was once green and white. Still another was red and yelow. American flags, in fact, have had a little of about every color there is. They have_ borne rattlesnakes, pine I. trees, and mottoes in Latin that most good citisens today would be unable to interpret. And though the Stars and Stripes were officially 150 yean old on Jane 14, 1927, historians of the flag are coming more and more to the conclu sion that while the stars are 150 years old en this date, the stripes go bade to about 1705, or earlier,'and that they are Dutch stripes whcOucame into American ports on East India Com part merchantmen. The stock, tale -that haa been hand ed down to school children fop-genera tions is that George Washington went to Betsy Boas and asked her to make a flag, and she did,' and Congress ap-j proved it June 14,1777, and that's how Old Gtor^was born. " It is a pretty story and is not yrith outfoundation, but behind the events that ook ptaoe in he back room of Mrs. Klisabeth Boss* house in Arch jtreet. Philadelphia, there is a history the flag that to w> jwpfe is new. * ! Fkb about 1705 on, Dutch mer chaatroent had been seen in Flew York harbor flying their flag of thirteen red and wfeite stripes, with a red cross. In a white ffcld in the upper left eor- i ner. . In 1776 there was flown in- V1K1 ginia a flag trf thirteen red send white stripes. From the. lower right to the upper .left hand corners wriggled a rattlesnake. In the white stripe next to the bottom . ens the command, "DeSj Tread en* jfe.* 'J Wh#B Geo rgje Washington Wfent to Boston to take coBmasd idf the' Col onial- forces, he was accompanied by Philadelphia troops who carried a flag of l&bhie and white stripes. . Bfk January, 1T76, Washington saw raised over his headquarters wOCam bridge, Mass, a flag of 1& red and ojw!wtxly"l? Wae were ^crosses of St. George and SC Andipw of England. . . Fr^m this it can be seen that there wmg*im America at least four fla^a Vitft 13 smpee netore im Betsy rows fl*g?ppearedin 1777. Proa this, also, it c* be w0b thai the fact that there wet* 1* colonies, pne for eaefa stripe in the flag, was pretty largely a mat tered coincidence. - '7^. ? ^. .".Id It was in May, 1777, that the Con tinental Congress" appointed George 4 Wa^ngton, Robert Tforris and Colo-' ? net Gfeorge Ross to plan a flag for all thc2wieLss ked t the of the first. Stars and Stripes. She was **nieee of his by marriage,' 2^ years eW, *????, beautiful, and a widow. - She was struggling along trying to - make both ends meet by waning the that beei\ ivilleii tte^^sLi^d Stripe* Where^ I x.T>a wo i inn ? 4V?-TT ? dous sroto raa*? ?nw mow. anrit optet - but it was Httfe-pwi terirx the Kev< ? ????__ I* : $tTJPS&-"llilVK18f ?H2^l11 S(lu?CF 3uwf 1^1 K^i^K|?iQMnA|0 ?JV. afca4M?w\A^" ttf wftTTTiffn Family Reurion ?. ?-: ^ '"-1^1: Henry's First Horseless Baggy ** Visits Ritzy Kin; Wonderful fcj Progress Is Made Every day isa big day in the life of Hemy Ford, but three of hia days in particular have been treroendousiy im portant^ historically, to hiin and also to the rest of the world. 0 ? \' ?- ? - . \ There was that day away back: ra the early 'nineties, when-he chugged forth upon the streets of Detroit with his first "horseless buggy." There was the day in *1908 when he:, introduced the first of theiiow famous Model T Fords. Then there was that day?just a few; days ago?when, with his son Edsel. at the wheel, he rode the fifteen-mill ionth Ford automobile off the assem bly }ine at the great highland Park plant. The true significance of the first ?of these three days was .apparent to no one at the time. To be spre, the noisy, jerky, little horseless carriage, was the first automobile Detroit had seen and, for that matter, one of the first three the world had seen. But no observers it was just a curious sort of freak vehicle?$ toy. Even Henry Ford himself, had not yet dreamed of the tremendous development of automo biles that wag to follow in its wake. Likewise, tne vonu . wo? of "the importance of that day in-a90& which saw the advent of the MedelT Ford ear. Automobile manufacturers were multiplying by that time;- the automobile already had passed the plaything stage and was showing pzomiae of becoming a factor in trans portation But only-||enry Ford and a few of his closest associates fore saw-that the long, line of descendants of that first Model T Ford would revo lutionise automobile manufacture, aid perhaps more than anything else in the development of paved roads, and place the automobile within thereach of almost eyetxfftupily in America But on that late spring day in,' 1927, when the fifteen-millionth Fond' car cameoff the wssemWy line, the whole worlcf knew-it was a day of days in the history of the automobile and of American industry and life in general. Oft the day before, the Ford Motor Company had issued an official an " - ? ? P??l MlfAXM.. nouncemeiH xou h ww jrv&u ?w*vm? Kle '%i)enor in design and perform mance to.any now availablein the low priced, light car field," aid bea|^^| . announcement meant that the fifjawyr millionth Ford marked the begpping of another long line which map play an even greater part in providing im I proved transportation for thenmsses. ?^h rai* ? OT~ j ^psdel T Fords. . J WMe news and ]^otion-pictur^?iin i Also he talked in his charadtejdstk f Ji^ped oat of a iwui > ran I though. While-the. fam [.began to graze." M^]T|p^fcg??3lr-* --- 'v.- ss& 3 J. ? , ? ? . . ,-.r. ,'c '? i ?'"-^i. ^cvi^;" ? ? '->-"^ >?:v li&'s?.'" iitiSwsl ? ' .7 . . " ? pl;s^: pgr- \ * . ? The closing -ofjhe third eve atiul era in Ford automobile pro-7ji|| Jp^ duction was featured at the-Ford factory recently?when the origi L. nal Ford was ?ihed up with the first model /'T" car and the fift ermth millionth, At which time an announcement was-made that a ~ new improved Ford wouhisoon be on the market. Ahove, Henry Ford and his sop Edsel, with tha t first small "Ford.'^ . Hies Monday, In Washington 1 Hospital; Inquest To JBe ' ? p.' ? Held Saturday : ' - S heard Blount, negro, who was shot by Chief E. S. Hobgood and patroj man Taylor Sunday night, June fitK, fwhile on a drunken spree and attack-1 ing Chief Hobgood with an axe, died in a Washington hospital Monday af ternoon of this week* ? Blount, a negro well thought of in Farmville by both raees, is another victim of P. C. C. (Pitt County Corn), and his fate should be a warning to other partakers of the famous bever-!, ipjj tfaafclta una ie I | Blount. w?6 a siember of the local Elks Club, and according tt> ^cus toms of the club will not be hurried until next Sunday. The club is plan ceremony. ' f ' V ' . V ~ ' " Due to the fact that one of the main Witnesses is away: at present, . aftd since the bwhsUsmot to be until Sun day, the coroners inquest will not be held until Saturday. The general be lief, however, is that w blame,will be cumstan^surrountttng the shooting? li. , ? /f .? 1 * T? V . 5 j team down the highway near the t home he rpaife good his threat *! ? ' persons no were, nearby Mr. ? | Of Ndrlin*, At? In Efijie of the. heat aayts of any town large orjnhafl, fsag&d hotel. I E/Wednesday of this week Mr and Mrs. ji. C. Flemmm& of Norlina, a by all who know them, secured a two year ease oh the local ftotel, with the privilege of five years,' and are now in pctive management pj??t?i J ; . r Just about the time some of us go! into^cylinder automobile group .. - . -'S^. ? -f: "'"J" ' Evsiiipfitistic services sru u?mcr hel\ J ., , "MW T W Edec I _ -I 5' ,??-:? ?, nrrirtfl WtaV I Ai r jovner nsu never rn?rxit5Uy iuan J ? yt"X-' 2SF^iy\F?Z. . ,rf/^| ' f_ f\ A 4t '-.Vvr V .?>^iv-"'^ dt|, nected with the case. The man fihat left his filling sta tion in the hands of the law a!id*isl customers, was John Harris. He oper failed to make hJqp^lwu* fi?i the office of the sheriff i?actorow led^ w^Se^sion. I abbot in a most surprising way-?not to the sheriff, but to Harris himself.. Tfcs representative of the law had seated hiibself in frtnt of the filling station, apparently^ gpftg time, tot in r^tUt^, waiting ifor. the "owner . cj^e wait long. Harris drove automobile. He went down appeared ijx thujas* swampl^^^ something, is hifl arms Jtoretumad a tow minufcs-dater, a^:^s confropt sherj&t; "How. about the five gallons of [woods?" ibe sheriff interrogated. Hamss&hi't wait to ?#>r ahy ?ap planation. of apology for hia|i?te,|j?t iived through the wooda^ot to re turn to reclaim his whiskey or the fill ? :% station. | ^ The sheriff returppd to thq store and foutjd that the assistant had also vanished; leaving several customers standing around waiting for service. ^ . morning for annual encampment; at Camp Leach. They will be jcin<*dt?y t will bjb spent.in studying the various ri^' began gath R eriigTtWcourth** reoreJ I , ;rtortb ater nine I ' o'clock registration;books were open ed, and in less than. thirty minutes ftfty-fOOT jjrls representing at least tv^tfofthe home demonstra 1^ - Fourteen youths from;, Stokes and 1 S?T?n' jj?wly,jfWS1? 'I?8 V pEiLthe county, sweled the total regis 3 ,1 j*t?'?''.'.'2^iC&--'VW- ? .-'*. >166611 difficulties' But Miss F^nnison Miss Ferguson Writes Of Thfogs Bone ?>improve Appearance Of Our Neighboring Town. - TJte town, of Fountain has adopted for its -motto' "My Home Town, the. loveiiest plaee on earth to-look at, find jto live lh; If it'isn't so, well make it) so," and they are fast making that j I motto come-true. | Last fall the Woman's Club of Fountain caught a vision and put on a^tJ^/Improvem?Jt: Campaign, offer; ing pries fpx.tSe person making the most-iinpravement. on Ilheir premises. They called in the Home Demonstr*- ] tion Agent who worked out a xcore j card to be used in judging and Who j discussed landscap plans with them. Then Miss > Pauline Smith, District I Agentj came and scored the yards. : :? | - The Contest has just closed and the j second scoring has been done. Miss Lf^rass were covered with a smooih fKn nipett .saw ivuuuauuiui m co?e?a witi. dumps .( ber MKrubbery. The streets were ele**. and all the rubbish had been cleaned from the,vacant lota. The -Mayor, Mr. F. L. Eagles, had taken a two horse mowing machine awl mowed the Church Yards and-vacant lot. Mr. Walter Owens, one of the aldermen, Started, out with bucket and brush, and as a result all the telephone poles and trees on all the streets were white and clean.. Mr. Reddick has furnished hose and water so that the Dutch garden planted at^tba- Station Yijrd might growing. The Club 1ms nought shrubbery an# planted around the school building, and they are mak ing plans to-beautif y .their cemetery, ? I ? One of the unusual features of Jhe town is-a cooperation flower garden owned jointly ByMrs. Claude pwens and Mrs.;>f^Jaa& TheteisV* vacant lot between the two homes and each yard into tte flower garden that is planted in weii laid out beds across tinction of being the pioneer.in yard improvement, for she had most of the shrubbery in town when the contest ? blooming .plants.- Bat for V the town is a-riot of:: JMrs. ?Id the ?lbb just what th< to and for a lovelier town, Iced the Club to take back jrtMv money she had won and to use it for some civic improvement :? I Mrs. Goodwyn won second place in the contest She imperfect wizari I- with.plants. She-seems to be ableJc make-any kilid V_ . It- Surplus: Erteess of. Current A?ltp over CurrtotSiabflltie%"^44^$Mu6?^r v increase of 128,679.99 over the sncf^M. on April 30,4pj|^^tP^5m^ Excess of Cfcpjta* Assets r ; ^ioase of 4*er ot hf that amount, on April 3fcJ4g)j$' leaving a surpluS on April 80,1923 ij J While the Water and JifbM9epnH- - I m?tt was making this spie^aieefd ii wds Idso funushing-the?tiriwiriflll -' I free street lights and hydna* .water I for fire-fighting. ~ - V ? I ' There was afotal of *13,668=26 spent on local in-.?,ovon,entn the Mjgg?.. I ? 1 i lectad. taxes ft* the years 1W-1926, ; indusive, we find thereis aiF^ai&ottnt ?, 1 th^ And^tors^A. ? tifiedcPublic Accountants of-Rftteigh d R' h d took " tc " 1 period' aimer S *fo * highly satisfactory .mzntrefrm# ? anost heartxly approve . that of "jNub"JpS? and three coraW^ In le^ing Washi- .. -. poinc< * ^5^" '?wWy '? I i?Cki^HKi 1? _ nr+Ait*. ancient Fowl in a-paculiar premea-^ t when in psrkiii^ lift jj^cainc te" structed bv - inotorcycle offkW? * . . "... T IH JL o>ir) ninrn /ifTIPtflifl Ah WftSH1* . Limaoergn <*?u -WB**wnwt . ^ T^lLo" JL 'n - ' i+fcfobjBfe&Lrl mlwlMjBBWjBr