ftifrirt fUlitni Vnfp Kalctyfl UmvDs vOtc With 2,695 Votes Registered, 2,164 March To Potts And Vote For Prep oo itioo. Much Interest Tnken In Section With Gen^ eral FeoMng That Honor of ?Hy of Raleigh Was nt Stake. Chairman Crow Given Credit % / *S ^tetgh; ?. July 27-^The $75> 090 State Fair bond issue was voted yaatairiay by Raleigh people by _a lain* majority. ; . Oat oi the total registered vote of 2^95 than were 2464 ballots cast for the bond issue, and only 36 vqtes cast apafeat it* There wave tR-mm votes cast for a majority^ and counting the 495 vot ers who stayed at home its bong a gainsk tbe proposition there was a ma jority of 1,633. CSty Clerk Joe Sawyer, rbo did a Ltedbaaga at the city hall by bieak ? ing a world record foj quick compu tation of electam returns, figured it [' 24?f wlt^o^5BVlJfrrity RR^r.^mi^ger of the"^ hkre4.m .British offe t title i*ty, woatf&crowa a?d highe* ? *"***? - . . ?? ? ' ' . ^ . ' -?.? LitvSaUefd fee effhS^S ^ For ? ???jg I Enlarging her three mammoth ware houses and numerous plants to almost double capacity and with: two corps of buyers promised again this year, Farmville is anticipating a banner to .baccc season. The crop is exqep$iona}ly good in this, the center of the bright tobacco belt, and the fanners are pleased with the leaf curings. The local lharket is one of ; the strongest in the State having eight large compiariies. and-several independ ent buyers witjjt two sets - Of -buyers representing them last year. A -fetal of/14,588,076 pounds of . the golden tfreed was sold here fe,;1^2ft. (three million pounds more than in ld2?^r at an average of $28.08. Pitt comity leads the State in the production of leaf tobacco with 29, 674,197 lbs. soU. in. 1926 at 28 cents per pound, making a total of $6,825r 065.81, accon&Jg to government fig mm fl iV?C1Qv*t? H l: Me^-ye^??^ ?ri Mrs-Krnest Gaynor ^vl ?tieet in front of an autonvjn ? i ^ s jjason. . I I time to torn? Wng ^^sing-! HI- - ',;.,apf| ' |~: , I I ? # - siv 5 , .. ' 5^* iNew * ode, I ? r -"'ly T*2rk5? 5? r - ^ ^lip" ?'"$,. ? ipP . > I Kii'ii nr??^%o ^ p,iwwkw ? ?is?;w?rw ma~unenr 91 m>rp.wf lis vif4iiny Itfwg ftfeh IfryboA#!/ B I iUrs. 1* i.. yniOHr-AuQ ulUv uSuflS* IfeTw Yffti?>,ni t. IL ?c vjcj^ w ? tor, of iiuwyij!^ |w.,Js visiting ner ? sister^ Mrs, S: X|&cfc FarnvUk: Looks I Local Boys Putting In Full Time (Practice Periods Getting In | Shape of Big Event. Thes local volunteer firemen are I puttmgSn every minute spare time practicing for the State Firemen Con- - vention which convenes in Greensboro ; August 22nd. f r; < jfhe boys are determined to bring home the bacon from this meet as they did a few years ago in Durham?only Ktfigy expect to bring borne more bacon. 1 Altnost. every afternoon, you can hear the clanging of the bell and shrill i?&of the syrette as the boys go about thqfer practice in a business like man The team will compose of eight however, Capt. R. Joyher I ie expects to take at feast eleven vith Jiim to the Convention as sveir ean toll' what boys .will do ?nen they get sway from home and> \ he wants to have a full team on nana at 4H 'times.?An ounce of prevention ?9 worth a pound of cire, you know. f;^l The boys are having a rather tough < I tinto" getting real practice as nobody, wilt burn up their house here lately, and:ihey have-te play that they are ; I fighting the red demon. WT- . I On Methodist Steps|i ? . - I Urtfcr the auspices of the Woman's Clubj Story hour will be observed each Tuesday and Friday at J5 P. M, on the steps of the Methodist church. All children of Fannville anil surrounding comipunity are invited and requested to be^.present Miss Vivian Case will have Charge of the Hour Friday after * a ?ASSEs ( . , | I jfitagr V , V . , I ,. , . ? ' -i" ' 'V . I Air Tout of V. S. | ' .. ' ' - QM . ? ff-, ? 4 i: ,"??V'^Ti A ' - ? ? Thea Has '*, wealthy audited German Aviatrix. now in U. S. who will tour the IJ. S. hr an airplane giy- ; ing exhibitions at various centers. 2 +;i> ^ 'Mil J Greenville, July 26.?Mrs. Anada 11 McLawhorn, 50, wife of W. Bert Mc Law horn, committed suicide Saturday] by drowning herself in a small credtj about ? hundred yards from her horfe] on the Cox Mill roa(Jf five miles from Contracts Let Monday Morntair . And Work Will Begin At Oacfc; ! < ^ To Be Completed; By PwiA- E. F. Taylor, of Goldsboro, was a warded the construction contract for^ the figure $19,692.00. The Heating and Plumbing contract ^ went to J. D. Aman for the sum of,, $2,480.00. . The electrical work was awarded. ?r the Carolina Willys Light-Co., for tbf ,I\ figure of $617.00. ": . The jail work went to J. L. Cooky W for 3,316.00. * k The screening went to J. L. Lawstt S at $472.40. . > V 5 The tdtal of all contracts let at the 4 meeting was $26,476.40. '' \ 1 In building this building Farmville is filling a long felt need tttd the ae-; tion of the town authorities meets ? with the hearty approval .of tat, eW- ; ,5 I ?enship of our1 town. | C . . ? ig One thing of special interest to ?2 ill is the fact that in building this : ft wilding Farmville is NOT going lebb?it has the money in the bank >: * ?. ready to meet all bills promptly. This ;V I ?s seldom the case~wjhen anj?|bwn $ I ? uae of i'arnmUe unaeruuses I Anything requiring ?qch money., I While all departments thte town ^ have contributed tc the surplus out of which the town will finance this build- a ing, the lion's share of credit goes to v the Water, and Light - Departments wffere anet profi^of , mentj until the past two -years has ^rcidiTwhTre I^la'd^* tnfi tire trues. upstairs will, ik WrB .,*11 . . ?. . ? J lOty OCCupiCu Oy Luc xvOUSc complejl and turaedPov^o I town by J^ecema^r first. . ^ foilC"+ . >11 [Da^roif oMBurlingtoh are visiting