I iJ^ | New n I Range. / B"?? V?-''. ?> JI i: This is the range, you have I 0 * 1 always wanted. It saves work i A k A if. < i: and worry when planning the i i: meal, because no matter what j ? foods you select, you are al- < J! ; I Our Vulcanizing Dept ;; j: j: is equipped to do all j { j ; ; kinds of vulcanizing. ; i I GEORGE HOLSTON j J Tires ? Batteries i Vulcanizing, Battery ; Repairs, Service. 'it Farmville, N. C. ; ? ? ? . ~ . . ?BREAD? | The Staff or Life j | Eat More Of It . | * < I - o? : > v . < : Best on Record . ; ; It's Delicious ; ? ' ?* ? ??~? i | ? Bread, Pies and Cakes ^ * , | -?o?? ; | : I BAKER'S BAKERY : | Farmville, N. C. j "t ? V f NEW SPRING HATS j \l Arrivingeveryfewdays. Silks,Straws,and < ?| Straw Combinations in all the spring shades, j ?: Our aim is to satesify always. I - :: -o " > | J | MONTGOMERY-LANE HAT SHOPPE _ j ; Dickerson Are. At 5-Points, Greenville, N. C. i ^ a a. j WHERE YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD ? The Fo o* : Hood,? GoodOIdG.&J??Flak,? Firestone,?U.S,, Federal, ? Good/ear, ? Goodrich fcuciai, ^ j 9 CREDIT TIRE STORES, Inc. Creenville N C Ureenviue,w. u ? - - ? OMMmmmi mtiini?mwr | RULES GOVERNING CONTEST _j ? _?o ( r In o;*e of the advertisements within the borders of this pas* a word ? t has been intentionally misspelled. To And it read every ad, very carefully. 1 ? A Ave word slogan most be sent in when sending to answer. A slogan I can be sent in for any of the advertisers represented in the contest. I The contest editor has selected 12 words which he has intentionally . ? misspelled. One for each week. ; Four prises are offered: $10.00 first prise, $7.50 second prise, $?.90 ; ? third prise, $2.50 fourth prize. ' Contestants must -turn in answer blanks for each of the 12 weeks." I In awarding of the prizes the answers in the miaspeled contest ? and the best slogans submitted will be considered together. ;? ??? ?????? ^ : RETURN ANSWER BLANK ? Misspelled Word and Slogan Contest, First Week, November 23th, 1927 I | NAME | | ADDRESS ; ? The Misspelled Word is j [ In the Advertisement of - , ? My 5-Word Slogan is i jj ? _ F Fill out this blank with your answer and mail to The Enterprise ?' I Farmville^N. C., not later than next WEDNESDAY NOON. ? ? ?? . . " , ?? K.[ - s: ? :-i /v. 'V - t ? " f" ' '?> . 5Sm Fashion Sends New j ; Styles for Spring j Ik ^ I Of interest to every woman at this season of ; hthe year is: WHAT is the prevailing style? A < I one word description, madam,:wouidJbe"sim- j \ plicity." The straight line silhouette will pre- i [ vail, with the three-piece ensemble playing j the honoir role. .. ; ? - - ? c, -i < | The new silks and other dress fabrics for I f spring have a dash of color and charm which < t no past season has equalled. | > ? \ ? While each spring line is- by no means com ; : plete, yet the display issuf ficientlyjidesuate ; | to at least give you a very definite-idea of j ; what the styles for spring-will be. j ? - . ; You are most cordially invited to visit our ; : store where the new styles are on display for ; \ public inspection. j ! ;?0 ? ? ?? ?' ? . . ? ? ? ? ' -? '" - .? J . < ? ?arw Blount-Harvey Co. Greenville, N. C. K ' ; ! j . i NEAT PRACTICAL ? CONVENIENT ? j ; hamilton ? illinois elgin ii " c ?.; ? 7 ,* .? v,. a.. j ? tavannes _ bulova j! $ . - ? ? \ - m- - ? visit us ? ? ? |: I W. L Best?Jeweler .'EstaBlished 1901 ? ? ? Greenville, N. C. ; mini ??i: LET US RE-SET IT. | | Let us modernize your old wedding rings. < i The ring is not cut or injured, nor is the in- | : scriptton harmed. Your solitaire reset in a \ ; Genuine Orange Blossom mounting com- J : pletes the exquisite transformation. : ; D. R. MORGAN J I 1 Farmville's Reliable Jeweler ? ?? :-:V -iv'-: T - - : : ? '? < p FARMVELLE ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP : ' ? ?' I Equipped to do the BEST SHOE REPAIRING. Bring your Old Shoes to us and we will make them like new. Prepare for the bad weather by letting us fix your shoes. '' t o? Geo, T. West* Prop. I B. G. ABEYOUNIS | r o [ Ladies' and Men's' - \ \ [ ? Ready-to-Wear " < > A , i Apparel | : 409-411 Evans Street j! Greenville, N. C. ^ ?, ? . _. < - Week ! f i We alsorgive Facials, Marcels, Hair < Cuts, Scalp Treatments* Shampoos, i ; and Arches. Appointments can be ; made by phone 176 RebaLoftin, Prop. > : If you don't believe we ? : hgve inproved our de ? : livery service give us ; a hurry call and see. We appreciate your business and want to serve you. : Fresh Fish Daily Also Oysters : : o SMITH GROCERY CO. Phones 196 -192 Farmville ww y * * ? *T p IFARMVILLE jj ' f PLUMBING & \l I HEATING CQ. :: ? *?''?"'& ; >.i' w -? < f ? o . ? 0 -? ? * ? ; Steam?Hot Water? :: : Vapor or Vacuum :: j" : Heat ;; : Will make the home If > 11 i comfortable regard- j J Mess of weather condi- 3 3 > 1 > | tiogs. Let us heat your ??;?'? ? . 4 ^ ? Keep on Tellin' 'Em j ? L . - ( ? L ? 1 b ? - 0 JT- :: ; > | For Results Advertise in ; THE FARMVILLE ENTERPRISE ; * \ \ '??? ? *** "" - 8 HAkhiMTitoiwyfe || :"" \ m thil^nirtirtl fpV mtr io {on and ,-. .k,. ?rr.Atanf- -ftjxurAni?ti- ~ t-'-.- ? .iTv-WS^V "*??*??* ... ?i'. . '4,???> ?>.-?- i.-- ??'?: ?" - ^ ? ' ;. * 1 -,, -??? ?? , r Our Cousm John Muunderstands Us? ? % ^r. K*,,\ T7 " ' " 1 THIS MOST MEAW j AUOTHEft. MAVAi NOTICE OF SALE .-jjV ?? .V ? *. . 'J ' - ; ? ' ! Under and by virtue of the power at sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed'by William Langley, to T. C. Turhage, Trustee^ Farmville Land Company, on the 1st day of Nov ember 1924, recorded yp the Registry of ?itt County, in 3f?ok U-15 at page &9, the undersigned Trustee, will on Thursday March 1st, 1928, at 12 o' clock Noon, at the eoUfthouse door in Greehvflle, N. C., sell at public auc tion for CASH, to the "Jlighest bidder Farmville, N. C., Being lot number 24 in JRopk S. of the Cr. E. Moore sub division shown in a survey made by -JL. Cbft Blanton, Surveyor, October 19thr*l9l7, which map is duly of re cord M the Pitt'^Souhty Registry Book Mjpjfefember (hie at page 121, to which map reference is hereby made for fuller description, said lot having This the 2^th d^ of Jan^^, 1928. ^1.. v/4.i ui11 iuhicL ? ?? * ? ' don t -make a pr^ticc of smoking ~ Q V qtL* ^ W/YU rf I| -Under and by virtue of the power of ? sale contained in that certain deed of ? Thigpen, Silas foreman, Lula Thig I pen, and Era Clark, Trustees of the ? United Free Will Baptiet'Church, to ? John Hill Paylor, Trustee, Farmville lober 19^5, recorded in the ;Begiatry 529, lie undereigned Trustee, will on I der, the following described tract of ^^gviile, Ctmntryf Pitt, State ? in a map of the Farmville Insurance T"flPTlCP tfs tSft KrtfMimnnr PAtntr y\nik vv tuv ucguumix< AI~u16 yw ^ " ?' trie purLiiaoc pn,e 01 John ... ? _ _____ ** no iosr# nF open only my