^ ? FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1R !?? % I r; ,, 7~. ?i<'.nl3?>!0*' .'<? i1 y.'rg.v'j*/ i MERRY MATRONS frwiS Ti ^i. CELEBRATE "BIRTHDAY The Merry Matrons Club was most delightfully entertained on Tuesday afternoonby Mrs^ X M. Hobgood in celebration of it* ninth birthday, pfcj'j "Load Color in Beeent Versed was _ the subject of study for the afternoon , with, a paper by Mjjl R. A. Field*de- ; picting the local color found in the lowlands, that at the mountains fay Mrs. G. M. Holden, and that of the Virginia woods and rivers in * paper prepared by Mrs. W. Leslie Smith and read by Mrs. 34. VI Jones. Mnt h W. Parker gave a history at the Club which was followed by delightful piano selections by Mrs. J. W. Joyner. A daaca by Kisaes Frances Joynerand Penny Seel Lang, costumed as the Knave and Queen of Hearts, added variety to the program. Vrtr; - ' After refreshments consisting of r creamed chicken, tomato salad, cheese straws, bgtcred biscuit and coffee Ae gnesSfc.wewt. invited into the dinihg room where the birthday cake gleam ed in the candle light In a contest _ Mrs. M. V. Jones succeeded in extin guishing mere candles than did Mrs. G. |L Holden thus, making the latter i president for 1928. Delicious fruit poneh was served together with the cake by Misses Joyner and Lang, i There were thirty-two guests present * L - ?*?? t MAJOR BENJAMIH MAT CHAPTER D. A. R, MEETS - Mesdames J. Loyd Horton, Mary Lewis Lang- and W. H. Wlntaore, of Wilson, were hostesses to the Mhjdr Benjamine May chapter of the D. Ai R. on Saturday afternoon. Hie home of Mrs. J. Loyd Horton was unusually attractive and inviting with its arran gement of early spring flowers. A short devotional service with a - study of women of theBible was con ducted by Mr?. W. H. Whitmore sup plemented with a talk by the regent, Mrs. T. C. Turnage on "The Influence of Woman." The members. responded to roll call with clippxngs concerning Washington, and Lincoln in observance of their birthdays occurring this month. The lesson on the Constitution was taught by Misi Annie Perkins. Mrs. J. Loyd Hortor was elected page with Mrs. Walter Hartman of Wilson as alternate to the State D.. A* R. Conference to.be held in Raleigh on . March 27-29. The following delegates were also elected i Mrs. E. B. Beasley of Fountain, Mrs. H. S. Sheppard, of Wilson, Mia. G. M. HoMea,with Mrs. B. S. Sheppard of Raleigh, Mrs. ?. E. Moore of Wilson,' and Mrs. Chaa. Ar rington, of Rocky Mount, as alternates Mrs. Chan, McArthur was cordially welcomed as a new member. <. The topic of the program was "The Foreruiiners of the American Revolu tion" with an interesting paper on "Patrick Henry and Samuel Adams" by Jgisa Tabl^a He Visconti a?d a notber. on "Burke and Pitt" by Mrs U. B. Cozart of Wilson. A demons salad course with sandwiches aid oof fee was^seryed at the close of&e pp* ... - . Snecial guests were Mesdames Sar ? ? -'..y-i . ?? -i". ted . PROGRESSIVE BRIDGE CLUB ENDS SERIES 1 - j z.icagt. it " -15' i. ?* ??_/* '?-V- z. ' ?* --- Mrs. W. E. Holston was hostess to > day afternoon when the final game of . the Progressive Bridge Clhh on Thurs ? Cbm-c^toot tye fa^Saadty WWt; * Ct**' " ' - ? ** ? *? ??? ?*u ^ I TV - mm _ 1> - i.1. - _ 1 1 i tl '? #~ ti _ 1 - -V " - - ? ' : : ?: or ?-. . ; MRS. RASBERRY ENTERTAINS Among the events in celebration of Valentine Day was a- party given by Mrs. W; J. Easberry to the mem bers of her Sunday SchdoL class on Tuesday afternoon from 4-6. " > : A mending hearts game and - the findipg of Time were among the games enjoyed. Chah. James Rasberry and Nannie Smith Flanagan being winners of the variovn.-; contests were crowned King and Queen of Hearts and led the procession into the dining room lovely in the Valentine dolors. The table was centered withamamoth heart which was currounded hy fight ed eamHes and Cupids. Delightful re freshments coi sisted of ice cream top ped with tmy hearts' and cake. < i ' DINNER PARTY p'i- :.1 tC' --.lifTbS'.it.i.*}* i-OJ,' ? -.f I-.. Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Lang were ho^ts at dinner Monday evening honoring Misses Nell Keel, Alexander, and Her bert, members of the. faculty of-the East Carolina Teacher's Collegei Bridge was played at two tables later in the evening. ? '' ?? uJj ; ? 1 1 '? ? '?1 *?? 1 HWI..W i i .? ,, ; .?,i;ri ; SCOUT HEADUNERS ?v, ? ? TSif. 2 ? j Six of us hiked to Fountain Satur day, cooked and at pur dinner; % .a woods near by and came backi That certainly is the longest seven miles that I ever saw. ' . ,1 l: ' v * ? * ? %v Station B. SL.dL announcing;* partt, for the. scouts and 'Vhat they; bring with them" on Friday nigjit, Febru-1 ary 17, 1928, at seven-thirty, in our new Scout Hut. / , , " ' " ? I * ' ? ? ? We regret to state that such old bachelors as Jame3 Carr and Luther Thomas eact iind a giri to bring to the party Friday night.- ?'??? u 'ruiux*-.-1 rty> ; t f-fjf -;ti l^'Scoi1; Thomas: I'm going to join the circus. .h>;.pk;ij<ys<i ?<!?<' -mail??: . Scout Windham: When did you break out of your cage? i>i"*fc?. &??,?.??:?*5:U?jo? i j > Scout Hardy says that the stagiest man in thatfworid is the mux who wears greet! glasses to make dun? think He is drinking pea soup wheath* i has only water. ? J ^qni:. Jig.I When " better Scout fioops are <arr: ganized Sir. J. W. Joyner will be tiri. E Scout-Master,.: ^-j. fcSui< Scout Eoderick Harris-What is the difference between a man and* heat; ^ Scout Hanr^>?I r??? ? g{1|nabergh gjffi|f?goQd ex th ground except when he's Hying.' : on some caged lions, but unfortunately he stood outside the cage to read them T^cv'r't '??;?v ??" ??:?? I METHODIST MISSIONARY. f;: ^.v,. V ^ \\T ?|? ^Ot*X7<% ?'V '* *' *?1 ABRAHAM LINCOLN -rjitclii'Hitii n?ilf>v/ snuVi-i^ i In the scroll of the" illustrious men who have lived and died for America so name- shines more brightly, ifhhri that of Abraham Lincoln, the rugged, typically Amerieaanfigares whosedeeds and words"area light and an inspira tion for all the time to come; ? > Fdr Abraham Lincoln was not 'botri to pompt- aiid -poii^c | Abraham Lincoln had no heritage of wealth or '-royal bleed: - Abraham Lincoln 'had' no smooth road to- tread. What he accom plished came of the sweat of his brow, the laborofhis bands,-the stmfiring^ef his every facility. And at the-lastdris life was lost iih"the-. great earoeee1 for which hehad fdught with to* ardor^sel dom ' equalley in history! ?i; -f>1 ?11-A poof boy was our Lincoln, without even the advantage of an easily eeces sible education f he -tfbd * adles7.tb get 9 book, "which he studied in the cabin firelight of-^is- humble homel'^afefchd _ and courage, he strode from the log koM?*'*# . '?.ir *AttH 1 ; T&c'^ b^' fchdi^J bW %6t <wh&i ? ? ~ : ' .?? i ,-;i: NOTICE O dFSAliE 1 ; pt&jb :,{{} (\i ?afes.yoar f. pu/j Under aiid By virtue of the1} ower&f Mectiitmtti in tKat 'Srteiir deed if 'toaW^itefcuted by Calvin- V& : Dunn, ? Registry Countyi'ift';BDot'B-l5 . ac page-vl^rdefault Having been made in the pawpjaflt .otf t^ejagtoaisjec^ped therein,^Kb undersigned^Trustee, Will sell at public auction for CASH, orf -I ??thrlWi ofGreem-ille, N. a;,!t8fe'^olv 1 Idwihg described; tract ot land,; lying > and; being jut tbq Geunty cl I?it)t? Swift \ BeS^?Strt o&mBloanf Gatfjfc Jand 1^2?# West wd^oT^THe ."*}? j.ini'd).^ 4<|L i: v.^. tto'is r-.i. jsai "'J? H -.li'^ij fifi/itA^fiffi'^iM ? -i^jPCicnp g i.;%v- rt.i ^sinter* ttw'^T /iiHiu ?yu olfT-ttf&tffijfi- )<>' *fty) ? U?t<w?-:t! ? v.< ? ? . .-. ;.,-.i:fvi' kfiikji;'vc>?! . -".'tT^-l .""t/t ?f~ >v-?*: ^Tf^ *4^ifT *^3 j im*y?f?)1 tf)t Jigi^lBi?*Crrj-Pt JF*fTff/Mj' tv^>? <?!/? ? -UX3F:- ? J. - I TH T^ lra^BAMl ?^h ? \ I -" -?? j^BBs ?'I^Bfc jOpFlShr.. v^?8B?A-,iF ? ** T o forty :ihite* itiiegre?s:u.fi?ty minutes <> IP .ftffi^undred a%d m venty-f oy r J, h^m^mm^M\\ rhenceivith'another ditchLNorth 'fifty (> iegrees thirty minutes West two hun- ?> Nor^.fifty- four t^ns^*'fi?t^gip|m- - p Ifo!^-tf \ I degrees fifty minutes East six huh- < < dred andjtwenty-fcur, ft# tp^eoroer J | at a ditch, i < thirty-nine degiees West fiVe fiuhdred <' * ^through^ttie J | woods Nto?rth;thirty nine degrees''fifty .. minutes Wleat.six hu.id^-.aiyji i twa 1 f MSteSS:; hurtSferhridthirt^eigW feeti' thence <1 Norths lorty* nine deg?reh8 vtien minutes <, ELu*t,*d^*n:>hund**ri feet .to a ditch <\ Kflfe-?uaPcy'l fe^^North sev- ;; ehty three degrees fifteen minutes <, East ? flofnl'::the ditfch or canal'fohr < i hr/ndred and seventy four feet to the J1 IhtW^iRaadj^he 'poiht. (tjfhbeginningJ i 1 containing 110.7 acres more o$ less, *1 ?P? ^ i conveyed to Calvin W. Dunn, J; E. 1i Lane j and ? wife by t; deed recorded-. in ! | SW^.Y-12 page,465 Pi?t Cppnty Reg- < -ife said Fredrick Frelingbuyser,. *1 Trustee* having^died Bince the- delivery I of Mid deed of I trusty pEdWatd E< . [ Rhodes the undersigned has been by ; I appointment duly substitufea^Trustee* ? I instead of tHe'said^fredrick Freling- rj I huyeeri'by-virtue1 ?f"that: fnstrafftfeht , I recorded; in Registry of Pitt County-in < B.oolc 0'17;at page^p. J [i ?riJ?PWARP.^ySHOpES| Trpfit^e < I John Hill Paylor, Attdniey^o^irI flSSK C " *- -?*?i I Bff. - ' *?! ^ AvflkafJHiMk mW ^ ?'. _ _ ^L1?> : ItrttlHI^C Cariwmrol 10 01 1Q I tlunRljt lfiij Large Picas )ltlv li ^mi^^lnedmon.s 2 phfls 25c ?; ; .' ?" ;; #kno j?{ff?. ?l:|fit'r-.iiPyf^-sxi+u&A ? '^. ..; ?!*.''." ?"** .< ? j *4*?1HC <? * ;; I '? "fi ? MM, I..' :. I : M i I I ? ? ? I ? Iiiii'i I fir ill I| 'I J |"|'||J|^' _ - ? -.-a.^*. . * ... illDAfffe ' . ,-^a .iwrmViV : ^ ] tan' *;i -ii-VoJ ^ ???. . t/jtWL ^1 _> mi j .. r ' gajnf ' ,.;. _ . ^wct _ ** . ?? ;;so- Mk* !??''- ? Is :--?' YJa&aZ <c?? " - an^ duce it at thelovest possible cost. The new A. C. receiver Model 37 ia the result. It's all m _ '!' c n -. .. i^.<:>J';'-IMHu -j'tud B'SiV.'? rpi *?-*rir7"Z

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