grw%4 apa ?' ? "**:? ^ ?? " I ?ti'kit'1 w ^ ^ .fla ';.' * '-?. :--v ?, j^B .^H ^B'- ^flrtr ?-. ^B-^HT v~^H^H|flPflWs. ? ?>^' ?^H3o v :^8C 5w ;- * '?**$? _1^E 'K .fl K mB ilfl^^E ffl wMw ?'va^F-^^flT-^EiMF^/7?!?.?,????. ?? age* I^Jii . a^BI'? jflufl > ? .. _^BL? l^L^HtJK. . ^B ^E ^^B ^fl- -???J^fci^K?i^Bt'-^BY-^v^ - -'^^^^^^^^flH^B-^^Bs^^HFT^^B'-'-.:-fl->;HfllB: Bp l^flK^flPfliw -^i^5- fl""!"* ^^p^Ftfon* BK&flS&?B^fe> ?*r '- .^^Hkwi flE '5* - - ~ " ? ?mwoa????* , -. ? V *-i TkTfTW. ^ATTMTV 'ItfftlfrTW aHndcXKA .T '-:.r-| FARMYILL?? PIajL wUPI ^fl*wia* wi*r ? ? ^- * ?^????> IFARMVILLE HIGH o? a?'it M.- W. ? ?n m i't sueceM AM rue meuerw tori, hair/ jaxs and flwaing youth. Is aa r&* behind this. I ^tay at home five nights a week de-1 grou]p with Wfckh thepublk comes in I v contact. & I I ; Today is not a hundred years ago; J gitis have the choice of their own profession^ M which will he meet ibccessftd. With this before us, we have to be I and is preparing herself to fulfill it. This is not the extreme flapper or gold-digger, but the average modern girl. -There are girls who || smoke and ^ corse, thpse are not we asked modem girls their aim in S life, wekl get answers Eke the follow- j ing: "My sole aim is to be a devoted I wife, to become a teacher, a secretary. II . a musician, or to have a homa."pf j I I * Many waters of the en^kilto the modern youth is not mieaHH^hnt only^ flippant All the world is won you would not wony and ghees you assurance that w^g$|_*ot destroy 1 B^|the future world. When one out of probably raffo-1 dred goes wrong, we'd like to ask, "Why drag them down, why -mp- en-1 courage and help them baflBK:true I ideals of life?" If the person hap-l pens to be wealthy, no mention is I mode of the wrong, but if they arel poor or unpopular, thabrf name is I carried to the gutter. s : I the problem of "modem youth." You but beneath our reputation for gold FarmviUe Higk s^oi; aeco?8h *'#!? few notes. ba^ have ended, then aoet ^T4X^meT miafifi US Roy King h* ahwiLPESE3 that he will do some higk s?PB'?o ?rB igdcr to witt the -rc-e sa-? **Wh the t death.". -}?> ? ? I .-- ?- ^aE .,- ? ^ V wri's Hat!" | fp",-. jjjydj. ? GoBn, my neaa s - Qe*oK-?"' i vjlOU^PH".' * ?^}v I bnrning." ' ^T^S-' ^ '?-. '- .? .l j- ittfi - * f%t#* ?y|-n p? ''yy- '* . -C I?? ? ?, - ?'-?? ?. ? v*t? _ ..'?? i iifa4? ?a ^;JjB - 7 . Xm7- 1 ? ??????Jal??^P?* t j . __ . ^ Democratic *?#for the burfu I I ? ? *l*5 ' ; . 1 l"V': ,\*V ,?*?>"- , est office in- the land is elected, the i eouatry will be as sored of a cdtor I M ftwiient. ? ''?' fl Governor AJf Smith of New York, Senator James A. Reed of Missouri;? Senator Thomas J. Walsh of Mon- j tana, or Governor Albert C. Ritchie of them will fill tl^ bill for per whip bdkd| just now, feat the backers the other three point out that ] many things can happen ^hefew^^ fpet that he is a Catholic may miE tat* against.. his^rh?r|^ time oaaea to choose a candidate, .at least the Republicans believe so. I ?'?Meanwhile, friends of Governor Smith are hoping that the always plain-spoken Senator Reed will say something out in Missouri or on *?? of his speaking tours that gill get him read out of the party as he was once before. Just now though Sena tor Reed stands strong with the is ift?wii|jrnot a beEever in national * Whlfe&ecato? Walshjs a Cath ' olic, hefedry. Senator Walsh has been in the public eye recently through, his activities - as leader of J ^orUn? ^nvcettoioi^ in" is attests eaiwu Fs- ? ^ ^x^ 'lvronouii^ 6^-'5^3hE I 14ftfj vma - P ? v numbff' B 1^0 will get tite votes of a aee?TdUg t?* PTe8 f t ?ot otiy ??e I ? -r. wf i rtJot' pte^yty. Ww^rr'? A inff *" ? I Stoflry^e|^'r: r'^^B ? | - ? * * ctapterof the U D a at her home on Church street Friday afternoon. A short but hnprossive devotiohab was conducted by Mrs. J. W. Barrel]. were the poem, "Stone Mountain" read by Mrs. W. M. Wiffis, and the selections, "Heroic Women of the South" by Mrs. J. W. Joyner, "When the Band First Played Dixie" and W There Still a DixieT" by Mrs. R/H. Knott. The singing uf "Amarf ca" marked the beginning of the program which ended with. "Dixie" song with true Southern spirit. A contort on Confederate generals fol Mrs Fields had as special guierts, Mesdames J. Loyd Horton, ar d The Pageant entitled "The Gates Are Opoc" written and being direct-' od by Mrs. F. D. Winston, N. C? for the Eastern Carolina Exposition at Ariril 9th. has ev&y jndi card of any thing staged in Eastern Carolina in a decade," the officials of There will be more tiian 1,000 in the East and more than 25 different towns wfll take part aeeording tc Kir -^^SB I I. Iffi'nitk" fiW~* Arf TLil i^|--'' ^liif'jfM I f"?*-?' ? X'? .'-'.'~i*".*??. r" k'if " ub3"" I I ..'-'aAVi ^ /gV^ J . V ^'L'."' l'B ?1 SALEM- COLLEGE PUPILS .-*'" * I I A 1 j, i j' j. j ?? . ? j ,- ? , ? . I" . JuOSSrt) 8QII^ \VJlJl I66U0J 6^* [ lertf":;'?.-?? ii-^: solo br Hiss Aixiift JDunlap* ^Lovc ? *l%1 *?'? : a* j-i * ?J w ' M||? ??' --'; I tJloreju -Jwy Swwt iiopoM* ;^*0'| 'j* NpT^TnOBtflcifti a iJlsno Mlo ~ttl jV^iB^-. Kftjtft jtl6XUuArK} -I Idafetou changed by'the last Legis N'oy^f partment. -Treea.^H grow better if transplanted Ai the Spring than in the ,Tr .* ^||r fall, .it M a wise thing to plant trees around every home to shade them If rem the sun in summer and protect them iw? the winds in winter; to SheJte.' the birds that save millidfes 9 AJ% A* !?? I rtiyA'ii ' M ' -pimiiAO ytf*, * 1 A If AQI -1 c .. 4 1 ." . V . ' ' '?? ^ to tU th^ ian^^ ^ t j nitrate or otherx .y Vuick-acthig am ? Mw.JH'fi irir'WwwTw?* w' Wtjm. ' ' - '" ? *: v . rH-f n^slBI X |K?i-g':.y;~, ?.: ?'.%&** i j graciously consent*! to have the boulder on which to ?lace tablet hauled Monday, the 12ft. ?*-' ?'' V' < 'f jH Twenty-eight two public spirited citizens-of Greene have pittniM^I - Si-- ? jjjli , ?.'j.? i iiB mmamMsm unity left for ?pre generosity. Every one ai>proeched ? about givfc|r a pighas show? A wonderful spirit There's no : Go^;. like" Greene^ North Cfortffaa aird bo such people ture Co., have writt^-tt- - ask per mission to take pictures of unveUittg ?tely?."C 0??8eI' NEW CALENDAR PLAN Another effort to revise the atljlg; I ,dar> so as to msjlfe eadi nionth contain exactly four weeks, is being consider stth, IRtfc and }?3rd, and so <#Mfl ?***? pay rolls, calculating interest, record with anniversaries and church feasU by weiring other deye to Ik .olpti who were toSToiTthe 29th toBtffl lated out of their birthday*. ?I WILLIAM TYSON EVTEP.. William Tyson, Greenville nttor. " ; oar meetings again. !. yes-". ? ?i>.i 1,1 . ^ ?e- I ' Our troop is ? ill now, so J there ? are any fnore who , ibe organized. ??: - ??jJyfe?Bfefe*- - ?/* Master* B 0 if you were ' lake, what would be the first thing vyui would do T r 7>'* r '?'* "? " v? -cVv t ; Scout Carr: Ernest, 1 you been w'? ^ ^ ? Cj^Anf BfllXCttl PQWII 111 4? t0^fO3?^' 1J ? . o -? ^ . # . ? * *fT, .y '*' ?