C r.%? ^ ^ ^ ?" M?T"^** "?>?-^Ll " I / \-. .-? - v* - ? '?V^j Bc^S^^S "- ' ?-'. . ": 'y>- S~ _a- ' -*" -Liar .? . *^Vn^. .JK>** ?*" ' ' f" . >*".?? I. V 7*. ^ ?? jflfc bPPBB^ ' \" ??"" -?? ?' ' - . ~ ? ?. .. . ' ? ..;??'?* . .-? . . / ". " ?1-. - \ ; '"' . i M A VkUVV|/t ?> ~VHv~^^ka^rT|Ea .? SmtL set^s nodi far ti? crap tnm 1M aam tUi jmr, B? mmn Is ttriy t? t* iwr wiuMtmHi part WSarvyM mmr ?ok feuI tMr MM jw. TV A|rici)tn( Ovtiook fir XfM? {,Mt,,| IW ^ I ? ?! ia1 tsrsl ffnmmlM, is fell of fe&ftr *re gvttM by fero ite *ru*gt oi W, ipWusi will iifc my profi le toM? TV fttyl Dcpfeww* of ^ A|rinitw|d I tfaa Ovdiok calls ittMtioo> itISiS iLp jftSrS*J*** la laS tk*n in lt?. *"s *y- _ _ % OMH OTMMMMUI .. Mf* - ? -? ? 5h> jjtE ^K*? ?r+trZf ?sxd^f Xfell * """Jt^ ??^r '^PPI^'-^B WX ^JP? ttOdKjT -lttHt ^^^ AS^fawi mbhILI B** " '' ' - JMWy ?%X BB ^ntetou^ w?t^tiaMfa* are kUas??a and declared "tfc^Sie j He said lwniWffl of the klan and I their frlnntle control the state lefli IffSSirit.tttf end lowing November were fctanmer I Ha aided Hat the jory ipmmis j stamen in many,* net ^ of the ieei iMie of the state, appointed mi lder the! administration, are . klans men. 'V'' -V' ..-j [ Mflkr eaid he approved et action ? the state Jfemocrefte executive J committee ia barrina-bofcen" of the 11988 prwidential ttelbet as ft lull laths [til the primary; He advocated retnletiea of chain stores and by a I^smqim lywui of ttnoon wow ee the ? t1*?' of stores operated. < vj? I Mmu, nmmivYY ?** -. . "5 ' .' V ? '*-/ ^-"??" ** ? ' " I W f . . 1 -.A _^?!a ^ ^ t . _4 J g tBfVp^yKSl. Jm'.""^Bjy^Bi ? - . ? j mflMHMV - | Probably new before la the his-1 a business stir as is now in eviisnee as a remit of!tlis Chain store situ-l fstfa^ conditions, the iKsfatMl future I of^Farmvine wfli be jast about as W|W and promising as tto chances Uttiii^jff T '^brftaSwSs! \ ^10001 srisraadia other fnstswss to SP Off some of their help altogether. They have become acquainted *?i tail business of FsrmviQe is not growing ths way it should. They also f-kgon learned Hhat while cheap mor? j rWftflw eft* ahray* "be bougni an tk*9 pete, it Mat pft7r*t? rate, te falik it. lira Mm hu fenta nek '. **? Mm * ** imp&m+W 'tea crjreUHae*: - Tht ^2^ ^ 5?5SF"^I W7Th thft ftnftlH itMtef ? ?---. '"Y' #^K* r?i '?; ii'-^5fc I S*R? M P?vte axe cutting ?ftt teb ofttranaM ftf: the' *?>??*" STiiSiiii8 . ;V - ? ? ? . ~ ? | i bbK- 'BS?' ."\.^ i'-f, I AWpSil hu iisssd a statement in which he *?* -:.\ ?B*VQiMmm *&Jhakapta* at the Democratic iflwry thfi ytw n Mr. Bailey's ire has been aroused hy a rumor go*** the rouwUtotha effect that ha Is anxiau that Sit reroain^in the race aw) force the Se puhtoreivi into the primaryVnne 7 an tlstthay will ?#l^wopportoajj^ to ?boni to" on th# Deroocratie-part mary and vote for hi* opponent Mr. Bail*? indignantly denied this Honor. He finnutonf as a Demoeat ha says, aw) has no dastee to trade natad he says it will be i?ith Demo cratic .votes. ,,C"--V '?? ;; Indications now point to ? determ iaad tTfrti of Congressman George Pritchard of the Tenth District, to sacusa toe fiepnhlican Senatorial nomination whan- the ^Republicans hold thai* state conwmtfea in ApriL Mr. Pritchard eniwmrad a few days ago that be would not be ? candidate to succeed himself in eonaress, and said he would seek the Republican ? Bear. Mr. Domett, however, insists tkatthe tine has come for the Be* to their caafr W XI.-X ? IM ? * ''-'"' - - - - '-'-^ginM - M n m ? f ? ' ? i 11^ W COIiVtMlflppppp|? S^Sr^m wiwM?L*k To Tunrr* bis declaration that the Repohfieen? wfflbe keptenftfti* prinMUjjg in ?ms? Mr. Bailey dted the3ferth Carolina ffrrtfon laws as amended by the 1929 General Assem bly wbidi says: "No person shell be. entitled to partidpateor rote in the primary election of any political party unless he has first declared and had recorded on the registration bosh that he affiliates. with the political party in whoae primary ha proposes to ?ote and is in good faith a member thereof, meaning that he intends te affiliate ytth4bepolitical party in A rn m *' L? ti 1 ???? ? 4* TWftSa wnoee primary ne proposes to rues Pud is in good fsith a wiV"' titers* 0#?? ^ '_-?? ? ' ? ??' ' ? ..'. ' ' '??' -' ? ?"; I I tfk ? jLiittiSf \j9-r / l*Ty$ * Vv ? AMMivWA 4V. Po followed a raid on a St Louis county ?,_ ,. 1 : otters, all bookmakers and gamblers, have been kidnapped since ,??1 1 ? 1 1 ? ' ?" 1 * ?? ? ? ? - sonal freedom was said to have to who declared he wu u unwilling kmiwJTof the*"* ^ freedoxn^l^iSiSsK ?Md;|fe.1ar^e been blindfolded, throagh th* placing of cotton ow* his eptoandheld to hours be was held prisoner. I y -7^*?;" '*7* fill I MAfJigi' 'f||tA||4* - AthA v ? .' ?? " . ? - - 8Sp&?Egu8) XK^vSy GWlOUfi KAic* auuB* . ? > _ ~_ _ * ?_ j ^T F ? . ? Ji ' _\fc.' 1^.-', _ '- ^ ?!?.- ' J-"*?;"' - II tx i? - % 1 . _ i i.laa _ _ " . jb^;. ?y yn Q<*roi/wyp. yqff do d us mess will be'trinsacted at this idiourn ed session of the convention, bot only tasptostlonal addresses wffl begiven, setting forth the growth and develop | mens ox uw ocnoinaiMwii awux un [past hundred years. When tiit Con vention wu oarganiaod in 1830 then were in North Carolina, according to Dr. Samuel Watte and Dr. Thomas e*"--' ?*'? - - -? ? -" ' - ? 'MtibUe Meredith* wnowere toaarif; ^spirits in the movement, around l5$80Bapt istsof all kinds, Missionary, Anti-Mis sionary ,Fn? Will, white and colored, who were grouped into 272 churches and into 14 district' associations. ft UCMMMft -I ?? mm f ? X * About this time there was * sharp division to the "tanks of the Baptist denomination owns the. question " of : missions, ?yhtoat3on yt Sunday school the Convtntion group of Baptisi^n vention just published revealed tire fad?- thah'.there see now 97,026 c& .jif- ?' ? .'y f' . I SLlvUmuu62ilD6r8 OX T-r.p v/diaI yPnnQTi. 7t is: estimated that'tt sse abound aBssi^stti ?i&l&sSsZtS. ?A ^im|LJe - 'A ^L JL ^UaX AL wjL ? m- 'flMBLsZ^s^tf * --' kr court Fowler Ml Wheltaa testes l^^ew , JjjWW^^W^B ?? ?TWlWf I a iwober orer Us left arm and fired into the truck. He add the w*g?aa had been to Gastonia in an af&tt to attend a meeting. She fell, cryttfc>?Oh, I**, I-m rfiSr the wtemaa stkL ^ 1 helped pkk her up," Fowler I said, ."and Whellua-aad Eomje others [ came un and aeaiehed ns> J Fowler had previously testified about being followed by a mob tram Gastonia and of the wreck between thehruek in which he was riding and an setwnom* which suddenly frpHvd in front. He said the members of the mob which -followed them had pistols, shotguns and rifles. He testifledthat WheHus was "protty well fell and staggering" During kit testimony; A. L. Bul ?inkle, ? lewyer tried to inject tkc: V" ' -? ? '... , ^ ''''l.-.r'-v-'g - >?- ? I iqgfKgBEL;' j?F. _ jl iMof ^ ^toy ? iffip Sw^SaaQUBB' Slcrwly t W , roads' to vaitott* BacM r7^ln2Lw* stores, that havTbelm ewSl'Se cnmmntotaFfor macv ManuJtaran total to*. in mm *s*i?aa** foand that thai* own employes we tradin* with tha chafes stores. U During tha laat month or two, local interests setems to hi sa swakeoadL to ?? other eectioiu of the . country tfi. oamHA^fvn n mm f-,-, ,f |t , ,i nlit rhimfflianv alrunflw rnw , Pn?i|ri ** rA* "nJ^ ,IMMlti|?Jl|1 ' fraow ^n>dp?^ ? nfaal'tf ?to* Oris naHwin* iittplofei ,in ?hain storec for as low as |6 a week. The chain store manager neyer kari tate* to firing an employe or ratudng hifl force during doll times. '; There are many other reasons why W'CRain iwres navs annftt wf themortti Isd tfti^ a bitter fight is V chafe stores has been forced to ckoe M of them tscmtly. Every town to realising &at in o?kr to mafttoto its ^ business pratif^ ft tod ^ the inab who >>?>?? support the rest of ? iha ooJomun&y. Large Saaeiac turem Uuimlkiul Uio 'jftOnliji who, w***w*y nmnt^Mvwv w?v >'UM*? / for Mnttf jtftii* past, kmi been f ootid ? vrQ^Ti by v*rioua 8tore8f mfl^ ht