? ?UKYV^BVVfUs^ <1VB ri i v * ? ' ; .^k ?. ?MMMS? r 'iB" ? ? ? " - ? ?' - -? - '; - *jWE ^^KmS&^tKr ^w^^t^m^KKttBi^Kk^ 9t 0T% JEft* * ?t :.' - - ?" .^w^^^B"; B^M^^BBi^^^B[" ? i ? " - B *- ?" -^^BIB'' ?' ??'? ?"? . ^B _ : ? ?" ?? ? ? t >".,. ? '\ i n ?? i ii m i ii i n i ? ? * 5-*- ? ^^^?HRVfl^-J '? * *M iv^UniQJ ,J - ?f Aflaa^^jf^ftMySBN^Viiii ? 5^^ i ^ ^ *' >H?.a||^^^^^Bii|HMA tf VMHnjMOCL rwL m' "ft ^ ? -~^. h'^FL , ^"ri ^tffSTali Thia Is the plastic pes*# vhan fn AHfhl lw?Ut BHttlLkMI^^ ili) ve an to tete TZSSSZ^ more R and that is Responsibility^ Responsibility to the oummui>ity--tf ?a are not to ham illiteracy in gov pom i? the RepobBc eons ,a aar^ riao W the Ropabik, thoitfcaflepnh ct mm* one - hoa im it fcr har his port sftte tMa sad ate**"* e? Ttliiim|? fc aa iapoite* *fc th* ahfltff toiwod apdncto t>ot It tfio expatriate* peace." The adrinns bete the right aiaaer ? ? I SCXUWDA1BY BULLS ! BM8BXD FtOOM CATAWBA I W% the. elhnmation of ?B scrub dairy bOBs of bree<Bi>? sue ftm wtlh im the borders of Cstawha Qxmty* the copaty sow hcocwi the third ia North Oroiine sad one of the few in the Nation to have this distinction. OtteisI eanopweasent of the resuh^ 5n*CwLlr qq. th^ gh'y! jl! FarnbamT if the offtre of 12i!ed^'^^^^osh^ie?eseBr"%seaAh|if stroke others were dfaafaated later. The work waahega|> March sad eadsi Iste ia the Jal, Mr. Any says *st it wss-esrefolly dene sad that ffcther efforts wffl ha Me to ettad age I SstoS^tonrte sad Catawba. The - Q- - ? | y ? JL aaulnjihur t^r^r* Jat_ pan hahbiw'uli^in ?V'' ''?"? ?, - Lj'v- *i'--?-<' v* ?: .-?. " ^W ', ?''??" ' ?'" M-nij I'i 11 ? in#Mm i 1 ^ flUi At&ft gives 4s Watrai OTCI ? JL-vb^T ^ _v "l ^ --; ? ?. ;_ <-r" h j^ 11 - wM,- v \ ^'-U - r * ? - ? | AfAxtyj a tjk **-^1** T6j 4'j' I ^h> ^h? ^ ?^^" ^CSfc^otin^k 1 ^ I . *".~ T . ,';^^ . ^*:v ? .. ?-Ti'?f':Sj ?t. ._ 1 ]H ^??B^? 4tlfe ??fir J ? ?W- Aj. H w*i fiwt mtik^ 9 B- I^JNCMMt Atf. fhjt /?Tffrftly 4 ? April 11, iiiMBorial exercises at or- B I '|^>?i site of fifc?f|*f Town, it Old V 'Town Creek; official Londwon or 4 Barbecue; Aquatic Sport* off Battery.. 4 Anril 1?, military **A -':Migt-oi^<> ^B floats parade; pageant at Battery 4 Park; Starring exhibitions, Marion 4 Square; and Ball Bar distinguished 4 guests, April IS, sightseeing for distin- .'I Charleston is one of the few Amer- 4 Iran ?wrwnwfHog which has preserved 'I i ? ? "^?" g ? ~ ? _ it scttd * ymft fox1 it? tmiity ijf I tfai and enffafuneats (hffte; the *B ^lAmwi ?nd Tiktitn canmiflms B *? " nTw w -1 |H Sodety of Charleston wfll celebrate ^|fl gfluth Q|T"H?* and many interesting of hfe system. It is Mid the young * y*_ - . i-1 - '^' "?*?*? " '*"? - - ?'- *?? ? .ri lf. '?' - ?&.V-? :v. M w ^PTIx?Jll^8f2^X0^TlIl^ 'JPTRBft . ^^ ii*?^l""*** jg.'sr.-wj-^ t FisMtnt Gww M, F. C1?ii?i Tuesday k * ?>..?? .-?? ^.v. t tF*" ?'*...? , I,?-*?? ' T ? f*?.- km 1 . -t" * a, MttStY H.VfctT /*! A ?faHiKfC.vy. Aft nil dj: Mliniiij the Potomac river the skies ? tend and sunlight sprinkled tike i TTOr-'T" .!?'! .' ?<"- **: ?? ?? '??-?. andscape. Hfc, ?: ? ;l :? Jcj.*rs n* ^ i rhere simple funeral rites -were held. * 'reviously the body & the nan whom j* president Hoover called ?the mootif ?loved of Americans," lay in state t h the rotunda of the Capitol for fcoat two hoars, to be viewed" by < ease than 8,000 from aU walks ol 1 if* ? It was at 8;^p. m. tint the first | t ien-j fired tfttkhnenil mrtire i fssrssrs^si1 roop from the Old cavalry, proceed- i d along: the winding gravel' drive- J h fays.of. the eemstety past the graWs ?|" pot selected as the burying place S or the 27th Prosid?Bt and tenth] n Ihief Justice of the United States. J o pWashington, March 8. ? William fa toward TWti ffcnm*. President; find" f ormer CMrf JWrtiee, died at his hoinll ' rv' - -wn ii i ? *,vul ?? ?!mr^m "r ! ere late this aftemoob. t So paanaj peacefully:Q|rom ttfie* a Arlington (bumpy, tit titiM *>f|h be nation's herni# dead, The foneral t> errfess witi)* held probably^ oiaJB ?uesday, at All Souls' Unitarian) r a??h,i?M&he attested. President Hoover ma foremost ; I mong tike many who want sorrow-! / ally to the mtidenceon Wyoming f| Lvemse, wLera^the ottoman in his-|r wry to hold America* two highest ; flOjmjgsl^^ fe death. The President ***** ? ad surprised hi? physicians by the 1:46 this afternoon a sudden ftroke, ? rhile be was alone except for his | Fifteen minutes lates D. H. G. Ful- ii tr reached the bedside^ but turned way with* a shake of the head. Mrs. d oom, took up her station near at 1 , 0fe8y I Charles Evans Hugbe%|who roc Aid the people had "reoorifcensed his ^tihn,0fla?e^half ^ ia* never been to^inive?j^Hr frit to eard a public officer during his own aid fee Agny pA*** ?fee loss of wm "* | (derate of fee humjiti Sidings of his J Senator Borah of^^feo^mou:*ned Njmoeratic IeaderV^^te, safd ? L?3^V_. ?-- ifiintit.it * * ill I ? ?mil II lit '?? la devotion to hi. eoart^fp^ !: | IfS IWt had been a>nfin?|?9 ?? j one since February*, when he re- $ timed to Washington from Asheville, I b&vtone he had gone for rest and 3 ecupigiMtfe^e day. f^us be, j (Confer cap*, two) ^ Raleigh, March 10?Presentments I ( eturned by the Wake county, grand] ! ory against seven N. C. State Col ?e stadeuts as a result of the hat-1 ?g outbreak at. the ooUege last | lontfc were placed upon the eriminall oeket of Wjfct County Superior ourt yesterday. J Five of the studbnta, B. L. Smith, J freeraboro; X A. Ramsey, Salisbury! I l-;; It KUzab^EStyi j eating of Chaa. D. KeDecburger, Jr.,1 ireensDoro sopnonior?,,-un urn nign* v f February 8, ^d tb^amefive andf U T- Campbell apO?8?SLatftat ^7. 'r-"~ V>w ???>!!{., ^-*7 7V5*?^H' (i or. entenng tne room <a^^jmaXmi c * hair of & * Kassengifr, of ^ ?nd R. C. Pleasant of Four Oaks, j oen at the college on the same WM^ - ? XtT ' - , jkjfcm' ft jdmilftr ruiin, j>. fttfiflfim! ?- jit.' fitfl libimwnof i ? If :? ? W?I^I\&1 m V llj|i|2 ; .^i^f ?.'?, ' r* if ~ yyt'?? TpAntjfcifcil I o'clock March S6?U<t*7, ; t? l??-l brate in a fitting1 way the centennial! ^fantifr' 'p| I ?* tS"?* ort*^?^*a ?*[ development of ^ f pants hundred ymil. ' .. j Forest, is the of the special I wnfmftfr* to arrange, Jhe program, J rot^togbmS (rf^S^imd otte> states cm included in the program. The meetings will be held in the au-l ? dkoriumaf the East Carolina Teaieb-J I ew* College. The pastor ?Tt|*lfeiri4 I orial Baptist church, Rev. A, W.l; Fleischmann. *nd his committee on I care of the hnndteds of delegate*! j ^visitors that are expected to ^ CHICAGO MARCH 24 In other pert* of the country. Seven I thousand school music supervisors undoubtedly be the greatest music gathering ever held in this or any i other country. Sectional meetings mi a variety of demoMbmtiinis^ivill ' : ' - "~~~ ? ? 1 JT ? ?-' JS * ? make the ^nferena^ttsetas, which will be held in the Stevens Hot#;. of tiie greatest practical vdlue to the atqiertiMr. ' ' , . 7 ' < "" ???>?> ?**> fKo lrteetlnn. as i E&STOS EmTSirn,: president of^e Conference, j SSSHH; Percy A. Schdes ol Monteikax. I *C*VJ ?-? . 'I ?jQO under the direction, of Dr. HoUiffr ?f ? J I WwMvMI vUHIlUL AUU VXLUQVW^ *V"| KBra'v'V&ft*' ftif ~ mlm?* - "- ? ? ^"?v*r''" * \^&jp' ? '.HrS^t'x: '? '? f ' - -*y" | The fifth Annan! American Legion j Indoor Circui, Automobile ?how!fo SS35SlfrS Victor Recording:' OrchSjkl direct from New Yark, will hoU^rth ell Patrick's Ball, which promises to" be tifa-'bigge** social affair of the en The hundred thousand dollar an toraobilt" show alone will ?give some itfcmof tho size and magnitude of the akowthis year, every kind of car throughout the statee of North Gte^^:Yixgiab will be repre sented there, then the magnificent exHbit of th* Merchants and Manu facturers throughout Eastern North Carolina is a big item in itself. They farm aaaaedde* tit greatest array of Circus Tklent for the entertainment that has ever been gotten together on one bill, including, also several big time Vaudeville Acts. Then one of the biggest items of the week is the gorgeous. Style Review to be staged en Tuesday and Wednesday nights, this will far surpass- anythnr ever attempted in a style show at any <2 the previous shows, pn Thursday aigilt we hava the State Champion shfp Boxing Bout between "Koyo" Warren and "Big Sid" Terns, this is neatiug etatvwlde interest as it will be for the Championship of North Carolina?two North Carolina boys lighting it out for |he North Carolina Championship. titow this year frill be staged m the new Smith Warehouse on Ctoldfcboxo Street, one of . the most modem warehouses in the world, couerteg almost a city olock. This American Legion Post feels prodd of the entertetament they hay?**greatest shown in their history for this year. One big week of fun at frolic at zll, . * J? ^ : __ Wilson, N> C., week commencing Mon iay, March 17th. I A solid car of grate, seed for paa airea has been ordered by Almance ;ounty farmers for idjia#Bg this ?????? Randolph County Woman Aahebow, March 10?Despondent over ilthcrith for steveral months and In a fit at raentd^aherratkm, Mrs. On* Smith, 22*year old matron of Coleridge township, Randolph County, arose at two in the morning tew*- her bed and fired a charge from a siugle barrel shot fan threaght the heart of her stoning husband, Ar chie Smith, 28. Bufbre firing the fatal shot, .she had removed from the bed her one year old daughter. ' outA'f'HUriaii1 Atul aii I, isil^iweateaaW 5e% I^PBtrootiBr ana roter, sieepmgf m Mwcner oea ox -tro same room, a wait sued by the shot, wxpsted th?< gun from the hands of the woman: before she amid reload tft* pfc# and torn it on herself as she threatened to do. The twgedy occurred *t the t 1, J?an "uf** Um eLLtat-i- . #aVj? Tniii mm or ^ Mrs. onut&s ratncr, joaii Cain, wfth whom the couple hadbeten ymrng* twntm^ wrt ^ B(M pttal a^g^gntown daring ^the day and a concert by the fatnous4^&one m?* ??'. ? ViS^V: ;; '?? U;r.i. ? rHtl<IHT VMS a -M ? & jtcffal South or Boiling and the City of New York, harbor, accompanied if a procession ?^rWdC(^J?a^l ^Afet oniyByrd,but every one of the polar regions were warmly gweE'-<.: ed by this city of 8S,00& which often has sent forth expeditious into that unknown region guarded by a barrier than 14,000 feet high. . Although Byrd continued today to stress other achievements, popular fancy dung to hie heroic flight with > three companions oyer the South Pole. This flight, begun jfovtmber 28, fttOT & the Bay of Whales, at the base of the great barrier, lasted. 17 hours and 89 *m controls, they forced their way over mountain tope and drded the Suutiti Pole, which is at an elevation of 9,060 feet. 4. 1..J -4- 4U. ' ? -- of the roughness of the terrs*^ the . tri-motored plene flew bark to the Rosa barrier base camp, refueled and continued on to the- Bar/<f' |^bale!t? . Little America, Byrd's main camp. While giving full civdit U? the courage of the three men who companied him on this flight ovuiv mountain tops with temperatures fai below zero, Byrd directed attention rather to the achievements of SpnaS Amundsen and Robert P. Scott Am undsen, he pointed out, reached;; the jSbuth Pole by sled journey Decem < S90ft :; and his" party arrived there to learn that only fc little mora than a month previously Amnndsen had placed the banner of Norway first at the goal, ahead ~of Britain's flag. Scott, with aft of his party, perished 4n ft blizzard in returning from the pole. Tribute also was paid to the flight by Byrd in which he rescued a stranded geological party whose plane had; been destroyed h i terrific Storm over a mountain range. But Byrd himself insisted-that die outstanding aehievwnenvs of his ex pedition were the exploring of 280r 000 square nrilea of previously un mapped country and phi work done by geouogists and other scientists. The expedition plans to stay here nine more days before proceeding tb New York through the'Panama egad. ? , CORN YISLB CONTBOUJpD " BY STAND SfiCUBW ' - - - ? v'* " ' *' ? ? A , . The number of stalks of corn grow teg upon an acre of land will he one at the important factors controlling , the total yWd of grain secured from "acre at harvest. 1 _ G. M. Garren, cereal agronomist at State CoBegtr, says that the'num ber of stalks the acre will support depends chiefly on the fertility of the soil and the rainfall during the growing, season^. One may fertilize welTSLyet ait h^vfod and thns fall short of a good yield. Usually, rows" oi. conn are planted four feet apart and the hills kept from 12 to 24 inches apart on the ro*^ce?d?i-;te IwSWrJ Mr. Ganen says that the best yiettfc secured in teats made by the state Uut the com planted 24 iedw: mlS least jOO^per cent of tht stalks s^ill then average about 50 bushels to the acre. Fifty huahdsan acre hi the

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