- , il .1 .? *- BgSSeSL? * BEj^B ?.WmWmmw i ?? i'-**1.**?' /-iSc^rJV..??'? PB ^P ? I ABVERT'SS s - -" ' ?**^^mmm&*~' _ -^g^f ^^9BBBF-'flH^fak ' '\ *^f -':' -v.<'- '3*~ - .?;? .' ? *~,"^*'~.,Tr ?."' '!w' o~r' 'iT-iS \5i>v/SS ?_? .'v-v? - S^pt v*-'v?*^ ^ ^?^/?jS' "v^v^o ?^.^-.i'Tr^ *" r ~ Vi*~ ~* "*^ ^tvfjSfiri^_*3E^t*Jvl'?J*. ,x" .'"j-*".~ 1 NUMBER -FORTY.SI X t" S *.> .gr'ifi^ES ' J^HHH ' ~~? ** Wl ?*? ?' ; T ?? . Mr. Cbb^Wmttd&isBd tg 3, ZtftSmm ?tdai? *nwiice. fe caOM.lt testi&i tc b?*< ha^oto'pfJfci^1" ?So-? K^1e^lWWW ] only tkH^qpiNd to bartag about a dST ent mekdftnta. .1 do not say that they do saQ g&i?wsm; *mr#'V*6t ? that they my W'OT^WBat < hundred &aT 6m xb?>? The interesting program, arranged br the Art-Literary department was as SAnisji a paper, *Tha S^rtka tJ- j ? 'g. /' '"in 11 |yS^.T^^AS^MBM^g(cy^fcj8y^ .-^'- ? '-"i- ?' ?gs~ xfotfc %-CC' iv^1'',"* it ^ ^ ^ in aome placdrluch ai^ttSpftdri. a,,*P"wQ#l"ifclsPMk ofii axe' expeSBiL Hr ottwr pUeee. A-smoter UraTWk ?afety matches 'or a feffet/1 ligfctfer? -Ttaab 'and- toavea ahotld be- pfcfced at a' eonrnfefegft^ thing^eoAlmstiMe-before-ttafctin& ee pefclally oA a *indy day. Oid uaelees boaea ?ad ritfr thing^AMoUT wver be left '.imniig r*t knc- chat nothing else"#iB mA^ni fu^ and be b^dnmaged. iB&pe* WjMMah sometimes ? become very hot and catdiaffre and it aftnoHftr itity to avoid thin. - ?*? W?. TU' ^?Vk -fw?^ A .|Kaavu Tf ?4V MV -- ?; ^ ? smokes, strikes * match -nor dde* any of the many other dangerous flrihgd'near gasoline o#^i?rbeene.'iA rohtodnwf should never lie'-'"carried1 sear a hot sftarlfecaus* it nflfeht ex plode. Never use an open lantern. it or it might "b6 hvtil6Aed. Metal protecEbrr oT^fcr th - be used under stoves. If ajf*opea fireplace is ttsed, r,Vfi[? " ' ' rp Mi% H. W. Turnage delightfully entertained the Tuesday afternoon dob ?n4 additional Meats at bar homo this week. A graceful arrange ment of eartly blossoms brought a ffprmgHV* atmosphere to the rooms where bridge was played. Mrs. Lath Manias excelled in the art of scoring and-was given a deck of Congress cards. - Strawberry shortcake was followed by chese wafers and black coffee. Ex tra guests included Mrs. Arthur P. Joyner, Mrs. L. f. Pierce, and Mrs. Sterling Gates. ^ ui^ Mo^ay and wei^ infomed that .T \m-y EastemSter Meets L.r .? - ' ru .-v 1 ?: . .* ? W 'i 7.v>"j .? ?*." A"' special meeting of the Order of the Eastern Star was-kfeNltfeU week! ii? th^MiSMilif halt in celebration of the-local lodge and for the installation of nOw of-1 ^**ghe-iwewnin?, worthy matron-made | a splendid speech after the cere monies; Mrs. Lang presented "the Jr. pasl^^nJd^d^ lte ' M. V. Jon ea l to fc A. ^yn?rJ?M. HSJ good the chapter's gift to the district! deputy gpod matron. r r.' ^1 The'-fom^'visitonr from the New I Ber? kfadtt talks had an .interesting history oMhe beginning and development of the Farmvilel 3?h>ptw^a% fivm by ^pwker.j ments were served in two courses. ^isMwsr! 1 ... *? * ?A*"*. ? . '??' ' ?.li-'"S%-;. * ?* ? . . ! I;',';; ;fwho is ip?r -,i% ;/\ ^ Among the tiny girls in oar troop There is one who will never droop. And although she talks tad much For a gixl of her size and age, : Well have to spy she is a .wise little You'll certainly goem who this cote ? ? ? a - little lass ?. <' j i^^agt week . Ministers Unite in Patting; JiFep in Cause; Qne Pastor Says We Need fiedunr* Jns^fetejest fcjflpfed: to Bolster Cause ??; -r^ ", 1 ! y*. *./ ";. ,* Beginning mart Sunday, four ?f the Famville churches wiU unite in a co opexciive effort to get our people thinking about the things ofGod- We believe wt can test ai^p^ thte: by having services in eacli church at , the same tbne. i We fee! the need of It revival? the word means: "quickening, or re newing," or as we would say today in automobile language?"Recharg- i ing." We need to renew our zeal for , the things of God; we need to pray: "wilt thou not revive us again, that , thy people may rejoice in Thee." < In the Scriptpe'w?i re- , cipe for a revival, whieb says "if my ] people, which *?c billed?am^ l shall humble themselves and pray and \ seek my face, and turn &p|Cvth?fr , and will heal their land." God has \ never broken any promise spoken and , He will keep His promises to us, If we will keep ours to Him, ? . The greatest nlsd of our town is not "mote business," better prices for tobacco, etc. These are good and ? necessary, but our greatest need is , to XtffcW GOD. For it is written, j "But seek ye first the kingdom of ( God, and His righteousness; and all ( these things shall be added unto you." ( In the past we have sought material things, we found them, now in many ' instances they have vanished. If we , will seek the things of God they will , endure. ' j firM*" thrmifldl which i we are passing, is God's call to place ( the emphasis where it belongs; not on j worldly things which today is and to morrow may not be, but our God the sarnc^ yesterday, today, totmorrow and | iorever ^ We plead, with you that in this { series of meetings you will give us 5 your support; for it is not we that ask for it, but our Lord whom we ? Serve. - He i* calling for your best i What will your answer be? ^ ' ' "Revive thy work, 0 Lord, Thj^migkty arm make bare; Speak with the voice; that wakes -s the dead. And make thy people hear. t ? < Revive Thy work, 0 God, Disturb the sleep of; death; Quicken the . smouldering ; embers now? i ! JTBy Ihine almighty breath. - y 1 * ( Revive Thy work Oh Lord, % Exhalt Thy precious hai^ ' 1 % Aid hy the HoTy Ghosts our iove For The and Thine inflame." Mrs. D. R. Morgan, Miss Chrystelle Lucas and Miss Louise Carrughers spend Wednesday afternoon in Green I - # ? . . k Mm ^|b~. ?""* It rv 'Ml jl ? ******* > - ~ ???? ' -V.vu.iriuii;ii..i.!. -pfV: IH l#||,|> I A11III y Kffll&- n fll*? F*'-1 " ' .*^V? Sw sSa 1 IWfltii^y^ * by leading ^rov/eys of The fields f their farms. .... I . > I 11 1 1 ?? *? ' n 1 1 / D. A. R. MEETS ~ ? ? The Major Benjamin. May chapter D.-'Ab-R. had as its March hostesses, Misses Helen and Huldab Smith, who harmingly entertained in the Rotary :lubroom. Baskets of jonpuils and >ther spring flowers were used as iecorations. Reports of the recent State Confer ence hi Greenaborowere given "by the regent, Mrs. T. C. Turnage, Mrs; B. Streeter Sheppard, of Raleigh, Mrs. J, H. Cozart of Wilson, Mrs. C. T. Dixon and Miss Evelyn Horton, each )f whom discussed certain' and dis tinct features of the meet. |j- ' The beauty and charm of colonial gardens were described and exploited jy Miss Mae foyner in an interesting manner, and a lovely poem, "A Pack age of Seeds" by Edgar Guest, was read by Mrs. G. M. Holden. An ice course proved most refresh ing and shamrocks made appropriate fcyors.< Besides the chapter members the hostesses had as guests; Mrs. Ada; rurnage Wood and Miss Mildred Wood of Bath, Mrs. W. D. Bryah and Mrs. Lancaster of Raleigh, gue^t of Mrs. D. R. Morgan. V ' \: j_ ? jPI . ? ? Th^Garden Club met Monday after I noon with Wheless at her borne on Clriush street A profusion of daffodils other spring: flowere an appropriate setting for the response to the roll call The chair way? Mrs. Josh 1. iuxon, reported to Ctof Ator'C" thy Perkins rosc-riiies on Arbpr Day. t" '? *& ~ j # - * ?" - I Xiufi| Jl OFvil XjLIS KwftoOIlS flWtMn tha put talf-een-j^ the hand all those things that go to make Ik lkAMMM AAVtAtA%kXae] gi in J - y. M ? My, n ? a n II rk a napp>, v,ont6ntc M?. Arch Flanagan, Mrs. Cecil Lilly, ?r. and Mrs. P. E. Jdnea will represent the Rotary Club, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Turnage, the city authorities, and Dr. J. W. Harrell has a place ,on the program. RE-ELECT CLUB OFFICERS ?? .At the regular meeting of A#/ Farmville literary club, held on Wed nesday pftemf on, the reconamen erg, who had served the dab most ef- - fdently for the past year, were re elected by a unanimous vote; Mrs. J. W. Parker, president; Mra. W. M. Willis, first vice-president; Mrs. J. Y. Mode, second dee president; Mrs. P.. T. Martin, secretary; Miss Annie Per kins, treasurer, Mrs. W. C. Askew, historian. v v Mrs. Park>:r, the president, made a speech of acceptance in behalf of the officers, entertaining the club at this time in her home, which was tasteful ly decorated with >spirea and other spring buds. Current events were read at roll call^ a message from the d/strict chairman, Mrs. Sawyer, was road and Miss Tabitha DeVisconti read a letter from the BnUetin, con cerning the Solly SouthaH Cotton Loan Func, written by the ch'm. of this division, Mrs. ftrog&n. Continuing the study of "Modern Drama" by Elizabeth Lay Green* was a paper by Mrs. P. E. Jones, on the "Work of Rostand", and a discussion, of his play, "Chantacler" by Mrs. G. A. Jones, who read from Acts 1 and 4 A salad course accompanied by pqf flers and Wade coffee was served by Misses Edna Fonst Harris and touise Smith. :?. ? >' - ? ' - ; ?SS5? ..-M ? MRS. SMITH HSO^OTRISE DINNER ON-BIWWIY f li- ?? > I". - - -WaS?& jv'Misa Smith entertained ?tS&t . ,T"?? v ?#***??? l J ,rLrf ww Smith^L^ SmithV^rit wTtTfJLk to a neighboring^ town, ^ gave Miss ^