i?ii j J vWA ?* WT^tlW m-m- 2?s,.s r\ 1H .... ? ? yy ? A ^| f J. .A^- . .? ? ^| ? xv - HI{mM MM owFinn Board tee warning n.mm d?^r^j#?|ai>i).lli>lM^ ? ^hjteg I mouths old this .April, but its contacts I Sfefes are'SS^ n^jpNet and wutteprtei ffiotttr Gowiuitenld^ateacy. *?* *rtet oral, slate tim ferm board's em?*aft is through that timet senaft** frttfe nerve." - The Farm Board's pnrpoee is to help the farmer to get more money for his protect* if not ~by iacreaaitig the cost to tike consumer, at least by insuring that tkr grower shall fetall of Ihe price wideh has Tmltsftiw bees wasted hetomm flower and ?m tolls and the operation of speculators. stittited, we pay more attention to theman or the organisation -which pcrasla? to sake sore mosey for ui. than we do to the institution that merely tries tc teaclt.us how to-run our business better. : Tie nuqmfter turer of sol commodity is likely to show mate more interest in the re ports of his calcmen as to what sort of goods the trade demands than he is to the engineer who merely shews him how to improve his product. And tile Federal Farm Board?or rather, the national cooperative sell ing agencies set up under its direc tion?is in the position of the farm ers* salesman. In the course of time and perhap; a shorter time than some at the critics think, an over whelming majority of all farm pro ducts grown in the United States will be handled frcm grower to con sumer through these agendes. And when these cooperative sel ling agencies tell their members that they are producing too much of this or not enough of that, and prove it to them by the price? which tfiey get fat the commodities designated, therb is certain to be attention frohx the growers. So far only eleven commodities have been designated by the Farm Board as requiring special national agencies to handle them ex clusively. They are cotton, dairy products, wheat, lice, livestock, wool and mohair, tobacco, poultry and eggf, seeds, potatoes and coarse ji aiiii There ace of coarse dozens of ether agricultural products which will be organised other singly or in groups. An entirely new kind at ad ministrative machinery cannot be ex pected to get into full swing imme diately. ' It is going to take three or four growing seasons, in all proba bility, before all of the farmers of the United States fully iimhmltnrt how the new system operates and how totalk advantage of it Qmtrot of production, in the In terest of more stable prices for grow ers, is a definite function of the Farm Board under the law which created it jLnd already the board has found tha situation in soma commodities, especially wheat, tobacco aad cotton, to he such as to point definitely to iewdr pdeee lslsuis of overproduc tion. Ten-percent jttjEB in wheat ac res Je is being advocated tody by the board, which points to a surplus of ' A hundred mSUoji bushels in 1929 |. ? Xl 1 |> It. ?u..J.|t ? tl? tOtil uOTIHQ Of TO wOCia S ? *? ..I,, .I# ; ?*. z- .*? x. - suurnts, in proof of hs statement * iSmMUW bubeb than they are making now oat of 850,000,000 Srah els. pLnd when the entire Wheat mar ket is in the control of the fanners tfceauelver. and . that is what the co ? I. a * - - --- X- - zi? - | ? ? i * _ operative max acting program is hwsitwi fop?it will not be so diff* : ctdt to'Convince growers that -low prfcra ttr^net^ah ays the of them do now, that the remedy is - :r BS; ? - . ' . : - ?.."- .- -. .. ?' ' ^ ' ,, ? ^ / '; ^ [??; i,;.^;'-:py J'v,-. ?'??p^pv "?-- -Vl^ .^?-O^Vy-j:I-???.*.?? ~ A.-.'-v; ;UfcjiA4pX<' ?k''*jjtiitWk '..??vV.AlilftmSHB* [ ^TT ? g?-??>'H*J^;-. alfl *'y'^ytfryf.' igp ' ;!-* >?- M - -?% \LMW ?S^* 1 O^PMMMi Criticism Directed *t Mel lon md Mitchell; Noma Makes Proposal for Sen atorial Inquiry Into En forcement of Dry Laws Washington, Apifl ? lilraiatm publican dry* daifced today over ?* ! proposed senate inwstigetion of pro I hihitton enforcement and over mo lew enforcement chief*?Secretary Andrew Mellon and Attoraey-Gi****1 [ Mitchell - IoSTaeeosed Mefcto with conducting a campaign eg*** the dry l?w. He give nothmhe w" twi a record vote on tion of Senator Norrfs, BepuWi??? Nebraska, another dry* fw ? inquiry Wo enfuit??mt Senator Aft Republican of Ohio, fi^>T>rt^ jfp. Mellon, an a eineere tavr t^SyaStofc^the testing hour of I prohibition. He opposed the inquiry I u to enforcement. Attorney General MitdmU appeared before the Senate judiciary commit tee earlier in the day and frownedup set the imposed inquiry. He w"* I w improvement during the ln?t year in administration of the law. After hfp^fag the Attorney-general before his committee, Senator Norttt" contended he had no improvement in enforcement and caid that politics waa playing a part in it. The comadttee took se aetkm, however, aid the admin prohibition situation is still in its bonds* eo frr as the Seaata is concerned. The com | mittee will net meet again until nest Monday. I Senator Breofchart contended that jlMloa ^^''' *?^^ uPwnsjoro , fl.twr BjMHif tt6in ^ wtp wmmWg nff the {ienkf ware riftfli iA* w i hii "v/ ."?"^?-,-'-^-V ? ' ? ?' ? /.vMij A" ... ? ? i#'. ? ^'*Eti-' ?>'' ? .'? ?f,ay~" ??' ? ?T>3.^r<cMWNa*^WWft*gWtrh " v"' ??^v-iJ?'r;ny?>.W eiatrck Arm ... In Farmdlle jlhiM *?* TZ will be' in FtmvOle mkt wMkto conduct * proofhlnf nii?i? to the church commencing on ijBdnday morning at tL flarvkea wffl be held to the Church, ?^ ****** 7:80. The three Evangelists are young men with a homing meaaage ol the Gospel of Jesus, Captain Fred Turner, the leader, is an Englishman, and with him are two splendid young ^I>Hean- many-' Chptjin WltHMK land, Oregon. Here is youth with a vision thtt T*t ion that Famvifle needs today. Ee erybody is invited to the mission and a special invitation is extended to the young people of the town. .. Durham Concern* An Sflf feri*ff?m FweeS Afr sets and Court Intervenes Durham, April 8.?Judge Isaac M. MiMitlin has signed an order placing the New Hope Bealty Compapqr, the First National Company,^ aid the Bankers Eeeurfty Oprpomtlopin ttn hands of a neatarihip. T** P?*" SHor the ord^ina** Stein Brothers and Boyee, h?*?0? brokerage firm. The ordter.ww fora ,??5?*^ of *? imfttdeom paniee appesr to Naw Bam ?t April 14 to ofihr cause why tisa receiveM^ip K>" . - Much Interest Is Being Taken In The Newly , MgHffi "Keep Yoar Money #? Tuesday Night asrociatL? now has I? rf^S^were ***** at the meet in,. M ?:? ' r,;.:- /.;' I H ?'? r> . . ? J. wV^Holme*, local buainea# mam farmwi'tod fM to 5?* ?f Rqftmtebf*. ?d?wA IfefeA OwritotO^ I oAtwKflfrittfl^ XiXft 3li 8HBvv TfigiViircw L SnT^. the! extWtiooL *"* be ?aid: "Prom a busineea tiew I can 1 not afford to yfob&m* ???* ?mm, >m? *o mjrn? V* ?>%2 mftfr"* hn? been npable to see all the merchants but wfll call on the remain WtWt&HKm' SSS^Srd*<?&*&* KsfiHECi plenof action. A^i^iJ|S *'^BwJ-f^^KsiSf '"* ?' ? / ' ? . I ^ ''' " ' i London, Apri), ?-??* tlitPgf ? +t*k *. a ibwrini- wai iiam llVG P0w6i HfIi out by ttw FraMa^nW*^* V. SL ChM? BHtnin uxf Jtfmfim* than 9000 tons and -^ ?^j7n' '' nti^n^ji. MB -lA^AAfrf^Py n|y? aid of the result ^hls^fVTOtt^ '5^ ??? j^-.. IT ? flit*3 CCCUncu m IA/UUVU IU permit of a five-power acconL" r A* authoritative F?nc& ^source J f, f fK_ F_M.h -_d said tWa ^nnw British had reached ;FpmS 3 unite In doing their utmost to har Snt? th* iffllloefl- Anti-War Ttaaty WW AOHVHB 4M,W n* ' P?*v*r I . VI I I m ? ? ? A* S( * * i M fclmi m .ti|?il Kf?A mnftli a?) I hfftfft of a dmnk^ft ajmm niMn M| [7 w* . r ? ^ * C?W1 S | I jibt* ? XT<N j^: jtA. j .J. II J ** "?yo* ' pHfv wi(i^]^ur? "it WUffl 1 J * v> '< v J - r. ? _ j I v VtfihhyiiflY) Attrll 'ftj?Ay, I * *l> ^v7f7u*'mt?,';i I I .. :" iini2~ V-j4~ - II Ipaagdqil INW <3areHn%oHech*r. , | pa*.,.* 1 I 11 ? a. mm a9 -> ? * ^ ? Jfc' 2 i Ht^p ^ yj^|, | ?j(i MoOf and n^Q) ^wRr^jBtstBii- />r, y I liCiifflfinl hi r*tm ?t,w 1 I rhngF iirif li ? ill^l t* iHitita > .?' ^ ? M ? r T?tif!?jr l^lTwlW.aT. iplwi/i t-nj ?>? JH I J^. ^ y^3'mm ti l 7 ? ?''jfrff . -4 II ;2^ 41a?t *J^i -.tmj'.A*- 4~. -s ?' . ?fawMllite Sf1 Hv^' 'fl?ll*lMkM Q- - - ^ * ,< ?yC7-- ;t.i Ji ? y ? r SLhW4NN*?<?W 1 ?*fM.1? -1 - - ?? 1 i r I JW .' , J yyW i SjB: ? ?ni KA o^arta*? Ay. i ,Ww NH^ -? afmzaent^^;.;^. '.&?.?. JiiiiJt! ?' ?!> Jl ,: .^J",' "i! g? Jjtf **ffo ^ ' - - J KXHBT MATRONS MEET B 3 I tul(Mrj?druJ7Bjlo#. -Jdi<5uiU fA*w* <1 chafm fc thetiiVto J. 0. M- fl I m *?: ptmM&p m .abject <* ?TSUrte Americs* OoJenui i I ?fom* Apnisfcjfaf and Building," in I i*L \ I . yj^^ajPflofcjp ij|y StflHSjfej^ ? JnaftriflBi- Juv*. 1 I ?SSdteuJ"u i Taylor, Mn! flwWowidh, and jitttt 9 1^ ifuMff* "P*"*1 P>?ata of J MNHMMAMERii 1 '1 tw?n*C ? t M'Wi'ti' a I /ll/IVXJl 1 k' ft l/lit I\jI X' w ^art.-s* fl I this morning when it liaeaine 9 ?known that H. C. Newbdd, cashier ot^ Ptepk1* Bank, had ini^n^ r jsfl. j ?Tbl baal did not oo? for buai- ? Kmlljby the cheers and directors J; m 91 TrV ? P*vr ? ^r^1? www Tn**9 tt ?, today. ; ; J l|U w?. ?omftted. ti? >a. H?^?u , 4<m 1 ? um I i I h' laiTlfmfninr' iwiitinrr > ta nave naa a ppeiiramaij: j ' -?- - > _ i ?. ? *;v.iK: t. i -m _ 3 ? this aftenm before J. *? IN? el justice of ?Sfc?iep^?#5# 11 waived and he wfil^tbahida jsJI W 1 t| tha mxt &m ?f cowft".4g^g ? bearing is granted in ths mertwiiile. c _CIkfJrlk TTT ^4' ^'.W _ ?tjtZi~JT'm?l2^ % . .> ?', - ?ki.' *ldA nij. t t'jLu ?T?w! ?.' a _^asJ.-'^ .' ?' ' ? '? ? ?* ^s/u ^ ^t^*' ?.? a " TftWIP if aJUOUx 91 JtftlflWMi vX lIvOpW X sank. I I ,G'|X , C4^-'9jiu2a#A. ? ' 9f ? ifciiii Wtfi aai 1 fil A * hLi I ar.a rf 1111 i 4 +k? Oo ? ? tA; ^'1 WW- ? < ? . i % ^. , , Tft^r ? *.T* . ' - - 1 lywfc? HNMIr ^ i -f * ^..' . " ? i t i sl-- a ^*4J WL-^fkA vkL|&WlmJ ? V' BW'UuaS 6T6T uclu 111 UnJ JuWicni "? ; "jg- " ' m o '. . - '? H (?!? 4XD' - '*P9 tJlpWttrW nftfol'jB ttHl>ftjH-iM' Anl^^HKT ?97' l^jJki* >'? h ? *f - . | ? r . . / ?> . J t |jy Pl^j^ " * YAm m?mi n frf fliA i f yTfixiOoif among na|i*r| "y^ l\ r^t ?' X-?*. ,yniA ^|Jk' A-Afl, ? illdBvO vHB/ J^ JLd? q/xiUwyVvi :" Aai?w f( * I 71116, Slwvy CWh^^MMR.W**? *? |iM"wJX?,v H IAuOTl y/nfl uJAK n^MjUJQK |1U} JUlWv' J** * ' _ i" ? ' telief Fuad,and of the insure*** *ith i^Tto^ ^ ^ ? I ^alTgood fedingr" he ??#??#? lit of g^od humored ehaff along u^th lis announcement of the firemen's ? oonth and the purpose of tfie school Attfa*M> wao ??Ued to UK Jam?. ? ). BeKell monojoetit, which taJoBO KeeWllefd at Fayettetille, June 8, hod , tXbate we pM ? ?*. :***? co? ?'* n'a-invitation. ? f thaBastitedoretetteun^ ? I K-. i-i; tn eirifrT'tte; jt^efi" 'f? "'-'? 5VANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN , -g-V I CLOSED SUNDAY NIGHT i The einwIttofPM evtagehefciccteifc taign closed last fcwday.Aiffcsretet lay* of united; uffortu* he pastors and congregation# to e#? t^on to the spiritaal Jte^ of*# our,. The ean^gn was principally lesigned te build up, the 4pufcaal **r ets of "the community at large and ^That New York ^aiithor who to

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