FtoWHO HAS NCXTffiNG TO ? 4 - ?? ^ r. ?. " ? w B H ^PtH^BSP^HiK^I^^^K'^' ? ^v'W'H f j m l1 H BPS!f:? B^^E~HPi X ?_W9^L?t lwAffOxltf^ ftTiT v ?-*>*-.- ?"??? ~-^^^B?- ^RlL?JR- ' - '^^^Brr' -~'% ' ? "1 ?? Hft; .-.^^H ? 3i i^E 3 ^ :HyBr *? ??.- X ?jt ? ^^5Piv?jl?2^vI^F rslES^rvv* ... ^*V? r^A*?? '?* . -IH^B^H*'-^''rj,v^5v*-'--V.S - *F2fc . . TT . ? tr- ..*?:? r, ? ? * r ? ?/"*;.^/^-r.*TX - ^2o ' - - ? c ;"< ? B8 ? , M -?__ .. . sx -??* -* BB I27*-?V? *-|^i YOU TWEKTY WAttMif if >112. OOUNTYi NOBTB CAROLINA. FRIDAY. MAY 2i>d. 1930 ? *"? ? *? a * f A X *^/p( w^ ? ?'? '^r?^;;'"'2rV _'_ _. ? . . ^.-^f; . 4Jf""' A V iSll' SKI K R II v?;j I *n year land and improvements, taking a first mortgage at f percent interest as se curity an {nring yon, if yoa wish it, ?* long as forty years in which t?? pay off the mortgage in annual in stalments. These bans are made only fo?.the purpose at making , definfte impsminents to the property, such as -rdzpndng and ditefciftg, fencing, build ings and such other improvements as become part of the real estate and in crease its value, and they are limited to 60 percent of the improved value ma determined by local appraisers. But that sort of bedtime mortgage borrowing does not meet the need of thefamerwho could go into livestock feeding, for example, or dairying, if he only had money enough with which to make the necessary initial invest ment in cattle, cows, sheep or bogs. For thorn other farmers who require help in financing their crop seasons bet? and marketing, the Federal, kataanediate Credit system standi ready to help and help Hberaily I mention feeding and dairying be cause tfcern axe two lines of agricul ture which are as yet not. overcrowd ed, in which the Government believes these iHAgeod future, and in which tire security in the shape oflivestock is tangible and easily checked. The farmer with corn in the bin, wheat in the elevator, cotton or tobacco in the warehowNt er any other staple farm - commodity which be in holding far a better market can also borrow from tbv* Intermediate Craft Banks, fie dose not make' the loan directly, but through a local agricultural credit corporation; and if there is no such Vh cal credit corporation in his vicinity, he can get others farmers, town bank ' en ami merchants, to jjoi*-in organic ing one for the benefit of the whole eonmmity. Heartbeat im^are oecn rtaayflwd so well by Mr. George M. Wl|ber, president of the Federal In tuntdiato Credfc Bank of Louisville, Ky,. which makes aodi Imss in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee, that I shall quote Mr. -Whet's y** ml mm Matarnnn t - - iL^ ?mIiIi I T niati cm rai*meni en uw suDjecu 1 miy X2 mfersl i*snd ? "- _ ~ ? M Wt you UKp ^pW: OvcSr Sis partment of Agriculture for the William A. Graham made a brief fid draw oven Station WPTF Monday af ternoon. He expressed his personal gratification that he had beet able to complete arrangements whereby this service could be given and. his appre ciation of the generosity ef the radk station in broadcasting it without ex pense to the ftato. ; ' f\ "During the marketing season,' said Couasmisaioner Graham, "it is torn; possible, with our men tut in the fWd actively engaged -in helping to ship movement data daily through the press. Hence, the advisability of a daily service such as that which is to day being inaugurated through this staftfetu" Ha potato* . ^ ~ \ 7-. ? ^ j] Commissioner Wilson stressed the in^ria^ the r COFuCu Jj*qjjj ju^YP?8Dl6S 3 *^^^^:^^,^^*r~~r~TtAk' !&?' ' ik. ^Uw? _? ?? - ' _ V./1U. _..A? toe eeopee of the sun by tat^poon, were available tir fosterf^ Tlodaiy, dou4'^||ch had obscured tha *0*?$ I \ The blade clood, apparently formed fcy iriet W toe frigid air, atartl* I "? ?Teiii fiitM v/| ? **?'*'**??- t" -^Lif ^0 ,, ^ m*m2m+? n| m SClcDuSlo SVlSvOr ESSlfiloQU alonge the line of totality, stretching He gky was blue one monemt. aa giant shadow was described by Capt A. W. Steven# and Lieut. J. D. Cor kiile of tha amy air corps experi mental laboratory pf Wright field, . Dayton, QMo. - ?'-"- - ' IK v. . i. ??'??'??! I "We im mgnaoove a layer ox white clouds about 18,000 feet over Honey Lata in northern California,'' said Captain Stevens, "suddenly we spied what we thought wis a moun tain about 75 in the distance. ^ < ^."We knew it could not be a roojui tain for the highest peak in the vis 1 inity was about 9,000 feet The dark jpot ? appeared to be stationary at first Then we saw it approaching up and knew it was the moon's shadow* j \ "The dark .spot came slowly atfirst: We trained our motion picture camera i upon it andjtarted grinding out film. ~ Faster faster the shadow on the ekuds below. It passed beneath us so tapidiy we could hardly pxneaye 'Trot shadow appeared to be hint i tarns and blush purple and its diame k***rs ?' - ? , ;., ? ? l^iMra. Mr. ami Mrs. sr,ass?ssss?: Mrs. Ray West of Walstonburg. -Superior (Hnti of-Wake and Frank linojunties. Atthe ekee of thefeat W.WmmhTS tenn oi co&it id wbko oounty titfrt jthe'follpwiiig resolutions: Hgg^Siis: universal^ and increase the gnat respect which is due the court, , ftsu ? M?nla^A{ti ' mm-n??.Sim, m.*. "T 2DQ LQ ' inRlnijliTi nnWC^'fninTMilftfniH* iTl 12p^toii. In the priwuy | cupfed last night's session of the League of WomenVqtex*' tooth anni The conference spotlight was on theft "world peace" session at which Ctoes- , ter H. Howell, of Berkely, Cal., term ed the results of t$e London disarma- ? intent ? eOnfcnence ???/' three-power ? agreement snto a string to it, and a five-power agreement that does not j MfSSTmud.' . "" ;:.?3 , .*]?The practical thing," Howell told i women votera, "is to support it as a step forward and to critieize ii> to j educate the American people to the : need of toe next' Step." ? M Simultaneously, Dr. John Henry i Gray, of Washington, D. ?fc)qfgnt and return to Wash Tuesday night flfce Senator looked very well, his ^ being rimst as bright - as *the btfllianfcljed tie he wore. Though- he had nothing to *aF about his cam paign for re-nominatio4^^;*?> : j| WOULD YOU CHEAT YOUft OWN BOY 08 GEL OF A CHANCE? . When your boy grows up what are you going to make of him? Is he go-, ing to be a doctor, or a lawyer, or other professional man ? Stop a moment and consider. If the chain stores continue to, increase in this section practically all homte own ed business will be forced out bf ex istence. There will be no chance for him to start a business of his own, as there will be practically no chance o? success for him when older and more expetlencted business men with estsii lished trade have been forced to the wall. So a business career is imposs ible. But a profession? Well let us see. The professional man fc^nupported by? the public. These people are either employed, of they ?rt intatae?a to themselves, and the-'professiona] man's best clients are those in busi ness for themse^s, pr the well paid workers. But the chain stores pap very low wages; Can a'man who is making but $15 to $18 per week and with a family to support afford to pay much to & doctor or a lawyer ? if o. fib the professional man is going to bi?in a ?I, mm gjf all mi | in ir -^$o what* yo?ido with your boy? "Well you can put him to work--to a chain store at ridiculously low wages, or you con send him into the r?||jfeady over-crowded labor market ? ? i " i i . ? * t ig^1 * 7an'fp{lP'W |'5y "f J j J. I* '< ?? * ? #*t' ' ;.' ? ? - , ? ?? ????'<'* t mi 4* vm j * ^ ^ ^ j ' - ?? ;...'.? ..'-93 SS <*??. ^ mbk$!?4 tetter. *niwm1 hnghflnihwAtt i\t' Stftt^ >[,>:. z " , a" i J T* College. rv....?*..? . .??'... -v.T . """ EfMIW " 4 - jj^rp * v 'irr-prtt.. c ministerial'Wlef W be'Tin^^"tte' ;,70tt' <^eral Assembly of the church beginning here May 22 fi. H^Sweet*,' of Louisyflle, Ky., is secretary of rthe committee r ^ " ' T*" . t . ; ? . A' 'i~i-J The fund is to be further increas ?a:?HrWr WM'WStarwsi: Ing ot Ok mmtti .tafflary of &e church, says the report, and its 'ih-r terest will supplement the work ' of ministers* sirauity fund. ^ Loans were made last year to ^7C. students, of ^d?can- JW weie women end 189 men, which was -four' tess than the preceding year: The lc2J? totalled $39,175. Applications from 66 students Were decHhed on accotiitl tit lade of funds, the report said. Two hundred and fifty-five candi making a total of 296. The iSs^ ieriea reported; igg IfclslttWP candi dates for the ministry, and mission gerriesT^ tr^ss&^in A committee reports aiding the homes "f .L|. | , ,J . . _. i ?- . . ? - .* * ? aa XL. ji ^-i .V ?? . v ^!( vJk WtB flMHKvnnfl i im VBM.ffflM SmoYl I Whcil1 th? A>%yfML/fA uicir wXiWijft 10^ QOv?vy %ncy flyttirfflt* , d?*'tSLto"akuSfa^Wbm fdte I 10080 through smallhyindowa -' and i d*? ?rtt* v Theiifcakfor liberty shortly !i fter National granite' started ?rw ' action o fa barbed wire stockade in i-rsmrsssss's Hundreds of cell locks had been re dSffil' '-"'t v:i ';t: ? -ayiiu>> H^rered by n^idhine gun, Colonel I J^bert Haobfjch1,' Ohio National #ard 'went to the "idle houiT doortrW^ and inve^i&h three convict* ? Tfcey Sported that practically all the J>ra oners had tiken refuge in their eeHf < I Rearing all the streets in thtfttfiitj . $ theWtentyy . ** I' All prison guards in the guard room h ere ordered'removed and tfetou'n p laced with National GdardtftheK who ?were armed with machine ?uns, auto IS Sour Sonera were located la a ram-line/u^'leadir.fr tcPtte *?- '? Prison JUris; wift militiamen to I ver thenvw&finto tih&'tnnn* at - I ^ ^ ro.; ^ to ^ I The prisonera Were afc large in the I ^ ^ ^ limto thT iTlsk*' ?mffiEfepa?l,'i.r , __ J I convicts Tiad'gone into tunnal * ?*-. ^ I came at the end of a ntrv^-trying day 1 J^fTr ** riM' rati ^vlAAl. A 4V.J T> L". I jy ?ie u,1'? Jgr1 ?10?* A. *f*? p 'i 'i> j' ^ -- * 9 y .? % i? .*4* ? . * I '-L<: rff '?Tf