? ? ? ? ?? ? -?? 7 "V ?"? : ''' -?'': ???~?. ~ ?'>?3ES-* : - ->? ?* - Tt " - - in-ill if 'i ?iMni^ ? fWMP^* hi?'?'"?? ? ir " *tr W n 3&4&* ^|Xt TWENTY FARMTILLEi PITT COUFI'I> NvSTH GJIWLIftA, nQUAlr ?Ai iWV 11 ^ _ -n.. K~ VM .?. -,. - ?< JM, ,?T^. - -y, H ^?' kBHI BP^kW|f a^ at* I ^ m | | I 3HEB (A fftriDv illc^ fBtrttjtt j j9Qv9i 1T0M1II6CT IJCBIHTO^i wiiiteiBEtf - Siis^s 1 | ^ Ari^T!0lt) SlMf X^5? E*|^ y>Ai aJ 1 i | ipQyiy OJL VRV^UKXMV^I ^ rvrnwr XvBj * i ?* mfaml 8Ji86tSp ^ voa for hist tbtjroot fopihiKj he J1 He bm keen * awater <rf the N. C.}' Dental Society for 20 years, joining L at the ?ao? time he took tike State?, Board, aad during this period he haaL given freely of his services aad coon-ft ?el when eafied upo?* v L The organization of the 5th district J1 of the Society, during hie presidency!] in 1989, into groups, and the aepee* L qaeit . meetings ef benefit and feDow-|( -ship, which proved a stitasahm to the L I dfaeetisfsction and malcontent in theft wan for him universal This achievement attfl, demonstrated, * mi. J* Lv, ? ' ? " - - I tae lerauty ox ms powers ox resource t , and the acutenees of Wainganuity. ft He served his countryduring- 'timlj Dental Corps. He is chairman of tfca|{ asff^sisatual years. Public iphilfd ?m interested in ceiadniHlly activities, he has beeqi identified with practically all of the progressive movements of Urn town, ft hawing keen president of the Farm vtte Chamber of Conjnerce st eaftj time, a charter member an* the first ft president of the local Botary Oub. ft He hae fitted the douUc office of scc-ft retary and treasurer of the School ft Beard far the part ten years, is aft nmmber of the Masonic lodge, and hasp His Jttfc, before her marriage, was ? Two chSrten, an attractive young | daughter and a promising son, ? * ^Ke^theton of the late-Mr. ! and the first Mrs. T. EL KaaL Gradu- j sting from the Virginia Medical Got-' leca in 191*, he located in Mask. Be also served in tim dental ; eerpe during the World War, renting j as 1st ftmitrrwy* Ha lateropened. in oorthedonta, and moved to Greens- j been, having established ???i ???<?. hirt rfSrS2rtSSa,Qr 1 f | D. A. B. OIAF7E8 TO MEET I The Vajor il^y Jfas? Iemf tod tied* I *?*m jou* WlKit ". J W?Hwi ^llilttt'. WWMDQ0. IBflpllf .? ? , , . ? v lt xV.f_L ^ 3. ? 06WEB*88||F.pfcy^(WIWiS^ ?MTfc <N6p^-86E ?' - A ftflBli WMfiffl flfi/4 ^oor itom^'i ?" w W?9 Ml H (,_ -wt JPtnMT*CWptVtrr-"T'- IH ~. ?* '?-: /v5 ^l-?. A??b v ?:.^Ti^ v^yip .^"^U^pFQV*kybftTl ^ fromBrace tough Fountain would r^aciy^o^^l?u^?i2t^iS I ll dtte^ to reach the different see liMt >;vi|Qk more (juicldy thts under ^S? ^r^"r^dji were, said to ii,|b bad especially aft tuny ftatftTm. ?"^ the commission! vas*#ged do take action a? C? it WES st&idi ^ j ?ombe county was already Improving be Sparta road to the county line and bat this would form a connecting Hnk vith the other roads of this district if he improvements urged .^Monday ihould go through. ? y'f ? It was said that die dtkaai of] I 'inetops were as much interested in mj vere doing every thing possible o bring abpnt the lypi Mwamil pro ram. Morniieu of *k. veoU not be able to state what action Mp.be taken in the matter at this] sme as no provision for the work had won made in their btfdget r> They ??? ? y"j ? bdr fsnnft tfwiiliiiinilliw do] ? . ? | j j^_ m* ? V | Burner haf it that in som* bo such sn extent thtt they BXt? u^6 the old p^, ^foldof their tests like ?*%;!? good news far every loyal, rod blooda^r American. It is news to rejoice abort to every nexaan who is m^Wwtsd in .ttTS^toira ISSH^bsI throats of our local merchants. and aelp them to throw off the mined* I f?1' n ,i i ?? "rt . ? T, ,. .. t i x_ Beople ale loyally backing their IaAM -rrffln Wfl fttluiU* ir^I ?wif Sin pctifs* iney lit teaming to Spet ^fcon its pco^li trtio li&yc tflK'ASMI ' : vUlfltlk*1 1 jidiw^ A:?g<3? 1 I Be,:<Jr'-\'~ i? illcs*K^^^^*#$ - '?' ? .; ;- 1 i i "StST ? 1 I V V?U JLw A JL?? j8L w F'rtjr I 1^ JimL Qi^m 4ic?t? ^ it is ? d^c^tsncti for illicit ^ ^ xoflnit? 1 hast th^ or its other defiaitions, ^-1 forfeit^ of his stock WM bottomed en the contention thst the Volstead Act's provision for forfeiture of ns- i ' >r^f ? ? ? *" y v-"y "TrfV. - ? ? ? * ' fcSpi //?,, 0ftnl0 -1.,-f^jyy J. IHUlliti the Vo!itesd*ActCto*tSg a "Shew! 7}^^ ^29lddr till 6 * lyyfi^ I fniWliiii ikA liiiiyif ii tit jfc/il'""* ". ??? - - : ? ' ? - ?*'Jin*n<~ ?-,*! U ' -' f' ' - - J - . ? ,1 -f f ?. V~J ? . ??' .V ' gk' -W a 1 ^ A? ' ## %," ? !T i"? i'r ' "'-- ^ '" mothers, and to that plat, la this, ^be j : Mftdewa of her Ufe?after ilm jean J' ^ ^ ^ ^"" ^"_ ^ ^ ?4l a>?? moth ete The waft ag* U 67. Awhtowel 4- T^j t^i^r aJ *iMA*l|A4M|/jh/vrfiUi AAtilitMiiMia no J i LL. VIKnc UK#UIVXb UQf Qt. WUIVI DAYV UUHM9 ; II - ' *|| II ^ fl.A WA wh0 1g*A ? flflfaiwjfttf ' I" - . , ? , ,? ? ''? ? -j^c . ; -^I'^f'1-' ' fj-"T^."''^' y^'*," 'i?"*-j- - ".* T; ? ' r ?' -"V^ 1 woofcy jsowtf wy wvih %q - 9b9k6|pbbua -u*c - -' vluflr ?: 'cvsi'yfv * wvav9 revifilicd b^liz^both ""a.oraTrfS'Xe pone n> formed! ?^?^p w# ^ ^TT ^ , tiona he crave were similiur to the ones . ".' ?? ?? '--^I: ?^-^-a-^ ??*-.-?-?^^??" I given oy'lamr roweil anaiBncirmore. out snotgun. Ofnowre believe ootu ?? ? - .? *' - ..'-? -:-' i"-l'-k-^-^?jk At'^Lu *??.? ?** i V vgto vfiHat ' j^yi (41- Nftftfnyfl T 1a|I r^| ; . ' , .'? *?. '-, ' ' ? ' '. ? ^ **' m - ij x* ^ *' ? ? ? BQnglfMHDfl|t 0V A 4)^0 VQCu UMOtrnXXk Tlte'breaidepVa duty to investigate to MM, "to b. performed by nobody but him O 'ttmttny !>?? nmi* ? _ ' .-,: . ?' Mmnp TOITDVllfCVT . ^ Mwtta lyUl^tfini ? *?;? ? ? ' ? ' ^ ? ? ' ?m _j_ ? by-the Major Benjamine May <dup^, ftp** Jen* the spacious h0W ^ Mr. ?ttd Mrs. G E. MsofO on lastffjfaursday afternoon sudOOOIi in^frored to he the meet delightful I ? t decorated with ** rboe* syriftfm, snd ? ' I Thirteen tables wetfc placed for play tag ta the afterneon sud sixteen tn ' ' arrived, and directed them to their Hnetops wore pioeent. ? .*... .-I & f Mrs." /. a *wmfiiaa.tpf'CwenvfiK Was winner of thogxand prise, a 51b fruit cakb, donated'by Smith Grocery ihe high score for the afternoon, and wasawarded 'a .phsee of silk ling^te \ -J given by C. Heber Forbes, of Green- C .viQt; 2nd prize/an etehtag, Spiert (mfibopofWilson, was won byMrs. JtV. Horton; 3rd prize, *>* stop, Hub Hardware Co., won by Mrs. E. E. Hateyof Gwenvilte, and the consola tion ehiffon hose, donated'by Ott tinger's, Wilson, was presented to ladies? prizes table, Farmvilie Furniture Co., to Mrs C ^ ba^et; o f cAtfw on the " jl II Y 'm A < - ' ? ? ? ?^M'' 'Mv^^uv v ^trt?nwffi n^^rtttimy * rw^m ? .r*^ ? ? ? -. . *?-' cl-*^' * 'jcjii^'icCTi?'"'' '-]V*99 ^L-X^Codwi& WlndsA Hs-d hi#/* /yf iit piiifli HfllTTfl_' drlVitfr ^ hwftffl Ik aejurcaeq pouc^ { tfri "faifld | dMcriotlofi of A CASKO!*! on April. 23 from Htsti stM^j^WXlscnp With Soj it in mio4 fw tw Bmk ?%? ?_ !_? _i -fi W _ 4 j . j -??.'?"? fr | ? ^ .-:-.ii*i"J-' j \?- ?_??. * 21 ? ?5* Mt^a o$Bn?o5?ci ss & $8M^zn ji3H(t,/ py- ~s^tm and stole hla clothes ? last week. beta* ^'''.^ - ' ' , ? ' a ?*< ? |a? ^4Tl .^mt''-'? 1 -. ? , -w '' . ty chain gtng. He W Urwid ow to 1 s*"** ^ ? - "iSnr^ jjjj^ Wffl 1 :tftoK Roy 0, Woodrfiff, Conyrws jm&xm 0* T**hcDatti& MU* of the foreign chofeistoresystem: EPP far a? 4-l?w* tan able to lM}f?cHain stores do not to' ?ny *ilf*re ond icwwth of tho eominimittarln wMeb ttsfnintowflrt <*** ?**? ?P jpOsrs to bo thio ? i f i 11 if'Iff f i illitfit ?M. csnexirsct irom- uw unierenv own ** tHIt |^ y?X* 4?. fS . - i'jAjCfs '-X 1 *? v w. *? a.. ?r. .' OB tn Hft fa ""?ffT* <ij MaM ttt UWT *01 wh^il thi) CEOD if ?OWfl ' BXT>i^p^ ? ?! *?* " " ? ? ? y, ,^7'yC .? ? * -f -^^TT'?: J" f '

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